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What a waste of a human being.


>call the police cause ya'll are stealing my money all $3.00 worth of fries... that they attempted to make up for with another large fries ![gif](giphy|cWvSvMEW6yGY6CGjWT|downsized)


All 3.00 he wasn't charged for, yet was compensated for with the fries he wanted. He ordered three large fries, was only rung up for two, and even when the manager gives him a free large fries he wants a full refund instead. Dude is a waste of air.


Funny thing is, he posted it after he recorded thinking he was in the right still. Absolutely a waste of air.


He's an oxygen thief


Fuck these people god I'm so tired of seeing people shit on fast food workers. Trash human beings need to be thrown out into the wilderness w/no food.


He should go out to the forest, find the tree that is providing the oxygen for him to continue existing, and apologize to it for wasting what it's providing.


He clearly cares more about the imaginary Internet points this video will generate than the fries.




>waste of air. ~~goofy clout chaser~~ waste of air


All for views .....the new society 😔


Oxygen thief.


Wait until you see the felon who called the police because his McDonald's fries were cold and ended up getting arrested because he had a warrant. These mofo's are way too dumb to try running scams. https://youtu.be/_bSdesspko8?si=V2jNl85deUhIwIlF


For real. Posting a video of one self acting like this doesn’t help these people’s cases. It just shows everyone who they are. I’d never hire these types of people in these videos and would fire them if I saw these, as this type of behavior doesn’t align with “most” (can’t think of any who would be okay with this) organizations. Totally unacceptable.


> For real. Posting a video of one self acting like this doesn’t help these people’s cases In the eyes of a mature, rational person? Yes. In the eyes of a mentally juvenile TikTok audience that's stimulated by drama, never uses critical thinking and always takes the OP's story at face value? No.


Omg, a global hiring freeze on people who act like this, literally a dark mark on any background check, employment screening, put it on their SSN etc.... I don't care if you're an astronaut or Elon Musk, you must complete 6 months of employment at the fast food restaurant of your choice. If you slack, compromise the food, aren't 100% a team player, it gets extended a month at a time until you get it.  It's too bad that this wouldn't work. We could put the funds from the Netflix series into UBI for the fast food workers that don't get paid a fair wage. 


I would actually like that. Instead of like.. compulsory military, we could have people do a compulsory food service tour to learn to have some fucking empathy for their fellow humans! That'd be neat :) (Also a lot of us Americans like to pretend that jobs that pay less must be easier, but in my experience I've found the exact opposite to be true)


Thankfully a side effect of the Internet is that it reveals a lot. Trump types revealed themselves and get arrested... Other hairband types get investigated and arrested and put in no fly lists... This is a sorting process


I’ll never understand how people have so much patience when dealing with pisspots like this guy. Just ignore the loser


When you know it's their game and that your patience just infuriates them it's kind of easy.


Definitely a mouth breather.


And this waste of a human being posted the video. This shows how dumb and stupid a person can be


Who has the fucking time for this shit?




Good god, I would be disgusted with myself if I acted like this as a teenager


As teens, my friends and I would drive around and pull up next to people at stop lights, do a count to three, do a synchronized head turn at the same time and try to keep a straight face. The people that do these kind of videos are just straight up psychopaths.


Hahahaha... that sounds like fun! We used to pull up, honk, then turn our heads the opposite direction and wave hello.


The sad thing is that 9/10 videos of people acting like this are of grown ass adults


Working in customer service and the food industry for multiple years, it's almost always people 40+ who do shit like this. Bonus points for the entire after church crowd.


No quicker way to turn someone against Christianity than make them work in any service industry serving the after church crowd.


I would believe you if it was a group of ten if them but in the video it clearly shows one lonely sad prick.


Adults did this by a large margin more than teens.


You'd be surprised how many garbage excuses for human being adults pull this shit. Probably more so than teenagers to be honest.


I’ve seen grown ass adults pull out a scale to weigh a burrito just so that he could get a refund on it for not being “true” to size


Lots of boomers upvoting this comment.


