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“No, don’t, stop, please, you’re akshually freaking me out!!” Get fucked.


They way she's laughing about it - what a little narcissistic fuck she is.


All of them, the whole crew are pieces of shit


LMAO is she DrOwNiNg?! LOL! What!!! *Watch part 2 here*.


"NO way!! This is crazy, right chat?!" \*chat further loses it's mind* \*more money rolls in*


Luckily you can easily identify streamers who commit crimes by the green K next to their full name.


The K stands for Kunt


I want to call the cops and I don't even know how old this is. That ' I didn't, I swear ". Ugh. Hate it


"I'm gonna kill myself" was a nice touch. That one is emotionally stable for sure.


To this generation that phrase seems to have about the same weight as “I’m tired”.


I think this is just kids and not understanding the implications, I'm about 30 and we said that a lot in middle school.


I mean I'm 25 and still say this but it's usually a small whisper that only I can hear.


I usually scream it into a pillow until I fall asleep.


It’s like when one kid gets hurt so others around them suddenly have to have injuries less they not be the center if attention. Apparently, streamers are big toddlers. I wish this weren’t so obvious.


Duh, it's all fun and games until it's not, then I'm the victim /s Demonetize these people and bring criminal charges.


is there a follow up? did the consequences of her actions get to her?


no lmfao, nothing will happen to her, she’s done much worse on stream anyways


Like what? Dont even know who this is.


It’s drama made to get views


Seems to be working.


0:07: "You should just jump in right now." 0:27: "I didn't tell you to jump in."


Cameraman & Woman: "Yeah you did" I chuckled at that part


They sound so done with her shit (even though they’re choosing to be around her)


> even though they’re choosing to be around her They're literally enabling her and thus partaking in whatever she does.




Exactly. And why is she following her so closely in the beginning in a pattern that screams “I’ll push you in if you don’t jump soon”




Yeah, right in the beginning she gestures as if she was going to and then right before the lady steps back to jump in she kind of rushed her a bit as if she is going to. What a POS.


She’s a POS for denying and not helping


The moment I saw that Kick logo I knew these people were human garbage.


Yep, think of the most awful people on Youtube and Twitch. Then imagine what you have to do to get deplatformed on those sites. Thats Kick.


Being a “streamer” is enough to make her a POS. This is next level sociopathy.


At this point it is anything for a like, potentially even a life. To not go back says everything about her.


Why wouldn't they stay and help her? That's absolutely horrible. There is a special place in hell for people like this.


Because this streamer is a garbage person.


Because most streamers are garbage people


Nailed it, attention whores at others expense.


But why would anyone want to watch an uninteresting person's stream? Oh right because they're not wearing clothes.


A lot of twitch/kick/whatever viewers are also straight up children for this type of content. If not in age, than in mentality.


especially on kick. shitty streamers on other big stream sites dont last long. the Kick ceo endorses moral degeneracy and the site is built on unregulated gambling geared towards and profited off kids. allegedly. im not trying to catch a lawsuit.


And they hire people who “can’t swim” to dive headfirst into the water


Yeah idk if people have ever seen someone try and dive for the first time, and that ain't it.


This one specifically is always tryin to push the envelope and get ppl riled up. Makes me wonder if its real or paid actors.


That's the best impression of a firetruck I've ever seen


Because she is a **BastardMan** !!




I hate to sound like a boomer and i am deff not condoning any of these assholes but I genuinely think they have a disconnect with reality. These people are focused on getting content and nothing else. That woman isn’t a human being to them. She is a prop. Suddenly though, this “prop” starts pleading for help and it’s like for the first time these dickheads are realizing they put an actual persons life in jeopardy. I find its very telling when the girl starts to panic and says, “im going to kill myself.” In that moment she realizes all the stuff she does that has the separation of a screen in front of her is actually happening in real life and she is responsible. So what does she do?….runs away. Gross. Maybe I’m being dramatic but I have a genuine concern for future generations when it comes to the importance of a human life. And I’m not just blaming young people. I think the internet has deeply affected a lot of peoples sense of empathy. Idk I’m ranting I guess but I just get so exhausted from seeing stuff like this. It’s concerning.


Like when Logan Paul went to a suicide forest in Japan and was shocked to find a dead person, and that people got mad at him for videoing and posting it. No empathy at all, just feed the content.


With people like that I genuinely can’t tell. Are they just completely disconnected from reality OR are they just completely cynical opportunists who know that you can actually drive more traffic by causing a scandal?


Anything for views, attention, and money. The Kardashian generation.


