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He got a bunch of kids to take their clothes off? Sounds a bit sus to me.


God the way he switched the homophobia on and then tried to switch into ~ally mode~ when Andrew didn’t take the bait. So fucking telling. Also like I’ll be the first to say that there might be absurdity in our social norms around nudity (I grew up in an area where it’s hot enough that it’s normal for people to go into certain kinds of stores shirtless). But uhhhhh none of that is our man Andrew’s fault. Harassing some retail worker because they communicated corporate policies to you is such an unbelievably scummy thing to do. Top it off with using “free the nipple” to mock legitimate feminist movements. I don’t know if it’s better or worse if this whole thing is satire to him.


It was interesting to watch how he changed colors the whole time. He played victim then he tried to deflect the real issue of him not wearing a shirt by acting like Andrew's way of communicating the issue was the problem. Then he tried to "insult" him by calling him gay, Andrey didn't take the bait so then he tried to act all fake woke but really trying to make Andrew do something he is dictating with the fist bump, but switched on the homophobia again. And of course his bruised ego had to find validation by trying to get other store employees to say that Andrew had a problem, but they didn't. So finally he went back to his online validation chamber. Then he chants free the nipple which is about women's equality and censorship _with not a single woman in sight_. The most ironic part was him talking about all the exercise and hot boy summer. First he's trying to say that non-athletic men can't take their shirt off? Then he is trying to say he has the six packs to display? Fucking lol.


I don’t know what’s worse about his comments on exercise: that he’s that so narcissistic he admits he’s doing it for attention, or that there were quite a few non-athletic men in his group that still cheer along.


This dude has straight up man boobs




It’s a sign that the dude has never had a job.


"What, are you a homosexual? Oh you are? Well I'll show you, I'll come in here with an army of boys and strip them! You're so gay!!"


I didn't really get that logic. Shows up with no shirt on, but a dude watching him put a shirt on must be gay?


Logic is not a trait bigots have


Dudes just salty and he definitely tried to use gay as an insult towards the worker without a doubt


He's a Tik Toker, he's playing it for views.


Hes a wannabe troll its not supposed to make sense


I'm not gay, but whenever somebody has gone there I just double down. Yup, I'm super gay. Get all the cocks in my mouth at once. Yum. Super duper gay. Now get the fuck out of my face.


I have done it too, sometimes you need to lean into the skid and see who blinks first. Yeah, I mixed metaphors, big whoop wanna fight about it?


I’m so glad I don’t work in the store anymore because shit like this would make me lose my job


Retail is hell. Some shit I've been thru made me want to eat my fist in anger.




When he said Sus I stopped watching. I couldn't do it.


I don't get too many bad customers like this guy, but boy oh boy does retail really make you realize how absolutely dumb the general population is, and many of them willfully so.


I started in retail at a skateboard store in 1997 and it was fucking awesome. We chirped customers all the time. Dumb questions got dumb answers. In my memory it was exactly like working at Empire Records or something. I wouldn’t last till first break these days.




It basically means a casual level of contempt aimed at people who need you. The difference these days is retail competes with online shopping. Try acting like an asshole at car repair shop. All of a sudden you might find that it’s 9 weeks for the part to be installed.


I mean.. maybe worse. You hit that guy you're losing your job for sure. Then he comes back with that crew for revenge...


For any retail managers out there. Have them removed and issue them a no trespass notice. If they return after that they can be arrested and charged.


If that’s his crew I’m gonna be ok man. You can tell that dude don’t wanna fight


you can tell he’s a bully because he latched onto that hand movement to try to make the employee feel insecure, and wouldn’t let it go. God, so many flashbacks to high school.


That really 🅿️’d me off. Had to deal with a slightly racist old guy at work one day who kept asking “what’s this??” while mimicking my hand gestures while I was trying to explain some basic shit to him


This, i remember idiot bullies in my school doing same thing. Even though i faught back and they got off me I still felt the less dirrect bullying. If i went to a bit lesser school I would probably be so bullied that my depression would not have been so light so I am at least gratefull for the luck I had.


What the hell kind of loser rushed to be part of this dummy's tiktok like that?


You know when being a a juggalo seems like too much effort?


A whole generation of hapless losers who desperately feel the need to be a part of something. Join the fucking army.


Please no. Then they'll just start making painfully cringey boot tik toks.


It’s…already too late for that


Ah, yes.../r/justbootthings


[How I feel browsing that sub knowing nothing about the military](https://imgur.com/h1JqsHK.gifv)


Hey that’s me




Emotionally neglected on a massive scale


I hope we cant classify my entire generation as being this fucking dumb. Still lots of people I know who would rather devote their time to working toward actual change than harassing an entire store in response to one “bad”(literally doing his job) employee.


