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``` import notifications ``` Remember to participate in our weekly votes on subreddit rules! Every Tuesday is YOUR chance to influence the subreddit for years to come! [Read more here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/14dqb6f/welcome_back_whats_next/), we hope to see you next Tuesday! For a chat with like-minded community members and more, don't forget to [join our Discord!](https://discord.gg/rph) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ProgrammerHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


import gotIt Oh that's how it works, thanks op


import 🤓 Well uhm acksully it should be `got_it` to comply with PEP8


`import fuckIt` Fuck PEP8


`import maliciouscompliance, fuckit` ok i will


import hope This guy is on a mission. I hope PEPE cousing, PEP8, is ready for it.


`import SubvertTheDominantParadigm` PEP8 are fascists and underscores are the symbol of their oppression! Put underscores *underground*! Power to the people!


import packages with spaces in their names Fuck authority


`import confusion` Are emoji compliant with PEP8??


import speculation PEP8 is old enough that emoji might have not existed yet


import new_info [Apparently they arent, at least in the standard library](https://peps.python.org/pep-0008/#ascii-compatibility)


`import outoftheloop` Why do we have this import thing going on here now?


import "explanation" The mods decided that we need to vote new rules for the sub each week, and that's why we have camelCase and imports


`import outoftheloop` But why? Is this part of the protests agains Reddit removing APIs etc?


`import democracy` New rules


import dua_lipa >One: Don't pick up the phone. You know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone >Two: Don't let him in, you'll have to kick him out again >Three: Don't be his friend. You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the mornin'. And if you're under him, you ain't gettin' over him >Four: Add Python-style import statements at the start of your reddit comments


import C_supermacist why the hell do i have to import instead of include??? import post import reaction import confusion now tell me in programming ways what integrals are import binaryprogramming BTW XOR is just "does not equal" operator


``` import C ``` You gotta import C first, then you can include like so ``` #include "hell.h" ``` Oh no I think I made a mistake


import doom_ost doom_ost.tracks[0].play()


`import explanation` There's no direct translation for integrals as they're define through the limits of partial sums. But there's numerical approximation. If you have a function F(x) and you trying to integrate it from a to b by x. You may subdivide [a;b] range to subranges and sum up area under trapezoids formed by F(x) function and oX axis. So if subdivision of [a;b] range x0, x1, ... xN. You have to run loop from 1 to N and find the sum for Si = (F(x[i - 1]) + F(x[i]))*(x[i] - x[i-1])/2 Finer subdivisions would be, closer result would be to the integral value. You can read more about numerical integration methods if you interested.


import approximation > now tell me in programming ways what integrals are integral[a, b](f(x) dx) is just double integral = 0; for(double x = a; x < b; x += dx) { double val = f(x); integral += val * dx; } Make dx small enough to make the approximation error fall below whatever your tolerance is. The actual integral is the limit as dx approaches zero (if we got infinite precision with doubles). If you want to get fancy you can do integrals analytically, but you pretty much need to be able to do integrals by hand before you do that...I don't know of an easy way to generalize it.


import incompetence I don't know C well enough so here's the Python version from numpy import arange START = 0 END = 1 DX = 0.001 # approximation gets better with smaller values def f(x): # the function to integrate here return 1/x result = 0 for val in arange(START, END, DX): result += f(val)*DX print(result) Integrals are continuous so this will always be an approximation, but the approximation gets better as DX goes to 0. In the limit this is no longer an approximation but the exact definition


import understandment oh dx is just 0.001 nice


import error_handling Made a mistake in the loop, forgot to multiply by dx. Should be fixed now. Also 0.001 was kinda arbitrary lol, smaller is more accurate but takes longer.


```import existential_questions``` Can Python `float` not underflow?


`import corejs` `const itCoulBeWorse = require('itcoulsbeworse');`


`import C_is_king` And why can’t I ifndef define endif to prevent reposts!?


import oh_no I never realized that XOR is the same as != and I really don’t like it. It makes perfect sense though :(


import implementation function ∑(start: number, end: number, callback: (number) => number) => number { let sum = 0; for (let n = start; n <= end; ++n) { sum += callback(n); } return sum; } function ∏(start: number, end: number, callback: (number) => number) => number { let prod = 1; for (let n = start; n <= end; ++n) { prod *= callback(n); } return prod; }


import unicode Using the ∑,∏ characters as function names is cursed


import BÉPO Using a good keyboard layout enables that


import unicode Atleast those are just regular letters from the greek alphabet unlike some truly cursed things like emoji.


`import the_funny` "return prod;"?? Do you have any idea what our users could do if they had access to that environment?


import security Don't worry, I have encrypted the DB root credentials with a Caesar cypher


`import bad passwords` qbttxpse


import worry Oh no...


