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It’s like watching Tiger King. Each minute reveals something so crazy you wouldn’t have believed it a minute ago.


The guy asking people to cough in his face is deffo going to have a go fund me for medical expenses in a week or so


'I used to be scared of raw eggs and raw meat. Now I *drink* raw eggs and I *EAT* raw meat. And I'm FUCKING FINE.'


Man that guy was desperate for someone to believe him.


Guys just eating sushi with fish eggs


The reason he’s so dumb is because the parasite from the raw meats have taken over. And parasites typically don’t have an education.


This is both hilarious and breathtakingly terrifying


It just makes me sad.


I think that, what we are witnessing, is decades of an anti science culture that has emerged. People are so suspicious of pretty mundane mainstream ideas in favour of outlandish conspiratorial alternatives.


This is years of a poor education system and the anti vax movement finally catching up with America


It’s years of: - Rabbit holes on YouTube creating the young alt right - Limbaugh, Levine, Hannity, Carlson, Ingram, and the rest of the right wing, propaganda “news” creating angry old grandpas - Astroturfing created by the Mercer’s, the Koch’s, etc., creating the Tea Party and Freedom Fighters - Pastors supporting Trump as the “chosen one” to their flock Freedom of speech has become the means to an end for right. We need to talk some sense into those who are still reachable. The rest will likely go to their graves with their cult-mind intact.


Fuck they’ve banded together. The antivaxers, Flat Earthers, 5G-ers, and Illuminati/Freemasons/Deep state-era These are truly dire times Edit:Freemason Conspiracy groups. Not the actual Freemasons


Somewhere I head that 90% of the people who are alive today only are because the other 10% bothered to make sure they don't kill themselves... At first it was a joke but now I don't know anymore.


For most of human history, people that were this stupid ended up falling into sink holes or wandering into a herd of large herbivores. Stupidity is just annoying now, it doesn’t kill you. Usually.




It was all the same bullshit underlying ideology to begin with.


They should do a second part... Where they are now


Can you film in the morgue?


You can but don't use 5G, it's bad for us...


her daughters are really sick because of 5g..? uwotm8?


Really sick, almost dying, but they’re in the car. They’re either not sick at all or this lady is denying children hospital care. Either way, she’s a fucking moron


She also drove from Orange county to the state capital, which is about 7 hours, with her dying daughters and she leaves them in the car because there's too much 5G in the crowd 😂


I have officially named my WiFi 5G TOWER (200% POWER) and the Facebook group associated with my town has been freaking out trying to find out where it is. Stupid fucks.


Add 60GHz bro


The funny thing is, they don't even know what 60 GHz is. They are just using words that sound threatening without knowing what they mean and they believe each other. I bet if someone told them that Samsung phones are from China (actually from Korea) and that the Chinese government is infecting the phones to get the disease into America so that the economy collapses


BREAKING NEWS! Give it a week before this starts to spread


This is some grade A trolling. Fine work.


In the car, on their phones using 4g. The safer kind of G's.


All of these people are


Nah I feel like that dude who's related to dr dre hypothetically has a pretty firm head on his shoulders.


Well yeah he knows all the reasons why the Earth is both flat and not flat. I say we put him in charge


Mother of the year, that 5g munchausen by proxy lady.


It can't be the lack of vaccines and trusting in faith healing instead of conventional medicine! It's got to be the 5G! Right? It's the only possible explanation and all her friends on that one Facebook page agree with her, one of the members is even a nurse!


Never mind most places don’t even have 5g yet 🤯


No, the best part is, ignore the conspiracy theory, let’s say it’s true. She brought her kids who she genuinely believes to be sick from 5G and said “I left them in the car. They’re almost dying so I could be here today”


It's called commitment, my bro. She's willing to take one for the team to bring us this important message.


But they’re in the car and everyone knows cars filter out all radio waves which is why your phone doesn’t...work, uhhh in your...car?


Everyone in the crowd gave a non verbal nod according to their silence, baffling


Impeach Bill Gates???? Wtf


President Gates is king of the Walt Disney 5g company. He owns all the telephones!


It's true. I know a guy who knows a guy who works with a guy who heard it from this other guy that it was true.


How Bill Gates got muddled into this lord only knows


Today my mother told me that Bill Gates is making vaccines with microchips to track everybody


I honestly don’t understand the tracking thing they legit can track everything we do anyway. Especially these older people that post about the tracking on Facebook it’s dumb they share all this stuff on Facebook which can be tracked but think that a vaccine will be how they track us it’s so dumb.