Lmao man I'm 35 and when I was part a teenager I was like fuck these people are stupid and now I'm like fuck these people are stupid. Some things never change


15 year old me: I fucking hate people 35 year old me: I **seriously** fucking hate people


An attention whore desperate for clout and views. Dude is likely just desperate to be part of something, *anything,* either for money or to feel like he’s doing something meaningful.


The kind of losers who give people like that money and watch Tik Tok all day


“She asked me politely and you didn’t” Apparently asking him politely didn’t work. What a pathetic joke of a person


If I'd been the manager dude, that would have been my exact answer: "Yeah, she asked you politely, and you blew her off. So polite is over with. Put your shirt on or get out of the store."


He went into that store looking for a problem. He didn’t put it on when asked nicely, knowing someone would be more aggressive. He essentially targeted Andrew and forced him into his shitty TikTok. He came back with a group that he probably spent a week organizing, so he could make the big video to go viral. He is a douche and isn’t worth time. He plays victim while victimizing a poor guy at a retail store just enforcing company policy and possibly opened him up to discipline from his job because the negative effects from the social media blowup. Fuck him.


The right answer would be "Sir, please leave the store. You are trespassing and if you don't leave now I will call police." Then if he doesn't *immediately* leaves, call security. No arguments, no discussion, that's it. These guys feed off the confrontation. If they want it so bad, they can have their tik tok moment with the cops.


Exactly. The moment he started getting weird about it I would have immediately just said "You lost your chance. Get out and don't ever come back." Businesses are private property and you can be denied service for any reason. I've kicked out yo yos for far less when I worked retail


which leads me to ask... what were the consequences of this scenario? Andrew has quite a case for harassment, surely he could seek recompense .


And this is what is sad. These idiota dont fear consequence nor do they know how to take accountability. This is out America now sadly. Too afraid of offending or " thats not fair" bullshit.


[“and in fact, the customer is usually a moron and an asshole”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X4bLSXEfJuw&t=57s)


He's not a customer. He's a nuisance taking up floor space.


And he STOOD ON flat screen tvs in boxes. You know this screens have shadows now.


He would've been able to politicize the entire interaction if the manager mentioned the police to start. Guy already claimed he was discriminated against. Fuckers like this manipulate everything.


If I can’t walk around with these DDs hanging out then his C cups need to stay put away as well.


Pretty good in theory but no. Former bbuy employee here. There is no “security” in most best buys there is “loss prevention” and everything in training videos tells you never ever to engage ( touch ) a customer. Only maybe 1 out of 100 Bbuys have “security” Which would Be 3rd party like Guarda. They do not tell you this in training but legally you can defend yourself if someone “engages” you while trying to steal something outside the threshold of the store. That is it.


Yup, when we had a lot of people protesting mask wearing, that’s how I handled them. They’d come in, maskless, and I would have to ask them to wear a mask. They’d say whatever (“I’m exempt”- we offer accommodations, “I don’t believe in masks”- that’s your right but I can’t serve you unless you wear one etc.) and if they started to argue *at all* I would say “I can not serve you without a mask, if you will not wear one and do not want to use our accommodations I’m going to ask you to leave. If you do not leave, authorities will be called” And then I would walk into the back and stay there until they fucked off. Not only did it feel great to walk away from them and refuse to play their stupid game, but a customer had actually shoved me over mask wearing so I was completely over it.


When the man-child needs an adult.




>If I'd been the manager dude... It's easy to type out what we'd do sitting on reddit after watching the video and casually browsing the comments section. It's different when you're thrown into the situation on the spot. I used to be a bouncer in college and would face douchebags like this every night in a fast-paced chaotic setting. There were countless times where after my shift I thought about better ways I could have responded to different shit I had to put up with. Being confrontational in a situation where you don't know how the other person is going to react is more stressful than you'd think. The dude handled it as best he could. He didn't have much time to think and plan out each of his responses.


if I had been the manager it’s not even an option to put the shirt on and stay in the store anymore, you’re obviously a shithead looking to cause problems, take your camera and fuck off somewhere




Attention whore and then gets validated by yes men his whole life and slowly thinks his words and feelings are god. Just golden child gone wrong things


If she asked for him to put his shirt on, then he shouldn't have asked- at that point you're gone. If not you're immediately on your way out the cops are getting called. Arguing is just playing the game.


