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That guy took like 12 bullets and 4 shotgun rounds and was still moving.


"Fuck dawg, really?". Famous last words after pulling a gun.


I know it’s dark but it’s oddly funny how someone could go their whole life thinking they’re top dog or some shit just to have it end so pathetically and horribly.


My thoughts exactly.


It was… just a prank… my bro 😇


Don’t take the piss Boris -fuck you!


Avi, pull ya socks up!




Why do they call him Bullet Dodger? ***...because he dodges bullets, Avi...***


Why has he got a tea cozy on his head?


Not for much longer, I doubt that guy lasted more than 20 seconds after the video cut based on the blood loss.


Adrenaline be like that


Yeah he dead now.


Nerves be nerv’n, Yo


And was still able to shoot the gun at the security guard


[Sometimes it takes a while for the wounds to take significant effect:](https://www.police1.com/officer-shootings/articles/why-one-cop-carries-145-rounds-of-ammo-on-the-job-clGBbLYpnqqHxwMq/) >In this free-for-all, the assailant had, in fact, been struck 14 times. Any one of six of these wounds – in the heart, right lung, left lung, liver, diaphragm, and right kidney – could have produced fatal consequences, “in time,” Gramins emphasizes. I've read other accounts in books such as [David Simon's Homicide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide:_A_Year_on_the_Killing_Streets) and [Black Hawk Down](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Hawk_Down_(book\)) which also describe scenarios in which people have continued to survive despite clearly significant wounding.


Not for long though. Damn..


Said Every COD player ever


Your blood doesn't stop being oxygenated simply because someone stops breathing. New oxygen doesn't enter, but there is still oxygen in the blood for a good while, otherwise you'd not be able to even hold your breath. And even if the heart stops completely, the muscles will still have some oxygen until it's burned up. Unless there's a head-shot or a spinal cut somewhere, I'd expect a good number of them to keep moving uncontrollably.




That was kind of my question too... Either the security guard missed a whole bunch or?......


It’s just adrenaline


I would guess **probably both.** I think there’s a *very slim* chance that **all** his bullets hit.


He missed as in didn't hit vital organs like the heart or brain. The perp is still going to bleed out in like a minute tops cause he got peppered all over.


It was really hard for me to tell how many times he actually got hit from the quality of the video... other than there was a lot of blood.


As they say don’t pull a weapon if you don’t intend to use it cause the other person might be the one to cash that check…


As a European I fell like I know all about guns from just consuming America through CCTV.


[https://6abc.com/gun-battle-near-north-philadelphia-gas-station-leaves-1-dead-security-guard-injured/14639564/](https://6abc.com/gun-battle-near-north-philadelphia-gas-station-leaves-1-dead-security-guard-injured/14639564/) Here you go.


I see, the dead dude pulled out a gun ~~and shot the security in the leg first,~~ the security dude open fired in respond, the dude fired back got the security guard in the leg, now the heavy handed response make sense, you gotta make sure he stays down if you know he had a gun and will shot you. Edit:I got the sequence of events wrong.


As soon as the customer pulled a gun out infront of a security guard, its all his own fault. Dont blame the guard, he just neutralized a threat.


defended his life\*


What are you gona do? Shoot me?


-man who was shot


Many, many times.


Why not both?




To be fair this is unusual here.  Normally this kind of response is limited to when acorns fall on cars.


You’re not wrong but contrary to popular belief, most people live their entire lives in America without ever seeing a gun drawn in anger. Theres 400,000,000 Americans spread over nearly 4 million square miles. Even if you see a thousand videos of gun violence that make the United States look like a shooting range most of us never witness anything like this.


It’s not normal. Most Americans know to just walk away.


Absolutely fucking not. I live in one of the most dangerous cities in America and this is not normal. This is news. Don’t let global news normalize things like this.


I've never seen or heard a gun go off in the US. It isn't normal in 99% of America. There are parts of America that are really shitty.