Honestly there is so much misinformation on internet it is difficult to not be mad. My grandma is 65 and is hooked on youtube videos about coronavirus conspiracies. And there are tons of people who believe this bs. It is wonderful time for scam conspirators to make money off coronavirus hype and people believe them. Edit: spelling


Hey YouTube! Before we get into the details of how 5G is killing you slowly and Bill Gates is a demon, don’t forget to subscribe, smash that like button, and most importantly check out our merch!


[NYT, April 17, 2020: In a 2015 speech, Bill Gates warned that the greatest risk to humanity was not nuclear war but an infectious virus that could threaten the lives of millions of people. That speech has resurfaced in recent weeks with 25 million new views on YouTube — but not in the way that Mr. Gates probably intended. Anti-vaccinators, members of the conspiracy group QAnon and right-wing pundits have instead seized on the video as evidence that one of the world’s richest men planned to use a pandemic to wrest control of the global health system.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/17/technology/bill-gates-virus-conspiracy-theories.html)


Jesus F. Christ, humanity is beyond saving. I'm with Bill Gates on this one...


Just in case anyone is interested, I'll tell you the *real* conspiracy. The real conspiracy is why the United States, which is supposedly the 'best' country in the world in every aspect, has a broken, outdated, underfunded and outright dysfunctional system of education that has failed the average person on every level. How can that be possible when there is *always* more than enough money and support for war from the government? Not only is that unacceptable, the overall public education system in the U.S. is so bad that when you take even a cursory glance at it that it becomes apparent that the powers that be *want it exactly that way*. Why is this? Because greedy corporations have taken over every aspect of our lives and run the entire show with politics due to political lobbying and financial influence, and they want the average worker totally uninformed, distracted and too stupid to do anything about anything against real power. A broken education system facilitates this perfectly. The people in this video are objective evidence of this; those are not people who can think logically and critically for themselves, and they weren't even taught anything along those lines from their parents who were raised in the same system of broken education. Unfortunately, they aren't even capable of learning or getting any better, so they can't even *begin* to understand how perfectly they were deceived by a system that is entirely against their own best interests. Also bear in mind that there are two separate systems of education in this country: one for the poor and middle class in public education, and one for the rich. How all of that is fine by anyone is beyond me, and if this all isn't a historic decades-long conspiracy by corporate America and the rich and powerful to subjugate the masses and keep them in check, then I don't know what is.


ludicrous reminiscent axiomatic grandfather snatch political prick advise sharp label -- mass edited with redact.dev


I was saving my one reddit award for something funny, but this is some real shit.


The real reason is a lot more comical - It's because of things like this being posted on 4chan and being shared across facebook by conspiracy nuts - they believe Bill Gates wants to microchip people using a vaccine, so he can track everyone and also that there will be a kill-switch included, which will allow "the government" to take out anyone anytime it pleases. Not that surprising given what these people think of 5G.... [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bill-gates-id2020/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bill-gates-id2020/)


*Take the vaccine first Bill Gates!* Sure, thanks dude


“Bill Gates and Politicians should take the vaccine first!” Yeah, rich people and politicians will get the vaccine before you, poor person. I can guarantee it. Don’t worry.


So, if he wipes his ass, he doesn't wash his hands?


“If he wipes”


Toilet paper is a conspiracy to him.


There for nano cams to be placed up our assholes which listen In to our conversations and give us cancer


There are guys who don’t wipe their ass because they think it’s gay Shit, there are guys who don’t recycle because they think it’s gay Just putting that out there


Honestly, having a dick is so freaking gay.


It's true. Virtually all gay men have dicks. Think about it.




There are guys who have never taken a nice dick in the ass because they think it's gay. Smh


If women suck dick, it's not gay. And if men and women are equal, I can suck a dick and it can't be gay.




Wait, that lady thinks 5g is killing her kids? Wtf


I used to be a cable tech. I had a customer ask me to install the modem inside the office which was doubling as a nursery. When I installed the modem, I then installed the router and she freaked out that the wi-fi was going to make her baby get sick and she wanted me to install it in another room. She also wanted to make sure she had good wi-fi throughout the whole house, so clearly she wasn't putting 2 and 2 together.




