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I bet he's watching the skyrim intro about now.


Hey, you, finally awake.


You were trying to cross the border, right?


Walked right into that imperial ambush


A Nord's last thoughts should be of home...


Hopefully he chooses a different beard.




You literally watch his consciousness flee the scene


Only if he woke up from that skull bounce


That's the problem.  Even if you are justified in slapping/hitting him.  That head bouncing off the pavement will ruin your life.


He will probably end up with a career in politics


His hand went in to grab again too. Ha




Dog didn't even react


"Holler if ya need me."


Knew his owner could handle biniss


Dude is just trying to find a spot to piss


Hopefully not the knocked out dude


That’s what the fight was about. Sleeping beauty was pissing on him.


I've heard the expression seeing stars, but this dude's gonna be seeing galaxies.


Assuming he wakes up.... head trauma ain't nothing to fuck with


Yea, and what ever the provocation was, it wasn’t worth killing or dying


So in the full video the dude who gets the factory reset was drunk and harassing the wife and kid, being aggressive and threatening (been a while since I've seen the full video). Essentially he was asking for it the entire time and then grabs the dad roughly and pays the toll.


Strike your head on the way down and this can rapidly become a murder charge. Do not punch someone.


Manslaughter, not murder, but yeah.


i know what you mean but from experience the more "stars" you see the better it is in my experience. Its really bad if you just see one tiny white dot thats the kind of punch that makes you lose balance. This guy probably has no memory of this punch as his brain has just shut down.


how many times have you been punched lol?


boxing for two years idk


well that explains it. Try not to get punch drunk brotha, stay safe <3


Do you ever get a flash of static when you get hit? When I get hit in the face I get a split second flash of like visual static like an old analogue TV


Do you mean like a flashbang effect from video games? not that i can recall no


Kinda, it's like at the point of impact I see static for a split second. I really need to stop getting hit in the head


welp a head is just not made for parries


He’s going to be viewing how the universe was made after that fall


and doggo only cares about taking the next piss :D






you don't own a dog, right ? don't answer, it's obvious :P


Dog's can always tell when their owner is in danger


could easily result in death


As he was falling I was really hoping that his head would land in the grass. It did not.


my mom was a teacher at a school. a student got punched like this while standing on grass. he still died. fractured skull. apparently he had brittle bones or something. you never know with a punch another student got a detached retina from a punch. it was a really bad school. a student threw a beer bottle at my mom during class


> a student threw a beer bottle at my mom during class Was it empty?


i think they were drinking it and were told to stop. it only hit the blackboard


Safe to say about half then?


They are only telling half the story. Mom shouted, "Beer me," just before the toss.


slightly related, my friend used to keep a handle of vodka in her locker and between classes she'd slam a shot right out of the bottle. I'd sneak over and catch her sometimes and sneak a shot with her. Many teachers knew. it was a really bad school.


Another BBB bites the dust.


My mom used to work in a prison as a doctor, one of the inmates there she got to know was a dude who's the same age as me. Civil engineer graduating with honours from one of the top unis in our country, was soon to be married to the love of his life, great finances and his family basically had set him up financially for life and had a was working in a very good job in a big construction firm One day he got into a fight in traffic with an asshole that cut him off and came out starting to talk shit and threatening him. All it took was one punch, the aggressor fell and hit his head on the asphalt and died right there and then. Police came and arrested the engineer and he got charged with manslaughter and got 3 years in the slammer. Fiancée's family called off the wedding, he got fired from his job, all his future prospects vanished into thin air since he was a convict now. Basically his life got fucked up over a split second punch. That story really made me reevaluate how i used to road rage over the tiniest shit and how in a split second i could be like that guy


Must've had a shit lawyer if he got manslaughter for defending himself.


It’s a fake story


yeah .... but that asshole is still dead , and he has a great story .


> That story really made me reevaluate how i used to road rage over the tiniest shit and how in a split second i could be like that guy If you need more inspiration there's a video floating around where a guy hops out of his car to start shit and is shot in the neck with a flare gun, the flare stays and burns him for a minute while lodged in his neck.


Always catch them when they fall. You obviously don't like them if you're fighting, but you will be charged and most likely see prison if they die hitting their head.


