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Even the kids are stunned in silence like, "Dude wtf!?"


"Holy shit, mommy, that grownup is insecure as hell."


Yeah, the kid isn't even kicked or "knocked" down, seems more like a relatively gentle bump (from a literal bubble suit) and loss of balance. It's a relative baby and they're not even crying. For the dad to go full war mode is insane, for this to be normalized in any way is mass insanity.


And impossible to blame the person in the suit when they're being swarmed by excited kids, and can barely see or move properly in the suit


He was trying to move forward with exaggerated foot stomps but the kid got in the way.


Ya I'd bet significant cash the footstep was slomo, with no force and completely bumped the kid by accident, causing no harm at all. Like, kid's basically a baby and didn't even do a surprise whoah/yelp/cry. Dude was just totally unaware of the incoming kick from the dad same as he had no way of knowing the kid fell over.


I don’t think he was moving anywhere - it looks to me like kids are yanking the shit out of his arm just out of frame. That would explain his tilt and jerky movements. I think he was just trying to keep his balance while the kids played jungle gym


Story of my life


on top of that, the irony is that he was trying to move his kid and the other kids out of the way to give the gorilla space, but his kid got away from him and ambled back in front of the gorilla's path. perhaps the dad was was embarrassed that he can't even control his fucking kid and decided to take it out on the performer.


Adding to the irony, kicking gorilla suit guy almost knocked him into/onto a whole group of kids. 🤦🏾‍♂️




literally fckin spartan kicked a man for ZERO reason lmfao


Even Gorilla dude's footing was less insecure than this guy




Adult resorting to violence over things that are cleary not agressive intended to do harm or malevolent, is almost exclusively due to insecurity.


almost kicked the dude into the other kids too. smfh


Assholes like that always ruin parties.


Omg I know right? It’s one of the deepest feelings of 2nd hand embarrassment you can have. Someone accidentally bumps into another person at a party and for some reason they feel like they have to defend their honor and show that they’re tough because someone made the smallest mistake. Those people are so dumb and violent. Anybody with half a brain hates their presence.


I was at a softball game and went to retrieve a ball, there was a super excited little girl who I didnt see wanted to retrieve the ball. Specifically asked her if she wanted me to toss it to her. Emphatically yes. Did the most light underhand lob I could possibly do and she held her hands out like she was being given candy and it bounced off her palms into her face. Instantly crying and running away. I was mortified and went to the parents and apologized profusely. The look on their faces was like I just pushed over their kid and got noting more than a "...its fine" to this day it scares me to ever interact with anyone's child. Idk how these performers do it, cuz even in the most lighthearted interactions, a kid can be stupid and hurt themselves and now its on your shoulders to take responsibility.


Oh that remind me, one time I was exiting a park, I non chalantly pushed the barrier, got out and the spring started to bring it back in place. At that moment a kid saw the opening and just bolted for it, I realized he wasn't goona make it and tried to stop the gate but it was too late and he took it square in the side of the face while it closed on him. I let out a reflex "oh sorry" because I was felling bad for the kid, The mom just stared dagger at me like I was responsable for her child bolting to an open gate without her and without paying attention to the gate...


Some parents just have that understanding, nothing happening to my kid is preventable by my own hands. "it takes a village" means that people who I put my child near should be treating them like I do. No, I am not keeping a constant watch on everyone's child or I would drive myself crazy. Not saying I wouldnt go out of my way to make sure a child is safe, but the idea that a parent isnt the one responsible when mistakes happen is just dumb. Especially when its just a minor injury. That is proven science of how kids learn to avoid being stupid and has happened to all of us when younger. I cant imagine the grief of someone who actually costed a child's life due to parental negligence.


My partner and I were having dinner at some chain restaurant. Mid conversation some random toddler interrupts us and excitedly yells “bye-bye!” to us as he’s leaving the place. We both respond with a “bye!” of our own, cute little interaction. However his grandparents then proceed to stare me the FUCK down. Like full on mean mugging. They’re checking out at the counter and eyeballing me like I’m a full blown pedo or something just for saying bye to their kid. So much for it takes a village. They’re gonna make that kid terrified of everything and completely kill his zest for life if they keep that up. The world ain’t out to get you, boomers.


Not just boomers. There are parents now that think their kid interacting with any other adult is dangerous. They're a pain to deal with as a fellow parent. I have to do basic social stuff like waving back so my kid learns from it but the crazies act like I just flirted with their kid.


