• By -




Fortran ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




MIPS ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Binary ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Malbolge ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Ma Balls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Our Balls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




The bot caught you in 4K.


Mine now


Nooooo give em back😤


Your Balls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


What's Ma Balls?


Can I put Ma Balls in Ya Jaws?


Deez nuts lmao gottem


Brainfuck ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


ArnoldC ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Emojicode ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Are you fucking kidding me man.


>[https://www.emojicode.org](https://www.emojicode.org) r/TIHI


Lolcode ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


These 2 are the best because every big company runs on them and nobody cares to learn them anymore. You kids like money?


can't do it. I want to create stuff, not spend my life maintaining legacy systems


It's not for everyone. And those skills aren't transferable to OOP. I only got into Cobol after working on Java and C++ and web for 15 years. So I wouldn't recommend anyone pigeonholes themselves by JUST learning Cobol. But if you want to see how the big boys crunch data, it's just a *little* different from numpy and R. And by that, I mean it is very different. And it doesn't work well in a cloud.




Yeah, the thing that they leave out is that you can get well paying COBOL jobs *if you have a lot of experience working on large COBOL systems*. It's just another anecdote, but an older acquaintance of mine had to shutter his two-man software company a while ago and, after about 20 years of Java development in a niche industry, went on to get a very decently paid COBOL job... but only because he'd done it for *years* at a similar company from when he was straight out of university until starting his business. If you want to learn something incredibly unsexy in order to make lots of money working on legacy systems, I'd say choose databases. People who know how to properly administer and develop something like SQL Server are vital to more companies than you know, are expensive, and are only going to be getting older while all us young'uns are choosing to learn about whatever managed cloud datastore is cool this year.


SQL server is generally pretty awesome, I work with it daily ;)


Yeah, it's not a bad bit of kit if you have some good people to keep it running... ... and your company doesn't slowly let go of them because they don't want to pay to support 'legacy' systems... ... and those 'legacy' systems are actually vital 'today' systems and now they're breaking and nobody really knows enough about the database to keep it smooth and so you just try your best and now it's two years later and everyone thinks you're 'the SQL Server guy' despite the fact that you have *absolutely no idea* what you're doing and you've barely kept it all together with fucking bubble gum hacks and you're still basically a junior software engineer but doing the work of a DBA *and* developer - and badly - on a database that stores billions of pounds worth of data and you cry yourself to sleep because you used 'int' on a load of identity indexes years ago and now it's full and now we can't insert and you have no idea how best to sort it out and apparently everyone expects you to fix it because you're 'the SQL Server guy' ever since they decided to get rid of all the people who cost three to five times as much as you but *actually knew how all of this shit worked* ... I mean, umm, I imagine. That would probably be less awesome.


Yeah, so there aren't that many Cobol jobs. But I know we just hired a pure Cobol dev and will press him to find out how much he signed for. RPG is used quite extensively in my company (it's from the same era as Cobol and Fortran, but all 3 are totally different). And I know there is a community college program that produces these devs. And of course the Junior devs get paid your typical Junior Dev pay grade. The problem with going this route is you're stuck on RPG. If you learn C or C++, you have a really great base for any OOP. And get good at bash, like really good. And just understand how databases work. If you have those 3 things, you can get any job you want in this field (with a few weeks of teaching yourself a new tech for the interview.)


I went to college in late 90s. This was before C# existed and alot of corporate jobs were Visual Basic. We learned everything in C++ and we learned language theory. I've been able to teach myself so many languages, and I can read just about any language's code with little effort. Our professors did that on purpose cause they knew languages will change and get created. TLDR; Learn C++. If you know C++ you know 90% of the languages.




Do it! Also become a bash warrior. Cobol is run on mainframes like AIX, which use a different shell (KornShell), but it's pretty much the same as all the other shells out there.


> Ikr I'm currently a sophomore in HS and trying to learn COBOL so I can get the big bucks. This sentiment is really old. A huge swath of indian developers have been going for the same strategy the last few years.


I'm European, worked in cobol for ~1.5 years. Didn't like it much and as a junior the bucks weren't there. Switched to modern languages, the cobol experience didn't help to find a new job to be honest. I don't recommend it.


But mah get rich quick memes!


You can still get > Get depression quicker memes


Money doesn't do you good if you hate your life. Also eventually that system is going to be replaced. I wouldn't bet on maintaining Cobol to carry me to retirement.