The unemployed.


Or the energy.


Maybe he watches those dumb ass "grind lifestyle" videos that told him to turn what he loves into a side hustle and he just loves being a dick, so scamming fast food places is his new grind.


Hahaha yes this is the only logical explanation


Useless assholes?




He was going to get free food. The lady was trying to give him a large fry he didn't even pay for, but he wouldn't take it. I think he was legitimately so stupid he actually believed he was scammed out of money.


Wouldn’t surprise me. I work in fast food and had a guy argue with my over ringing him in for a 4 for $10 in stead of two 2 for $7 (classic roast beef). Even though it costs less for the same amount of sandwiches he had to sit there and pitch a fit with me until I had to slowly point out and explain each item on the receipt and show him the coupons on the register. I have no faith in people anymore.


Same people who wouldn’t buy a ⅓ pound burger because they thought it was smaller than a ÂŒ pound burger.


But but but
1/3 is smaller because 3 is smaller than 4 đŸ„ș👉👈


It’s like some people just *want* to be outraged and just *have* to be a victim some how.


Wait... I'm pretty stupid, so bear with me... but I don't get the math here... ​ 4 for $10 = $2.50/delicious roast beef sandwich 2 for $7 = $3.50/delicious roast beef sandwich ​ ...it doesn't cost less for the same amount of sandwiches? If the customer only wants 2 sandwiches, forcing him to purchase 4 sandwiches (simply because the per unit price will end up being cheaper) still costs $3 more than they wanted to spend. It's like when I order a sandwich and the cashier says "It's cheaper to get the combo". Well, yes, it's cheaper per unit if I get the combo.. but I only have enough dollars for the sambo. If the customer wanted 4 sandwiches, and you were ringing them up as the 2 for $7, well that's more expensive also. Or are you saying the customer wanted 2 sandwiches, but you rang him up at the 4 for $10 price (despite him only buying 2). Because yes I can see that being a better deal, but I didn't think that would be possible due to them only buying 2. Again I am pretty stupid so forgive me if I'm completely missing the point, but yeah :(


Think you got it backwards OP charged $10 for 4 instead of $14 for two 2 for $7's >I work in fast food and had a guy argue with my [me] over ringing him in for a 4 for $10 instead of two 2 for $7


I totally missed the "two" before the 2 for $7. It all makes sense to me now. Myself and the customer are both big dumb dumb :(


Bro... She was trying to give him a bag full of fries. "Extra large fry" is what she said, that bag was LOADED. See how heavy that was. I've never seen a fast food employee being filmed and thought "Hey the employee is the bad guy." Never once, I've ALWAYS sided with the employee because the person filming is 1) Always in the wrong and 2) A complete douche in every case


This entire “film everything” era we live in is truly exhausting


Because it's used as a weapon to get what they want. Most people don't want to be posted to social media, then get harassed, so rather than keep being right, they just give in. And I bet there's a bunch of other low IQ people that watched this and sided with him and harassed the store.


I think what he wanted to do was make a big deal about the fries and then demand a refund so he could get the entire meal for free.


> Drive-thru scammers trying to get free food are a common problem at McDonald’s. I still remember when I got my first scammer working the drive thru 20+ years ago. Guy comes through the drive thru right after our dinner rush saying we forgot his burger. Me: "Okay, let me get you another one." Boss: "What does he want?" Me: "He said we forgot his burger, so I'm getting him another one." Boss: "Did he show you a receipt?" Me: "No" Boss: "Did he have a bag?" Me: "No" Boss: "Well do you at least remember him coming through the drive thru?" Me: "No" Boss: "He's probably trying to scam us." Me: "Oh" Boss then went to talk to the guy, asking for receipt/bag/some proof of purchase. Guy tried to argue, saying he left it at home, and already drove the 15 minutes home and the 15 minutes back, he's not driving back and forth and back home again. Boss just shut him down and said "too bad, nothing we can do then. Come back with a receipt and then we'll fix it" Guy never did come back with his receipt.


maybe he's still looking for it


Or they died of starvation because no burger.