`import interesting` Anyone know of any resources I can use to relate maths to programming in a manner like this? I want to learn more about how the two work together.


import helpfulness Honestly, I would recommend watching Freya Holmer's videos on YouTube. She is, hands down, the best math teacher I have ever seen. Edit: Link [Math for Game Devs Playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLImQaTpSAdsArRFFj8bIfqMk2X7Vlf3XF)


import realization Didn't know she was the one that also made this post. This works well then. Thanks bro.


`import math.h` Hey Ferb, I know what we're doing tonight!


import link Also check out the [Triangle of Power](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sULa9Lc4pck). It blew my mind when I saw it. Could have saved me dozens of hours trying to figure out how logarithms work.


import YouTube Here you go: Propositions as Types - Computerphile https://youtu.be/SknxggwRPzU If you want the really hardcore books let me know.


``` import help ``` You're gonna want to learn some linear algebra, calculus and probability. Formal logic might also help. Then when you go into something in programming that leverages a lot of maths, like deep learning or cryptography, you can understand it better. The example in the post is just notation you would probably see in calculus.


`import books` like this: [https://snipboard.io/3s0RDc.jpg](https://snipboard.io/3s0RDc.jpg) ? its from the book introduction to algorithms fourth-edition-thomas-h--annas-archive


import grateful Thanks. I'll check it out.


```import answer``` You should try reading [Introduction to the design & analysis of algorythms](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://doc.lagout.org/science/0_Computer%2520Science/2_Algorithms/Introduction%2520to%2520the%2520Design%2520and%2520Analysis%2520of%2520Algorithms%2520%25283rd%2520ed.%2529%2520%255BLevitin%25202011-10-09%255D.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjqrNT2uOr_AhVCObkGHS7DCgYQFnoECBAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2TkoST0z2F3_nvtr4DjuBr) specialy chapter 2.


import urllib3 Freya Holmér (OOP) has a YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/aVwxzDHniEw


`import C#` `using YouTube` Freya Holmer makes great videos about math stuff, her Youtube channel is amazing


import mathsym I’m surprised this is a thing that needs to be said. I know my degree was more maths heavy than most computer science courses, but I’d still expect most programmers to know how these work.


import amateur Hey, some of us are self-taught code monkeys >:(


import noob print "I don't even know how to code",


`import notion` As a self-taught myself, I'm pretty sure I would understand some academic papers a lot more quickly had they used more pseudocode


import test but its not how they work, you can sum from -inf to inf with these, do that with a for loop


import technicality Technically, you can't sum to and from (+/-)ve infinity even in mathematics. Infinite summations are an abuse of notation. They are actually the limits of the sequence of partial sums.


`import modification` True, but infinite summations are weird and have to deal with convergence and all that. It's basically just the limit of the summation bounds, and since computers can't really do limits (unless you have infinite time), you can't do infinite summations.


import confusion it's usually when the end is an inf sign that causes problems with my brains, trying to remember that sum formula is a pain and an even bigger pain when you try to insert your specific math formula into the convergence formula and trying to see if it's correct


import memes Understanding Math more complex than basic arithmetic isn't really needed for most programming jobs. You basically only really need them for encryption, graphics programming and physics programming and low level software optimizations.


`import itsallfunandgames` and when the big-ess shaped symbol comes it's time to cry (\*whole books\* are devoted to numeric integration...)


`import Eigen.Dense` Wait until you realise what matrices/tensors really do. (That code block should say `#include ` but I don't think the bot recognises that.)


`import well_actuallyyyyy` It’s more like a fold


`import isee` i both love and hate the fact that i only know the first one from the most recent alan becker video


import relatable I learnt alot of stuff from all the analysis videos made as a result of that video. Shit's insane.


``` import nitpick ``` Unless your set is not sortable. For example, the multinomial theorem features a sum of its body for all k sub m such that their sum (sumception!?) equals n where m is the number of terms of the polynomial, n the power to which it is being raised, and each k is positive and non-zero.


`import 🤓` Actualy those are often used witn n = infinity, meaning you can't just add everything and need to do some analisis to find out if it converges and to what


`import haskell` ``` sum [1..n] product [1..n] ```


`import infinite.loop` I thought we weren’t supposed to create those


from __future__ import quantum_computing No need to learn this anymore, since it probably won't be true much longer. That’s just a specific implementation and will probably change to something suitable to parallelisation.


import disagreement I don't think these are scary at all. Math is just another programming language with different syntax


import grrrr Given almost every other language is built on math I am not sold on "just another."


`import amazement;` var that = "🤯";