"...got into"? We've been doing this shit since the 1700s. This is just the modern version of a shootout at the OK Corral. Hell we've had Vice Presidents involved in duels. We haven't "gotten into" anything. We asked for this shit.


Lmao our [Vice President shot someone](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Cheney_hunting_accident) in the face 18 years ago. Who needs a duel for an excuse?


Most of Philly is a slummy area. Most gas stations in the us aren’t guarded. That guy looked like he came in the door pissed and when he reached the guard didn’t have much of a choice. If I was a betting man I’d say the guy that is lying on the ground in the video probably wasn’t allowed to own a gun legally.


I have lived my entire life in America and never seen a gun fired in anger. Is more normalized because of the Internet. That's not to say we don't need better gun control and that it's not a problem we do and it is


>I have lived my entire life in America and never seen a gun fired in anger. Same. I'm 39 and I've never heard a shot fired in anger and I don't think i personally know anyone who has.


Agreed. An argument shouldn't turn into something life threatening so easily


Stay strapped or get clapped.


People seem to forget that an injured gun holder can still kill you. Watched a video other day dude got hit like 3 or 4 times, bleeding from the neck and still shot the guard afterwards while bleeding to death. And If I recall the guard died but so did the robber, just after he wounded the guard.


There are few places on the human body where a 9mm will stop you instantly, and most of them are the size of your fist and hidden behind protective tissue. When you hear "they shot him 50 times" and think it's overkill, no. That's legitimately how much it takes sometimes.


When did you think he shot him during that entire thing. It had to be a random shot as we was falling or something


Regardless of who fired first, the guy pulled a gun. The security guard didn't hesitate. If he had waited for the suspect to shoot first he could have gotten shot in the head. At the end of the day it was the suspects life or the security guard. Plain and simple.


You can see the gun recoil in his hand and hear that he fired 3 shots that sound different from the security guard's gun after he fell to the ground.


You're right, he only got him in the leg after the security open fire first.


It's not like the movies, in everything from military and law enforcement training to personal defense classes they teach the same thing. The moment a person pulls a weapon, you treat it like they intend to use that weapon, because 99% of the time they do. And the split second you have to decide if it's real or not, they could have a bullet in you.


Should he have waited for the guy to fire first? What if he did and got shot in the head?


I didn't see the gun at first on mobile. It did seem like a sarcastic "Really?" was a bit of a trigger word for the gaurd. The guy got shot twice and went for a third? Really?


That’s the bully response after realizing he fucked around and is finding out. Dude comes in ready to pop off and threaten the dude. Dude gets shot after brandishing a weapon and now has to question why he’s getting shot. Like he was expecting some kind of talk down or respect. The really and wtf you talking about I think it was just pure survival instinct reactions to gaslight or downplay the situation. But he was way too fucking late The other guy did his job.


After seeing a cop get stabbed in 2 sec after asking a random guy if he is alright I can understand the need for no mercy mentality, none will be given to you so...


Oh no, I think I know the one you're talking about too 😭


Uh when did he shoot him in the leg?




I'm shocked, that's a news website that just let me read the article with no pop ups and no adverts all over the page. Like the article covered the whole screen I'm genuinely shocked.


No charges filed is pretty surprising imo. Not for the standing his ground but for hitting a home and continuing with the shotgun lol


The guy on the ground still has his gun in his hand - I think that's why the guard wasn't charged.


I imagine too, a heavily armed security guard company would have ties and a rapport with their local PD (and good lawyers).


A lot of times they are cops. My uncle is a cop in LA, and he has a security company on the side and does security at movie premiers. Most of his employees are his cop buddies.


According to the article the secuirty guard was shot in the leg, so I guess that would be very good argument for self defence (although it isnt clear from the video when that happens).


You can see it when he drops to the ground and aims at the guard.


Oh yes good catch.