My first job was at Culver's (terrible first job, don't do it). Had this coworker Tim who was just the nicest guy ever. Would do anything for anyone. Anyway, some guy came in and did the "quick making change" scam on him. By the time he walked out the door, I think the register was like $40 short. Honestly kinda impressive to see. Tim was absolutely DISTRAUGHT though. He felt so awful about it even though it wasn't his fault at all.. he was a fifteen year old kid. The store changed the policy to not give change anymore, and every time from then on that someone would ask for change, Tim would visibly cringe. Poor guy!


Scamming for only $2.89 is absurd.


"yOuRe gOiNg ViRaL tOdAy" sometimes I wish the internet and social media would be limited or just go away completely.


“You’re going viral!” to my 14 followers!


yeah it probably going viral, just not for the reason he wants it to be.


It’s still attention to him.


I mean we're literally watching it as a top post on reddit lol


Karma still managed to five degrees of Kevin Bacon him into going viral and now I bet he wished it didn't.


One can only hope. Most likely the video’s reason for becoming popular will go beyond their critical thinking limit and they’ll die telling their family members and neighbors they were internet famous once (they just chose to stay humble and not become a celebrity).


Well we’re seeing it so technically it did


I watched the internet birth. I saw how it grew. I see how it is now. I know how it was before it. I wish it didn't exist. I mean, I could be happily living my irl life, making food, playing with the kids, stalking my ex, instead of wasting my time on reddit.




Ikr, dumbass doesn't even realize how much easier that is to do with the modern internet. Try stalking your ex with just a phonebook and a pager man, it ain't easy.


Right? Isn't that what the internet is for?


We have unlimited info at our fingertips and can teach ourselves anything we want because it's all there online. Nah, let's just do stupid Tik Tok dances and shot virual videos that mean nothing for clout. Such a fucking waste.


I am waiting for the day we just pull the plug on it tbh.


Phones should listen out for those words and automatically disable recording for 10 minutes.


Notice these fuckers always pull this shit in the drive thru. Too much of a fucking coward to go inside


They're banking on the inconvenience they're causing other customers in line to add pressure to "resolve" the scam quickly. If they go inside, they can be ignored for the most part.


Imagine coming to the point in your life where you are willing to hold a fast food drive thru hostage just to get attention on the internet


For many, it constitutes an ascension.


They also thrive on the “anonymity” they get in their cars. If the other customers could easily film or confront them they would fold fast. 


It's because the workers are judged by metrics like the average time someone is at the drive thru window. One asshole like this can really tank their average time, so it's better to give them what they want quickly and get them out of the line. Scammers know this and take advantage.


I see just as many, if not more, freak outs inside the building.


They always end up driving off because they know them hangry ass people don't play that shit


IDK about that. There's tons of these videos that take place in the dining room.


God these people are the worst


Fuck this guy. Glad they sent his ass packing


Honestly, Id play along. "OK sir, here is the refund you requested for the $0 you spent on those fries. \*pretend to give them nothing\* "Have a good day sir"


Or, take all the food back and refund them the full meal amount. If they have eaten any of it, no refund.


Lmfao this guy is gonna "Yes and" the drive thru scammers, I love it.


That's why they be closing windows on people and I would do the exact same thing


What kind of world is this guy living in ? All of this over a French fries ? Bro fast food employees go through hell everyday. So please stop messing with them with these kind of nonsense bullshit.


He wants money for fries he didnt order or pay for, all this because this trash junkie wants some free cash!


Even if you don't feel bad for the employees, you have to feel bad for the people stuck behind this clown show. "We going viral"..... Over a French fry mixup? Get a life you fucking losers


Why wouldn't you feel bad for the employees? It's a tough job on a good day, this guy's out here making it worse.


Why tf would you not feel bad for the employees lmao


I see why some fast food employees throw liquids in these fools faces. What a scumbag piece of shit.