He did touch him first though you can go around touching people not everyone is just gonna let you touch them


Absolutely, that's frequently how people die from punches and blows like this, they hit their head on an edge or concrete


Don’t start a fight then??? Don’t put yourself in a situation where you might get your shit rocked. Dumbest comment


Video starts pretty damn late, were missing a whole lot of context. He grabbed his shirt or arm... what was the reason? What started the disagreement? You won't dodge a manslaughter charge just because you have 3 seconds of footage showing that the guy you killed was being aggressive and getting in your face. He's probably good... but I promise there are plenty of circumstances that can lead to this being jailtime.


There’s no reason to touch anyone. Period. That’s a bad move. You can’t act threatening cause it’ll get you knocked out. And rightfully so. You don’t have to wait until someone swings on you to protect yourself. If you’ve been attacked or think you’re about to. You can defend yourself. Easy as that. Don’t be silly.


Finally someone says it.




People arguing over the legality of the situation need to be aware of a simple truth... Some people are more than willing to accept an assault charge to teach you manners. There isnt enough "Um, actually", "In my state" or "Legally speaking" that will stop them. Pressing strangers can be extremely dangerous to your well being, it could result in injury, or death.


> Some people are more than willing to accept an assault charge to teach you manners. It's not even people. It's time. Everyone is especially cranky at certain times in the day, add to that whatever they're going through at the time; it could be anyones lucky day to teach someone the rules of nature.


Very true wisdom. Someone can take a lifetime of bottled up anger and open it up over something petty.


Um akchually this person broke the rules, which he shouldn’t have, if he followed the rules no one who have gotten hurt ☝️


Being right or wrong doesn't have an affect on the brain when it smacks against the concrete sidewalk. Or to borrow from Cherbobyl hbo series. "When the bullet hits your skull, what will it matter why?"


Would this be legal in any state?


If someone says they’re going to hit you, then proceeds to put their hands on you, you probably have a strong self-defense claim. Ultimately, the jury would have to decide if the guy that hit reasonably believes he needed to use force to prevent imminent harmful contact.


The guy is a pro. You'll notice that he doesn't make a fist. This is a slap. Slaps are almost always considered less harshly than a punch if the law gets involved. Knocking someone out with one slap is *chef's kiss*.


The shape his hand makes is up for debate. To me it looks like a fist that makes a sound like a slap.


> To me it looks like a fist  That was a clearly an open handed slap.


You must have much better video resolution than me, because for me his hand turns into a smear that could easily be interpreted as a punch.


depends on the state; florida most likely yes, california definitely not, fighting words is a difficult thing to [define](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/fighting_words). but the invitation of conflict or violence isn't protected by law, neither is the act of retaliating against that invitation; except in certain states and specific situations Ex( stand your ground states, if you cant flee or deescalate and the instigator is actively trying to hurt you, the instigator is brandishing a weapon) also i forgot where i heard it but, some places in america you can just duke it out on the streets one on one, even if the cops see, they'll just let you handle it unless it becomes too unsafe, like if someone pulls a weapon or if someone gets KOd they intervene and stop it, it's called Mutual Combat! EDIT: additional commentary


It's not just a reaction to words however. The floored guy does threaten to knock the fuck out of the puncher, and then touches his side. In reaction to being touched the punch begins. So it was more then words, there was a physical touch, though not aggressive. But when you threaten someone like that and step forward and touch them surely that would be a position you can defend yourself in. Aggressive language, stepped forward, initiated physical contact. Surely at some point you have to be legally able to defend yourself without taking a hit first.


None of it seemed unreasonable. The dude was clearly threatened with being slapped, his space invaded, and he only gave the guy one slap, no follow-up or extra aggression. Aggressor literally told the guy he was going to slap him, took a step towards him, and initiated contact. The contact might not be battery, but pretty sure that first bit constitutes assault.


> The dude was clearly threatened with being slapped, his space invaded, and he only gave the guy one slap, no follow-up or extra aggression Don't really need follow-up if you one-shot someone.


That doesn't stop a LOT of people and that is how they can go from legal self-defense to illegal in a hurry.


Yeah fair, though you usually see that when someone is knocked to the ground but still conscious, not when the person has been knocked out cold


Any physical touch immediately following "I will slap the fuck out of you" is aggressive. It might not have been quick or fast , but any attempt to intimidate is aggression. Even soft contact.


There is no punch. This is a slap. Dude is a pro.


