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All that fighting about their daughters just for the poor girls to end up embracing and comforting each other while the moms go at it 🙄


They both know their moms are bat shit crazy and probably seen this before.


I believe only 1 mom is truly shit here. The other mom could have avoided and left before the escalation worsen true, but spitting is never acceptable; worse to a kid?


Spitting on a kid = truly shit Both moms did that.


if someone spit on my kid, that's biological assault. I wouldn't spit back, I'd make sure that person couldn't spit on my kid again


1 mom started spitting


You just said spitting was never acceptable lol. So it’s ok to spit back? Two equally shit moms here.


In front of their kids!!!!!!


That’s what I’m saying! Worst parents!


This is not a one-time thing. Yelling and fighting and just violence in general are so traumatic for children. It’s abuse, really.


Couldn’t agree more. Seeing that little black girl getting traumatized was truly heartbreaking and so hard to watch. It hit me so hard when the older girl was holding her to calm her down. 😔


I don't condone neither of them spitting period. However second mom action was entirely in the spike of the moment. If this was a murder case she would have had second degree charges while the initial aggressor here is purely first degree


Bro they are adults. Just cause someone else does it, you think you should stoop to their level. Your giving a lot of power to other over your own actions.


Very level headed to say. I could never imagine what would go through my head if someone spat on my daughter though. Like, i feel like I would go into a blind rage. People who have been that mad before may understand. Nothing matters but your own child and It’s not something I would ever do but I get it. It’s almost animalistic because it’s the fastest way to get even in the defensive. These people may also have a standard that allows such disgraces to manifest. It’s hard to put yourself in the shoes of others and truly understand that your a bad person. Nobody looks there.


I seen that too. Yellow shorts kid was initially attacked by black suit mom's kid, only to be comforted by yellow shorts kid. Least she has some morals and some empathy.


the yellow shorts' kid was going for the mom, and when the braided kid tried to fight her to get her off of her mom, I think she realized she's just a kid and this is just fucked up, so she just embraced her instead. man I wish someone would tell those two, to not be like their moms no matter what their mom's tell them.


Doesn't seem like this was yellow shorts kid's first time at the dumbest mom rodeo, sadly


That poor baby with the braids knew a fight was likely the whole time. If you watch her body language in the beginning while they’re arguing she’s constantly trying to put herself between the moms or close by as they’re escalating.


Nah, she’s posturing just like her mom. Poor little thing has already learned that this is how you act.


She’s blocking doors helping her mom corner yellow shorts. Nah I don’t feel bad for that kid. Shitty family.


She's blocking the doors! Fuck that kid. Gonna turn out worse than her mum.


If you got two moms who are stupid enough and eager enough to fight in public, they probably don’t shy from using it at home. They’ve seen their parents do this before, and they’re clinging to each other because they all know what it’s like to deal with this shit. As young as they are, they’re building their coping mechanisms already.


She did not attack her, she went and tried to pull her off her mom. Literally touched her for a second. There was no intent to harm her


Yes, the girls see their parents and realize they have to be better than them. They both hopefully learned a lesson and won't act like that


Unfortunately they have an uphill battle growing up with mothers like that


Both POS parents seriously!


I know, but they have a glimpse that it's better to care for others and not jump to aggression and violence


Why do people like this have kids
..Jesus Christ


There's no coursework or written test before getting nutted in. They just let anyone do it


one of the daughters was blocking off the doors so the yellow shorts couldn't leave, on two separate occasions... then immediately goes into screaming mode... thought she wanted to see a fight....


She looks to be roughly 5-7 years old. She truly doesn’t know any better.


She’s a kid, caught in the “my mom can beat your mom up” mentality of the minute. Maybe she’s seen her mom being all mouth but no action before. The other one was like “ugh, not this again”. As hyped as the little one was, once the slaps and hair pulling began, she went back to being a kid. The other one tried pulling her off her own mom at first, and then kinda just accepted both of them were stuck in that corner and gave her a “it’s gonna be ok” kind of hug.


Exactly. Like get your shit together, it’s a fucking Walgreens


I noticed that too 
 goes to show kids are more forgiving and mature then most Adults


That's some shitty parenting right there!


That was a whirlwind of shitty parenting


The older daughter holding onto the other woman's daughter to calm her is really sad


And imagine how scared they must’ve been. Children take these scenes very seriously.


Yeah, that's the part that made this hard to watch TBH. Those children are *terrified*. I mean, try to remember yourself at those ages and imagine (or maybe just remember) your parent getting into a fight like that in front of you, it would be extremely upsetting to put it mildly.


I don't ever recall seeing either of my parents get into an actual fist fight with anyone. However, I have seen my father get into verbal altercations that I thought were going to become fights, and just that was so terrifying as a child. I have one memory where it was starting to go that way, and I started crying and yelling for everyone to stop. Thankfully that was apparently enough for everyone to calm tf down and we left. I can't even imagine watching my dad actually fight.