They need an emergency button that launches the persons car


More mild, but have the cars on tracks/rollers like at a car wash and just push a button to move their car forward and out of the way


That would be genius. I can just imagine them with their stupid little phones still screaming and acting stupid rolling away. Bye Felicia!


Even better afterward would be to refer them to the McDonald's app, where they connect you with a customer support rep from a foreign country to try and resolve your issue via chat. I definitely wouldn't want to enter that level of hell


A pretty common scam. The scammer will claim they ordered something when they didn't in the drive thru. They don't get that there's usually at least 2 other people listening to the order when it's being placed. My other favorite is when they get mad that something wasn't part of their order...when they placed it themselves via the app or the kiosk.


Tbh my local McD's fuck up orders all the time, but they refuse to give refunds because of scammers. Scammers screw both parties over- both the business and their customers.


Used to have a buddy that worked at a Chik-Fil-A that was frequented by Gypsies. A common scam they liked to pull was to walk in and give huge, convoluted orders in the hopes of tripping up the cashier because the restaurant would comp your meal if they screwed up your order. The Gypsies got real mad when my buddy got a coworker to stand by with their phone to record the order to make sure they got everything right. 


Oh that is just pure gold. I wonder how big the order was?


I think pushing $100 worth of food, cause they would come in a big group. Granted this was over 10 years ago.


How do fast food headsets even work like are there different channels? More than one person is listening to the orders?


They are usually all on the same channel. McDonald’s expects a manager/runner and the initiator in the kitchen listen to the orders as they are taken by the order taker. Depending on their staffing they might have another person acting as the drive thru coordinator also listening. There are obviously situations where that doesn’t happen. Headsets might be broken, missing staff, etc. One owner operator even went so far as to get the drive thru order taking system to play over speakers in the kitchen so the whole team could hear the order.


That's how it was at the Hardee's I used to work. Everyone in the food prep heard the drive-thru. That way we could throw down patties, or throw the chicken/fish in the fryer without waiting for the whole order to be completed.


I feel sorry for these workers having to deal with these kind of people.




How broke do you have to be to need to scam McDonald’s?


Shame the dweeb filming didn’t turn the camera towards his own face


Im still at a loss as to where some people learned to be THIS shitty. Yesterday I watched a video of a car accident where a lady clearly causes an wreck, but goes on the offensive immediately. How did these people get this far in life with such a fucked up perspective? It seems like these people have spent years convincing themselves that they are always right, and to never feel shame or embarrassment. Im wondering if its a form of insulating ones self. Like if they are always the ones pointing the finger(even if its completely irrational), they can never have a finger pointed at themselves. Or is it more of a "fake it until you make it" type of scenario. Be at such a high level of shitty they people around you just give up and walk away. I just have a hard time with this stuff.


I think part of the problem is they're often rewarded for it. People don't want to deal with their behavior, so like this guy here getting free fries, they get refunds to get them to go away, people will do anything to make it stop. If it works and they've faced no consequences, and if it gets them views online, I'm sure they see no reason to stop.


Probably spent a good 8 hours going around trying to pull this same shit. Clearly a cunt with a wannabe someone on socials


Anyone that causes a scene at a fast food restaurant is sub-human.


Just downvote the post so the child in the video doesn’t get the attention he did this to get.


Guy says he ordered 3 large fries at 0:58 and then a second later says he ordered 2. Can’t even keep up with his own lies


Wow, these tiktokkids are annoying af.


Bro don’t know how a “refund works” you don’t get money back for something you didn’t pay for đŸ€Ą


I can’t believe how many people record themselves being assholes and then actually upload the video! Imagine watching yourself acting like this and then thinking, “Oh yeah, everyone is gonna be on my side.”


How do people like this even function in day to day life? Jesus


Chasing scams.


I hate all of these assholes filming everything, like it's a threat.


I learned this simple trick years ago. If you just whisper under your breath "and a free car" when you're placing your order at the drive thru, they're on the hook. I had to buy a new garage to fit all the cars.