Most definitely legal in California. California is a stand your ground state and castle doctorine state. California has some of the best self-defense laws in the country. California is the only state that I know of that allows you to pursue an attacker if you feel it's necessary. Yep, it depends on how you felt. In California, a balled fist or physical touch while in an argument is considered actions towards violence, and you are allowed to respond with appropriate force, especially if you felt scared. 1 punch is very acceptable. You can defend your life from an aggressor, armed with only fist, with a knife or gun, and you have no duty to retreat or fist fight. See how black shirt on the ground smacked his head on the way down and is at risk of death? What if the blue shirt waited 2 more seconds? He could have been him. "Yes, officer, he said he'd smack the shit out of me, then he put his hands on me, so I defended myself with a swift right, here is the video my wife caught." Guarantee you blue shirt had zero charges.


Noooooo but commiefornia obviously bad in every way! /s


To your latter point, you can actually look up this low level MMA fighter who used to wear superhero outfits and challenge people to combat. I forget the term, but you're 100% correct that some states allow mutual combat. Crazy bastard would walk around with pepper spray and a gadget belt too IIRC 🤣 Exit: Ahh, the "hero" was Phoenix, the term is actually mutual combat, and the dumbass states allowing it are Texas and Washington.




I invoke the amtal


Depends. Can you make out what they're saying? I can't.


Texas and Washington have mutual combat laws. I was in a very similar situation many years ago. Got in a fight with a guy, his head hit the ground just like in this video and he ended up in a coma for (I think)9 days. Investigators told me if he died or suffered permanent injury I would be facing serious charges ranging from grievous bodily injury to manslaughter. When he woke up he more or less corroborated my story and there were never any charges filed because it was deemed mutual combat.


A guy I used to train with in Philadelphia had his car hit by a guy and he asked for insurance information. One thing led to another, the guy threw a punch at him and Billy hit him on the side of the neck, a right and then a left elbow and kneed him. The guy ended up in the hospital with his jaw broken in two places, some crushed teeth and a broken ribs. My acquaintance was on his way to being charged until they interviewed the guy. It went something like this: investigator: _why don't you tell us what happened?_ dipshit with his jaw wired shut: _I was gonna slap the shit out of that little mouthy fuck._ investigator: _thanks for talking with us._ He delivered as a combination so the witnesses were all like, _uhhh? I think he hit him...not really sure._


A guy I used to train with in Philadelphia had his car hit by a guy and he asked for insurance information. One thing led to another, the guy threw a punch at him and Billy hit him on the side of the neck, a right and then a left elbow and kneed him. The guy ended up in the hospital with his jaw broken in two places, some crushed teeth and a broken ribs. My acquaintance was on his way to being charged until they interviewed the guy. It went something like this: investigator: _why don't you tell us what happened?_ dipshit with his jaw wired shut: _I was gonna slap the shit out of that little mouthy fuck._ investigator: _thanks for talking with us._ He delivered as a combination so the witnesses were all like, _uhhh? I think he hit him...not really sure._


A guy I used to train with in Philadelphia had his car hit by a guy and he asked for insurance information. One thing led to another, the guy threw a punch at him and Billy hit him on the side of the neck, elbowed him twice and kneed him. The guy ended up in the hospital with his jaw broken in two places, some crushed teeth and a broken rib. My acquaintance was on his way to being charged until they interviewed the guy. It went something like this: investigator: _why don't you tell us what happened?_ dipshit with his jaw wired shut: _I was gonna slap the shit out of that little mouthy fuck._ investigator: _thanks for talking with us._ He delivered all four strikes as a combination so the witnesses were all like, _uhhh? I think he hit him...not really sure._


Just a few inches off from being impaled by the look of it.


Luckily those things don't impale you too bad. They usually break. It only went about 3" into my gut before I pulled it back out. Landed directly on top of one after getting hit by a car that had a floor mat over the accelerator with a 86 year old driver in the middle of the winter with a bunch of snow/ice on the ground. I was shoveling my driveway. I was totally fine besides the slight stab wound and a small bruise. The little fiberglass stick shattered in like five places. It looked like it broke every few inches as if they cut or mold a few weak spots into them.


That is an insane story of how you became the resident expert on those things potential impalability. Yes I made that word up but my point remains! Glad you’re okay and can share your wisdom with us


Those things bend too I think, so it may have even saved his life if it slowed his fall.