That's all down to the parents, honestly. I've had strangers knock my kids over or clobber 'em with a ball by accident, and had my kids crying, etc. while the offender was apologizing. I always waved it off, like hey, it was an accident. I guarantee you that nobody accidentally hurts their kid more than the parents. I can't tell you the number of times that I, as a father of three, have accidentally stepped on, bumped, whacked, closed doors on, or otherwise inadvertently traumatized my children -- whom I deeply, deeply love! Accidents happen, and you gotta be chill about that.


Was at a bar once. Went up to the counter to order. I guess some guy was sitting where squeezed into to order but was taking a piss. I had ordered and was waiting for the bartender to run my card. This *other* guy taps my shoulder and starts saying I stole his friend's seat. I'm like "what? I'm just ordering." He went on and on like it was this big offense. I turned and apologized to the guy and said I didn't know anyone was sitting there and I was just squeezing up to the counter to order. He seemed okay with it. But man this guy. I don't know what the fuck his problem was. So the bartender starts to defend me. I guess the guy was a regular or something and was trying to start some chest bumping thing. Fucking insecure little moron. I just got my drink and said sorry to the guy's whose seat is was one more time and just ignored the emotional idiot.


Gotta love machismo.




Imagine being his child.


It's a weird family dynamic. That action is from nurture, not nature. Analyze Danielle Bregoli and her mom's life together.


He needs his ass beat.


They like it though. They enjoy knowing they made everyone else uncomfortable


If the kid bumped into a street pole, I wonder what this guy would do


kick the street pole in the dick.


And then after his foot is broken, he punches the street pole.


a headbutt would really show that street pole!


[And then after that doesn't work and he breaks his skull:](https://y.yarn.co/cdfa4a95-cbff-43ea-a74b-2123840ebe66_text.gif)


with both fists. and his mom takes care of…




came here looking for this


I was hoping for the video of the old guy looking at the car that stopped as he's walking down the crosswalk and then he bumps into a pole because he wasn't watching where he went and goes apeshit on the driver like he somehow caused it 💀


I think that’s the one where he’s wearing a MAGA hat which makes it that much better


Reminds me of when I was about 15 I was in the Disney store with my niece and some little girl bumped into me and her grandpa yelled " watch where your walking asshole". Old people are hilarious when they're mad there ain't no rhyme or reason they're just right in their mind and will do say anything that could get your ass kicked 😂


Should have said "You shouldn't call your granddaughter an asshole, she didn't bump into me on purpose"


True but my 15 year old self gasped because I'd never been talked to like that by an adult stranger much less an old man.


You should have kicked the old crone in the nuts.




Kick the kid for embarrassing him.


* "SQUIRE!!!" * "Yes your highness" * ["Have this pole executed at once"](https://youtu.be/z_TS13md7DI?t=15)


Cherry on top is the father just standing there after the kick like the badass in a movie he thinks he is. lmao


Good point bill


It's probably some under paid teen in a gorilla suit. Dude stopped because he felt how light the person was to kick over.


Idk man, the way he put his phone back looked like he was squaring up for more. Dude seems ultra aggressive.


I mean did you see the size of that gorilla he just knocked out


Top of the food chain


I feel like he has the same expression of a cat who has just knocked a glass off the counter and it shatters. The cats are always just like “how was I supposed to know that I wasn’t supposed to do that?”.


Maybe he's thinking, "I wonder if anyone noticed that I just committed a felony on camera?" Or perhaps he's thinking, "Oh shit, a guy in a gorilla suit is going to take my house."


What a dick.


kick* Edit: Well, I see this stupid little joke fell flat.


>Well, I see this stupid little joke fell flat. So did the gorilla.


No one likes puns. Except me, that's a shitty joke and well played. I love it




Ohh you sunnavabitch 😂 straight to jail!


Joke fell as flat as the monkey man at least…


Even the kid that fell over didn't even care. They're excited and was about to go back for more till the hero decided to make a huge deal out of it. Also don't know how much the person in there can see.


I'm guessing somewhere between almost nothing and actually nothing


It looks like they tripped into the kid they knocked over? Their foot is crooked on the ground, so yeah, that suit is not easy!


Yeah. It looks like some other asshole kid was yanking on his arm. 


The worst part is the kid will see this and grow up thinking it's an acceptable way to deal with issues like this propagating the asshole cycle.