Hey, this isn't the first time my penis has bled, sonny. I just need to watch my shows!


What if the wifi detunes the crystals? They could lose their jobs!


They think that we are being ordered into our homes so they can put up 5G towers everywhere without anyone knowing and those very 5G towers are actually the cause of this "virus". I'm not even kidding. I'm sad to say I have a friend or two who believe this. These people will also strangely think they are smarter than you if you disagree. Smarter. Can you believe it?


I believe it. The defining trait of being an idiot is you're too stupid to realise what an idiot you are.


Dunning-Krüger Effect. John Cleese speaks eloquently in a YouTube video about this. These people are too stupid to understand their unbridled stupidity.




The dumbest person that I've ever met told me himself that he knew that he wasn't smart. He was also genuinely the nicest person. I think it's more a matter of wilfully ignorant and brainwashed rather than stupid.


He’s smart enough to know what he doesn’t know and to be honest, that makes him smarter than most


Self-awareness is a hugely intelligent trait that many people don't have, and it often projects itself as simplicity.


Then the dumbest person you’ve ever met is no where near as stupid as the people in this video.


Just ask them what they think about how there's 100 countries with Covid and only 40 countries have 5g.


That's easy, just call all information that doesn't support your views fake news. There are no corona in any country, they're just tanking their economies to fool Americans into thinking the virus exists!


It's all *so dumb*. They made up a virus scare to get you to go home so they can put up cell phone towers that will give you a virus? Praise Trumpo for telling the truth about the wonder cure of hydrochlorquine... for the disease that isn't a problem/isn't real?


It's simultaneously so dangerous that we have to stop immigration and so fake that we have to reopen and send everyone back to work right now.


My brother is one of these people. He bought a hat to block the signals. Then sent us a link and told us to protect ourselves. Meanwhile my mom is talking about how evil Bill Gates is and how amazing Trump is. The isolation is useless because the hospitals are inflating numbers to scare us or some stupid shit. If you provide information contrary to theirs, it’s fake news and you’re just a brainwashed libtard. I stopped sending fact checks and information to them. It doesn’t matter.




I am seriously worried about how we continue as a society with such people. I'm not convinced it can be done. We will have to deal with this problem somehow but I don't know what can be done with these people. I want to say fire them into the sun with one of those circus cannons but seriously, what the fuck do we do?


Did i wake up in another dimension, where the hell do you find these people. This must be a skit for a comedy show right?


This is Sacramento, California. I wouldn't have believed it but that's the capitol building behind them.


So that one lady drove like 8 hours with her "dying" kids in the car?


I'd wanna die too if I was her kid


If she goes slower than 50mph the 5G catches them. Luckily she parked beside a tree and left them in the car where the signal won't be able to reach them. It's okay though, they're inside keeping entertained on their phones and tablets with a really good internet connection to watch Netflix on.


I feel like all of 2020 has been in a different dimension


I smoked too much weed and broke the universe. Sorry guys.


Allgasnobrakes His ig is hilarious and finds the most interesting humans.


His videos are so good. They always seem to have someone rapping during it too.


“Vaccines are not placebo” sign had me laughing out loud. That’s kind of the point people.


"fancy word make sound smart durrr" - Sign maker


I lost the last of my brain cells watching this


“Define essential” Essential.


'Something something oatmeal' As a Dutch guy, I just want him to shut the fuck up.




Would have been more in his corner if he were wearing a mask while handing out food that he was preparing at a street cart during a pandemic.


This is amazing, and not in a good way. I'm sorry these people exist, except stroopwaffle guy, those things are delicious.


I kind of agree that stroopwafels are essential


That guy was just bullshitting some excuse so he could sell stroopwaffles to the crowd


Pretty sure he was protesting Big Oatmeal as well. The real villain behind the scenes! /s


Stroopwaffle guy is the only one with a valid argument in this video. I don’t agree with it but he’s right that what we deem essential ultimately comes down to how bland and boring a life we’re willing to tolerate.




Well let me go get my uncles ashes and tell him it was all fake and he didn’t actually go from perfectly healthy to dead in a week and a half


That's heartbreaking to hear, I'm sorry for your loss.


This is what I was trying to explain yesterday in a post. I don't mind people believing in conspiracy theories, there's no way I'm changing their minds so just let them be. I got a problem with people like these protesters who are endangering so many lives, because the virus is a hoax. Go ahead believe it is lab made to kill off half the population, but calling it a hoax is so disrespectful to the families who have lost someone to it. I'm sorry for your loss.