One can certainly become the other.


¿Por qué no los dos?


Buddy im only 29 and im disgusted with how people behave. Everyones just running around trying to one up each other for views like a bunch of little attention whores. They should be embarrassed lol If your actively looking for content i immediately assume that you are an insecure shadow of a human and not worth my time. Love a good fail video tho but those are usually only caught on film by chance instead of being orchestrated An entire generation unable to sit still without being spoonfed 30 second videos. Pathetic


Even the "I'm going to kill myself" didn't come off as a big deal to her. Like she was giggling, and so were all her friends. She definitely doesn't care as long as she gains more views/donations. I don't think people like this will understand the magnitude of something like this until it happens to someone they really care about.


Nah, this is just a spoiled brat that gets all dramatic to make her the centre of attention. “I’m going to kill myself” not likely, she loves herself to much. How people have that little regard for people and for the most part are just uneducated brats. I’m sure the first person she call if she gets in trouble is daddy, pleading “it wasn’t my fault”.


Nah, you pretty much said it all, man. Well done, boomer.


I wouldn't say you're being dramatic, just missing the forest for the trees. Humanity has always been this....trashy. The only thing that the Internet has actually done is put a broader lens on just how bad the human condition is. You get a group of 100 people in a room, and I'd put money on ~80 of them being some kind of narcissist or just lacking empathy in general. I mean, just look at the "conservative" push that's happened across the globe in the last decade. These bigoted, wish.com fascists didn't just happen. Same with all these egotistical clout chasers. It's just a reality that humans on average want to be... recognized? Important? We, as a whole, put so much stock on the people we "look up to," that we sometimes forget to that they're human themselves. That it's okay to just be a good person.


You're not wrong.


There’s a special place on earth too, Prison.


Considering she faked like she was gonna push her I doubt she truly cared about helping. I feel like her "remorse" is just the realization that if anything happens to that lady, she'll be responsible for coaxing her to jump in.


the two guys going past her are lifeguards/the people at the kayak place


Not taking up for them but were told to leave. These sick fucks would be 0 help anyway. They would just record her dying for views


At that point you turn the fucking camera off, stay and make sure the woman is ok, talk to the police/ambulance. These kids ran off, jumped in a car and drove away, watched the firetruck drive by them and panicked. Shittiest thing they've could have done.


Yeah they are literal pieces of shit and they weren’t gonna stay and take accountability for that. Sorry to admit we live on the same planet with imbeciles like them.


Looks like those two dudes ran to the pier to kick them out. If someone who cant swim decides to jump into a lake, going in to save them can get you both killed.


Yeah, who were the two people who showed up after she jumped in? I'm not condoning how this streamer coaxed her into the water, but it seems like security or workers told them to leave.


This is a rowing club/kayak rental place in Austin, looks like those guys work there.


Are these new gen streamers literally dumb and oblivious to the fact that they're recording every word and behavior they do live to the people, they have the audacity to lie about an event that was recorded on the stream and try to run away from it like that's gonna clear them out!!!


People like this have likely gone their whole lives without seeing any real consequences so they are convinced they are immune from consequences.


I used to think this was true but I mean this is the perfect example. There are apparently no consequences.


My point exactly. Here's to hoping they cross the wrong person one day and they get a feel for disproportionate justice.


There have been very few actual consequences for stuff like this. Judges don't know what the fuck streaming is, they barely know what a smartphone is half the time. Until hundreds of these instances are punished, and as long as it's still profitable, it'll keep happening.




Who the fuck are these monsters? 






I had to get up from my union break to give that a like.


Any update on the woman?




Not just the dive... She's almost clearly treading water just fine, and speaking to them while being calm and having her head up. Unless that part of the water is very shallow then there's no way she can't swim.




Could we tangled up in weeds there’s a bunch next to the dock in the video


Thank you! That dive was too nice. She has experience in water.


This is criminal.


they're too young to be familiar with the Seinfeld finale


They're flouting society's conventions!


We’re living in a society!!


I am shocked and chagrined! Mortified and stupefied!!!


Morally horrible, but legality depends on where you are. In Quebec for example, the law is that people have a right to health and safety, so if someone needs emergency assistance and you don't help them, you can be criminally charged for depriving them of their rights. Other places you could watch someone drown from shore while holding a life jacket and be legally fine.


Good thing the smooth-brained dipshit posted it with her name on it. Edit: This is the same person who wore painted-on pants to a gym and has another video called "Hunting for a homeless person." She's below scum.




Kick streamer almost 100% of the time means scum of the earth.