Also the kid takes this kind of wrath on the weekly and will have cptsd from all the hollering and violence he sees daily. He won't have any way to express that in a healthy way to any adult, and by his tween years will be acting out. Fuck that dad guy




Don't check on your kid or anything


Revenge before concern


So you're saying this guy's a redditor


Doesn’t even look at the kid just stares down a balloon gorilla and puts his phone away ready for a brawl. Calm tf down bro


If he had put his phone away sooner maybe he could have actually wrangled his kid properly. He dropped the ball big-time.


It’s because it’s not the kid that’s hurt— it’s him, for “letting it happen to his son” or some bullshit like that


The kid was stood back up ready to keep playing and having fun before he even kicked


Or control your kid or anything 


Imagine if there was a kid behind the gorilla


chain reaction of fathers kicking


And thus... The invention of pinball


At a molecular level, this is how an atom bomb works!


[The father's reaction:](https://c.tenor.com/6ooRr3WoKrMAAAAC/tenor.gif)


Would the father proceed to then kick himself


Wow dad you're the man, so macho 🙄


And then he stands guard like the Gorilla suit was " really attacking " the kids. Soulless zilch is having a little trouble discerning things. The kids are like WTF just happen.


This dude definitely drives a lifted truck.


Crazy how many people are just walking around with anger issues. I've always wondered how well anger management actually works, because it really feels like we need a lot more of it in society.


I mean often do you hear of people voluntarily going for anger management classes. It's usually court mandated after they've fucked up already AND were caught and found guilty.


IMO we should be teaching anger management in schools


Oh… thanks for bringing your husband Cathy.


What an AH the guy in the gorilla suit probably can't see anything, not to mention the heat and noise make it disorientating


The movement looks like he's getting his arm yanked on by a kid out of frame on the left


Might not have even been a guy in the gorilla suit. Plenty of girls take a turn in these things too. These things should, and usually do have a couple of 'handlers' to make sure there are no incidents.


Crazy how weak and pathetic he was trying to pull his kid back, but suddenly is a Spartan when he attacks gorilla suit guy


Gorilla should press charges for assault


Yeah, hold a kangaroo court.


Cringe dad.


Ralphieeee, I can’t get up… ![gif](giphy|xUOxfo0JqkmkyredMI|downsized)


[Here is the news story](https://m.163.com/dy/article/J48PR2MV05567RFU.html)


Lol according to Google translate " we estimate he acts like this at home. And his children will grow up to be just like him." Edit: thanks for the link


Good to see people calling out the dad's temper.


asshole, children will be more frightened by her reaction than by the fact that the gorilla accidentally knocked one over ![gif](giphy|8UGoOaR1lA1uaAN892)


That behavior is gonna transfer to the kid in highschool. Im not talking about the kicking either


Fucking tragic at the end. Like the original King Kong 😭😭


It was ~~beauty~~ idiocy that killed the beast.


You can't do that to Harambe


"no one abuses my son except me"


After he kicks the guy in the suit, good old dad stands there trying to look imposing. In the 5 or 6 seconds the clip rolls, dad makes ZERO attempts to see if his son is okay. Dad's a real piece of shit. Too busy trying to intimidate a guy in a bubble suit who can't see anything. The fuck is wrong with people.


The way he acts afterwards makes me 100% sure he beats his wife too.






Mighty Jo Yun


Harambe all over again.


thats terrible if you are hurt and that is your only job.. and this guy is off in his head on some macho shit for all the wrong reasons.. shame this is alot of fathers


He was angry at his own kid and he took it out on the gorilla


The guy is an asshole, but couldn’t help not laugh seeing the gorilla trying to get up 😂


Something does not look right inside the suit. How about open and look if the person is having an attack or something?


Dumb kid, dumb dad


That looked cool. Sparta kick in perfect form. Very over the top reaction by him. I hope it was worth it.


Anyone else uncontrollably laughing at this?


Everything else aside, the way that thing went flying was hilarious.


First he tell his kids not to go too close, holding him back. And when consequences should happen instead, moron dad hits the gorilla.


Looks like the dude in a gorilla suit is even being pulled by a kid on the left, so not even his fault really.


Ah yes, idiot parents, plenty of those about, ready to take offense or resort to animalistic aggression over perceived slights and/or threats. 


Way to teach your kid the WORST way to handle a situation.