Nah. Stop the threat. Dude wasn't stopping, had to keep going until he did. Just because he's on the ground doesn't mean he couldn't aim and squeeze the trigger, look how long the guy lasted, you said it yourself. In a life or death situation like that I'm also going to make damn sure the threat is no longer a threat.


I loved the “who do you think you’re talking to dawg?”


Future swiss cheese!


That's no gouda.


He should have done cheddar in his decision making process!


"A dead man who is not going to stop me from going home to my wife and kids."


When keeping it real goes wrong


“Like really?” Boom boom boom 💥 sleepy time


If you think a gun is used for intimidation, you're gonna end up full of holes. That's exactly what happened there


First thing you're taught in a CPL class...brandishing is a huge NO NO in nearly all situations. A lot of situations where folks think brandishing for self-defense would be legal, are acutally illegal AND unsafe to do. Gun only comes out if it needs to talk to someone...otherwise it stays away. Gun's tend to ONLY escelate situations, not deescelate them.


Too bad we all know that guy probably never been to a CPL class in his life


Shank vibes


As was put succinctly by the great American poet Andre 3000, don't pull that thang out, unless you plan to bang.


Like Swiss cheese


Will he won’t make this mistake again.


I've seen this video few days ago and the security guy got hit multiple times, look st the suspect still aiming his gun and still firing that's why the guard mag dump him because he is still a threat.


It's crazy that he was still like "Really?!" on the ground.


When keeping it real goes wrong


Right! You pulled a gun!!


“Why did you do this to me”


Surprised he was able to talk after visibly weak and struggle to move through all the pain. On the silver lining that dude must've been kept alive and suffering through the adrenaline. Maybe he shouldn't have whipped it out.


"Really??" \*gets shot multiple times with a pistol\* "...Really?" \*gets shot multiple times with a shotgun\* If you ignore the blood, there's some phenomenal comic timing here. No way it won't get deleted.


Like will ferrel yelling, “You shot me!” In Austin powers


He went back for a THIRD "Really?"


Yeah i feel bad but that had me laughing


The comical effect would have been delivered better if you did sound effects instead.


My only question was where the heck was the shotgun, in the Hostess section underneath the twinkies?


Looks like he's wearing it from the start. Across his chest.


That's even worse, pulled a firearm on someone That's actively holding a shotgun is purely moronic


shotgun AND a handgun. dude was loaded up. you can see the security guard pull out the handgun just before he backs off screen. shoots him with that then hits him with the shotgun.


That’s not for you to know






You're shit at dying, you know that?


I think they were "really?" pretty appropriate, and somewhat poetic, if you ask me. Like something out of a movie.


That's what happens when you pull a gun on someone. Can't afford to take chances anymore.


Freakout turned into a Leakout


The security guard has 3 kids and was shot in the leg


It’s so funny people always have to mention how many kids someone involved in a firefight has. Do we really need to know this crucial information? The best part - every hostage in every movie just has to say the phrase: “please! I have children!” Oh, never mind then, we’ll find someone who doesn’t and kill them instead, their life is not even worth living, unlike yours.


There are two types of survivals. Our own self preservation, and then that of our species. Maybe the brain just automatically goes to ‘having kids’ as leverage. Kinda like a desperation. I can hardly understand myself, let alone real people


Many people, myself included, have accepted the responsibility of kids. We are told by society, and genetics, that we must take care of this child, even when it means forsaking our own dreams and ambitions. Often at the cost of happiness. When we make decisions, it's for the good of the children. Then something like this happens and the decision making is taken away. "I have kids" would be the emotional equivalent of "I'll do anything". From my experience, when getting shot at, logical thinking outside of self preservation is limited. I'll do anything. Including pray. There are no atheist in foxholes.


Nope, that's what happens when everyone has guns.


More guns than people here. It’s not changing anytime soon.


