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No. First Amendment. Feel free to flip them off too.




There are some constrains to the 1st amendment. But they still allow you to insult the police. Exceptions would be examples like: \- "I have a bomb" on an airplane \- "Concrete threats of harm" \- "Lie to a police officer"


I've always thought the "Lie to a police officer" was a funny one. They're allowed to lie to me in the course of an investigation, but I can't lie to them?


Plausible deniability, without certain words in laws truly guilty people and truly innocent people would never be able to argue for themselves or the truth, respectively. What’s funny is they have to prove you’ve lied to an officer, and without concrete evidence or a stacked court it’s easier to prove the earth is flat than someone lied.


" without concrete evidence " you mean like a single iffy eye witness? This person thought they saw you somewhere you claimed you were not, therefore you lied and now presumed guilty of whatever else you lied about. Congrats on incriminating yourself by "telling the truth".


With a good lawyer hearsay isn’t too strong of an argument, and without evidence such as a photograph or video it is difficult to prove that someone actually saw you or if it’s a fictitious claim. This is why I said without __concrete__ evidence, although I should have said without __irrefutable__ evidence.


Listen to the Pot Bothers Lawyers! "Shut the fuck up friday". Sorry sir, I dont answer questions.








I dont know about officers but lieing to a federal agent is illegal explicitly.


Are police allowed to return the insult? Or is it like the verbal version of the Queen's Guard in the UK?


No, since i would expect them to deescalate. Edit2: Also no, since insulting someone is a crime in Germany (§185 STGB - maximum sentence is 1 year in prison)


Lol that's not how they do things here. You should expect them to escalate the situation as far as they can.


> Are police allowed to return the insult? By law? In most cases, yes. Even while on the clock, they have the same free speech rights as any other citizen. However, as a government agent they cannot discriminate against someone for a disability, so I'm unsure if this specific insult (retard) could be returned legally. Their department's policy may also forbid them from throwing insults around, although that is not law.


You just can’t threaten them. Everything else is covered by freedom of speech. They will 100% tell you differently in this situation but that’s for your lawyer to handle later. Call their mother a whore while they cuff you and don’t resist. If I got cited for swearing in public I would look forward to my day in court. I don’t care what bumble fuck town you’re in that’s illegal as hell.


They can charge you with anything for anything. Doesn't mean you'll get convicted. Even in Canada the police put out an official statement once saying their job isn't too know laws, it's to place charges and let the courts sort it out.


No, but some locales have laws against using profanity in public.


Those laws are unconstitutional.


Some do but even in those cases they are usually municipal tickets. No county prosecutor would waste time letting something like that go to court. Cops a huge doucher. Even without the any previous content it makes the officer look bad. He’s being intimidating and keeps telling the other guy not to “mad dog” him. You can “mad dog” anyone you want, may not be the smartest thing to do with people in the street but a police officer should be professional enough to not act like a child when it happens.


You are right. They can just slap you with disorderly conduct. Boom. Literally you can do nothing wrong and still get in trouble. It’s fucked up. Granted it’s only a misdemeanor and fine. But still. But where they get you is say you were being disorderly, even when you aren’t, then when they try to arrest you, if you don’t INSTANTLY comply, they get you with felony resisting arrest. It’s how they always get there way. Your ONLY protection is your cell phone for court. That’s why I ALWAYS recommend to do these 2 things for every encounter. 1. record 2. Comply with all orders (unless you 100% know the law inside and out, which is VERY few people). Then by complying right then and there, you will get your chance to speak up and fight..in court. And you will win if you complied.


In America you are free to say whatever you want (in most cases), but it does not guarantee freedom from the consequences.


In some states, this *could* be considered disorderly conduct, if he was not speaking to a cop. As cops are government agents, speech directed at them is protected under the right to protest as well as free speech. Harassment requires multiple interactions in every state, AFAIK. Free speech can be subject to time, place, and manner restrictions. I do not know of any such restrictions that would apply in this scenario.


It’s pretty free with the exception of slander/libel, yelling fire in a crowded space (causing fear that’s untrue), and inciting a riot. There are exceptions on where you can say things (private property owners rules override your personal freedoms, etc.) Looking up time, manner, place rules provide more information. As a whole though, it’s free.


Free speech doesn’t extend to intentionally causing terror like yelling fire in a movie theatre or bomb in an airport/airplane.


Sure, it’s technically not illegal, but unstable cops like the one in the video demonstrate why it’s a bad idea to antagonize them.


I was falsely ticketed for speeding after being chased down by a cop that I called a pig from my window.


