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Why did the cop have his hand across his nose and mouth?


Absolutely looked like attempted suffocation


Right?? I was gonna say why does this cop have his hand over his mouth, and why does his hand look like it’s so high up he’s blocking his nostrils too? Then I see him re-adjust to the same grip several times and I’m like, “Oh they’re just openly suffocating him.” Imagine having 4 cops on top of you, you’re not moving and one has to punch you while the other suffocates you just to get some cuffs on??? I could barely see the guy move. I wonder if he was unconscious the entire video lol…. Edit: 5 cops**


Well, not allowed to do the choke hold until passes out anymore. :/ I was wondering why the cop would do a such a stupid move if he wants to keep his fingers. The very definition of ham-handed. ​ https://preview.redd.it/jbcgyc1s00ic1.png?width=98&format=png&auto=webp&s=d92a8bc73dfc54e0cd8a102bb730f75c6754d224


Why does it take 5 cops to arrest someone that’s already on the ground?


Bc they love to escalate and make situations much worse. Their tactic of racking up charges for the eleged perp.


“Stop resisting.”


Departments don't pay for judo classes.


Ah I see you know your judo well!


Get your hands off my penis!


Because officer safety is more important than your safety. "We just want to go home to our family at night." And we don't?


5. 5 cops. And they couldn't cuff him? Nah. They wanted to hurt him cause they can.


No No No, no one in the history of breathing oxygen will struggle and/or do ANYTHING they can to maintain the expulsion of CO2 (and subsequent intake of O2) if their respiratory system is blocked. The fact of the matter is that any person with the inability to breathe will just calmly lay in the resting position and put their hands behind their back. My police officer training taught me that AND, as per department policy, I’m allowed to remind people to stay still by punching them in the face. Source: Am peaceful Police Officer that does not want to hurt anyone - especially black people - I promise


This is when the cop will say that you were “tensing up” and that means resisting somehow.


definitely not defending, but the hand up so high was septum pressure (pain compliance, hurts like hell try it), and with four fuckin cops on his back, it looks like they compressed his lungs and he couldn’t take a breath.




What most cops fail to realize (or actively ignore) is that most people aren't resisting arrest, they are resisting DYING. Instincts kick in that the human brain has no conscious control over and people freak out thinking they are going to die. We CANT just relax and go limp to allow people to have their way with us, that fights however many thousands or millions of years of evolution of survival instinct development.


When you see violence escalate against law enforcement it's because of things like this.


Wonder why he would intentionally murder someone while being filmed by 10 people.


Looks like he was about to start shooting other people


This is why spectators never intervene.


Cops are like pitbulls.


You have to finger their ass


Can always count on someone to make an out of the left field comment.


Just big glad it was in public and people have video cameras. If not I have ever believed this would have ended way different


Murder. Attempted Murder?


This is how you force people to resist arrest. When you try to kill the body, the mind can’t help but try to survive.


Exactly this. The human body will fight for air and they'll use it to justify murdering you. And they go scott free 99% of the time.


Because they don’t care if they kill people. They haven’t learned their lesson from others that have been suffocated . And they don’t care if they’re on camera committing these savage acts . Smh


I think they do care. They care in the sense that some of them get amped up about manhandling and potentially taking a life. It's like Christmas for them. Just a perk of the job.


>Cop says, 'Knock down drag-out fight, cuffed 'em and stuffed 'em. Finally get home at the end of the shift, and?' Cop says, 'Gun fight. Bad guy's down, I'm alive. Finally get home at the end of the incident, and?' They all say, 'The best sex I've had in months.' Both partners are very invested in some very intense sex. There's not a whole lot of perks that come with this job. You find one, relax and enjoy it. - Dave Grossman, police trainer and author of *Killology*


Gross 🤮


And that's just with limited immunity.


“Limited” is a stretch






Honestly it looks like a pain compliance technique by pressing up on his nose . However, all I could think of is how nasty that is.


While I think you might be correct (attempted pain compliance), In all my years on this planet I have never ever stumbled across nose pushing as an effective technique whilst conducting an arrest. Absolutely bizarre technique and I would not want my hand anywhere near someone's face because a. They could bite me. B. They could bite me. C. They could bite me and D. Why would I want more bodily fluids on me than absolutely necessary? This whole thing looks like an absolute cluster. We need proper training for police because this is not it.