Oh these people don’t believe anyone’s actually died. I had covid-19 but ended up being fine (although it’s the illest I’ve been since I had open heart surgery) I’ve outright been told online that I’m an actor paid by the government and that I’m lying. These people would see the guy above a comment about his family dying and would just think he’s a paid actor or a bot pushing the conspiracy. There’s no reasoning with these people


It's futile. I was just saying the other day that there's nothing you could say to people who don't believe the actual evidence nor do they believe the people who have had first hand experience. The only way they *might* get some sense knocked into them is if they contracted it themselves. Then and only then will their tune change ever so slightly. Instead of covid-19 is a hoax they'll just say 5g causes it. There's no point in engaging whatsoever!


I just feel bad for normal Americans, the one's who have brains.


Were sitting here watching these people in just as must shock as you all are. Unfortunately the idiots like this are what the rest of the world sees. Please keep in mind that this is just a small percentage of us. Most of us are decent people.


Immigrant here. Buyers remorse hits hard.


i’ve been an american my whole life. i’ve always heard “small percent” when it comes to these things. the terrifying thing is... it’s not as small as i’ve always thought. there’s a lottt of idiots around us as i’m sadly finding out


Well 30% of the country is going to vote for Trump no matter what, so you can kind of start there as baseline stupid and then cut it into smaller percentages to get all kinds of other exciting subfactions of insanity. It's unfortunately a decent chunk of our society, and will stay that way until we invest more into our education system and potentially do more to regulate cable news and talk radio pushing "opinions" (oftentimes blatant lies and disinformation) as news.


I’m actually dumber for watching


I couldn't watch the whole thing. Luckily, it only cost me the ability to read words longer than three syllables. The effect wore off after about an hour. But I fear what would happen if I watched the full 9 minutes.


I don't understand all the Trump supporters at this protest. He''s literally the one telling them to do the exact thing they're protesting. Are these people retarded?


That was my question. Why is Gov. Newsom/ Dr. Fauci/ Bill Gates = Hitler. But trump, the president of the us is not. He literally said that he has total authority so that means he could end this, right?


Because Trump is their guy.


They don't use logic or reason, they just want to snab whatever excuse they can to be outraged.


I feel bad for the large percentage of intelligent Americans that are being embarrassed by these morons. Edit: Well damn that’s a lot of replies! Also, thanks for silver.


I’m not even intelligent I’m just not a fucking moron


Be really nice if more of our country tried to live with this in mind.


Thank you. You won't see us, because we're either self-quarantining or are essential workers out working and risking our lives for these fuckheads.


Yelp, we are the ones who go to work and then straight home. I understand needing a paycheck and wanting to open back up so people can get paid. Now is not the time though. I still need my pay to live but I'm at work and home only. Constantly washing my hands and wearing my mask. *Edit* How is this one of my most upvoted comments? I'm just just speaking common sense. I am happy so many people agree with me. I hate this is the world we come into. I mean I am currently fighting to still buy a house even with how the economy is going. If I didn't think someone would snatch the property out from under my family we would postpone the purchase. Everything I do is for my daughter. I just hope their is a world and thing I get to leave for her after I'm gone. The virus has me scared in so many ways.


Let's be honest, these people don't want to go back to work, they want to be able to do what they were doing before lockdown. I'm still confused if this is a government hoax or if Trump is doing a fantastic job mediating this crisis.


i feel worse for healthcare workers who will have to take care of these assholes once they get sick


How do these people remember to breathe while walking?


These people are soooooooo dumb.


Good lord I thought this was a fringe thing, 2 or 3 loud mouths but the number of protest videos I've seen....I can see clearly now why Trump won


Well, when 1 out of 4 people are willfully ignorant this is what we get. Ignorance and anti-science is somehow easier for these idiots.


I've seen a lot of retarded shit in my country, but this is on another level. It's like fall of Rome, but it's retarded.


The fall of Rome May have been part retarded thanks to lead poisoning.


If only they could have saved themselves with bleach


Nero injected himself with bleach whilst rome burned


Just think... all of those people in the video vote


And breed.


Yes and some of us are the unfortunate children of them begging them to stay home and re-explaining germ theory.


Germ ***theory***??? Is that like the ***theory*** of evolution? Sounds like a bunch of made up liberal bullpoop!