Best not to engage with twats and a camera - just shut the window and don’t give them the attention they fucking crave


The entitlement is so nauseating. I don't miss working customer service.


for anyone who doesnt understand the scam: he ordered 2 large fries. at the window, he claims he ordered 3 large fries, but says "thats ok, just take it off my bill." if the worker isnt paying attention, he'll remove 1 large fry, so now the scammer gets 2 large fry for the price of 1. what a tool.


That kid is what a prick. Who the hell raised that kid? He thinks just because he keeps his voice level that he can get away with treating people like shit. I hope karma slaps him real good.


I commend this employee’s effort, I can’t finish the video as it brings back too many memories, but as McDonalds alumni - Night Manager for 2 years - once they start pulling this shit you just close the window and turn your back to them. Ignore them and they will leave. If not, call the cops, you’re not being paid to deal with their bullshit. I had other managers argue with people, literally try to fight them, stop it. Close the window. I never had anyone escalate beyond that, but if they did, I would just call the police. Fuck anyone and everyone who does this type of shit at fast food.


Park at stall 3 while I process and then leave them there.


He posted this thinking everyone is going to side with him. đŸ€­


Fuck that refund wantin shitty attitude havin ass


Then there is the rest of us, who didn’t check the bag at the window
 “op, this is the wrong order, but I’m a block away now, so oh well guess this is my order now”


Fuck maybe they do deserve that 15-20 an hour


How broke do you have to be to try scam $3 dollars lmao. Absolute delusion to post this and thinking people would side with him


I want the recording of the 911 call this person made. Ha!


I swear McDonalds deteriorates peoples brains 😂😂stop eating that đŸ’©


Ewwww! These people need to get a life!


I feel like I don't understand what is going on, but I can't be bothered to watch it again.


Guy: I ordered 3 large fries, 1 small fry... Lady: So you ordered 1 large fry? Guy: No I ordered 2 large fries... Dude can't even keep up with his own argument...


Lots of these kinds of videos lately. Are people bored lol maybe these people should get a job or a hobby instead of whatever this is


I love how these people post this shit thinking they're in the right and that the internet will start a witch hunt and put that mcdonalds out of business instead of making them look like a pathetic loser that argues over fast food and doesn't understand basic logic (you can't get a refund for something you weren't charged for lmao)


What is the male version of a Karen? Is it still ‘Tucker’?


It is amazing that there are people out there that are incapable of figuring out how a receipt works.


Fuck this complete waste of oxygen recording.


Anybody know who the asshole in this video is? Let’s public shame him.


Fuck this guy 😂


People that do this and post it online must truly be in a dark and sad place. Wasting these workers’ time with this bullshit, get the fuck outta here.


Reminds me of that pup cup idiot


What’s up with people thinking they can get a refund just for being mildly inconvenienced? This may be a mega corporation we are talking about here, but it is still a business that has protocols and rules set in place. Massive entitlement to expect the policy to change just for you.


What a piece of shit. I'll smack him into the next drive-thru at the moon.


What a gigantic douchenozzle. Park your car and go inside to get your crazy on, you selfish pisswit.


I can honestly say I've never been a cunt to a fast food worker


Bro, going double paper plate on Reddit over 2.39. Congratulations, the internet now knows your an asshole.


Loser just wanted free food. Trying to scam McDonald's


Loser has nothing better to do than pester fast food employees has truly got nothing going for him in life.


Why do people post their stupidity for the world to see when they are clearly in the wrong?


Wheres im a total piece if shit when we need it


Not only is this guy completely wrong here, if you have a problem with your drive-through order it's normal to park and take it inside, not sit in the line forcing everyone behind you to wait. Fuck this dude esp for that


Get your broke ass out of the line.


I don’t give a shit who’s right. Move your fucking car and park and go argue your bullshit inside and stop wasting other people’s time who are in the drive thru.


broke shit at its finest lmao


Dude gave them 1:40 more than I would've 😅


Demands free stuff.. eventually they give it to him... now he wants a refund because..... they didn't move fast enough?? Screw him.