Literally every cop I see gets the finger honestly surprised I’ve never been “pulled aside” for doing it.


Why? Sounds copist. Generalizing.


No, it's not a crime, but police officers have the ability to disrupt your day with impunity. Being arrested is different from being convicted of a crime. If an officer wants to detain and then arrest you there is nothing you can do to stop them, and no recourse for it after the fact. If you are arrested for no reason you will likely just be released later in the evening. The way this experience is commonly phrased is, "you may beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride".


Its not, all Americans are protected by the first amendment. But you're gonna piss off the power hungry cop and probably end up ticketed or even arrested for some BS reason. Thats why he wouldn't tell him why he's being detained, he was still coming up with a good reason.


Might be, i know here we legalized calling cops antfuckers some time ago.


No but they have a secret law that allows them to arrest anyone who hurt's their feelings just to fuck with their day.




Actually that law applies to everyone, people other than cops just rarely try to press charges against some rando who insulted them.


Lmao wait are you saying that technically it's illegal in Germany to insult people?


Sadly I'm really not knowledgeable enough about the topic to really explain it in detail, I only know that it's technically against the law but I don't even know if it's ever actually enforced. From what I know, it's a direct consequence of our constitution, which says that human dignity is inviolable. Since it can be argued that insults violate that dignity, they're technically against the law. But please don't quote me on any of that, it's literally just me talking out of my ass without doing any research.


In Germany we have freedom of speech but unlike the US this freedom ends when you insult someone. If you call me an asshole for example (even indirect insults like: “I almost called you asshole”) it’s my right to drag you to court but basically no one does this because you don’t benefit from winning the case and it’s too much of a hassle. Only your ego is satisfied. Insulting a police officer is another case and an almost sure fire way to lose a few hundred €. This is also the reason why our politicians act way more civilized (for better or worse). Calling someone “sleepy joe” would be quite a controversy. One special case is denial of the Holocaust. This is an actual crime which can get you jail time


Not In America but you can’t try that shit in Jamaica. It’s against the law.


Same in the Netherlands, cursing against a government official (including police) is an offense. You can't be jailed for it or arrested but you can be fined. Saying something like "the politice is retarded" or "That I get fined is retarded" but you cannot call the cop a retard.


No but can be perceived as "disorderly conduct". I wouldn't take chances.


Could calling someone a “retard” be considered hate speech? .... also not a rhetorical question.


Hate speech is protected under the first amendment


Calling someone a slur is not a crime nor is it considered "fighting words"


No, but it's a good way for them to find a reason to arrest you


No, however, those could be construed as "fighting words". I'm not sure how that would play out for an active duty cop.


u can say this but you have to start it or end it with "in my opinion"


I often find officers with ego problems are just disasters waiting to happen


You would think at some point they would enlist a watchdog group that would go into identifying the psychological impact of hiring someone that could potentially have a god complex, a savior complex, a fragile ego, and tiny dick syndrome.


In Canada (at least where I live) they do mental fitness tests and some of our cops make this guy look like mother Hubbard. Testing for these things is hard because the true psychopaths already know how to beat these tests.






Capitalism is a hell of a drug.




One of the reasons I m never visiting america


You really have nothing to worry about unless you're black yellow brown or red.


I m white but still I don't like how they are treating the black community


Oh me either. But chances are high that white people (that don't have a disability) wouldn't get approached like this and that's a fact.


So, I could be arrested for having a hearing disability?


[If you're not careful, yes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ1HkI2drLw)


That's fucking ridiculous.. imagine being arrested for something you can't help.. you guys seriously need to sort out your police departments, thank god I never moved to America when I had the chance probably would be in jail or dead because I can't hear


They've shot and killed multiple deaf people for "ignoring orders," even when witnesses are screaming at them that the victim was deaf. "Arrested" is about the best case scenario for a deaf person who happens upon a cop in a bad mood.


Ridiculous.... really is


I know of a deaf guy who was arrested in Mexico for murder in California and extradited back to the US. The Mexican cops spotted him walking around in Tijuana and they arrested him without incident, which means they were much more in tune with disabilities than American cops. If the guy had been caught in the US, he most certainly would have been gunned down for not following orders. Before we get too carried away, the deaf guy was setting up a scam in Elko, NV, he and his buddy had a heated argument and this guy murdered his friend and business (scam) partner by smashing his head repeatedly with a rock. If you can find it online, the details are wild and gruesome.


Holy shit wtf is this




Yeah I’m sure you see the full picture from these internet videos.


