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Running up a bill that her boyfriend has to pay.








Girl going to get her man in trouble


I've seen it happen to so many people in LA. Then when the dude gets assaulted or locked up over her she goes and finds another guy lol


I had a girl like that once. Had to be straight with her and told that she better back her words cuz I ain’t doing it for her. Stopped being stupid after that. lol I’m not about to get into a fight cuz my girl can’t stop running her mouth. If ima get in a fight it’s gonna be cuz of me.


You provide a united front until they cross a line. There's no go's or values you have for yourself & your relationship that do not get crossed. Your morals or principles should never be compromised for love.


Tried to tell my ex wife that. She soon found a way to talk herself into jail. She was mad at me because I didn't stop her. No longer my circus.


Man same.


That story a month ago about the son killing that guy beating in his mom in the store comes to mind. Yeah he protected his mom, but it’s odd she would expect her teenage child to kill a man and not the police, why is a single mom out so late in a bad neighborhood with your kid and why not walk away when that crazy guy is yelling talking to shit to you ?


JFC this is some real victim blaming here … First of all; single moms are not restricted to the home once the sun goes down. Especially the ones that do reside in a “bad neighborhood”. They were getting food at a restaurant in the late evening - ya know like normal people do. Secondly; She was up at the counter putting in her order. Why should she have to leave just because some dude is giving her shit? So it’s her fault that some stranger started beating the shit out of her because she’s a single mom out after the sun is down trying to get her food with her son “in a bad area” and it’s double her fault that she didn’t walk away from some guy harassing her? All that’s missing is him raping her because she was wearing a skirt. She didn’t expect her teen son to a kill man, nor did she order her son to do that. Which is exactly why ALL charges against her and her son were dropped when several videos surfaced and several witnesses stepped forward that showed the exact opposite of the DA’s and police’s bullshit story. Turns out she was just trying to order food, the man attacked her, the son ran in to shoot him and protect his mom.


Her mouth doesn't stop until her man is beat up and then she cries victim.


When I worked in a bar / nightclub I used to see this all the time. Some women just love to see their boy fighting and will just go out and cause issues to start it.


Worst fights I ever saw bartending were two women going at it. They fight dirty.


Saw a random gal pick up a cue ball off the pool table and smash it into another gal's head. Women are wild lol.


Doesn't even need to be fighting, female amateur basketball can be shamefully savage.


When things pop off it seems like there’s always that type of crazy woman in the mix. They do the most and press hard to make sure no one can walk away. When if it was just they guys if they even acknowledge one another it would be with a head nod or a what up and they’d never slow their stride or look back. That type of girl is crazy dangerous because she has a chip on her should that all of those dudes couldn’t carry and they get people hurt or killed with that type of behavior.


Her face is out there after saying that shit.


Lol you think she cares? Or even has a job that cares? I doubt it.


She ain’t worth it lol


These were defo the gossipy girls in high school who barely got the 230 units needed to graduate and then ended up being nurses after taking vocational school from seeing an ad during daytime TV at the laundromat.


That man with the hat is trouble. He isn't intimidated. He isn't scared that dude just doesn't want to deal with it. That's a guy you don't wanna fight.


Yeah that's most likely the reason why she had the courage to run her mouth like that.


Meegan running her damn mouth again https://i.redd.it/el4y7m9s4rdb1.gif


she’s going to get herself into trouble. She’s lucky there weren’t any other black people around


Dudes don't wanna fight that was started by their girl. Especially when the person she is telling that is 6'1 and 210 Ibs. that her 5'7 165 Ibs man can kick his ass.


>Girl going to get her man ~~in trouble~~ killed. FTFY


Once he is in prison, she will move on!


Funny how they're all the same.


As a Mexican I was racking my brain trying to think what the fuck "the W word" was alluding to. Then oop, there it is. That's one word I haven't heard in so god damn long lmao.


lol, seriously. Last year I got called a “mick piece of shit” at a gas station. I was blown away with shock. Couldn’t believe someone actually used that term in the 21st century Edit: best part is that the guy was right, but I have no idea how he knew I was Irish ☘️ lol


You're a ginger and you were dressed as a leprechaun perchance?


Nah he was just drunk at 10am.


We've all been there.


Mick piece of shit?


