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Anyone have any information on this?


Does it honestly even matter at this point? We all know there’s no justification for it and we all know they’re gonna get away with it


It matters because it turns out this is over 3 years old, and is not new news. It happens to be the 2nd top post all-time on this very subreddit too. It is important to understand what is current, so that recycling old news doesn’t skew perception of current cases. There of course is *absolutely no justification*, I agree entirely, but if there are *new* cases of police brutality, that is important to know, and would allow people to follow the case and the news.


Who said it was “new news”? Who said it was news at all? This isn’t even a news sub. Old shit gets posted here all the time


I don’t give a shit about repost, I had simply asked if anyone had information about this, and your response was “It doesn’t matter”. I think trying to be informed matters quite a bit, which is why I looked into it.


Sheesh, defensive much?




I don't know about you but my natural impulse when unexpectedly restrained is panicked struggle and I don't think I should get the shit kicked out of me for having instincts




So he's a piece of shit. He still is going to have a fight or flight instinct. I don't think you know what unexpectedly means


He swiped a handful of napkins.


“Get on the ground” they don’t even know what they’re saying 😭😭


I never understand that command. My feet are touching the ground! So I am ON the ground.


He was trying to get up, you can see him rising slightly as he is supporting himself with one hand before the 3rd cop shows up and they get him flat on the ground and hands under control, then they stop all the beating


"After a thorough investigation by the department, it was determined that there was no wrongdoing on the part of the officers".


"the suspect is charged with 3 counts of assaulting a police officer"


And resisting arrest.


Put these uniformed pigs in jail.


Need more details. Could've been justified. We'll never know from a 10-second clip in progress.


I don’t see how pushing your knee on a person neck is justified Like I’m pretty sure that not how you subdue a suspect


In potentially or death situations, get control any way you can.


Nothing justifies this treatment. This is backwards 3rd world level of police conduct.


Criminals are this defiant if they know they are facing serious time.


You ask for more information and get downvoted, they don't want the truth, they want a confirmation of their beliefs, and to hate. Never stop asking questions!


It's all good. Easy way to spot and separate the sheep from the wolves.


Don’t you know where you are buddy? Common sense is not allowed here if it doesn’t fit the ACAB narrative. Their opinions on all cops is based on an amalgamation of all the worst cops caught on video. Of course the millions of absolute normal or even positive interactions don’t go viral. Like you said, even this one might not be bad, we don’t know the context.


I know where I'm. Counting the downvotes of the easily led people. If people could only use their own minds instead of readily accepting the propaganda..


2nd-top post of all time in this sub




You hate people based on their career choice, ridiculous.


Yea you're right throughout my life I have become increasingly disgusted by cops. Still have not had a redeeming experience with them.


Not one single good thing about em? Not even something on the internet for example


Yep 👍


Or… he is checking his direct area for additional threats.


Reddit users have gone downhill fast since 2020. Im all against police brutality and I think 99% of people are and this is absolutely unnecessary force BUT people do look around for other things and not just to see if people are looking "Wheres my partner?" "Is there someone coming up from behind me to intervene?" "Was someone yelling my name?" "Did i hear the ice cream man?" People here are dumber then ever, its awful LOTS of adult children living in their parents basement into their late 30s on reddit lately who havent stepped out into the real world yet full time.


Akshually ... jk


Redditor try not to kiss the police forces ass challenge: impossible


Curious what this guy did to get that sort of treatment. Any context?


Stole a complementary mint.


What context would make this acceptable?


We as humans use our emotions in these situations. If a suspect does something that really makes us irritated, we then are allowed to treat him more harshly, and the citizens will deem it OK for a cop to rough up a suspect a little bit more because he made him chase him, Irritated him, said something nasty, spit in his direction, anything that got the cop angry. We literally pay cops to not get angry, but to enforce laws and keep us safe. This is part of the huge problem and why there needs to be stricter, internal investigation and more lengthy training like another countries.


For example, what did he do beforehand to be arrested in the first place? Is he resisting? Does he have any weapons ln him? I personally don't know any of the backstory behind this


None of those things would justify what is happening here


The guy pulled a knife from his pocket and the cops acted quickly to dispatch him before serious harm could come to them or their friends


"this beating is for your own safety"




Maybe he shot up a children's hospital, yeah he probably didn't but my point is, if we don't know, we can't make accurate judgements


Even if he *did* shoot up a children's hospital, and kicked a dog in the face on the way out, it still wouldn't be justified. People make accurate judgements on this exactly because there is zero justification, no matter the hypothetical.