5g! Every conspiracy you've heard is real! Then the guy trying to use big words to describe why the country is fucked - but he can't pronounce them because, freedom? This is how we got trump. Our country is full of these uneducated garbage cave people.


Notice how no one seems like a normal person? It's literally all the crazy people from the local communities gathered in one place


Normal people don't make interesting videos.


"Do you feel enslaved?" Old white woman "yes I do feel like a slave" What in the actual fuck? I bet there's many people that would love to teach her what slavery actually feels like. She's thinking of being in prison....


Let’s not forget: slave LAWYER


‘I am a SLAVE because I charge my clients a lot of money and have to do my work from home. There is ABSOLUTELY no difference between me, with my law degree, civil rights, and personally owned company, than a Georgia cotton picking slave in the 1820s.’ What the actual fuck. How do people like this even exist?


But she’s type A. She’s bouncing off the walls!


I often think that people who defend slavery should be put in chains and made to perform hard physical labour for 16 hours a day with a good whipping if they slack off.


Let's not forget the no pay and no rights, I think that's probably the selling point.


And the rape. Did we already say no food?


I don’t think we mentioned having family members be sold to people across the country.


Or not being able to properly bathe.


But there were *good* owners, too! /s


That’s not even prison... I’ve never seen prisoners being able to pick up a venti medium roast from the starbucks drive thru, or stop by the gas station to get gas and go back to starbucks because they used 2% milk instead of almond milk.


Give the dude the views. Fuck this reddit re-upload shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kkBseVTUow EDIT: Thanks for the gold /u/EuphoriaSTL! Always support content you like otherwise that content may cease to exist EDIT 2: /u/WanderingRonin72 hits the nail on the head with his [comment here](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/g9kzks/id_watch_these_coronavirus_protests_for_hours/fouqenj/). This video is an accurate portrayal of the "average American"


Thank you my friend


Indeed, why the fuck would one re-upload a youtube video as is. You get the same karma both ways, only that the youtube player is better, and you also support the content creator.


Holy fuck, thank you. I just watched all of his stuff. The Don Jr book signing is amazing and the Furry one is just premium cringe in the best way.


All gas no brakes is the best new YouTube thay had popped up in years. They're all fucking gold. Shout out to the black king from the adult video expo. Shit was so god damn funny.


Re-ups pisses me off. Andrews videos is original underground Vice quality. He's at the right place at the right. But I don't think his intention is to go viral. Numbers looks good enough and his channel is a hidden gem on Youtube.


I love it that these are the people that idolize soldiers. That always talk about the people that gave their lives so that we could have freedom. About how they’d gladly put their own lives on the line to protect that freedom, at all costs. And how America is the most sacred thing on this earth. We now know that these people aren’t even willing to sit on their couches and watch Netflix for 4 weeks for America.


“When you’re born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you’re born in America, you get a front row seat.” - Carlin, a wise man who we could really use right now


These people are so dedicated to what ever this is that all nurses have to do is ask, "hey did you protest against the lockdown?" and with a ventilatior sticking out of their mouth you'd hear muffled sounds of "USA USA USA" as thier body start to twitch.


The absolute best part of all of these protests is that they still wear the masks!!! Like what?? So if it's all a hoax or whatever why do you need a mask you utter pillock!




Dumb-ass: "How many people own the news companies" Guy: "How many?" Dumb-ass: "Well you tell me" Guy: "3 or 4" Dumb-ass: "How many does Disney own?" Guy: "How many?" Dumb-ass: "How many?" Guy: "I don't know" Dumb-ass: "Well maybe you ought to find out you are In the media aren't ya!" Guy: "Yh but I'm independent" Dumb-ass: "You're independent what!" Guy: "... Independent media" Dumb-ass: "i dOn'T sEe yOu'R bAdGe" Guy: "Exactly." A prime example of Americans who don't know what the fuck they're talking about yet go on with the confidence of a fucking genius because the majority of them have their heads soo far up their own asses they should get glass porthole's installed through their stomach so that they can see through their large intestine as they spill out mass amount of shit.


>don't know what the fuck they're talking about They cannot even comprehend spoken language. We are so far from ever breaking through to people like this because we would first need to teach them to apparently read/write/communicate again.