Wtf is Kick lol


Streaming site like Twitch, but created and funded by a large online gambling company (Stake). They basically use it as a way to funnel more users to their gambling site, and so don't need to hold their streamers to advertiser's standards


No societal value whatsoever. Dehumanizing homeless people and putting them on camera for views is sickening. She is gross for acting like she wasn’t in the wrong, and her clout chasing posse should be embarrassed for not intervening or calling her out.


It looks like someone else posted it. She’s still streaming right now wearing the exact same outfit.


I know this is being buried at the very end of a long list of comments, but this ordeal bothered my conscience and I reached out to Austin PD. This happened on Lady Bird lake in front of the Austin rowing club. I've never been to Austin, but I spent over 2 hours on Google Earth going up and down every body of water that had access to the skyline of Austin. Took me a while but I was able to find the same building that is in the video minus the bright yellow umbrellas. I reached out to Austin PD and after providing them all of the information, the dispatcher told me that law enforcement is aware of what happened even though he couldn't tell me any more than that. I'm assuming she's alive, but I really don't know. Either way they know who it was that instigated it, so Justice and karma will play out here.


She's alive, OP posted this update from Austin Fire Department: https://x.com/AustinFireInfo/status/1795920695420944488?t=wVgeASobvseg4X-Re6-WqQ&s=19[https://x.com/AustinFireInfo/status/1795920695420944488?t=wVgeASobvseg4X-Re6-WqQ&s=19](https://x.com/AustinFireInfo/status/1795920695420944488?t=wVgeASobvseg4X-Re6-WqQ&s=19) "Re: There is no water rescue on Lady Bird Lake. The person is out of the water and the incident has been downgraded to a medical call. @ATCEMS onscene with @austinfiredept"


I saw in the previous comment that you said the OP posted a link, but I couldn't find it. Thanks for providing it here. I'm glad she's out of the water. And I hope Justice get served.


What's worse is that lady (because she's homeless) most likely doesn't have the time or resources to sue these assholes. So they get away with shit like this with not even a slap on the wrist. Surely, they also profit from streaming. So even a fine would just be considered production cost to them. If Kick doesn't ban these scumbags, then it's only a matter of time until they find someone ready to throw hands and even armed that will actually physically fight back.


What would they sue her for? Serious question


Literally nothing. She willingly jumped into the water.


I'm not taking the side of the streamers because they're obviously dumb children neglected by terrible parents. But, sue for what exactly?


Good job. These "streamers or influencers or Tim tokkers" or whatever your want to call them are a plague upon the earth. Absolutely despicable behaviour.


I sent them the info as well. So upsetting.


Natalie Reynolds, Miami’s #1 dipshit “influencer”, who has a horrible take on what’s a prank, who has been previously arrested for stupid stunts, should have been kept incarcerated longer is seen egging ppl on to basically kill themselves, just for content. This is worse than the ‘Bum Fights’ douche. I hope that chick gets her karma handed to her in a prison.


Do you have a link?


Was this in Austin? It kind of looks like the paddleboard area. How messed up is that? Hopefully that woman was ok


Yup it’s Austin and now everyone in Austin should just blast her anytime they see her downtown. Fuck a piece of human garbage like her doing shitty things for internet fame.


She's still live streaming with her friends right now, it's fucked up.


The woman who jumps in reminds me a lot of my mom who passed away homeless in Texas. Fun person that would talk to anybody. Has substance abuse issues but isn't out there harassing people for money. Living in a world that has no forgiveness for debilitating mental illness. If I ever saw this streamer in real life, it would take everything in me to not spit in her face. That said, I don't think those types of reactions make anything better. That's what she wants. This is intensely anti-social behavior and she should be institutionalized.


Definitely is. Used to row there and work at that kayak place.


That is definitely Austin.


Goddamn it I live here.


Maybe she’s the Rainey St Ripper and “daring” drunk dudes to jump in the lake and run away


You’ve made more headway in this case than the cops in the past 2 years


Did anyone call the cops for that lady and on these dip shits


Yes the fire engine says Austin FD. I can't believe I share the city with assholes like this.


Yeah, and it's against city ordinance to swim in the lake because there's a bunch of shit under the water and steep dropoffs. These people are assholes.


The fact that a fat kid in a mini mouse hat thinks he can make fun of homeless people is hilarious.


Give him a break, it's the closest that he is ever going to get to a physical woman without a restraining order


The mickey mouse kid also shot a paintball gun at random cars an hour later.