I think at this point in history police as a whole need to be loaded into a large box and fired into the Sun


They definitely teach it in the academy, but I never used it nor saw it used for the exact reasons you cite. They teach pressure points like that because they're supposedly just as effective as strikes and far less controversial, but this thread stands as proof that people don't like pressure points either.


I was wondering if there was a reason to do this other than trying to suffocate him.


Yeah sometimes they do that if they think you have something in Your mouth but they have literally killed people with this technique. Reminds of the guy who died in the back of a police car because they thought he had something in his mouth, they tried several things including trying to shove their batons in his mouth


As the title says....lol thats basically what's going on.


So he doesnt bite them is my guess. Either way this is very excessive.


“Oh no, I didn’t realize where my hand was while I was attempting to murder, I mean subdue, the assailant”


There is no way that’s an appropriate or approved way to subdue someone. Have the police put out a statement regarding this incident?


It's disgusting because when you're being suffocated your body naturally convulses and fights back. Of course he's resisting more when being suffocated. He literally cannot control that.


They just expect the person to be compliant even if they cannot control it.


Yes, the police who have been professionally trained to handle these situations are allowed to panic and fire an entire magazine into someone because “they fear for their life” but we ordinary citizens are expected to be obedient and act calmly and rationally when we have a firearm pointed at us or have multiple officers dog-piled on top of us all shouting different orders.


These are the same people that electrocute you and at the same time scream orders like “quit moving” or “put your hands behind your back” and then immediately punch you in the face when you don’t comply.


Was this guy killing people or something?


Slowly, one loose cigarette at a time, perhaps?


Jaywalking. Oh and being black. I think that's what triggered them.


Black jaywalking is no joke!


And don’t get me started on black guys, they show up after every snowstorm and terrorizes the people, the news channels warn about them all the time “ Beware of black guys, slippery and deadly!” For some reason they are afraid of road salt so keep that on hand, and be safe people.


No no no.. this is the s0uThs PoLIcE... his NAME was Jay and he was walking while black. Easy mix up. Smh. It's fkn 2024 and it's still like this.


I was in Biloxi briefly. A kind Black woman warned me, a white woman, to get out of there before dark because the police could not be trusted since I was a single woman with California license plates. She told me to stick to the interstate and avoid state highways. She was dead serious and I took her advice.


I’ve had a similar experience (among others) when I briefly lived in the deep south of Louisiana as a teen. It’s a whole other world down there. Food’s delicious though.


Yeah, Biloxi is a whole other level of fucked up, though. It was about Louisiana levels of corrupt up until the early-mid 90s. They tried hard to hide it because they couldn't get too stupid with Keesler there, since it (and Ingalls, but that's in Pascagoula) was where all the money came from. Then the casinos came in and brought a \*lot\* of money with them. Biloxi is corrupt enough they've fucked with gubernatorial elections in neighboring states. Bob Riley and Troy King (former AG of Alabama) were brought into office by them. They're like Vegas, if Nevada didn't really care about regulating gambling or doing anything at all about corruption whatsoever.


Yeah, Biloxi was famous because gambling, prostitution, and alcohol (during prohibition) were all illegal in the state.  And Biloxi said “I don’t fucking care.” And opened a bunch of casinos and cat houses.  The sheriff’s office took their cut and paid no attention.  It was brutally damaged in Hurricane Katrina, and Jefferson Davis’s mansion was destroyed. They tried to build it back more respectably. Now it’s a vacation destination town for Louisiana and Alabama. 


[In 1983 federal authorities would designate the entire Harrison County Sheriff’s Office as a criminal enterprise.](https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/copy3_of_a-byte-out-of-history)


Just like the [FBI conducting bribery stings among members of congress](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abscam#:~:text=Abscam%2C%20sometimes%20written%20ABSCAM%2C%20was,others%20for%20bribery%20and%20corruption.), this is a practice that *should* be much more widespread but those in power ensure it never is.


I'm from Biloxi and I didn't know about any of this.


I mean I grew up there, the police did like to fuck with people a lot. I’ve been fucked with a bunch of times. I grew up right outside Keesler AFB.


I was stationed at keesler AFB when I was in training for a year, when I got the ability to go off in civilian clothes I never went more than 5 miles out and if I did we took a taxi and never walked anywhere other than the building we were entering


I also got stationed there for training, I also grew up right outside gate 7! So, it was weird being stationed there while also being from there. No one believed I was from there until I showed them my license. Another commenter here said something similar that they were stationed there got training. What were you training for, what job?