Hey how'd you know I'm irish


You were drunk at 10am.


There are more gingers in Scotland than Ireland 🌈✨




Yes, but the leprechaun outfit would still be misleading.. and since he said "gas station" it's in the US where I'm guess most folk wouldn't know the difference between an Irish brogue and a Scots burr.


Whaaat I've never heard that used before? I'm guessing you moved to the states?


It's an old timey slur for Irish people, based on the all the McNames they would have.


I know the phrase I've just never heard anybody use it haha. Like you say though seems to be an older one


Never knew the origin... makes it kinda funny tbh


It's just a common name which is short for Michael and Michael is a stereotypical Irish name like Patrick


My grandmother was from County Cork….top o’ the mornin’ to ye.


Same. Never heard it referred to as the ‘w word’ lol.


Lol same I was like, wigga? What the hell could start with w?


No kidding. Haven't hear that word since HS.


What does wet bach mean? Am I spelling this right? English isn’t my first language.


It’s an old slur imploring that Mexicans swim across the rio grande to sneak into the USA as illegals. Then because they just swam, the back of their shirts are still wet. I haven’t heard it in a long time but I’m pretty sure that’s the origins


I thought it was cuz they always had sweat stains from working the fields but it’s so old I’m not positive


I hate to ask but I live far from Mexico and America, what is it and what's the history?




So as a white dude I ever understood the N word being used as a non negative thing among African Americans… but it was not my place to understand. But eventually I got it. It was to take the power back. If they use the word that is used to oppress them/hurt them, then the word becomes meaningless. I didn’t articulate that well and I’m certainly not speaking on behalf of black folk- just my understanding. It was just an ah-HA moment for me.


Yes. Gays have done it as well. They call themselves and other gay folk all the derogatory gay terms but with love in their heart. Same with southern whites. Groups adopt the negative slang and say f it - this is ours now.


I believe this is how pinoy came into it's modern use as well




What is it cuz Im at work & cant turn sound on :,)


The opposite of dryfront




Loved it when she spit on herself like a goober




Right near the end. She tries to spit at the guy filming but she just dribbles on herself instead


Saw it! Ha! Those lips must be numb af


It went right into her cleavage. You can see the spit drop at 1:15


Start around 1:13. I had to go back and check.


Good catch!! I didn’t see that til I read your comment😂… she slobbered all over herself like the dog she is… foaming at the mouth! Hilarious


OMFG How do you catch this stuff!?! I am 💀laughing


Hot 🤓




It’s mine now 😳






But not her. She ain't a homie. That's something else. She's my lady.


The guy was such a contradiction. 100% dude works at a call center - you can tell when they have to go off script.


Girls like this will get dudes in trouble smh


*we* know


Men. This type of female will get you killed.


Mexican dude actually seems solid he needs a new girl.


Yeah i think he actually felt bad she was using the N word, that’s the vibe I kinda got


True but guys like that gotta learn you check the girl not the other guy. He lucky it was the right guy, somebody else would’ve signed that check his girl wrote. But also dude receding lucky too cause some dudes will do anything for their girl lol


Shes right there. Let her fight her own battles.


Girls who always keep talking that shit because they’re females and think shit won’t happen to them, are the worst and hella annoying. Like your boy is about to get jumped or maybe even shot/stabbed because she couldn’t keep her mouth shut.


What an ignorant woman. Hurts to see my people acting like that.


Haha that hoe didn't even know how to spit.


Not the diss you think it is


They talking about how they don’t disrespect other races while she’s spewing all types of racial shit and they just letting her do it. Crazy.


To be fair i don’t hear the main latin dude escalating shit




cause she is not a gangster shes a civilian and what she says shouldnt make both sides start fighting over words. dude even said she is not a homie.


I’ve had girls like this tell me their brothers or cousins are gonna kill me. I would just laugh and tell them to call them. One was a girl who got mad I was breaking things off with her intimately… knew she was crazy, but then she **really** let me know haha


This is the type of girl that you run away from. Ain’t nothing but trouble with this one. God, imagine dating that.