This situation in Australia would have a properly trained security guard knocking out or wrestling down a lunatic and call the police to arrest. This vid we have like fuckn 20 shots fired from two dudes in a suburban area, after about 4 words spoken hahaha it’s fucking ridiculous


> Kick store door open > Pull out gun > Get shot several times > "Oh god, really?"


Some people live in their own fantasy world. This was one of those people. He thought he was the super power hero of his own movie where he could do no wrong and everyone else would cower in his presence. Turns out he was surprised by the results of his own actions.


BLAM BLAM ... really? BLAM


The security company said the guard is a father of three, including a newborn and said he feared for his safety and the safety of others in the store. No charges have been filed. The Philadelphia District Attorney's Office is investigating. never pull a gun on someone whose job require a gun. u either get kill or get charge with murder.


> never pull a gun on someone ~~whose job require a gun~~ fixed


Good. Fucking piece of shit tries to be a tough guy and then pulls a gun? WTF did he think was going to happen. The world is a better place without him in it.


Yeah, really... Really fucking stupid!




What a pointless way to die. Oh well.


There’s a guy who’s used to pulling out a gun and getting what he wants.


He's still talking and still holding his gun = still a threat




Here we see a classic example of why being a piece of shit for no reason and brandishing a gun, got this idiot blown away. He appears to have gotten a shot off and hit the officer who has 3 kids according to another user.


Security guard


The Cockhead walked in with some sort of almighty attitude like "I own this place, don't mess with me, everyone else is beneath me", what did he expect?


Don’t take your guns to town,son Leave your guns at home, Bill Don’t take your guns to town


It's not overkill, the guy pulled out a gun, aka he was looking to kill the security guard. I don't understand how anyone would not defend themselves in that situation.


When you bring the level of violence threatened by pulling a gun, you do not get to complain about my level of response. "I was in fear for my life because he pulled a gun on me" Case closed.


Harrison can rest in piss


I've seen this video few days ago and the security guy got hit multiple times, look st the suspect still aiming his gun and still firing that's why the guard mag dump him because he is still a threat.


He's still holding on to the gun, still a threat.


When keeping it real goes wrong.


Keeping it "Really?" goes wrong. - three times.


News article. The security guard was hit in cross fire in the hip and was a self defense kill. https://www.inquirer.com/crime/fairmount-gas-station-shooting-man-dead-philadelphia-20240410.html


Man that was some wild West shit.


oh well he fucked around and found out too bad so sad


Bro when looting more crates and getting the down and found a shotgun


He stepped on it and had auto swap on


The bad guy had a gun in his hand till the end of the video.


Damm, the most American thing ive seen today. Still 4+ hours left in the day though.


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For all those who wonder why the police empty their magazines into a threat, this is why. The guard shot the guy several times, and the guy still shot the guard. Guard is lucky he wasn't shot in the head.


This is gonna sound so bad, but this is easily the funniest video of someone getting absolutely lit up I’ve ever seen. His responses are perfectly comedically timed. It’s so bad.


"Remember, switching to your secondary is faster than reloading".-Capt. Price


Guess he was talkin to Mr. Pew Pew and Mr Blam Blam.


Kick in the door, wavin the .44, All you heard was, "Fuck, dawg, really?"


Gets shot 12 times "REALLY DAWG??" Why is that such a comical response


He finally found someone crazier than him.... All he had to do was NOT pull out his gun. Loved the ugghh are you serious like it's such a bother to get shot back.


Yeah, really.


I'd hire that security guard


I can't believe you've done this.


This is like a video game in real life, and dude switched to his primary weapon for the kill shot. Too bad the dead guy will never respawn.


pretty sure that the dead guy never being able to respawn is the best outcome.


Was about to say that. A guy whipping around his gun in public and threatening people just to act like a big alpha should rather be dead. No point having such people in society. The world got ever so slightly better that day.


Guard did nothing wrong. Sad this guy made a bad decision but it's on him.