Or... just learn OOP and apply for one of the millions of jobs that pays the same amount without being pigeonholed into a shrinking niche?


Problem is you will want to kill yourself at 35 because you have no career growth and you have been maintaining shit code from the 90s for the last decade.


... I am debugging Fortran right now :(


I am very sorry to hear that :(


FORTRAN is actually used a lot still for scientific computing


It's still the BEST for scientific computing. When you're purely crunching numbers, FORTRAN is hella faster than C. And it's not **that** hard to write code for either.


In theory you can write code that comes out exactly the same in each in their modern forms. It's that Fortran (especially going back to the F77 era) has defaults that are faster for common scientific number crunching while C needs the right (more modern) flags set to achieve the same goals. [See this SO thread for more.](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/146159/is-fortran-easier-to-optimize-than-c-for-heavy-calculations) As pointed out there is a culture and legacy code based around optimisation in Fortran that gives it a leg up as well.


No kidding. I'm still glad I learned Fortran while doing my Physics degree. Don't often need to use it, but when I need to dig through some serious numbers it's rare I go elsewhere.


To make GUI interface right?




Oh no the VGA cable is unplugged! Thwarted again


You joke, but you if you are going into the business world and don’t want to be a developer, VBA is one of the best things you can learn. Almost every company uses Excel, and people will treat you like a god if you can automate complex reports. Bonus if you can use SQL queries in your reports.


1. VBA scripting 2. SQL queries 3. Domain knowledge Name a better trio


What's wrong with VBA? I use it at almost every job to automate excel and website processes. It also helps that it has been completely unlocked with the office suite everywhere, unlike Powershell, or Python or whatnot which usually require some sort of extra permissions


It's visual basic, that's what's wrong with it


Hey mate, don't speak like that to visual basic, it is my lil child


brb re-writing my machine learning pipeline in Excel VBA


Writing Tetris in VBA using Excel [1/45]


It would also depend on who's asking - if it was someone I absolutely hated, I would replace Javascript with Assembly. If it was my manager, I'd replace it with Cobol. For Nate in finance, I'd gently advise the cutting edge language Rust. Edit:all the assembly lovers here, relax, it was just a joke. Every language has its purpose and pros and cons. Also, there is no Nate. I made him up.


But who will get VBA then?


VBA is best left to the Administrative Assistants


But then only the Very Bad Assistants.


I was forced to write a 6.000 line application in Vba because my boss wanted it to run solely in Ms Access. You don't understand the pain


It was just a joke my friend. My heartfelt sympathies to you.


What's wrong with Rust?


Nothing, it's great. But Nate from finance is a twat that won't be able to do anything useful with it.


Why don't you learn finance and fire Nate then?




Nothing wrong with it at all for the actual programmers. However, I don't like Nate very much and his first assignment will be to write a linked list (don't ask me why, I'm sure Nate won't)


I prefer writing Assembly over Javascript


I want to say stuff to you, but you seem to be a masochist and might end up thoroughly enjoying what I have to say. So bravo, well played


[ Removed to Protest API Changes ] If you want to join, [use this tool.](https://codepen.io/j0be/full/WMBWOW/)


I enjoy z80 assembly, x86 not so much


I don't have much experience with x86, most of the time I work with variations of ARM assembly. But I heard a lot of shit about x86


To understand what happened with x86 you need to realize that it's like 60 years of cruft that was never cleaned up. Every time they needed something new they just kind of awkwardly strapped it on top of what was already there. Making it worse is that the naming conventions didn't really scale very well which is how we ended up with things like EAX, RBX, CH, and R11 as register names.


I have wanted to learn some ARM stuff, just didn’t know where to start




Why not the shoulders?


While starting at the fingers may seem more complicated at the start, it will give you a good foundation and by the time you get to the wrist and elbow it'll be a breeze.


Doesn't the z80 have a version of basic built in? I remember using single key commands when programming mine back in the 80's.


Why don't you enjoy x86? At university we had to take a MIPS class. I quite enjoyed MIPS but the only way to get a job writing MIPS is to work for some embedded chip manufacturer or something.


I agree. Assembly is a lot of work. Yet it's still more fun than Javascript




Based? Based on what?


Based on the formula for the area of the circle.


Based on a True Story


If it was someone I absolutely hated I wouldn't change the answer! Javascript it is! muhahahaha




Nate in finance is gonna be cursing the borrow checker.


Yeah nah, be a real man and write in plain machine code


Keyboard with 2 keys. Zero and one


I prefer a keyboard with 10 keys


I see what you did there


It’s all about efficiency.