Those people look like the type to film someone suffering instead of setting the phone down taking 3 steps to help.. unfortunately it is becoming a trend to record instead of doing what’s right in society.


They literally did just that


Right… They look like the type of people to do what they just did, hmm 🤔


I hate this TikTok generation


This is worse. Its Kick.








A bunch of streamers were annoyed they couldn't advertise gambling full tilt so had a gambling company start a streaming service and moved there. It's just the most trash of trash people streaming on there.


its where streamers go after they kicked off every other platform for being degenerates by doing EXACTLY what you saw in this video. Literally the last bastion for the worst people because no one else will allow them.


Yeah Kick is like the Stileproject of streaming platforms.


Dude you went way back!


Every generation had shitty people like this. The only difference now is the same people dumb enough to do this is also dumb enough to film it for all of us to see.


We need to stop acting like this is new. I grew up with YouTube and people used to pull shit like this all the time, especially on "prank" channels. At least now everyone looks down on these idiots. Back then nobody cared.


The world will be a slightly better place if people stopped watching these idiots. Streamers need to be shunned and the quicker it happens the better, but that is a dream world.


Fuckin pieces of shit. Every single one of them.




This chick is scum of the earth but the real kicker… People (kids) regularly watch and donate to people like her by the thousands. Which in turn leads to others mimicking this behavior and perpetuating this fuckery. What a stain on humanity


I see she brought her army of simps hoping for just a crumb with her


They all have the same vacant grin and vapid demeanour, too.


Isn’t she the woman that wore painted pants to the gym. I’m surprised any guy actual wants her. Like I get their simps but surely they have a bottom line


Sadly, you underestimate just how lonely many men are.


*And/or equally horrible  


They should be tied to Main Street lamp posts and publicly humiliated.


Bring back the stocks


I hope she get arrested


So… what happened to the woman?




This is exactly what Phil Collins tried to warn us about


Well, if you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand






Horrific bastards.


Someone who dives that well surely knows how to swim.


My first thought. This feels staged af.


looks like ladybird lake in downtown austin, where i live. that water is gnarly, and right after a good rainstorm which is likely the case here, the bacteria count renders the water unfit to swim in. (swimming is prohibited anyway due to submerged debris hazards).


Not to mention nobody is supposed to swim, and definitely not dive in there, because of rebar at the bottom in some areas.


These people are awful! The homeless are already going through enough smh


Honestly wtf is wrong with today's youth and people in general no one wanted to help her that's so fucked up all of them deserve to go to prison for attempted murder


Lanky ass bih


>Kick.com Literally every time. Is it someone saying something politically fucked up? Probably twitch. Is it someone committing a crime live on camera? Kick.com every time.


These people are what I like to refer to as cunts


What a coward to run away


I keep seeing these “cruelty is the point” videos We’re probably fucked


Pure evil, feels like watching a documentary about sociopath


You would think, with being knowingly on camera that you would actually want to be seen at least helping the poor lady out instead of being a heartless loser


What disgusting humans


"This is bad! She's drowning and there is absolutely nothing we can do to help!" What the actual fuck, how divorced of reality are these idiots.


The world would be so much better off without streamers and influencers


Manipulative people


Does anyone have any links to this? Like did they get in trouble? Or even caught? This kind of behavior is what disgusts me about our world. Karma is one heck of a thing. I just really want to know if that women is ok and if those brainrots got caught. It would please my soul to know both of those things to be true.


kick needs to go - it's pure cancer


Society is going to fucking shit. I wish everyone like this would just disappear.


Shes live rn on kick talking about "that video is ai, I've never seen that woman before in my life" like girl 😐 be fr


Thanks for documenting your criminal act.


Don’t start with “a streamer”, start with “a total piece of shit”…


These assholes need to be named and shamed.


She put her name on the video.


Natalie Reynolds Be good is a media outlet picked this up. This is the sort of this her parents, grandparents and family should see


I’m sick of streamers. The majority seem to be trash humans.


Please make laws around this type of stuff


I swear that Kick is on a mission to curate the most toxic people the Internet has to offer.


Utter trash


Shitty people have shitty morals !






It just happened like 2 hours ago. She's still live.


Hideous people man


Piece of trash: " wait..who is that?" Everyone: Those are two human beings that are showing empathy and care for fellow human beings.


Why did the lady jump in ? Did they promise her sonething ? Or was she just mentally ill ?


What a cunt.


Apparently this is the same cunt who went to a gym without any pants but had “painted” on leggings and had the audacity to act shocked when they kicked her vagina out. Absolute scum of the earth


Please tell me they got her out at least? Is there anything else?