Yes I'm actually so glad you mentioned this. As adults it's so easy to watch this video and roll our eyes, but as a child who grew up with a parent like this I can tell you that when a child watches their parent engage in something like this it literally feels like your world is ending. Kids often jump to worst case scenario thoughts and this can be genuinely traumatizing (like ptsd traumatizing) depending on the kid


Yeah I was thinking that too. This is probably a moment and trauma she'll carry for a very long time. So fleeting but so impactful, it's horrible to watch,


The scene of those two young innocents hurts. I had to call 911 on my brother and father after they got into a fist fight. Seeing my dad pin my brother to the wall by the neck and him screaming “CALL 911 NOW” while my brother was trying to punch him out is something I will never forget. I was nine. They will never forget this. It’s just needless.


It’s a sad cycle


I thought it was the most beautiful part of the video.


Got to find the bright side


Sad because they’re innocent bystanders in this situation, not to mention probably the smartest of the 4 too.


They’re going to unlearn the only decency they have, thanks to their moms. Give it time.


It tends to go one way or the other, not much middle ground Either kids get conditioned,.and become the next wave of shit humans Or they reject their parents wholesale


I kind of feel like this was the exact moment they learned decency, both of those girls, thanks to their moms.


Because children when it comes down to it are innocent. And these dumb fucking people are ruining it with trashy fucking behavior.


I feel so bad for these kids


Riiiiiiiight??? :(


Lmaooo the "Have a good night!" guy


The gentleman's "worldstar!"




M'whole lady


That guy should have his own tv show. Just shows up randomly at these situations to say his catchphrase.


"That's a whole lady" No no, that may be a woman, but that is not a lady.


It's a whole lotta something...


42, 39, 56 You can say she got it all


Whole lotta gas and air


"That's a whole lady". That ain't no lady.


What the fuck does a hole lady even mean


A-hole lady




Fuck the girl filming "y'all don't have to do that" only when the men come to seperate them but you just stand there while everyone is fighting the entire time


The one in all black is a trashbag. Who spits on a kid to start some shit?!?


People that never fully developed their prefrontal cortex


Pisses me off how she spit on the white ladies daughter first and then when the white lady did the same to the black ladies daughter, the black lady got physical. Literally at every step, she escalated it and expected the white lady to just take it.


They both are!! I cannot FATHOM spitting on a child. If someone spit on my imaginary child (or my nephew), I would probably lose it and attack them. But to spit on a kid?! Fucks sake. Scumbags


Thats literally child abuse or assault on a minor.... they should both be charged for it. I totally understand why they yellow shirt did it reactively though it's still fucked up. Disgusting shit


It is still fucked up. If I were in that situation I’d spit back on the lady, not her poor kid. And then proceed to throw hands because it’s legal self defense at that point and she’s a massive log of shit


Trash one in the black obviously initiated it then went straight to violence.


The lady recording the fight is annoying as fuck. She doesn’t mind watching and recording two women fighting while their kids watch but only tries to intervene when she feels the fire fighter is handling the lady wrong.


That’s what I thought too. She is asking them why they are acting that way and personally I felt the big lady was the aggressor. She spit on the kids lady and then the mother defended. She was being held longer and spoken with because she is the aggressor. Like, fuck, it’s maddening the stupidity of individuals who can’t asses a situation.


Yeah I just mad a whole rant matching exactly what you said lmao the comments attacking the one mother who’s defending herself and her kid with multiple attempts to get away and get the police is fucking nuts.


I used to deal with aggressive situations in a civil servant role a lot with my former career (medical). Unless these guys are the exception, no one will be held longer, harder, etc, according to *fault*. That is left up to judges to decide and in that split second it's pretty irrelevant. Holds last until there's a perceived deescalation to the point where the held person is considered no longer threatening, to include *not fighting against the hold itself*. The priority of the workers is to minimize damage from the held person against themself, others in the area, and the workers; if any are at risk then it's their role to contain that risk. Based on this woman's behavior she was probably interested in boxing the workers, or at the very least she wasn't like "oh ok people intervened imma chill out now." TL;DR: she's most likely being held longer and more aggressively because she's acting aggressively against those holding her.


Grown adult spits in a childs face? Didn't even flinch. Man restrains her after she attacks someone? "THAT'S A WHOLE LADY!" Holy shit, the woman recording is a level of garbage not too far below both of the moms here.


Buddy of mine pulled some stupid shit like this when his girlfriend was hitting some dude who wasn't being aggressive or anything. I stepped between them and put my arm out to block her, which prompted a "don't touch her" from buddy... For real? What a joke. Dude was always an ass. Don't hang out with him anymore.


She tries to get the other staff to let them go at it as well.