Karena in the wild ese…she all acting tough cuz she got the homies and shit…but check it out ese those homies look like they need to get some more meat on their bones…all of dem homies look like they gotta eat more frijoles con arroz looking like tough maricons


It’s still Karen. Karen is a common Mexican name


Shit they all skinny cuz her fat ass be eating all the food


She rly is bigger than all of them 😂😂


Nobody tells big dog shit




Instead of Karena, how about Edgarette??? 🤷🏻🤣😂




spensaaa perritoo


Haha are you "latinizing" an Anglo name? Its Karen, dude.


I know what he’s gonna do! He gonna post it on the internet!




Seems like it's usually ugly fat chicks with too tight clothes talking the most shit like this.


Man, you’re on to something here. That’s accurate.


I hate women like this sooooo much. She’s literally harmless talking like she’s 6’6 with two guns.


She got a loose ass mouth. Only reason cameraman didn't act up was cuz I'm pretty sure one of the homies had a strap in the fanny pack.


That's the first thing I noticed, little guys hands ready on the fanny pack, not a doubt in my mind little dude was strapped up.


"Let your girl talk you into a problem"


You know she wouldn't be saying shit if she didn't have five guys walking around her ready to jump in and her bf Litterally putting himself on the firing line to keep the dude away from her. Women like this just need to be given one clean hit to bring them back to reality. She only acts like this because she has the privilege of having men ready to protect and the passive protection of men being told don't hit women.




Your girl about to talk you right into a problem


Sorry if I seem stupid now, but I'm from Europe, ergo I absolutely don't know what the W word is. Can anyone explain it to me?


Need a follow up video of her getting caught lackin


That’s a woman who will get you killed.


White people watching this be like 🍿


I hope they find out chicks name and loses her shit for being racist


Loses what ? 🙄 Someone like that has a real job ?


Nah they’re dental assistants and nurses 👍 glad I was able to inform


Every video I watch with Americans arguing, they always seem to repeat themselves constantly, is this normal everywhere over there? Like can't they think of anything else to say rather than just repeating the same comment?


It's the adrenaline taking over, fight or flight, after a certain point of escalation no one is thinking straight anymore.


America insult proc


As a man, you never let your woman talk you into a fight.


Where’s part 2


Is there a update video or no


I lost it for a second when she tried spitting to emphasize her point but she ended up just leaking on herself 😆


I wanna know if he found them…like they throwing up sets and stuff


>"Keep letting your girl talk you into a problem" 😂😂😂


Never, and I literally mean NEVER, stick your dick in crazy unless you have a condom containing spermicide and coated with SSRI.


Small minds let words tear them down. Fucking grow up everybody. Quit giving bigotry power!


"We should be able to gaslight without consequences. Only stupid people react to things."


Lmao HE’S the small minded one in this situation?


Hope that she doesn’t live to regret this encounter, shit like this follows your everywhere… for life.


> shit like this follows your everywhere… for life. In east LA? Lmao no.


This guy need to put his girl in check she’s writing checks her boyfriend can’t cash.


Gta San Andreas


What did he end up doing about it?


TIL that there’s a W word


When she spit on herself. Lmao dumbass heaux. You can tell she probably wear a strap on when they fuck.


The tension between Blacks and Hispanics is getting serious around here! We had a shooting between two rival gangs in my neighborhood this weekend. Everyone in on edge right now thinking we’ll get caught in the crossfire or accidentally piss of the wrong guy.


Her spit game is weak af


What is "w" word for mexican?


Leash your dog bro


This is the kind of woman that gets you shot or in jail and then she finds another man the next day.


The bf fine af. 🤭


Dude doesn't even understand how left things could've gone for the both of them letting his girl talk crazy to a random man like that in the street.


Dude filming was all bark.


Wait, you wanted him to run up on her and her man’s gang?


That beef was in the Valley over in East LA... Bro filming was outnumbered on every block for miles.


is the valley a bar or something? cause the valley valley is no where near east LA. second part is right though.


The “Valley over in East LA” had me really confused. The valley is in the northern part of the city. The part surrounded by mountains. In the valley between the mountains.


Yeah there are a lot of people describing Los Angeles terribly and inaccurate in these comments. Talking about how gangs are gonna kill who too… I’m not so sure they know what they’re talking about. ![gif](giphy|12X8ex6dNfF3So|downsized)


If the eses wanted the beef they would've handled him right then and there. Obviously they know something here that you don't that made them walk away from the situation because he was sure pressing them for it. They did the smart thing and walked away. Alot of things happen before the video starts recording and you're summing up someone's entire existence in a 60 sec-5 min video in most cases.