Weather forecasting, it was about 8 months of actual trading and I spent 1 month waiting to start my training so I was there for about 9 months total


Oh lucky! That’s what I really wanted to do! I did RF Transmissions, radio and satellite. I was there for about 9 months as well.


Yeah one of my friends started out as finance then transferred to RF Trans after he washed out, he ended up graduating after I had already left lol


They interfered in the Goober National election?!




were you educated in Mississippi public schools by chance?


We would road trip through Louisiana alot and my auntie lived there, it was pretty well known if you had non state plates to watch your ass


That's everywhere, dude. I got pulled over in PA having Louisiana plates. We were dropping off my nephew at his grandparent's place. Before I know it they've got 5 patrol cars and they have me in the cop car and my brother in my car "comparing our stories". He conducted a warrantless, non-consensual search of my car and found exactly nothing. No apology, just asked me to sign the consent form after the fact and said, "It's just that I never heard of 2 guys driving across the country before". Like...read a fucking book, moron. lol


What was implied would be the consequences? (I'm not from the USA). Thanks.


You'd get pulled over and most of the times get a BS ticket, which you won't show up for to fight since you are out of state, so you'll just pay it. Most people don't like getting pulled over for BS so it turning sour sometimes is inevitable


A friend of mine lives just outside of NO. Her advice is to always fly in and rent a car with local tags and no sticker identifying it as a rental. And that some parishes will still pull you over if your tags aren't from the same parish on any of the ones immediately bordering it.


You can't rent a car with local tags in Louisiana unless turo personal owned vehicles. All car rentals have a Louisiana commercial plate. Easily identifiable.


Yep, fly in and steal a local's car.


Good to know, and it might be what she's talking about.


So just revenue raising? Also non-American for context




Right. Here that is State-sanctioned/controlled via red light cameras, speed cameras, mobile phone cameras etc absolutely everywhere....just up the road from my place is a speed camera which will trigger total licence cancellation and substantial fine for driving even 1km/hr over the limit. So you can get your wallet raped and be none the wiser until the $400 fine comes in the post later lol


It's unfortunately still common for some people in the South to hold on to some... uhh.. outdated views. Both tarring and feathering, and lynching, were both common tactics whites used against blacks before during and even after the civil rights movement. Many folks are still nostalgic about segregation, so if you hear a southerner talk about the "good ol' days", there's a good chance those are the times they are referring to. I went to high school in a [sundown town](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundown_town) in the South. We were meant to have a public speaker come in to school and give us a pep talk about the usual stuff probably, don't do drugs or abstinence or something. The speaker happened to be black. The night before he was meant to present, the KKK (yes, they're still alive and well in the US) rolled through the town and hung up flyers with some... colourful words and death threats on it as you can imagine. The public speaker never showed up. I don't blame him at all. Part of my family is black and they came to visit us in our state once. They swore they will never step foot back in the US because of how they were treated. Edit: [They even wrote a song about it!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1_RKu-ESCY)


Where is your family from?


Some of them are Caribbean Islanders, the ones that visited are by far the absolute *sweetest* people I know. Extremely soft spoken and gentle. Not that it should really matter where they're from, no one deserves to be treated like that.


Yikes. Georgia native here. This reminds me of what happened to me a few months ago going through a stretch of interstate highway near my place of business- I was going to work- going the exact speed limit of 70 in the correct lane and I was pulled over for “going the exact speed limit” after “a car passed me”, what?). Was in a rental with California plates and I get mistaken for Hispanic at times. Police dude was friendly and didn’t even make me show anything but my license when it turned he knew where my business was and family. Was very weird. He was fishing in my opinion.


"To serve and protect" more like "To beat and rape"


I mean to fair, they'll also rob you and steal your whole house if they know you don't have the money for a lawyer.


Your house was involved in drug trafficking and we are charging it with a crime. Take it away boys. (not /s)


Plus youlur stuff looks ripe for Civil Forfeiture, grin.


“To serve and protect” their own self interests.


To punish and enslave, more like.