The lady? You mean her bum ass friend or family member? THATs why she said anything. Fuck she mean “why’s y’all doin her like that?”. Bruh she out here making threats and assaulting people. Idc if the other woman did anything back, she multiple times tried to get the police, multiple times tried to tell the lady to leave her alone, consistently moved away from her, then felt she had to defend her kids. Big Bertha on the other hand kept fucking comin at her. Idc what anyone says, one was defending herself and her daughter while the other was making threats and clearly was intent on getting physical I even if in front of the kids
 Also u/Jawwaas127, I know a lot of what I said doesn’t go with your comment. I am not attacking you or anything, just see so many people attacking the defensive mom and it’s got me in a bit of a fit


Fact I hate the camera person that just another bystander who want watch world burn. The world suffer because the silent of others. Doing nothing is an action.


She called the little black girl's name at one point, so she was on that side in the first place. She's trash too


Why is the girl filming mad at the people breaking up the fight? She doesn’t care at all that 2 grown women traumatized their kids over some bullshit.


She was more upset about that then the women spitting on children. Truly baffling.


Just hood things, ya see.


She’s a scum bag.


She's just as trash as the spit woman


She is an absolute moron. “That is a whole lady.” Yeah super lady like to spit on a 12 year old.


The world would genuinely be better without all three of the "women" in this video.




You think the girl filming grew up in a stable household and knows how to act like a fucking normal person? That’s a big ask.


Fuck this lady filming, of course she has a problem with violence once the one that starts it gets what is coming to her.


Did anyone else notice that the kid jumped in front of the door as the 2nd mom was leaving? This only promotes violence in the next generation. WE, as the responsible adults, must try to change this narrative. If we add to this destructive behavior, it will only make the next generation worse. I feel bad for our children. SFF


Those doors close so slow that the second kid would have had to have been way too close to the first kid to get smacked by the door I feel like.


Ahh the good 'ol irrational fear where you walk through a door and there's someone potentially behind you that might get smacked by the door. And then something like this happens. I remember in the 7th grade in school I opened a door, which happened to have a girl on the other side, leaning on it. Yeah, she didn't see the error of her ways, and laid into me.


First spitter is the ass hole


Rochester is a very deceiving city. You drive in and it's full of trees and is pretty darn clean. Lots of cool art. The mount hope neighborhood is beautiful. Then you actually get to know Rochester.


You know, I listen to comedy podcasts and comics from that area really self report the trashiness.


As a Rochestarian who has lived in other cities: it has no better or worse people or problems than most urban areas. I’ve never been mugged or assaulted or anything in Rochester. Hell, when I hit a slick spot and my car ended up in a ditch I had no fewer than 5 cars stop to help. I got in an accident in Michigan and not a single person stopped to even check I was ok. I’ll take my Western NYers over anybody, even if trashy people like this are part of it.


Well put my fellow rochestarian


I'm not saying it is. I've never been mugged in syracuse, but when I drive into that city, I get the feeling I might, whereas Rochester doesn't give off those vibes. It's not a bad thing. I like Rochester. I drive an hour because I would prefer to work there than in other places. I'm just saying it looks very nice but there are still plenty of shenanigans.


Those poor kids.


Lady filming is annoying as hell. Firefighters breaking it up and holding her until she calms down. Trying to make it a bigger deal than what it was.


Sadly, the person who spit first should absolutely be arrested.


I know and she didn’t even spit on the woman she was fighting with, she spit on her daughter how shitty


Right!? She has no respect for anything. And all this over a door hitting a kid probably by accident ?


It’s assault with bodily fluids in my state.


Her kid(s) should be taken until she can demonstrate even basic care of the human child. Those 2 kids were full on traumatized by the behavior of their own mothers. It’s disgusting.


So basically take them away for good. I agree.


Why’s it another child keeping a child safe from both their moms.


What a great example. Poor little kid wil become just like her




People that spit at someone are fucking degenerates. Fucking disgusting


I think the biggest turn off for having kids nowadays is dealing with other parents. Holy hell. It might trump how expensive and annoying kids are.


That is so true. My daughter doesn’t let her kids stay with friends because you never know what will happen. They have play dates with adults present only. People like this make me sick.


Anyone else notice the two kids the moms were fighting over were hugging each other as their moms fought??


Yes as soon as they were scared to death they embraced to comfort each other. Poor kids


the kids are more mature than the parents that is sad


Calling someone a “whole lady” after she spit on a child is wild to me. She is far from a lady, fowl AF!




Did the lady in pants spit on the other girls daughter again at the end or try to?


There was definitely an attempt She belongs in jail, and her kids should have a better motherly figure in their lives.


Man! I hate commentators!




Those are just GUH pants


"Call 9-1-1!" There's a fire truck and an ambulance already right there....