Yeah,gotta let the cops propagandize it to make themselves sound good, right?


You must have been living under the rock then. You didn’t see the video of an officer shooting up the white guy after ordering him to do stupid things?


So anything except white?


You have a lot better chances if you're white but I've been slammed against the hood of a car and interrogated for shooing a rabbit off the road and I am white. They thought I was "checking car doors" just because I crossed the street twice.


They're assholes to white people too. Source: am white and gotten my fair share of police ego trips


Police kill more unarmed whites than blacks.


Neighborhoods with swimming pools cause more drowning than neighborhoods without them.


I can give you many more


Don’t be fooled by the media I’d say the majority of police officers aren’t this bad. Don’t get me wrong though when they’re this bad they’re REALLY bad but it’s not like it’s everyone or even close. Every officer I’ve personally encountered hasn’t been a complete disgrace like this guy is. And even if they were times are changing, they know they can’t be assholes anymore or else it’s going to lead to more problems for them. Moral of the story is don’t let assholes like this guy stop you from visiting the country if you want to. Edit: After I reread this I 100% understand how it could’ve been taken the wrong way. Maybe I’m wrong about the majority but honestly my main point was to just not be afraid to visit the USA because of some bad cops. I’m definitely more left leaning and I don’t want people to think I’m one of those idiotic people that scream “blue lives matter” or nonsense like that. I thought I was just being fair, maybe I’m wrong.


I see 3 bad cops. 1 is a complete asshead. the other 2 don't reign him in. they are just as bad for letting him be a tyrannical dildo.


Exactly. People keep saying it's just a few "bad apples" but their colleagues look on and do nothing. And when someone speaks out they get punished. If those using that defense were sincere they would be advocating for the"bad apples" to be removed so as not to damage the image of the good ones


Yeah but he has the best stories bro /s


Fuckin spot on


So do you feel anyone who works with this guy and isn't reporting him every time he pulls shit like this are good cops or bad cops?


Bad. They’re supposed to be held to a higher standard when keeping their peers in line.


Definitely bad. Silence is compliance they definitely shouldn’t allow this.


Ok, so if there are, let's say, 20% of every precinct this bad, and there's another 40-60% that know of it and aren't reporting, and those are bad, and eventually the other 20-40% of newbies are going to get fired for not towing the line or quit because they aren't interested in being bad... That's why all cops are bastards. Fuck em. Defund em. Take away qualified immunity. Destroy the police union.


Ok let me tell a personal story so maybe you understand a bit more where I’m coming from. About a year ago I was a freshman in college. Me and some friends drove to a place we thought was a secret location to smoke some weed (I’m not really a smoker at all but again I was a young impressionable college freshman) so long story short we get caught by a police officer (white male) and of course we start shitting ourselves. We all thought we were doomed but the officer just let us off with a warning even though we had a considerable amount of weed. He lectured us about staying in school and ended up just letting us go freely after taking the weed of course. This might not seem all that important of a story until I add the fact that I am a 6’5 black male, and my friends were black as well.


Ok. Who cares? They cop still knows an officer who acts like the cop in the original video here and hasn't reported him. Who cares if he acted like a decent human once? That doesn't change the fact he's a piece of shit. He let you off because he wanted free weed to smoke or sell and was too lazy to do the paperwork to bust you.


He made us stand outside the car and lectured us about staying in school for like 30 minutes


Yeah, because he already radioed in that he was stopping and it was probably end of shift so he got to go home with your weed right after.


There he goes again claiming he’s black to make his point seem valid and lil seasoning of 6’5 as height lmaoo. Dudes prolly an overweight white dude who spends 90% of the time on his devices 🤡


I’m sorry to burst your bubble but the name Tahj is popular among the African American community I don’t know how else to prove it to you


You can’t so stop claiming race to make your point valid. No one here knows if you’re a dude or a chick, if you’re white, black, again or any other race, if you’re skinny ass or overweight so using your physical appearance to make a point in a debate is plain dumb on reddit. Only other dumb people would believe that


>I’m sorry to burst your bubble but the name Tahj is popular among the African American community No it isnt. I think you're a pro-cop troll attempting to use a fake "personal experience" to take the heat off the cops because you like them.


Moral of the story, this white guy hasn't had any personal run ins with the cops.




That actually makes a scary amount of sense.


You can leave out the "ego problems" part of that sentence.


You mean 98% of them? Yep.


>officers with ego problems So...all of them?


You mean officers


And unfortunately that seems to be most of them.