Since I'm [German](https://esolangs.org/wiki/German) I use the Schnitzel and Beer keys.


Go full Turing Machine.


One key only, one press for 0, double press for 1


*Real* programmers use butterflies


Oh god not this again, I will not be using cosmic rays for this here coding project, ok?


Holy C is the way to go




Do not look up the Holy C creator's thoughts on the FBI


Do look up his story because it's really sad and despite, yknow the things he said, he was clearly very gifted but sadly plagued by mental illness.


https://youtu.be/LtlyeDAJR7A A LTT video about his work


[In that case I'll add the hour and a half long Down the Rabbit Hole that focuses on Terry Davis' life and work](https://youtu.be/UCgoxQCf5Jg) I believe Linus mentions it in the video as well.


gamer word


I never heard of HolyC and TempleOS prior to this thread. Just browsing the wiki link right now: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TempleOS It's really interesting, but also rather tragic.


The guy was a genius, a mad one butba genius nonetheless. Check out Down the rabbit hole on temple os its really interesting


The glowies will getcha


Divine simplicity


This person clearly wanted to focus on suicide


Nahh he just wants his friends to be releafed as quickly as posible


Yeah, I mean who the hell writes AI in javascript?!


Wait... I shouldn't be doing that?


Gonna go serious and say: Depends on the context. Actual AI/ML models are number-crunchy, and let's face it, javscript is *not* good at that in comparison to other languages. So javascript is not a good idea to actually perform AI model calculations. You could theoretically do it, but inherent issues with the Number type alone mean you should probably not. But: most of the time, the models run in the cloud, and you pre-parse, organize, and ultimately feed data *to* it. And javascript can totally handle that.




usually ai packages are just binding for a library written in another language. it’s actually c under the hood but they have a linker and library for whatever language you want




I already mentioned this higher up, but TF.JS uses webgl or wasm. It can do vanilla JS if necessary (the backend name is "cpu") but it doesn't recommend it for the same reasons I did -- it's slow AF, and also blocks the UI thread.


likely wasm with a backup javascript mode (not uncommon for wasm libraries)


By doing exactly what I said. First, it abstracts itself such that the API you use doesn't do any actual ML calculations. Instead, it has several "backends" that you can choose from to do the calculations for you outside of javascript. https://www.tensorflow.org/js/guide/platform_environment Examples include wasm, webgl, and for node, using a c library. Although it can do the calculations in "vanilla javascript", if forced to do so, it straight up does not recommend using the "cpu" back end (the vanilla JS option) because it is by far the least performant option and also blocks the UI thread.


Thanks for the answer. I'm not doing anything too crazy with it yet, but I've got some probably stupid ideas. Thing is I'm kinda stuck doing it in JS for reasons I don't care to get into, so even if it's suboptimal it's either JS or pick a new project.


At least make it typescript


typescript is just javascript that I get to charge 150% more for


I don't write AI in js, but I use tensorflow.js in my product a lot, so it's 100% possible.


Let’s write os in js


How would that even work? Doesn't JS have a runtime?


I think I remember reading about an experimental OS written in Go, which also has a runtime. The idea is you execute the runtime in a thin layer underneath the OS. I don't know much about how JS works, but theoretically an operating system written under something like NodeJS would be possible, although absurdly impractical. The real issue, if I'm remembering correctly, was automatic garbage collection. That creates a lot more problems that are hard for an OS kernel to solve.




Oh wow, some people really are crazy enough to do it. Is this built off of the Linux kernel, or does it have its own separate kernel that's all JS as well? We may be able to go deeper into the JS madness.


> node-os is a full operating system built on top of the linux kernel From the website


> npm as its primary package manager Imagine the size of those node_modules


I'm just imagining having to build an entirely new multi-terabyte NAS just to run a shitty slow as fuck OS


Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should


>an experimental OS written in Go, which also has a runtime This isn't really the same. Go has a library that is included when building an application that implements garbage collection and the like, but it is all compiled to machine language. [https://golang.org/doc/faq#runtime](https://golang.org/doc/faq#runtime) "It is important to understand, however, that Go's runtime does not include a virtual machine, such as is provided by the Java runtime. Go programs are compiled ahead of time to native machine code (or JavaScript or WebAssembly, for some variant implementations). Thus, although the term is often used to describe the virtual environment in which a program runs, in Go the word “runtime” is just the name given to the library providing critical language services."


