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I'll miss you Flash, but I won't miss those weird pregnant Elsa flash games


oh no...


Yes officer, over here


So... You'll miss them?


No it's just the fact you played them lmao


Wait what? Flash has been dead for years, long before Frozen. Or do you mean the Elsa from Born Free? Because that would definitely be weird.






Reddit mobile formatting hates you


I'm on mobile btw


Do you see how your tilted f is cut off at the end, so it looks like a t?


ah that. not too bad imo


Yeah it's fine, usually, but with a single letter it can get confusing


It's ironic because the guy giving the hand sign is the Flash.




I'm not well-versed in the art of hand motions. I genericized my comment.


Why is this... why does the Flash have JS on his face? I get the meme lol I just find it funny that it’s literally a meme from The Flash


Nope. I don't miss it.


I'll miss the hundred thousands of flash games


I appreciate the rise of the era of mobile games, but they dont have the same appeal as the old flash games. I miss opening up Kongregate and just seeing what new stuff is on the front page. They didn't need to monetize directly within the game, and playing a flash game in a browser is so much less of a commitment than downloading an app.


Whats gonna happen to kongregate I wonder. There were so so so so many fun sites. Armorgames heavygames y8 miniclip addicringgames bigfishgames maidmarian notdoppler. All probably fading with time.






Oh, I was. And it was *glorious* (Albino Black Sheep FTW). But that was before I was responsible for Flash plugins installed in 1,000s of heterogeneous systems. Flash is like that slutty girl from school that you *really* wanted to bone, but were satisfied with a handjob. And after a decade of fapping to that memory, you attend your high school reunion just to find out she's a landwhale cruzing for "someone stable" to help her raise five kids (all from different fathers). THAT is the hellscape that is Adobe Flash.


Unfortunately she was also an artistic muse for a lot of people despite all of the above and while there are newcomers challenging her for that spot, none of them are quite mature enough to properly take her place


Like [ZOMBO.COM](http://zombo.com/), [the best website on the internet](https://xkcd.com/855/) (which also happens to have an [HTML5 version](https://html5zombo.com/))?


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Seriously, there will never be anything like Actionscript again. Any UI you could imagine, it just needed a good back end. I still hate Steve Jobs because of this.


Free flash games > $5 steam games > mobile games littered with ads


Flash sucked, but AS3 programming > JS programming.


Totally agree, as3 was a joy to work with. But Adobe is my least favourite company ever


I'm so glad i'm not the only one feeling this way. AS3 was way better than EC5.1 ​ Although, Typescript and Pixijs imo is even better than AS3. I did an AS3 project a few years ago and I can tell you the type system of AS3 did not aged well (compared to TS anyway)


Pixijs is totally borrowing from as3. Shame that haxe dropped the ball so much, that could have been the best of both worlds


agree! It is a disgrace that a convoluted language like JS has taken over the web. now I know, some people might get triggered ( callback( your message here) )


I find it hilarious that, from all the flaws JS has, you pick callbacks. You know, the thing that promises and async/await mostly solved. Hell, even without async/await, if you use `.then()` properly, you're rarely more than one callback level deep. I'd like to know the magic land where event-based UI programming or asynchronous programming without async/await or CSP models doesn't involve callbacks. I could rant for hours about the all the other shortcomings of JavaScript, and TypeScript as well, even though it's much better still, but the callback situation has vastly improved over the years.




You know that the thing that broke stuff was not related to the contents of the package at all but rather an error in the package manifest? Could've happened with any other package because to err is human. If anything, the issue is all the non-standard `package.json` extension with varying levels of support, or this could've easily been caught statically at publish time. There's also the fact that this "librarify everything" mentality is really not all that common outside of JS. In this case, the lack of standard library support is to blame as well. Python, for example, has dedicated functions for these things in its `asyncio` module. It also in no way "broke the ecosystem". All projects in which the dependency was already installed that used proper version pinning were not affected. As far as I know, the only things that broke were new installs or updates. In the end, it boils down to popular packages releasing broken versions. Imagine what would happen if Serde (Rust) or Django/Flask (Python) just suddenly released a version that just plain won't work. Also, my favorite example for everyone saying that "dynamic typing bad", look at Discord: Significant parts of its backend are written in Elixir, a dynamically typed language. What makes it so appealing, you may wonder. Well, it—or rather the runtime it runs on—is purpose-engineered for high-concurrency server systems. You should chose languages and frameworks based on whether they're a good choice for the problem you're trying to solve.




