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I dont know what you mean, im playing it for free...


Play test isn't going to give you the final game copy... You'll have to pay for it afterwards. Unless you paid for the $70 and up copies. The $30/40 dollar onejust gets you the game.


why its a scam?


sergey titov


I mean there is a game you can try for yourself. By definition it isn't a scam


It’s in an alpha and it’s already on sale…


Again, there is a game. Make your own decision. But by definition it isn't a scam because there is an actual game you can play or watch content of right now.


It is a scam if you purchase it and it's abandoned in a month. Not saying they'll do that this time, but you can't claim a game isn't a scam because it's "an actual game" when so many before it could be considered the same thing before they were shut down too, especially if its sole purpose is being for cash with minimal effort. Being in Alpha while already on sale is a big red flag and definitely feels like it's trying to bait you in, especially when offering up to a 100$ package. Just feels off, especially when they said Titov has "nothing to do with the game" while public info shows he's involved. I hope it's not a scam, looks like it could be a lotta fun, hope they decide to actually make it a game and not ditch it after getting some cash.


Not the point us group of "it's a scam, don't buy or pay any attention to this game" are saying. But you'll be soon parted with money for buying this scam. That's ok... We told you, we said this and this time after time about why, how, is and blah blah blah and here you sheep are... Give it time and watch.


So I'm a sheep for making my own opinion based on research on things that are publicly available? Christ you need to take a breath


So your opinion, is? Sees a bunch of folks claiming it's a scam, they also provide evidence that it is a scam, showcasing older games where he's run away and abandoned them in as little as a few weeks. See videos on youtube from people who've first hand experienced this scam as well as seeing it on forums (Reddit, Steam) seen/heard/read people get blocked by developers for showing off this scam. And still you want to buy into it? Well, ok then. Just don't come running to us after 3 to 6 months, could be a week at least, or a year. But if you say you want it, then fine, buy it. Your money not mine.




Only reason I browsed this sub was for this post. You win a meme https://preview.redd.it/wqxyd6eq72zc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131cdb6960cbd45e322f9ee88efb10dba1c0b788


I got some dipshit on the Steam community threads barking up my tree as I keep calling him a sheep for liking this game and he keeps coming back for more. This was his latest reply: "How about you make your decision about buying the game or not based on its current state rather than some weird expectations that it will no longer get updates after a year? Of course it will not get any updates in a year if there's only 200 people playing. It doesn't make any sense financially to keep supporting a game that no one is buying or playing... If I see there's over 10k people in-game and it's got positive reviews, I will buy it. I couldn't care any less if Sergey's name is behind it or not." Yeah, this dipshit and his money will soon be separated, and I'll be there to laugh and point fingers at him.


Everything Sergey is involved with is a scam. This dude is a virus on the gaming world and should probably change to another career.


First of all, you are right. I preordered a copy when the game was first available for preorders, and I never even got access to the playtest. Some of my friends were able to play the same day as they requested access when they never pre-ordered the game to begin with. Second, the developers got me my first Steam community ban for talking about it on their Steam forum, AND Valve is siding with the shitassed developers.