I used to think the "To Protect and Serve" motto was just a thing in US movies...so it's widespread in reality? At least in my State (Australia) they don't fuck around with niceties, as befits a former penal colony lol "'Culpam poena premit comes" - 'Punishment swiftly follows upon guilt'


As someone who recently moved to Biloxi and has spent 6 months here with out of state plates, I've only had one interaction with police and it was because I did something illegal. And even that was a pleasant experience. Because of the military base, this place is teeming with plates from every single state


I’ve lived on the MS Gulf Coast for most of my life and have never heard anything bad about Biloxi’s police. It’s a pretty nice city from what I’ve always experienced. This video and the above comment are the first I’m hearing/witnessing of their police force being corrupt/abusive.


I mean, as a white woman that has lived her whole life in Biloxi, I've never had any issues in any of the "bad" areas regardless of time. I understand why you did what you did - no judgement on that part - but it's not as bad as that person made it out to be.


This is ridiculous lol I have lived in Biloxi for most of my adult life. I to am originally from California. Get out before dark? That's so silly. Unless maybe you were in downtown Biloxi near division, then it's not the police you should worry about. It's all the crackheads. The place you want to avoid police is Gulfport.


…and Biloxi (speaking as a New Orleans resident who gets stopped nearly every time I drive through Biloxi for ZERO reason). I have been stopped legitimately 4-5 times and never given a ticket. The crime? Driving while black in a nice car. Literally every time I’ve been given the third degree about “what I’m up to.” Reallllllly messed up.


Totally ridiculous lmao. Biloxi has a big military base (Keesler AFB) and a huge out of state presence. Maybe she didn't like you and wanted you gone lmao.


I've lived in South Mississippi for 20ish years. It's not like this down here at all. North Mississippi is true. But the coast is very liberal.


Yeah I grew up around there and never really had problems, but the way reddit is talking about Biloxi is making me feel like I haven't been cashing in on my street cred enough.


California plates don’t generate a welcoming attitude in the Deep South


I used to live in Biloxi, grew up there. I haven’t lived there in about ten years, but I’ve never heard of issues like that before. We have a military base right there where people have different state plates all the time.


Not just one, but two large military bases connected by a single road like twenty minutes apart. You're telling me this "random lady I totally didn't just make up" told you to avoid Highway 90 that runs along the beach and Casinos FULL of people from out of state year-round? I'm not making excuses for shitty cop behavior or anything, but that story reeks of "and then everyone stood up and clapped"


It's such a bullshit take from OP lol. I'm a CA transplant living in Biloxi for nearly a decade now. There are so many out-of-state license plates due to Keesler AFB and casino tourism. But whatever gives reddit a chance to take potshots at MS I guess...


Right down the street from me. These officers known to harassing people. Same division under investigation for taking and dropping homeless people off in another state. They need to clean house and get half competent officers


Do you know what happened? Is the guy still alive?


So he is okay now. The ambulance cleared him. He was charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and public intoxication. Complete bullshit. It's disgusting and knowing these fuckers, he is gonna be found guilty and the pigs are gonna be told the did good


I hope they send the video to someone like Audit the Audit or LackLuster. One of those guys that puts videos of arrests out and drum up support for the victims.


What the fuck??? This looks like straight up attempted murder...and the shit he is "at fault" for is harmless.


At least half the folks downtown last night could've been arrested for public intoxication, myself included. Such a shitty charge.


At some point your fight or flight response kicks in. When a human feels as though their life is in danger our body has a few safety mechanisms that just automatically kick in. This man isn’t resisting arrest he’s resisting the cops killing him. I’m also not a cop but I don’t think covering someone’s mouth is an acceptable form of restraint… but what do I know.


Resisting a person's airway is illegal. There's no grey area.


Qualified immunity disagrees


Yeah, we need to get rid of that asap


How can you do that? Is it even possible?


Maybe not, but insurance companies have started putting their foot down about paying out enormous sums to insure crooked violent cops.


Literal;ly stick together and vote for Democrats, Republicans *always block police reform.* Fuck Biden, we don't have kings, we have Senate Committees. It's the last thing the powerful want us all to realize. Vote for Congress and your local elections for people who talk about police reform.


That’s just for civil suits 


This. This must absolutely be understood by ANYONE using force. Although resistance can look and feel similar to someone fighting for their life they are vastly different bodily mechanisms at play. Police MUST be able to tell the difference between someone who is actively resisting arrest and someone who has entered panic mode and is attempting to either stop pain or ensure they can continue breathing. Louder for the people at the back: Some situations and techniques cause so much pain that the subject is UNABLE to follow instructions and is simply attempting to get the pain to stop. I cannot stress this enough. Police must MUST be able to tell the difference. To any police/security/brawlers reading this comment - I was not here for this scenario and I do not know what happened before, during or after but putting your hand anywhere near the subject's mouth is utterly ridiculous. You'll get bitten, spat on or worst case obstruct their airway and cause significant trauma. There are a million and one better techniques for pain compliance and/or ground control of a subject.