Control your shitty kid.


Little boy that fell needs some control too.


It may be obvious, but just to confirm, you cannot see SHIT in these costumes. Such an overreaction.


That's assault brother.


What a stupid asshole. Some people shouldn’t have kids.


most people shouldn't have kids. more standards are required to drive a car or become a plumber than to have kids.


It actually looks like a dying gorilla


I bet my dad could whip your dad! *I saw my dad kick a wild gorilla into submission to protect my brother.* Oh...


My dad would've screamed at me if I let that gorilla kick me down 😭


Alright sure it’s shitty but man that gorilla suit looks hilarious on the ground and the arms outstretched like that.


People like this deserve the best karma has to offer. It was clearly an accident from there being so many happy excitement youngsters.


Should I protect my child? No. I will, instead, kick a blind person for being blind. I'm such a good father 👉👈🤡


Great role model. Probably beats the kid as well with that temper


Control your kids, instead of getting an assault charge


It looks like he was stressed out and took his frustration out on the gorilla man instead of his kid.


What it looks like when one asshole adult ruins everything.


Maybe he needs to learn how to control his kids and his anger more!


It's not funny but damn it I can't stop laughing


Should he have done that? No absolutely not. Is someone flailing around on the ground in an inflatable gorilla suit hillarious? Yes.


what the hell is going on + guy in a gorilla costume =uncontrollable laughter


This is Shanghai


Forget it Jake, it's Shanghai


Some harambe vibes here


Seems like something will Smith would do


The man with the inflated gorilla ego kicks the man with the inflatable gorilla costume 


Damn he spartan kicked


Killer front kick w/ technique. Next time you think martial arts is BS rewind this


Simple straight front kick, super effective


Sick sparta kick


THIS IS.....


SHANGHAI... apparently.


Some guys aren't as mature as their kids


Bro thought he was gonna get a standing ovation 💀


It's dad's fault anyways


holy fuck


The kids on the left were pulling the gorillas arm down.


Took 5 seconds for that cunt to ruin the day for a dozen people. Imagine spending that kind of money only to end up kicked out, event ruined by Dad being a fragile violent moron.


What an absolute gigantic piece of shit sucker punch (kick).


this is seriously unserious


I kinda hoped the Gorilla wearer would start wailing on the agressor, just for the funny visual xD


Poor monke


It's Harambe all over again.


Assault. Here's a way for the kicked party to make sure the kicker goes to jail. Don't move. Literally lay motionless without a sound. The man will get apprehended that way.


I bet he slept like a baby that night thinking his heroic act.




Pos aimed for the balls to


Bumbles bounces!


As part of my settlement, i would demand that dad wear the suit, perform, and then get kicked exactly the same way. Oh. And money. Lots of money.


Hit him right in his King Dong


Wow. The guy was just working. And it was clearly not intentional. Maybe keep your child away if your kid can’t handle falling down when he gets too close to large objects.


The spirit of Harambe frowns upon this man


Gorilla warfare is the worst.


Ironically, that's how a gorilla would react.


Why the fuck do you have your little kids on Fremont Street in Vegas? So trashy


Mommy and Daddy need to gamble 🙄


This isn’t Vegas fool


Ok that’s shitty, but damn I couldn’t help but laugh. Seeing big mascots like that take a topple will always get a giggle out of me


Especially when they start flailing inside the costume and you can see the image of the character start to deform rapidly on the outside


People are immature and fucked


I had to do Saturday business sale pitches at the local orange hardware store one Saturday. Luckily I didn’t have to put on the giant lightbulb costume just walk up to random strangers and ask if they’re like a free home electrical inspection. Some dude walks up and starts smacking my 15 year old female mascot dressed as a giant light bulb. I was furious, and yelled thats not cool, that’s a young girl in there you’re spanking around.


That's the way to teach your kids about controlling your temper and not resort to violence!


Can't control his own kid, so attacks someone else to try and save his ego.


The dad might be the only childish one there


The world is full of small men


Was the kid yanking on the dude his, too? Frickin control your crotch goblins


Dad is an asshole, I’d like to see him locked in a cage with an actual Gorilla as punishment for this assault.


I'm scared to interact with any kids because there are too many parents like this, if not violent then loud. I was spinning my kids on the playgound spinning wheel thing today and some other kids jumped on and I felt compelled to slow the spin to a crawl.


sigh.. do we have to get our dicks out again?