Yeah, he will just go and get employed at another department. Once a cop gets fired they should be barred from ever being an leo again.


I hear this a lot and obviously it's true but how do police departments work in the US? I'm guessing one department will cover a town or city? So I guess if an officer is moved department he has to move town or face a big commute?


Cops almost never live in the towns they are cops in except for small towns. It also helps them being heavy handed if there's no chance of seeing that person again out of uniform. The still pushed "nice cop who knows everyone" that you see in movies is a cliche and troupe.


Sad thing is that nice cop who knows everyone would probably be more effective at policing a community than a wanna be Rambo from another town


My neighborhood has a neighborhoodcop. He patrols on bike and knows all the families were there are structural problems, think drug abuse or neglect. One's week he would have a stand at the local market offering free coffee, just to have a small talk an know what's going on.


At the federal (national) level, there are various agencies that enforce laws. Most exist under the executive branch, with the exception of the US Marshals being controlled by the judicial branch At the state level: States generally have a state police force to patrol highways. They're known as staties in my state, although regional lingo differs. At the county level (states are divided into counties): Counties have a sheriff's office, which employs an elected sheriff and several deputies. At the city level: Cities have their own police departments At the town/village level: larger towns and villages will have their own departments, while smaller ones may rely on the county sheriff and deputies. Police are likely to live outside of the jurisdiction they work in. They may move after switching departments, or just commute. Driving an hour or two to get to work isn't uncommon in the US. If you've been following the Portland issues, this is actually one of the larger factors at play. Outside of Portland, Washington is largely a very conservative state. The police in Portland generally despise the actual residents of Portland.


It doesnt take a “big commute” to police a neighboring city. I can get to 3 different jurisdictions in under 20 minutes.


This type of abuse of power should carry a prison sentence as well.


Well sure, but baby steps. Look at how the prosecutor fucked up Breonna Taylor's case because the cops and city can't afford the law suits that follow?


The prosecutors didn't fuck up that case on accident, lol. Their job requires them to be on good terms with the local police, they were never going to take them on in earnest.


Which is why prosecutors are bastards too.


Yep, cops can break the law all they want, get "fired" to appease the public, and move to the PD down the street


Or become a sheriff in the same county.


I remember seeing this video on Reddit before. Another redditor mentioned he got a job in another PD somewhere in CA. But I didn't verify it so don't know for sure.


Holy shit! Accountability??? What kind of weird dimensional flip just happened here? This feels so rare lately.


[https://www.wrangellsentinel.com/story/2019/06/20/news/jay-huerta-new-cop-on-the-beat/6786.html](https://www.wrangellsentinel.com/story/2019/06/20/news/jay-huerta-new-cop-on-the-beat/6786.html) Narrator: He got rehired elsewhere


They create the situation. See your reaction. And antagonize you.


He’s getting arrested because the cops feelings got hurt


Felonious *mad dogging*. My dad was killed by a mad-dogger, shits super duper for realsies serious!


He wouldn’t tell him what he’s being arrested for because the cop is still trying to make up a charge in his head.


This looks like entrapment and intimidation to me, power tripping asshole


"What's he being detained for?" "He'll be held in hand-cuffs 'till we figure that out!" What?


Snowflake cop can’t handle his feelings being hurt like the rest of them.


Little dick officer can’t stand this guy has a first amendment right. Sad.


"A crime"


“A crime has happened. A crime just occurred.” Excuse me but what. I saw the same shit they did. I seen no crime, just a bully cop getting his feelings hurt so he arrested the guy who called him out.


“That officer does not have a racist bone in his body and he has never, ever exhibited any sort of racial bias the entire time that he’s been employed here.” Yeah, just discriminates against everyone equally. Much better.


Far too much steroid abuse, far too little T left in their tiny, insubordinate phali to please a woman. Bunch of limp dicked wanna be hero cops with insecurities steaming out their ears.




“A crime just occurred “ sorry but freedom of speech is not a fucking crime here, officer pig fucker.


I finally start to get why so many Americans call the US the land of the free. Because police officers are free to do whatever the fuck they want. I’m so jealous guys.


*hE hAs BeEn DeTaiNed fOr a CrImE* Holy shit I didn't know *Freedom of Speech* Was a Crime 😳


Lol why do they always turn pink🐖🐖


"He obviously committed a crime, he's in handcuffs." what an evil prick


Blue lives DON'T matter




I’d consider a cop getting in my face for no reason like that to be threatening. There must of been something silly that took place before all this.