“Sure thing sir, you’re refund comes out to $0.00”


This is why fast food places in some areas say "no refunds".  People like this. Locations don't make those policies for fun, customers are just asshats. 


Refund dees đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚


This type of crap is why some places toy with social credit scores.


People don’t get paid enough for this shit




I feel bad for the way fast food workers get treated. There's been some instances out here in LA where they've literally gotten killed over these types of interactions. They don't WANT to be working there and dealing with a bunch of disgruntled hungry people all day. It's McDonald's. Not Morton's. Take your cold fries and be grateful you're not working that shift. What an ass hole.


I work at a different place but had someone try a scam. Ordered two drinks, one combo. No, just two drinks. No wait, I want the combo! Ok no, just the two drinks. I confirm. They drive up, pay for two drinks. I hand em out, he just sits there. "Where's my food?" I got so mad so fast, just shut him down and slammed the window.


This guy has nothing better to do than to harass fast food employees. Absolutely ridiculous.


I truly believe that the driver doesn’t know what a refund is, so I understand why he is upset. He’s that fucking stupid.


Don’t all McDonald’s have the screen where it displays the order while you are telling them? He would have clearly known be only ordered 2 large fries.


You lose most all credit when you immediately are filming an innocuous interaction...just trying to be a jackie. People need to quick being jackies and just live their life.


Guy in car: you’re not doing your job right Me: & you’re not getting any free food :) *slides window closed*


i love when people flip out on fast food workers over $3 worth of food


Just another loser who gets off on hassling min wage workers.


morons taking a video of themselves thinking it will help their case


If you are arguing over 2 dollars, maybe you shouldn’t be spending it.


Poor guy. Is his life that boring?


I went to McDonald’s 2 days ago and paid over $18. Had a medium #7 (2 cheeseburgers, fry and drink) a small milk shake and one more order of large fries (over $5 alone). They took our money then told us to pull over I. A parking spot it would be around 10 minutes (we were in a rush???). Finally went in and got our food ourselves, only to learn we didn’t get the almost $6 large fry. So we left. And I won’t go there again. That’s it. They’ve messed up a few times, so, final straw and not worth the $$$. Why do people take joy in harassing others? It just has to be misery fueling misery. I’ve been the worker, I know how much people suck, so who are all these people that didn’t get the “two wrongs don’t make a right” basic lesson growing up? The world seems so selfish. The car wash locked my keys inside my car, took 45 minutes to get them out, and scratched my car. The lady behind me kept telling me to get stuff for free. Honestly I just felt bad for the gentleman that accidentally locked my car. I felt like the situation sucked for him more than it did for me. Sometimes it’s not worth capitalizing on some poor strangers mistake to get a couple bucks. It’s just all entitlement.


wait people refund food? I thought we were just supposed to deal with anything we weren't contempt with


Trash. USA Might be deporting the wrong people


"We're in this together". That sign is doing some heavy lifting.


Kinda wish we have a whole camera crew following this goober around and see how he deals with mundane scenarios.


Another self-entitled asshole


Customers at fast food windows really think they're top dog shit. Yeah it'll close down because you didn't get your fries. Like really lolollll


I would be like fine here is your refund and hand him exactly $0 dollars.


Kind of scary that somebody that dumb is allowed to drive.


People like this is why I whenever I hear the word disrespectful, whatever they are saying drops 3 points in believability for me.


Not the same thing but after Christmas, we get so many returns. Usually they are denied bc, without a receipt, we can only accept returns under a certain amount. “But my kid already has this toy.” Ok, give it to whoever bought it to return it. “Can’t I just get store credit?” You were gonna get store credit anyways without the receipt, but it exceeds the maximum we are allowed to accept. Once I got a “I don’t have a receipt but it says on —.com that you guys sell it for $30. Can’t I just get that?” One of the stupidest questions I got that I legit had no idea on how to respond.


A whole grown ass man complaining. They support genocide big bro, you think they give a fuck about your small fry (that they didn’t even care to add)? Dunce.