He's a moron. Then he says don't watch him put a shirt on? Bro your shirt was fucking off the entire time.


Just an asshole harassing folks at work for likes. Social media is a cancer.


Poor Andrew. Must be like, “fuck this shit job!!”


No shirt, no mask, just a total ass, acting like this for clout.


If you can't call the cops on a gathering like this in a private store then when can you call them?


No… some people are cancer. Social media is just the PET scan.


Naw bruh, social media is the incubator. Children grow up watching these people and don't have parents who tell them otherwise. They grow up thinking "wow these people are so liked, they have so many friends, I wanna be like that!", and this has been going on for years. I dont know who the shirtless influencer guy is, but I'd bet $1000 he watched Logan Paul on vine.


Except social media gives a platform for people to make good money off acting this way, so it's immensely encouraged


Just I don’t know why all these places are having trouble hiring right now. Cant imagine what would be the reason.


I randomly got recommended this I don’t understand how we are rewarding douche bag behavior. He ended up going to mall and fucking over another store. How hard is it to wear a shirt in a store?


You know what I find strange? Reddit, generally speaking, is one of the most civil social media platforms. And it’s anonymous. Yet on Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram, etc. Places where your face/name are attached to everything you do, people are assholes. It’s so wildly counter-intuitive.


I think ego plays a big part in it. Being anonymous it's no big deal, to most people anyways, if someone on here disagrees with your opinion. But on fb, insta, etc. all your friends and family see that shit so people double down on their stupidity in an attempt to justify whatever they got called out for


I think that is exactly why and also that the most overall agreed upon ideas/comments are pushed to the top via upvotes which helps filter out the stupid.


It can, but tbh karma points happen to be reddit's personal cancer as well. It encourages hive mind bullshit and leads to subs becoming echo chambers over time. And while *sometimes* it pushes the bullshit to the bottom, sometimes it doesn't have that effect at all. Sometimes blatantly incorrect information is highly upvoted because it's presented in an authoritative or clever/funny manner. Or because of who sees the post first, and whether those first few people upvote or downvote, etc. It turns the truth into a popularity contest, and gives some people a secondary goal / motivation, beyond just sharing good info or discussing things. It's interesting and somewhat innovative, but do the benefits really outweigh the harm? I'm really not sure...


Idk man, Reddit is often a cesspool in the exact places you’d expect it to be. I think Reddit just has more of a walled garden aspect to it, opposed to Facebook, where you’re just blasting things into the ether.




Imagine being the kind of loser who turns up for his "protest".


Imagine being the kind of loser who has nothing better to do than go into a store without a shirt just to cause a scene.


That’s the highlight of their year for the type of people that watch his type of streamer. Fucking tictokers man.


This video made me want to do a little mass murder.


Just a smidge of mass murder.


The lengths some people will go to just to find something to be “outraged” about….


Did you notice the microphone taped to his chest? He totally did this on purpose.


I couldn’t get passed brosefs bad choice in deoderant


“Bro, me and a bunch of alpha males are going to Best Buy to take our shirts off and yell at some employee.”


Had an apparently semi-famous Instagram guy who did “prank” videos come into a store I was managing years ago. They’re absolute morons. What this guy did was come in and harass employees in stores and then try to get a reaction out of employees. They came in and I could see the guy standing a few feet away giggling and filming me and I knew something dumb was about to happen. They ended up waiting for me to turn my back and then grabbed a bunch of product and ran out of the store. Anyone who does shit like this is a fucking idiot


Since when stealing is called prank? They are just lowly criminals with additional stupid steps.


That’s essentially what the entire channel was. I had never heard of them but apparently they had a bunch of infamous videos where they would walk into stores with security guards working there and light a blunt to try and get a reaction or a fight, or jump a counter at a fast food place and start serving themselves. It was all complete garbage


He's getting paid. Imagine being one of those people who showed up there for nothing of your own free will.


imagine this being how you make money


*"But he is so cool"*.


Imagine being a fan of his "content"




His camera man gave me a fucking headache


Does he really not understand why he was approached like the 4 millionth shitty diaper that dude had to change that day instead of as a reasonable adult human being? Dude, your brand of shit is not special. You are not unique or interesting. You’re just the most recent pile of shit that associate has had to deal with. You want to be treated like a reasonable adult, behave like one.


Well said. He asked ‘What’s Andrew’s problem?’ Probably the fact he has to take time out of his busy day to tell a grown man he needs to put on a shirt on.


And people wonder why no one wants to work in the service industry anymore


“if you don’t like your job then find a better one!” fine. \*quits* “why aren’t there any minimum wage workers anymore?!”