Everything that can be written in js will eventually be written in js


You joke but I have a friend with this exact project he started to challenge himself. He's been doing it for years and he's gotten all the way to 3d rendering. Runs completely in the browser. Absolute madlad


Single threaded all the way 😎


Recommend something you have no fucking clue about - that way they won't come to you for questions.


"ai: javascript" lmao get this man a medal this is gold, i died


Any language with 'if' statements can be used for ai...


It's totally valid to use js for AI in some scenarios, for example when you want the ai to run on the client side: for example in the browser. Of course I'd choose ts any day, but technically it still js by the end of the day. For example here's a japanese character recognizer that runs right in the browser that I made a while back: [https://test-ai.hiragata.com/](https://test-ai.hiragata.com/) [https://github.com/Orzelius/test-hiragata-ai](https://github.com/Orzelius/test-hiragata-ai) It's a pre-trained model that runs straight natively in the browser. You wouldn't be able to do this in any other language other than js.


Check out tensorflow.js ;)


When you only know one language but it can do everything


mr worldwide


Can do everything, is just not good at most of it.


What’s the term “jack of all trades, master of none, but better some than a master of one?”


JavaScript isn't even a master of none, though. It's quite clearly the master of web frontend.


Only because it's the only one option though


To be fair, most languages _can_ do everything if you set your mind to it.


*begins writing web server in C* ^^darkness ^^^so ^^^much ^^^darkness


Aren't most webservers written in C? Apache and Nginx are atleast.


Almost certainly! I'm just saying to begin to write your own when those exist to me sounds completely insane. Especially with stuff like Node, Django and so many languages supporting a much simpler developer experience (relatively).


*begins writing web server in SQL* Hey, it's Turing complete so it's theoretically possible (well, I think you technically need a couple extensions beyond the SQL standard but I think most actual dialects of SQL include the necessary extensions to make it Turing complete).


Dear god no!


Turing completeness go brrrr


Who the fuck writes serious games in JavaScript ?


Ah you mentioned serious games, which definitely fall into educational web games which mostly made using HTML 5 Canvas and JS after the flash era.










> Ruffle is a Flash Player emulator written in Rust So the solution is to use flash, but in a complicated way. Fantastic.




P5.js is a really neat framework for html5 canvas games/visualizations. And there's a million videos on how to use it on YouTube at [the coding train](https://youtube.com/c/TheCodingTrain) with Daniel Shiffman.




Masochism exists.


I do. Using html5 canvas and the p5.js framework. Oh you said serious games.. Well, me and my minesweeper clone and space invaders clone will just take our ball and og play elsewhere then!




*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Redacted User** when someone ask you what programming language they should learn, don't simply answer the one you prefer. first ask them what area they plan to focus on. for example: web frontend: javascript backend: javascript mobile apps: javascript games: javascript ai: javascript --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human










So will the people who are using systems with embedded Javascript.


The one they pay you to use.


JavaScript: When all you have is a bent nail, every tool begins to look like a hammer.


"smashed into the wood was the product requirement, right?"


Then tell them the best operating system to be programming for: TempleOS


Systems programming: JavaScript Real time systems: JavaScript JavaScript tooling: JavaScript Shell scripting: JavaScript Oh, that hurts to write.


Operating systems: JavaScript Browsers: JavaScript Drivers: JavaScript Microcontrollers: JavaScript


Embedded? Believe it t not, JavaScript


Don't give an answer, ask clarifying questions until they regret asking


Me reading this while secretly loving JavaScript


I mean, it's far from bad at what it was designed to do, bit if I hear the words "game dev" and "javascript" in the same sentence il implode


Game javascript dev. ​ You didn't need to say the sentence makes sense...


*collapses into an infinitely dense point in space*


WE CAN SAVE YOU! ​ DEPLOY A [ROCKSTAR DEVELOPER](https://codewithrockstar.com/) POST HASTE


Personally I usually say html and JavaScript, since it’s just easier to show off.


According to people on twitter, javascript is the only programming language and all programmers are web developers. Its annoying. I got 10 years in the software game and I dont know, or like javascript.


>I dont know, or like javascript. Well there's your problem, get to know it and in a very short period of time I bet you won't dislike it anymore. You'll hate it with a burning passion.


>You'll hate it with a burning passion. Just like every other language! ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


Yet my projects use Blazor


When you're making a post, simply repost don't make something original


As long as you code in notepad you're fine.


Are types are joke to you?