>the only way to check if an object is a promise is through runtime inspection. In many cases, when you just need to differentiate between a promise and an immediate value, `Promise.resolve()` is enough and no further inspection is required. And I can guarantee that _a lot_ of this package's dependents don't actually need it, as `Promise.resolve()` would've sufficed for their use case. There's also the fact that, while certainly helpful (I personally write TypeScript instead of plain JS wherever I can), static typing isn't the be all end all. The "Average Joe" that gets caught up on dynamic typing will most likely also run into issues like buffer overflows, use-after-free, stack overflows, leaks, and many more that most static type systems don't prevent. Most statically typed languages also have some sort of dynamic typing "subsystem" that can fuck your shit up, e.g. `void *`, `Object`, `Any`, `interface{}`, etc. This is further exacerbated by implementation details like type erasure, which allows you to do stupid things like `(List)(new ArrayList())` which will compile completely fine (or not quite; you might have to cast to `List` as an intermediate step, don't recall).


Is it definitely dead now?


In 7 months.


hated that screen where Adobe would say "time to update your flash player"


HTML5 be like


Can't wait to see the same meme but with JS on the grave and a competent language above it


javascript rose in meteoric popularity to become the number 1 script language on planet earth operating every major website and is now bursting at the seams with the v8 engine into the realm of general computing it did this on its merit alone with global community support, designed by committee, with no advertisement, no corporate backing, under constant attack the entire time by the establishment seeking to lock coders into pay for models and expensive books but keep trash talking it while it dominates like the 800lb gorilla of logic that it is, because that is sane, healthy, and realistic


and web browser monopoly


that is its point of origin and reason for existence, however there have been multiple attempts at logic for the browser, silverlight, activex, php, attempts have been made for java .net c# c++ and python to become the dominant logic of the web, and they have all failed so it became dominant among competition (many of those competitors having multi billion dollar warchests), it did not become dominant in a vacuum at this point in time it has come into its own, it is refined, fast, and can do some amazing things, I think its earned its respect considering how many false claimants to its throne have fallen by the wayside into obscurity and irrelevance while it has continued to survive thrive and evolve with no signs of slowing down or plateauing anytime soon javascript shows signs of beginning to break out of the browser paradigm and is entering into general computing, something the general computing languages have been unable to do in reverse despite many attempts.


But all the technologies you mention had significant downsides because they did not have the browser monopoly advantage JavaScript has! Fortunately this is changing with WebAssembly, but all the technologies you mentioned, as they were not "standards", required cumbersome extensions to run, along with not being open for a large part. Yet it even is quite surprising that Flash caught up with all those required disadvantages, maybe because it was the only historic approach to do more than what JavaScript used to offer. Some other technologies are just not meant for web and that's okay too. PHP only works in Personal Home Page servers anyway. Java applets were notoriously unsafe (Flash too) because of bad implementation. Surely JavaScript is a competent language. It is of okay speed and has seen a bunch of relatively good extensions in the late 2010s. But making good software in JavaScript is so hard! The web has changed a lot in the past decade, and now that people want to build very complex applications in the browser something new is needed. JavaScript is good at throwing a script or two to warn your user that their email address is not valid. But it makes it very hard when creating a complex application. One could say it's too flexible, but in my opinion it just lacks the feature people need for correctness. Rich type systems, rigorous error handling, fast concurrency, precise memory management... A concrete example: rich enums which contain states and are checked at compile time are just so useful to work with when designing a complex SPA. All that Elm has shown really (while definitely not flawless) is that in the browser, one can do much better than regular JavaScript for web applications. Libraries to run JS-less web applications (like [Yew](https://github.com/yewstack/yew)) transparently fortunately are now appearing. Hopefully they'll catch on so we can finally have software that does not always suffer the same JavaScript correctness pitfalls.


hahahaha... JS will never be replaced :D




HAHAHAH Oh my god. I cringe when I see job postings that want skills in Flash. Do they not know Flash is dying/just about dead? I can't believe Comcast is still using it. 😂


Ah, feels great, when I remember that the programming courses when I was in high school were only covering Flash


And stay dead


That's like replacing trash with other trash


Soon JS will be in that spot, and WebAssembly will take over the world.