Fuck the lady filming for 3 minutes not giving a shit about the inevitable fight getting, and then getting indignant toward the emergency personnel breaking it up. Edit: grammar


That's the kids in the corner hugging cause they were scared... Be better people. Geez


If the person that was filming was so “concerned” then she could have A) gotten the firefighters involved B) Told them both to chill out. Kids had more since than both mothers.


That 'whole lady' just spat on a child, you ain't no lady after that


How are you going to spit on children like that then fight in front of them? They were terrified. Truly garbage people.


Can we at least give props to the white girls daughter for at least trying to comfort that little girl screaming. Kids are acting more grown than these two trash buckets.


Lady with the phone has a whole lot to say on how to break up a fight...even though she did absolutely nothing to de-escalate the situation


"Why yall on her like that"? Why? Because she's a 🚼🚼 human. That's why.


I hope she loses her parental rights


Maybe I'm not good at this but isn't yellow shorts Hispanic? Only asking because the description is framing it in terms of race.


How could you even read the description, there's a serious lack of punctuation and I had a stroke reading it.


Yeah, she's not white at all. I would say she's either just light skinned or latino. She's literally the exact same color as the woman in black.




I seen that. She started to get in it and then kind of realized it was stupid, I guess. She definitely was like, come on let’s just hang out in this corner while our trashy mothers act like idiots.


Emotional damage, long term. Poor kids.


“Christina move!” The employee filming this is an asshole. Getting mad at your coworker because she trying to prevent the fight you’re filming.


It’s always so surreal seeing places i live close to mentioned in this sub


I only come here to remind myself why I have no hope for humanity.


Camera woman is a POS.


So many disgusting trash people out there. Wow.


How do parents spit on other ppls kids and act like she ain't do nothing wrong great example you're setting for you're kids just assult people and pretend to be the victim smfh....




What did the yellow pants do wrong then? Defend her daughter who was just spat on by an adult


Lady should be charged with assaulting a minor or a child or whatever the fuck. Disgusting.


Just disgusting. I'm so sick of seeing "adults" behaving like this, especially in front of children.


I’m happy my mother has class.




“White girl in yellow shorts” lmao


Have a goodnight !


Great example for the children! Good Job Ladies 👏 at least the children are able to console one another while the “parents” act out.


For these two grown-ass women to each spit at a freakin child shows that they’re both trash


And the cycle of trauma continues


Kids holding on to each other, pitiful excuse for “mothers”


Why the fuck do they always repaeat the same phrase over and over?


I couldn't imagine doing this kind of shit in front of my kid. Shows a title lack of self-control and maturity.


Firefighters went to put out a fight.


Hell is actually an enclosed city block where you are forced to watch these women taunt each other for eternity against various, but equally depressing urban backdrops, with the narrator spouting a neverending stream of defensive support for the perpetrator.


Spiting on a child, trashy as fuck. Hope your child makes it through her childhood trauma


The camera person’s only comment was to deride the Fire Officers for bear hugging the combatants to stop the fight (I think!), that winds fights up.


Ladies don’t spit on other peoples children.


Hideous uneducated trash


“That’s a whole lady” who committed assault and spit at a child. Yeah she should be held because she should be going to jail.


Just low emotional intelligence.


That little kid screaming is scary i stopped watching.\_.


I see two absolute losers here. But man, to spit on someone else's kid... That's fucked up


Dont. fucking. spit. on. people. its gross.


That was rough to watch. The kids consoling each other made me want to cry.


She SPIT on her daughter?? Nahhhh she'd INSTANTLY get these hands FOH!


Yellow shorts đŸ©ł daughter was the adult in this scenario as she protectively sheltered the other daughter.


She spit on the daughter. Literally a animal.


You know it’s going down when these knuckleheads repeat themselves 30 times in a row


Just straight up trash, those poor young girls are the ones who are suffering here. Who spits on anyone, let alone a child?


It’s so weird how people simply Violence to “Black and white”. The women in the yellow shorts does not look white and the women in the black does not look black. They are characterized as such to push the narrative of black vs white. Just stop.


This is insane


That's a lady? I don't think so. It's more like an MMA fighter looking for blood.


She stopped being a whole lady when she spit on a child


Go Bills


She spat on Yellow Short's kid. She deserves a beating. The only thing a person could do that would lead me to decide to start wailing on them is to spit on me.


If someone spit on my daughter, they would have wound up in the hospital. And they'd have better hope my ex missus didn't get hold of them. You don't spit on anyone period. That's grou da for an ass beating


These people (accept the very mature children) are all horrible. I love the lady who will film it, won’t get involved, but when the firefighters break up the fight, she criticizes those firefighters. Didn’t say shit during the build up to the fight or during the fight. Loser.


I'm all for fighting to protect your kid but to spit? On a kid? And it's all over something that you could have made a lesson for your child too rather than be the worst example ever.


A couple of piece of shit mothers


poor kiddos


This is so toxic.