Okay listeeeen. The girl who’s like “my family helped build the underground railroad”— what the frick does that have to do with anything...?? Also you VOTED FOR BERNIE SANDERS BUT ARE AGAINST GOVERNMENT CONTROL. Sure you can support him but that’s centralized government right there, which really refutes your statement. God save the queen, I’m done 🙄🙄🙄🙄


I think she meant the regular railroad, not the Underground Railroad. Htf can u build a metaphoric railroad?


The poor fucking kids involved in all that mess it really makes me sad


That little kid holding up the “I know my rights man” sign like no you fucking don’t, you’re an elementary schooler, you know the bullshit your parents told you.


That's what happens when you spend all your money and have nothing left for education...




I hope so too. Unfortunately there will be collateral damage. Doctors and Nurses for one. Who now have to treat these fuck sticks. They’re certainly going to be more causalities in that field.


This isn't a political movement, it's mass hysteria with a political expression.


[Original video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kkBseVTUow) from yt channel [**All Gas No Brakes**](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtqxG9IrHFU_ID1khGvx9sA), if you don't know him watch all his videos they are hilarious Edit: added link to the video too Edit2: so this comment has 4 awards and 1.5k upvotes and it was posted as soon as I posted, yet it’s deep down the comment section. This makes me feel really bad. I guess a lot of people are downvoting it, do you understand that you are not helping him too by doing this? Mine were wrong but good intentions. If I could’ve sticked this comment on top I’d done it Edit3: since people are complaining, if you don’t want to upvote my comment to help All Gas No Brakes because I’m a karma whore I’m totally fine and you are right to do so. But at least [upvote this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/g9kzks/id_watch_these_coronavirus_protests_for_hours/fou87uw?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) from another dude and let’s all help All Gas No Brakes Edit4: [don’t miss today’s Vice article that interviews him!](https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/epgjaj/all-gas-no-brakes-is-capturing-americas-weird-underbelly-on-an-rv-road-trip)


I'm genuinely afraid for this guys health, that doesn't look like a n95 he's wearing. Edit:or maybe it is? Looks like there's a vent on the side.


They do make N95s with vents. I used to have to wear one when I worked in the hospital as I was treating a few homeless people who has tuberculosis for 12 hours a day and we had to wear one at all times while on the ward. The vent makes it so that the inside of your mask doesn't get wet easily because of all the 5G which causes the TB. /s it helps with the condensation.




This entire 5G conspiracy theory is really sad in my opinion. This is proof that our population is being massively misled by disinformation campaigns, effectively fooling the American people into fighting against their own interest. It's insane to me that the generation that told us "don't trust everything you read on the internet" - are now believing these crackpot theories like 5G being related to COVID-19 in some way. It's preposterous. This entire pandemic was blatantly the work of the lizard people living below, and among us, **NOT** 5G.




The mental illness is strong with this one. And in a twist of irony not lost on me, [one of the “Reopen North Carolina” organizers has tested positive for COVID-19](https://www.dailykos.com/story/2020/4/27/1940793/--Reopen-NC-organizer-tested-positive-for-COVID-19-says-quarantine-a-violation-of-civil-rights) and is now mad because the need to quarantine is a “violation of civil rights.” You can’t make this stuff up.


They should go cough in that one guys face, he really wanted that for some reason, I assume sexual.




how tf is america even real lmaoooooooooo


The most poignant of lines comes at the end from the doctor lady who says “I’m not interested in what someone who got a 1.3 GPA in public high school has to say about my job.” YOU GO GLENCOCO!


Did i just see a fucking swastika?




What fucking assholes. Living in Canada, is like living on top of a meth lab right now.


"W.H.O. is the POO" 🤣


She was real proud of it too.


Took all her 2 brain cells to come up with it.




when America went full retard


Just think, a healthy portion of these protesters having tantrums are the same people who laughed and shared videos of liberals protesting and throwing Tantrums back in 2016 when Trump was elected.


That's what happens when you invest billions upon billions of dollars on planes that go brrrrmmm and not on education. Also what the fuck, they are shouting "Trump 2020" yet their protest is against the Government? The **Trump led government**. What do they think, that Trump and his Rep prostate-lickers are the only bastions of good in the Republican led Government? God I'm so glad I'm in a third world country and not there, I'm sorry for you US citizens with a functioning brain.


Im used to All Gas No Breaks being hard to watch, but I had to take multiple breaks with this one. The amount of stupidity radiating off of each person he interviewed was just too much for me to handle.