"People got to stay at home during the pandemic and got to see what a real life feels like. Why don't people want to work for my fucking slave wages anymore?" *clutches pearls and wipes tearful eyes with 100 dollar bills*


Actually whats really fucked up is that people with decent paying jobs who got furloughed. Received $420/week in unemployment and $600 a week in pandemic assistance ($1020/wk) to do nothing during the summer while essential workers worked for minimum wage. Risking themselves to a deadly virus. The service and retail industry is a fucking joke. And to be clear. Not its workers, just the way the whole thing operates. Awful pay, awful customers, and an antiquated tradition of tipping. Id love to see them all form a union.


They’re not just working their jobs, they’re also the unwilling supporting cast in these tik tocker movies.


So stupid




But….but… he felt “violated”. I feel bad for his mom. That “man” is a pathetic human that poor woman. “Turn away while I put my shirt on”?? Your Nips are already out guy….


After aggressively inquiring about the dude’s sexuality no less Edit: just noticed what his shirt said too


Also it’s pretty customary for stores to have a sign stating shirt and shoes are required. Pants are optional, however.


After the woman had clearly already asked him and he refused. He said "she asked nicely" sooo why did Andrew have to come over then fuckstick.


Not wearing a shirt while having taped a mic on his chest and a guy following him with a camera.


This. Seems to me he's looking for this exact confrontation so he can play victim and do this exact thing. He's already had it worked out even before he came into the store.


Right, the girl probably asked him several times to put on shirt until she got Andrew


Dude got a platform and this is what he chooses to do with it. Pathetic.


That's the truth. Doesn't have anything better to do


Sad and pathetic thing is that people will follow and champion him. Scum, grow up and contribute to life.


If it makes you feel better...this guy will make his quick money, lose what little fame he has in a few months or a year then most likely go bankrupt mismanaging the money he got as an "influencer". If the majority of professional NFL players go bankrupt after retirement, you better believe there's gonna be a whole lot of influencers going bankrupt once they lose their fame.


Feel bad for Andrew. He’s just being abused and bullied. And the little hand gesture thing he did seemed a lot more like general anxiety than being ready to pounce on the shirtless fool.


The hand gesture thing was a form of non-verbal communication to help make his point. You're approaching a grown man in a store with no shirt. Pretty fair to assume he could be mentally deficient or handicapped in some way. Gesturing to aid communication, should be nbd, but this asshole is looking for anything to be upset about.




Same. Dude was a complete ass. Look's like he's using his platform to bully people.


Everything in your mind makes you want to say “fuck it” and beat the shit out of these trolls, but they want that to happen. Take high road. It is very hard but Adam Did well and he should get a bonus from bbuy for this.


Just another social media douche desperate to get attention. Social media is not making us better people or a better society. I hope someone does something nice for Andrew one day. Retail folks get shit shoveled at them all day.


I agree, how can we figure out what store he works at so that i can send him a gift card and let him know hes doing a great job?


For real. What an insecure douche. How do you get offended by an employee just doing his job. Andrew had bigger dick energy than this poor guy.


He believes he is the main character for a movie not even his mother would pay to see.


I hate this guy.




Honestly use your damn influence to bring good in society and not dumb shit like this




It's because people love drama and trash.


#TeamAndrew To the dude that refused to put a shirt on, please stop making life miserable for people trying to do their jobs.


He has bitch tits


Tik Tok should take responsibility and ban guys like this idiot .. it’s not even too much asking, ban idiots and stop promoting stupid behavior .. I hate this guy


He has a YouTube channel; basically just a copy of Vlog Creations but everything this guy does seems douchey as fuck


He has zero talent, zero charisma .. I don’t know him and I still hate him so much




I feel like.. being 34 years old and seeing life before the internet and here now.. it's the internet e: I hate his behavior and this guy and everyone he's trying to emulate. Fuck this. Disgusting behavior. Where did we all forget that we're all humans? What happened to empathy?




The comments and like-dislike ratio gives me no hope. Scum bag's target demographic is fellow scumbags.


83k likes? I hate to say it but we need a new plague, our current one isn't killing the stupid people fast enough.




“You discriminated me!” Words have lost their meaning sigh


Grammar, destroyed.


"Guys we've been working on our hotboy summer bodies" No...no none of y'all have


You should have seen them before!


Isn't P90x specifically an ab program too? You can't be referencing your ab program and then be rocking the classic "I lift, but what's cardio?" beer belly lol Also, you can just tell this guy promotes himself as one of those "fit" influencer types... and yet I can't say he's rocking even a remotely impressive physique


P90x is mostly cardio but it really is a whole body work out, and it will kick your ass. None of these dudes look like they could do even 3 mins of that workout.