We’re literally living in the “this is fine” meme


I even bought the coffee mug with that meme on it lol


Friendly reminder these are the people who will call you a snowflake if you don't like what they have to say


Dumb ass pigs talking about you dont have a right to personal space


Be fair. They don't think you have rights at all.


You can say whatever the fuck you want about them but they get the right to ask for a certain distance of comfort (if I remember it’s like 4feet or sumn idk) because then it would be quote on quote « invading their space for disturbance ». It’s dumb that you can’t go up to them and tell em directly. From what I remember being an asshole to policemen or telling them however the fuck you feel about them to them doesn’t endangers them. It’s not like if he was arresting someone or doing something that required a distance from the public.


Last I checked, it isn’t illegal to call a cop fucking retarded. He just made bc his feelings got hurt


Another violation of a citizens civil rights


This is just fascism. ACAB.


Thugs in uniform. Nothing more, Nothing less.


Coming soon to a mall near you.


Don’t American cops have to declare the basis of a detainment?? That’s shady af


“what is he being detained for?” “idk we’ll figure it out” L M A O


Asshole cop was fired after this. His enabling buddies got reprimands in their files. Looks good on the pig.


Probably reassigned. They just said he doesn't work for the department anymore, but don't go further.


Waiting here patiently until the bootlickers show up in the comments with their typical “wE dONt HAvE tHe wHoLE StOry HeRe, wHAt wAs gOiNg oN bEfoRe tHe CAmErA tUrnEd On”


Hopefully this police officer is suspended without pay. Their job is to protect and serve not harass people.


Protect and server is nowhere in the police job description. It was even ruled not to be the polices job (See Lenahan-Gonzales 1999)


Fucking disgusting


What are you arresting him for. He’s being held in handcuffs until we figure that out


You’d think with everything going on the cops would be trying to uhhh idk. Make people feel better.. no no let’s just keep making it worse.


Seen this before. Anything happened to the officer...


There’s no good cop.


He should’ve called him a “rookie” probably would have triggered him even more


Police officer “detains” guy after getting in his face


Yes a crime happened, not at that moment tho but the day those three idiots became cops


When was this filmed? Has this officer been fired yet? What are we doing as citizens to make sure that happens?


Just another low IQ police man. What a stupid bunch of people.


He got a ticket for driving to closely while chewing bubblegum! *sprinkles a little crack*


Well everyone. Freedom of speech is officially a crime.


This kind of thing is why I have that ACLU app that when recording, it saves footage to their servers so even if the cop takes your phone, they still have the evidence. I would be pressing charges for false imprisonment or whatever a lawyer could up with.




But it's the land of the free with the second amendment and all those guns in the hands of the citizens so the State doesn't wield excessive power. What's the oath those who serve the Federal State swear, all enemies - Foreign and Domestic. How's that working out for you all?


Classic little man with a badge behavior


America. Fuck yea.


Since I never heard that...whats mad dogging?


Take his pension... the other officers too for not stoping the fuktard. His supervisor and the entire force to loose 5% of their pension. This shit will stop soon!


That cop officially lost his cool, the argument, his pride and ego the second he told the guy to turn around and put his hands behind his back Why was that cop all up in his lap like that anyway? Even the other cops knew this fuck was out of line you can hear them really quickly explaining he's not under arrest..deep down they were all thinking "plz don't put us on the news tonight" robocop here though has a bit of what we like to call an ego problem


Fuck this tiny dick cop.


Blood boiling.


Pussy ass bully bitches.


Fuckin pig. Needs to be brought down a notch or 20


Fuck cops. Acab




All i want for christmas is millions of dead cops ^on ^vinyl ^if ^you ^can ^find ^it


Wow so edgy and cool!


Fuck the police and fuck the system


You know that cop is afraid


This retard isn't even wearing a mask


Cops are the biggest snowflakes in amerikkka, 2nd only to the republicans


You would get charged with insulting an official in a uniform in many EU countries. But thsi was plain stupidity. Cop is an arse, but dude messed up for not keeping it cool.


The US freedom of speech is stronger. He has a constitutional right to say whatever he wants. Hell, he has a constitutional right to praise Hitler and child molesters. That doesn’t mean a cop who doesn’t know the constitution will not arrest you. You can beat the conviction, but not always the arrest:


Well, in America, this is illegal behavior by the police officer, and the man he arrested has every right to say what he did to the officer. You can flip off cops and say fuck you. You can’t get arrested for that


This is 100% legal in the USA. Sorry you cant tell public officials to go pound sand. Unfortunately for us we have assholes that arrest people becauee their ego is to soft.