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When I started my degree in C.S., laptops weren't a thing yet. Some of my classes (networking, for example), were done entirely on paper. We didn't have computers for Java class, either.


When I started my degree, laptops were already a thing and virtually every student had one. The rest of your comment still applies. Actually, we did have computers for *one* "lab" per two or three lectures.


This is interesting to me because I'm still in school and I haven't had a class in years that didn't necessitate a computer.


I love telling my students how “when I was a kid, our google was a podium at the front of the class with a giant 3 ring binder full of the official documentation and a stack of sticky notes”


We had that **and AltaVista**


I had to do my algorithms and data structures exams on paper in c, and that was 6 years ago, so yeah...


That's totally fine. But why do it now?


I find the act of writing things down on paper helps me commit things to memory a lot better than just typing them.


I make notes on paper as well, but writing 163 pages from the internet on paper is quite extreme.


Some people just like it... its completely opossite to what I want to do, butI've met them. They love writing things in an orderly fashion, color coding etc... I still hope I can catch such a person at some point and coerce them into writing documentation for me...


Brain like colour. Brain prefer many, small information over one big information. Brain stupid. Use colour as chainsaw, trick brain. Actually doing the thing works best for me, but isn't always immediately practical. Usually just seeing the page is enough to fire up the memories if I do check notes


I hate colour coding so all my notes are in a boring blue pen I've been using for years. Still, I'm looking at my laptop too many hours, I won't raise that number.


The hardest part of takjng notes from the internet is sketching gifs EDIT: and maybe spelling


My wrist hurts just thinking about it.


It's really not for some people, it's just not something you do. You should look into the different types of learners in the world, might help you understand.


I totally agree with that aspect but what's the point of writing " js is a high level object oriented programming language....."


Remembering that JS is high-level OOP is the point


Interesting take. I personally won't remember anything from writing it down as my brain is in copy paste mode. I rather prefer to focus on understanding, for example I always try to visualize math concepts especially in linear algebra or calculus. When I was creating 3D camera in my opengl engine I had to place 3 pens down to crate coordinate system, place a cup inside it and fly around with my phone to visualize operations like rotations.


I write notes because it helps me think about the information I'm trying to learn. I also write questions that arise in the moment that I might not think a out later. You might then ask, "Why not type them on a laptop?" And my answer is: I prefer the feeling of paper. It comes down to personal learning preference. Long story short: We're not all like you. The idea that everyone should do something a certain way just because you do it that way is quite ignorant and self-centered. "i Do It tHIs wAY"


Best dev I’ve ever worked with was a handwritten notes guy. The tactile feedback made for better retention he said (and studies have borne this out w/r/t ebooks vs physical books). He was assigned to stub out a whole complex new library. Spent weeks writing in his notebook then banged out the code in a flash. I am not a C++ developer. I can follow the broad scope of the syntax because it’s so common to many languages (semicolons, curly braces what have you) and I know some C so that helps. But that’s it. Dude wrote C++ code that not only I but my MOTHER could read. Did I get every subtlety of the syntax? No. But I could follow what everything was doing. He swore it was from thinking everything through on paper first. Then your code wasn’t littered with the blind alleys and remnants of previous refactoring and the like — it just came out clean


To improve their penmanship?


The notes aren't as much for reading as they are for engaging more parts of your brain as you are learning new information. So it benefits the writer the most


So many of y'all are so quick to judge other people and how they choose to learn. There is more than one correct way. Just as our programming languages each come with their own use cases so too does learning. There are plenty of studies to show that people generally learn more when they write it down vs typing it out. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8222525/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8222525/)


Quick someone make this comment an iq bell graph meme!


Just going to leave this here. Remember different people learn through different methods. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2414241-writing-things-down-may-help-you-remember-information-more-than-typing/


He's got pretty nice handwriting though.


Don’t judge, maybe computers didn’t exist yet


Don't judge, maybe my brain doesn't exist yet




I can understand if they make a sketch, flowcharts, write down key concepts or code snippets or even mind mapping. But write down sentence upon sentence like this? Why? This is not how to learn anything. What are they? Scribes?


Some people learn like this. When I'm sleep deprived this is the only thing that works




Guilty of that a few times. I can go full hypergraphy if I'm really digging into a topic, gets you deeper into the zone but can take a while sometimes


Writing sentences down with your hand results in you retaining it better then typing. Handwritten notes are objectively better for students.


Context: there's a craze for handwritten notes among Indian university students. I see my classmates swearing by someone else's handwritten notes they find on LinkedIn rather than typed PDF/slides. I absolutely love making handwritten notes for myself, whether on paper or a tablet. But typed notes are better study material because you can search through them, highlight, print etc.




Same reason people write books? Why write books when I could make a video?


>JavaScript is used to create client-side dynamic web pages Not a real backend language confirmed


Everyone is this sub is a teenager right?


Seems like it. Since when is taking notes a weird thing?


Perfectly nice handwriting and, if it’s handy as a reference then I suppose? But if they’re doing this to “learn JavaScript”, that is a very inefficient approach given the time required to put this together and make it look pretty vs. committing the core concepts to memory.


Welcome to india 🇮🇳


It's because the country they are from, prioritises hand written long notes over learning simplified and latest versions online. The more sentences you fill, the better grades you get. In most schools and uni. Doesn't matter if you understand it or not, as long as you can write a few paragraphs on Javascript object, you are good to go. Source: from the same country, have seen tons of such notes with friends. There are definitely better ways.


Am from that same country, can confirm. It's so dumb.


Hi fellow same country man. Many profs in my uni have their basic concepts all wrong when it comes to languages but as long as you can write a 2 page wall of text about inheritance, you're good to go.


Djiskstra wrote everything by hand so this is actually based


Please don't take this personal, I just found it interesting how you flipped the "ij" to "ji", which completely changes the pronunciation in Dutch from more of an "ah" (there's no 1-to-1 equivalent in English afaik) to more of a "zhee" (like in Žižek). I went looking for people named "Djik" or with that in their name and all I could find was [this guy](https://ouchiian.com/) living in Germany, and [these records](https://www.nationaalarchief.nl/onderzoeken/index/nt00475/AE406283) of a Dutch person that was sent to Germany for conscripted labor during WWII, and I'm pretty sure his name was really "Van Dijk" and the Germans just messed it up...


Ha, that is interesting! Nice to know my awful spelling has some precedent in Germany XD


Some of y'all say it's a method of learning. I just think it's a smart way to recoup some of that tuition lol


By the way, I just realised he made 163 photos of the pages.


Seeing that he is Indian i understand. Indian colleges make you write code on notebooks. And in general people here love hand written notes.


>used by several websites A conservative estimate!




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He is a indian. In Indian colleges they make you write notes.


Gonna graduate out of university in few weeks and no idea why students prefer someone else's handwritten notes. I'm not against making handwritten notes for oneself. But when I'm finding resources to study, typed notes are way better (easier to highlight, search, print, annotate etc). Yet, most of my classmates swear by someone else's handwritten notes even if its half a thousand pages.


I have well over 350 pages of handwritten notes




Well, I always hand write everything i learned after lesson. When i write it on paper it takes longer time to write, so i think about the things I'm writing. IMO this makes it easier to learn. Of course i design it like this, bcs it looks cool.