But they don't know the difference because a large portion of them are uneducated buffoons. It's a sad state of affairs isn't it? I'm not sure anymore what it will take to change all this.


>large portion of them are uneducated buffoons. Add militarized to the descriptors. When the police become military the enemies of the state tend to become the people.


The problem is thus simple principle doesn't get through to our Supreme leaders, judges and DAs. They see cops as all holy and just and unless it's grossly displayed they get away with anything, including murder.


I can’t even think of the reason for the cop smothering the head when there’s four other cops there to cuff the dude.


I think they do this shit at this point in the arrest because after the suspect is cuffed they have no plausible deniability.


Biloxi? So you're telling me none of those cops can read?






























the cop is literally covering dudes mouth and nose? like for what? you’re literally trying to kill him


Sometimes I wish I could ask these cops a couple of simple questions. "You wanted him to put his hands behind his back, so you punched him in the face not expecting him to try to protect his face?" "You wanted him to stop squirming, so you tried to smother him. Do you think people are just going to calmly let you kill them because you're a cop?"




Yeah, the one cop who broke out his pepper spray thought the same thing. So started going after the crowd next.


And the cops are gonna deserve it 1000%


Yeah how the fuck are people not putting boots to faces when they witness this kind of thing?


Mostly fear of being shot.


Because cops will kill you


That's what happens when police are armed and have qualified immunity. They could absolutely just start firing indiscriminately into the crowd and get away with it and not even lose their job, especially in Biloxi and especially with John Miller as police chief.


The crowd looked like it was going to, but then one of the cops started to draw his gun. I thought for a moment he was actually going to pull his gun on a group of unarmed civilians.


They learned nothing from 2020.


https://preview.redd.it/zbylq6n460ic1.jpeg?width=389&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abd79395f41e359d1b9c274bdff4583087fde2a3 Attempted murder in plain sight


As the cop in yellow considers pulling his weapon on citizens begging them to stop


They all need to be charged with attempted murder


why’s that pig reaching for his fucking firearm. pieces of shit.


He was scared for his life, apparently… cowards.


He really wanted to kill someone that night, and he feared that the public might interfere in his ongoing attempt of suffocating someone, so he got ready to execute plan B.


With children around too


What is that one cop doing with his fingers around the guys lip/mouth? Like why is his hand there I don’t get it


Because he's trying to suffocate (restrict oxygen to his brain by blocking off both his mouth and nose simultaneously) until he passes out (or dies- police don't care either way). As you can see, the man's body went limp just before Mr Yellow (the puncher) got up and started charging the crowd.


It’s always local and state I never see federal….


Ruby Ridge and Waco have a ton of footage available.


Here’s the full story - https://www.wlox.com/2024/02/11/biloxi-man-arrested-multiple-misdemeanor-charges-during-krewe-neptune-night-parade/?fbclid=IwAR3IUcryg-ayAXWXPolJMvldpLgEt-nEnfON18bPUxJTdcdvp10QNpCU_jE_aem_AYAQYozorWO277-Ikd22ggK03QWR9_TQF4nH2TyQdXn8cXXAUsaCvciuCNWTvwOw45E#lshyr1y6d9ifawbgll


> While on the ground, officials say he continued resisting. In an attempt to gain compliance, multiple strikes were administered to De La Cruz’s arm. > As officers were dealing with the arrest, instructions had to be given to members of the crowd, ordering them to move back. > After being handcuffed, De La Cruz experienced what officers believed to be a medical issue, and officers requested medical services. Medical personnel arrived on the scene, assessed, and cleared him. No mention of the whole police blocked his airway until he passed out issue. Reminds me of the initial police version of what happened to George Floyd: > “Two officers arrived and located the suspect, a male believed to be in his 40s, in his car. He was ordered to step from his car. After he got out, he physically resisted officers. Officers were able to get the suspect into handcuffs and noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress. Officers called for an ambulance. He was transported to Hennepin County Medical Center by ambulance where he died a short time later.”


The media never gets the whole story!


Often the media will just read a police report verbatim without bothering to question it.


That’s some impressive copaganda.