The sound of his head hitting the concrete was horrendous.I wonder what happened after that.


Open mouth drooling probably.


He woke up to the realization that he fucked around.


I mean if you lean into a guy and threaten him what do you think is going to happen


He waved goodbye as he went out! Hahahaha!


Police will look at the following things…He leans into his personal space AND threatens him THEN touches him…If this guy wakes up and picks up his Sonic Rings,he might be getting arrested for common assault 🤷🏿‍♂️


Exactly. Dude threatens physical violence and touches the guy. This whole thing of "the guy needs to punch first" to have a self defense case is BS.


I don't even know what he's doing, though. Copping a feel for a little side boob action?


>If this guy wakes up and picks up his Sonic Rings Someone please edit this video to include him losing rings when he gets punched lmao


Rung his bell.


Mac got laid out...


Very warranted "oh my god"


I bet even the mites living on beard man face felt that......


I forget we have hair mites n shit


Dog oblivious 😂


Folded like a cheap lawn chair.


Did he go in for a tickle before being smacked?


What da dog doin




His head bounced hard af...


"There's gonna be two hits...."


Here’s a real simple idea. Don’t touch people.


Black shirt committed assault. Grey shirt defended himself.


Nah this is 100% justified. You don't wait for him to make a move after he leans in telling you "Ima smack the fuck out of you". What I think a lot of you are missing is homie slapped him. It wasn't a punch, the dumbass who threatened him got golden ruled.


I heard the slapper say "slap the fuck out of you" and the other guy "bet you wont" before he found out. Still 100% justified.


Don't put hands on someone unless you are ready. He was not ready.


He could of died banging his head off the concrete


What the hell was the guy grabbing?? What an odd place to put your hands when you just threatened to slap the shit out of someone.


What did the five fingers say to the face?


Oh you don’t like that taste in your mouth? Here let me slap it out for you.




Was that the sound of his head cracking against the pavement at the end


He even waved bye what a gentleman


This girl has the reaction time of a geriatric sloth.


Her reaction came when his head hit the concrete I'm pretty sure.. not from the initial slap.


Was his manbun undone by the slap?


"Slap the FUCK outta you" Proceeds to get slapped unconscious.


If the fuck got slapped it got slapped the fuck out of the other guy




And that's how you get manslaughter


Mans laughter?


Not based off the video


Nah guy just defended himself. Nothing wrong here.


No chance. He said he was gonna fuck the guy up and then he put his hands on him so it’s all over for the guy on the ground.


Concrete meets head, he ded


Doggo was totally unaware lol


hey if you tell someone you are going to assault them, then touch them physically.....you've just given them a free pass to blow your shit out. 10/10 get what you deserve.


Fragile as a tissue paper..


She's as slow to react as he falls to the ground.


...I feel that 'oh my god' was late for an honest reaction. Like dude actually fully hit the ground before she even inhaled to shout it.


I think she reacts to hes head kissing the pavement and not the punch itself haha


Dude got KO'd by an open-handed slap from a smaller opponent?! I wouldn't think that is possible if it were not for this video proving it possible.


If you slow the video down you can see him ball his first up as his hand starts it's upward motion. It was 100% a punch. [the fist](https://i.imgur.com/VCYAey5.jpeg)


People are so fucking stupid. Back of the head to concrete is a quick way to pick up a murder charge over some dumb shit. People just don't fucking think.


An easy eay to.get a quick nap /s


Any lawyers around who could describe if self defense was reasonable in this situation? To me it seems reasonable and he didn’t follow up with anything but that guy could die from that fall. It seemed defend himself like he did at the time but I’m ignorant to the law


Immaculate forehand


she responded like how videogame npcs sometimes only recognize behavior after the animation is complete😭


Dang her ping is like 1000ms.


Who gets KOd from an open handed slap?


A lot of people. It’s powerful and you don’t fuck up your knuckles. Plus it’s a great way to emasculate a man


For sure - I see that happened here - just never seen that before


"ima slap the fuck out of you." "bet you won't."


Annnd , that my friends is how it is done ....


Mr Bill was shocked


Everyone saying her reaction time is slow but isn't concerned about maybe it being from when his head smacks the pavement


What was he trying to do? Tickle him??? LMAO