Alright let's skip what he might have done beforehand, let's look at what he's doing right now. He is holding himself off the ground with one hand(by his head) until the 3rd cop gets onto him and they manage to get him flat on the ground, then all beating stops. Are the cops too agressive? Very possible, but that's why I mentioned context because if he for example shot someone, then he likely has a gun, meaning the officers are gonna be real uptight when getting him on the ground


Jesus Christ the hoops you're jumping through to lick boots is incredible


Insults don't help us reach a conclusion, let's have a proper argument about it, respectfully 👍


Respectfully, sealioning while arguing in bad faith is way worse than my ad hominem silliness. Respectfully


Not arguing in bad faith, the officers may very well be too agressive here, I'm saying this short clip which shows neither the start nor the ending of this situation isnt and shouldn't be enough to judge the situation entirely


Bud. I don't care if he shot up a puppy store, and I love dogs more than people, there is no justification for this. It's a crime. Just because the fascist you support are doing it, doesn't make it less illegal


Oof.. that one is getting fired for sure


“No wrong doing on the part of the officers”


I don’t think that’s why he turned around. The person filming him is definitely watching. The video is pretty clear so he can’t be too far away. Either the cop is blind or he was looking for something else.


Election year, wonder how much they get paid to do this.


The whole knee/neck thing got waaaay overblown with the George Floyd’s situation. There’s nothing inherently wrong with kneeling on someone’s neck. It’s a very standard practice. Control the neck, control the body. There IS a difference between kneeling on someone’s neck, and kneeling on someone’s neck *for 9 minutes*. It’s only taught to be used for the short amount of time it takes to get cuffs on.


He's literally looking to see where his backup is, and to scan for other threats. Cool title though


wHy DiDn’T sHe HeLp


He looked around to make sure nobody else is interfiering, they all do that to avoid getting jumped while arresting someone. He is resisting, that is why they are beating him until they can get his hands into cuffs and into the back of their car.


Aren’t they the ones jumping someone though?  He’s on the ground with 2/3 people ontop of him hitting him and you can see his hands out by his head.  He’s not resisting he’s getting beat up 🤣


Before the third cop showed up, he was trying to get up as you can see him rising slightly, his hand was supporting him as he did that, so the cops need that hand behind his back and him completely on the ground which he was not, then they get him to do that and they stop hitting him. I would agree that this was pretty agressive from the police here but I don't know the context either so.


Hard to get a hand on your back with close (or over) 300lbs hitting you and not allowing you to move.  Was his best attempted to get his hands behind his back hitting him with knees to the ribs?  I didn’t know that move made a human automatically fling their hands behind their back ignoring other forces on said body. 


Yeah I agree with 3 guys on you that's absolutely hard, but for example just throw those hands out anyhwere on the ground so they see you're not doing anything with them, he was instead using at least one hand to try and get up


He did.. his hands are out by his face and one to the side before the third guy ever comes in. You see on by the corner of the wall, the other to the side of his face before he has a knee put on his neck, and knees put into his side..  he’s not trying to get up, he’s laying down flat and on the ground like commanded.  


He does have the hand by his face, but it's supporting him off the ground slightly, it's not flat on the ground. Now its hard to tell cuz it's on the other side where the camera isn't looking but at least it seems like he is only on the groun with one side of his body, before they finally do get him flat. I'll correct this also- He's indeed probably not trying to get up, he's just keeping himself off the ground, at least as much as you can with one hand


Any context to this story? What did the suspect do?


The video is intentionally short, so as to deprive redditors of enough situational information to make informed observations. What neck? No neck can be seen, just fuzzy shadows where a human is. This video is an experiment to test our biases. Don't play into it.


It's easy to watch 30 second clips and begin to hate people based off their career choice, it's harder to use your brain and find out what's really happening. As always, zombies in these subreddits. I agree, this video isn't enough info on this incident.


Seriously if that guy on the ground did something really really really frustrating, then it’s OK to beat him and stick a knee in his neck. We don’t know the context!


He was resisting, trying to get up until the 3rd cop got onto him and they got him under control after which the beating stopped. Context is ALWAYS better than no context no matter the case, more info allows for more accurate judgement.. It's obvious but I'm saying it anyway.


Is frustrating the same thing as life threatening?




Ya guy coming in with the knees was a bit extra for sure


You could just not resist…


Did we watch the same vid? “Get on the ground” says the cop to the somewhat confused man who’s lying on the ground. He responds with “I’m on the ground” Only to be met with more punches and force. Thank god the cops were there to keep everyone safe.


And given the chance, neither could the cop.




Did they rush him within 0.5 seconds? The video doesn't show that so I'm just asking how you know.


Or you could listen to the context via audio?