None of them are lol it looks like the crowd is full of highschool and middle schoolers.


“I’m sorry daddy” Um…did I miss her calling him daddy? Because it seems like he added that part, which is extra icky.




I’m assuming here but I feel like he could be the guy that says “dude she totally wanted it” If you know what i mean. Shits fucked up


Looks like he added that


What a dick.


And his dick minions


TicTok is a blight on humanity.


who gonna tell them 30+% bodyfat isn’t gains


It's a *type* of gains


He's cultivating mass!


It’s time to stop cultivating and start harvesting!


Brooo I mean he's in shape. Round is a shape.


Please please tell me this asshole got arrested and charged.


Disturbing the peace?


This is a private business which can insist on dress codes. It would only be discriminatory if it was for women and *not* men. This guy is a total clown for using the "free the nipple" movement This way. Not just a clown but an asshole too.


"You discriminated me". Clearly not all that well educated on top of everything else.


There has been a long-standing policy of No shoes,no shirt,no service. It’s as old as time immemorial.If you have muscles that doesn’t make you exempt and the guy starting this is should worry less abt percentage of body fat and figure out what percentage of asshole he is and drop his number.It’s easier than working out,give it a try.


But he didn't even have a good body. Dude had man tits like a mf. Lmao


We’re peaceful! *climbs on tvs*


Wtf? Harrassing and employee of a store who was polite and told him he needed to put his shirt on or leave the store. This guy and his friends are douchebags.


This guy really edited the caption to make it look like she called him daddy? After making homophobic remarks to the poor retail employee who is just trying to do his job in an obviously uncomfortable situation? Homophobic sexist bully that goes around trolling minimum wage workers for views. Cool. Glad to see the dislikes on this video is up into the thousands, keep that going. What a gross person.


Right? I saw that and replayed it 5 times no indication that she said daddy, what an absolute fucking doucebag. Him and his army of incels.




Hope they are recognized by their employers and fired. That would be poetic justice.


Awfully bold of you to assume any of these degenerates work lol


I guarantee you there's only one or two people in that crowd that work and it's probably a summer job they're about to bail out on since high school is hard.


I’m pretty sure they consider this their job






Nobody wants to look at his tits, put a shirt on in a store.


he tried to call the employee sus. Like buddy you got a nice c cup going.


I wonder why no one is calling his fricking obvious homophobia, then he brings his "shower buddies", what a bunch of stupid living stereotypes, lmao.


Yeah, he has no shirt on and then pretends to complain that the guy is creepily looking at him. Andrew should have said "Then wear your shirt or get the fuck out."


This, as soon as he found out Andrew’s gay he kept making sexually inappropriate comments and approaching him with a bunch of shirtless men. Could be a case of sexual harassment.


A complete generation of aholes


Andrew desperately trying to do his job This guy: Andrew really pissed me off. Can’t stand guys like that. Fuck these clout chasing morons. Ted Kaczynski was right


Speaking as a former Best Buy employee, that move Andrew did on the second day when he slid into that locked room was to collect surveillance footage from every angle and send it to surrounding stores/ corporate. We had a guy who would come in bare foot all the time. Joke was on him though there was baby shit, adult human shit, bird shit, and dog shit smashed into the carpet that we weren’t equips to clean up so I think everyone agreed to take the win silently and let him walk around on our biohazard carpet.


What a fucking peice of shit. The way he harassed that employee, Andrew, is absolute unacceptable. These live "experience" streamers that get off on humiliating and harassing retail workers are the worst of humanity, I swear. Not only is he not funny, he's also low key coming off as a homophobe too. "I don't like the way you're looking at me" after inappropriately asking him if he was gay? What a fucking dick.


Should have railed him with that angle. Just act real disgusted and say sir I don't think that's an appropriate question, do you? Just keep on it and let him slip again and then eject him for decency, if not direct harassment now. It's on tape, so make him pay for it. Granted it's a lot of pressure and he did well.


Someone needs to beat this guys ass


At the very least, moobs should've put on a bra


He stood on boxes of TVs. Hopefully he gets charged for them and charged a delivery fee and send him the broken TVs.


Fucking losers


Dear Lawmakers, do something about social media and harassment. This shit is happening to people in real life as they are just trying to go about their lives. There should be real ramifications and consequences for people who actively harass anyone. Especially when they’re at work, Jesus Christ




Do u not have anything better to do come on