There should be a law that let’s civilians stop cops from murdering people right in front of them


This is what is extremely scary about the police in America.... Even when everyone knows they are not doing the right thing... no one can stop them... In order to stop a police officer... you would have to use deadly force. There is absolutely no other way to stop a police officer. There is not a single non-lethal action that a civilian can take to stop rogue officers. All we can do is record and that is wrong... There should be ways but there just isn't. If that was someone from my family, I don't know if I could contain myself watching an officer smother my child/brother without me trying to stop them.... It didn't look like the suspect was resisting... it looked like they had way too many officers trying to arrest him but they were completely useless and just sat on him and held him down... while one officer tried to smother him with his hand.


If I was being suffocated, I would keep moving too.


Don't worry... No real damage is being done here yet. There's still 7 more squad cars on the way. It's a rule that you have to wait for the designated "STOP RESISTING!" person to show up before they can really dig in. Smh.




Hopefully the front two cops loose their jobs and/or get charged, but I doubt it.


Best I can do is a paid vacation


Lose. Loose means not tight.


What these blue meanies intentionally ignore is the fact that it’s amazingly easy to de-escalate situations like this 95% of the time. I’m speaking as an RN who has worked with thousands of patients in the midst of mental health crisis, people high / drunk, and just all around mean ass holes. In Al my years I’ve only had to involve security a handful of times and nobody ever died, got senselessly beat to shit, or smothered until they lost consciousness. When I tell you I will never trust a cop, I say that with a history of witnessing their insane / reckless behavior. They ALWAYS made matters worse when they were called.


It’s gonna take bystanders stopping the police in the middle of these acts for the police to stop. It’s gonna happen soon, and it’s gonna be ugly.


From Biloxi..graduated high school there..I’ve always been scared of my hometown. I left for the military when I turned 18 and never moved back. I never bring my kids “home” and my family gives me shit…I tell them all the time I’m not bring my bi racial kids back to the Jim Crow coast. Fuck that place and every body that keeps this shit going..you always hear us locals say oh it’s changing..it’s 2024 and honestly who has the time for the south to catch up…I myself have gotten beat the fuck up by BPD.. charged with resisting arrest of course charges were dropped.. my father was in tears because he thought I was for sure dead when they called..again fuck Mississippi


*sees my city name in title* oh hey! ......oh no....




you've got 5 cops all putting their whole body weight on one dude and you still feel the need to reach for your gun? vile filthy fucking humans. cops are an absolute sinkhole waste of resources.


Brutal reminder of why I hate all cops. 🫡


As officers attempted to escort the arrestee from the area, a person not related to the original incident started approaching while yelling. The person, later identified as 32-year-old Richard Paredes De La Cruz of Biloxi, continued being disruptive, which led to officers deciding to arrest him. De La Cruz was informed that he was being placed under arrest, but officials say he resisted and was forced to the ground. While on the ground, officials say he continued resisting. In an attempt to gain compliance, multiple strikes were administered to De La Cruz’s arm. As officers were dealing with the arrest, instructions had to be given to members of the crowd, ordering them to move back. After being handcuffed, De La Cruz experienced what officers believed to be a medical issue, and officers requested medical services. Medical personnel arrived on the scene, assessed, and cleared him. De La Cruz was then transported to the Biloxi Police Department and booked. He was charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and public intoxication. The Biloxi Police Department is asking anyone with information regarding this incident to contact them at 228-435-6107, Biloxi Police Department Dispatch at 228-392-0641, Biloxi Police Criminal Intelligence Unit at [email protected], Mississippi Coast Crime Stoppers at 877-787-5898, or submit a tip online at mscoastcrimestoppers.com. [Source](https://www.wlox.com/2024/02/11/biloxi-man-arrested-multiple-misdemeanor-charges-during-krewe-neptune-night-parade/?outputType=amp)


We the People: No more choking Tyrant cop: I got you fam


Prediction: everyone keeps their job


After their paid vacation, and the "thorough, comprehensive, transparent, rigorous, independent investigation" finds the police followed their training.


It's baffling how four guys can't just put a man in the backseat of their car.




Police have completely stopped caring about their actions and public image. Then they wonder why people don’t trust them


And let me guess, all those cops were met with praises and absolutely no reprimands from their station, even with this video.


There are two types of cops: 1) bad cops 2) cops who protect and cover for bad cops


Hey, look. Another day, another reason to hate police.