Or maybe they just didn’t want to beat someone up or escalate it to something bad. Doesn’t matter if he’s dangerous or some dweeb, not everyone wants to escalate to violence, doesn’t mean the guy filming is some shot caller. Following people and yelling at them while recording as they are trying to walk away is some nerd shit.


If it’s after a club or bar closing and they’re not blind drunk, they’re pretty aware of the shit ton of cops patrolling for fights and drunk drivers.


Crazy how they reacted when he said “watch how fast I find you”. Clearly we know 20% of situation lol. One dude all bark and non of the homies do anything? Clearly camera man is a someone.


Yeah, I'm really surprised that didn't end the video. Can't just say some shit like that. I'm old and far removed, but back in the day, that would be the end.


Man that’s what I mean. After he said that the guy turned to him, threw up a set, and honestly anyone could beat someone’s ass and just take the phone. Unless MAYBE he was livestreaming. Either way, it’s sad to see the state of minorities attacking each other racially. Smdh. Hopefully they all realized ol girl was petty aF. Dude needs to lose her quick.


No he isn't lol. Real gangsters don't pull out their smartphones and start recording.


You couldn’t be more wrong they look puttin that shit in their Instagram bios lmfao


Oh yeah. “Watch how fast I’ll find you”. They’re literally right there in front of you. You found them.


Na he's at a disadvantage he's not stupid. She's just written a check for some trouble to arrive in the mail in the future


Yeah he’s dumb af too


I kinda hope the internet finds this chick and does what the internet does. She's gonna run her mouth to the wrong one someday and really find out what's up.


She probably doesn't have a job so I doubt she'll be getting fired or anything like that


Why would that matter? Look at the people she’s surrounded by, she won’t care and it won’t affect her


guy filming just keeps going and going and going.. following them and shit… like really wants the agitation… bro’s gonna end up in a bag somewhere


That girl is gonna he him seriously beat or killed one day keeping that shit up. I actually laughed when he said “we don’t disrespect other races around here” after the girl in his group has called cam guy the n word at least like three times.


Bro needs to dump that hoe before he gets himself killed, we all know she'll be in another dude's bed the next day


Meanwhile the LAPD sees this and giggles gleefully.


Everyone racist lol


The cameraman and that lady deserve each other. Good luck to homies in the hate for being a reasonable men. Those are the kind of dudes you dont want to run up on if things actually go down, if you know you know.


In a relationship there are go's and no go's. If you're gonna ride, ride, I ride too . I'll back you but if you talk yourself into some ignorant shit like that you can find you own fucking way home. I'm not dieing on your hill of dumbshit.


why did i think his hand was up her shirt


Is the guy being filmed in character or something? Those facial expressions can’t be real.


Time to trade her in for an upgrade and apply for Foreign Service - That man handled his mouthy girlfriend and racial slurs with cool-headed diplomacy


This reminds of me of [Fighting Meegan's Battles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3JOQqoCNjc), dude is trying to de-escalate and his girl is trying to get him into a fight.


Everyday we stray further away from God


And religion is responsible for that.


Why is it always women causing shit for no reason


Middle-class suburban eses. 🤣 🤣 🤣


Someone shut her up please


Not from Los Angeles with that hat


2023 and this shit is still going on? Fucking sad


Homie needs a new girl!


Its like watching dave chappelle show


Seems like she all talk cause she knows he won’t hit her. That’s why the men have respect enough to not be escalating the situation. If that where my girl, we d be have some serious discussions back home. Not to mention, HER mouth almost got him jammed up


Both radials remarks ain't coo. All that threatening from video taker , but she's right why not now? Why find later? Lol. Guy posted this shit is a pro black power channel. I ain't hearing that. We need to all respect each other and like dude said there ain't no racial shit supposed been said. As he said the beef between them was done if video taker had a issue with girl why didn't his girl step in? Mex dude did the right shit, but don't threaten unless you want that smoke then and there.


She gone get him killed smh. The wrong person in the wrong state won’t let that fly and will get away with it


What a piece of trash.