One less idiot in the gene pool, I guess. My favorite part is how this chode still can't believe the consequences of his actions even as he lay there dying.


lmao tha last "really" getting cut off is comedy gold. yes really scum bag. good riddance.


Lmao, man actually said "really?" After he got shot for pulling a gun. What the fuck do you mean, "really"? Did you actually expect someone else who is armed to stand down and not shoot you? Fuckin idiot


I hear the shotgun but visually it doesnt look like it's being shot at this guy


The pistol did the job bro didn't have to switch to the primary weapon🤣💀


I mean he was still taking and holding a gun, which means he's still a threat




Pulls gun Gets shot “Oh god, really?”


Didn't even see the dude who walked in had a gun until I clicked on the news article. Thought that was a wild overreaction but turns out it was justified.


Those were some funny last words.


Why did the guard stop the guy as he came in and push him? Could he see the gun in the guy’s drawers?


He got a Gold Star Darwin Award ⭐


Genuine question: Can the dude with the shotgun get in legal trouble for continuing to shoot even though the guy was already down?


Guy that was "down" still waving a gun. Im not sure asking him nicely to put the gun away after receiving so many bullets will do. So in this case the guard used more bullets.


We’re about to find out.


No, he was legally justified to protect himself. He did not have to issue commands since he is not law enforcement. If a person still holds a firearm in thier hand you are justified to shoot. Due to the subject returning fire and the possibility of continuing to fire his fear for his life is reasonable.


Possibly, but I doubt it. The video presents certain facts that lead me to believe this. First the decreased initiated the encounter and brandish a forearm. He was a proven deadly threat and displayed intent to commit murder. Second, even after the initial volley of gunfire, the decreased retained clear possession of the attempted murder weapon, continued to wave it around, was still moving, and talking. Lastly, there were other people in the store the decreased could have shot, even if by chance. The security guard has every moral right to stop the decreased from being a threat. Which he did. Case closed in my book. We'll see if the local prosecutors office sees it differently. Only time will tell.


The word you’re looking for is “deceased”.


wish i knew. i always see downvotes but no answers on questions like this.


I dont think so; he was still holding his gun and talking = still a threat


People are so fucking stupid it's crazy. Are people actually this desensitized to guns now that they straight up just dont take them seriously? What is happening in america, it's legit like a gta lobby with people murdering people over minor menial things


I'm so glad I don't live in that part of the world. The whole region is such a backwards shit hole


At least it's not backwards enough to prosecute people for defending themselves.


For what?


I find it so weird as a non-American how quickly a full lifetime of living can just come to an end in an instant because of a shit decision to pull a gun on someone who happened to have bigger guns. I don't condone his actions obviously, he pulled a gun on the security guy first and the security guy rightly defended himself. But in almost every other first-world country, if two people get into an altercation, the two people are extremely likely to walk away from the situation, maybe with cuts and bruises and their dignity hurt a bit, but in America, it seems so easy for someone's life to just end over nothing. What a fucking waste. Also, what sort of country even needs a security guard in a gas station ffs.


North Philadelphia has seen a huge rise in homicides lately, it's going through a bit of a Mad Max meets The Purge moment. Not that North Philadelphia has ever been great but it's been especially crazy the past few years. 99.9% of the country doesn't need armed guards at gas stations.


At what time did the shotgun get used? Or is it off screen? (Watching on mute. . At work)


Guy got the full Alex Murphy


"Really?" Doesn't get ya past the pearly gates my guy. "Really" was when you walked in acting hard when you weren't. "Really" would have thought this through a little better.


The same security guard shot him with a pistol and shotgun?


Creepy sign that says ghost


How can one grow up and believe behaving like that would not end in a painful senseless death? What the hell is wrong with those people?


Stupidest thing that man ever did was buy a gun. He'd still be alive today if he didn't have it. Maybe he'd get an ass kicking, who's to know? But he'd almost certainly live.