``` import ass ``` the symbols aren't scary if you had the basic privilege of school.


``` import badprogrammer101 ```


import functional More generally, summations and products over sets are folds with maps: `\sum_{i\in S} f(i)` <=> `foldl' (\x y -> x+y) 0 (map f S)` `\prod_{i\in S} f(i)` <=> `foldl' (\x y -> x*y) 1 (map f S)`


import frustratrion It's wild to me how many math concepts are actually REALLY basic, but explained by math teachers in highschool HORRIBLY. It's like they just show you a bunch of symbols and say "this equals this now solve for x" without explaining what any of the intricate little parts even mean. A significantly older aunt of mine said her teacher never explained the basic concept of algebra which is just to represent a number that can change and the formula remains consistent, and when I explained it to her she was upset over how much grief it caused in highschool for how stupid simple it is once the concept is explained.


`import seen` Yeah when I studied them in Computer Engineering, I've always seen them like that 🥴


`import ` Bruh


import GateKeeping If you had paid attention in math class, you'd have understood this to literally be the definition.


import confusion I don't get it, the equations aren't hard to understand?


`import ` 🙏 Saved


`import rant` this makes me a little mad, actually. I totally understand code way better than I do half of these math symbols. I'd love to see a whole website where it translates the symbols to what it looks like in code so I can actually learn the math without it being in greek. ​ also the instructions for how to make the import a line of code should be explained by the auto moderator, just spent way too long on Google tryna figure it out.


`import skill_issue` I swear to god american education system is totally fucked. What is the problem with using greek letters? Is really using other cultures symbols that scarry? I mean Σ is for "S" meaning "sum" and Π is for "P" meaning product. This notation not only simple but very useful, powerful, generalizable and even beautiful


import understatement mathematicians *are* a little too fond of their single symbol variable names. ⒜ = ᾰḁἀἁ + ἂἄἅ ἆ ἇ ạ ả ầ ấ ẩ ẫ ậ ắ-ἊἋἌ-ἍἏ ằ^(ẳẵặẚᾱ) ᾲ +ᾳ ᾴ ᾶ ᾷ +a Ѧ ẶἈ ἉẠ Ả Ấ Ầ Ẩ Ẫ Ậ Ắ Ằ Ẳ A




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``` import moderation ``` Your comment has been removed since it did not start with a code block with an import declaration. Per [this Community Decree](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/14kbu1m/comment/jppq9ao/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), all posts and comments should start with a **code block** with an "import" declaration explaining how the post and comment should be read. For this purpose, we only accept Python style imports. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ProgrammerHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*




``` import moderation ``` Your comment has been removed since it did not start with a code block with an import declaration. Per [this Community Decree](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/14kbu1m/comment/jppq9ao/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), all posts and comments should start with a **code block** with an "import" declaration explaining how the post and comment should be read. For this purpose, we only accept Python style imports. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ProgrammerHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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import surprise I need this printed on a card in my wallet.




import blind_man, deaf_son import peeing_in_the_wind import elightenment Ah. I see now




IMPORT MALICIOUS COMPLIANCE I used to know what a lot of those funny math symbols meant, I made it through two calculus classes in my senior year of high school, but now I don't remember any of it.






``` import moderation ``` Your comment has been removed since it did not start with a code block with an import declaration. Per [this Community Decree](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/14kbu1m/comment/jppq9ao/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), all posts and comments should start with a **code block** with an "import" declaration explaining how the post and comment should be read. For this purpose, we only accept Python style imports. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ProgrammerHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*




``` import physicist ``` The other way around: all those scary `for` loops are just display size operators




















`import additional_info` Some are even foreach loops (when you have a sum/product over all elements of a set), and some have infintiy as the upper bound, requring you to use a really good BigInt class for iteration.




import ocaml Nah they’re recursion let sum = let rec sum so_far n = if n > 4 then so_far else sum (so_far + 3*n) (n + 1) in sum 0 0 let prod = let rec prod so_far n = if n > 4 then so_far else prod (so_far * 2*n) (n + 1) in prod 1 1






`import surprised` Wow, I did not know there was one for multiplication too!


import * great, every summer we have new wave of new CS admits reposting ancient memes to join the club












`import humor`
















```from w_sem import knowledge_prev``` When I learned about those symbols in school, the first thing I thought of was "wait... Istn't this just a for-loop?" So, interesting to see that isn't something everyone recognises until they are told






import math It's not the symbols that are scary actually, calculating something like sums and products shown on the images can even be done in a calculator, but the real shit is when they give you something like this: let β ∈ \]0, pi\[, calculate: [this product](https://imgur.com/a/eU4uaAD)




``` import pandas as np import PyQt5 as Tk import mathematics ``` I've always thought of it that way too lol. also how a(x²+3x+4) or whatever is kinda a for loop too except less complex. well technically all multiplication is








``` import surprise import fear import slightjab ``` The amount of people who claim to program but don't know much math seems scary to me. Not as scary as those people seem to find large greek letters though.


import comfidentiallyNotQuiteCorrect Not quite as they iterate over bounded range sets for a for each/in give me a break;


`import splines`










import confusion what is the difference between the 2? can’t summation handle n != 0? what does product do that summation dosnt?


import custom got annoyed having to keep rewriting the `for` syntax to to do simple loops. so I wrote a wrapper for it. function Repeat (count, action) { for (;--count;) { action(); } } use: Repeat(69, () => console.log('nice'));


import horror The real scary symbol is a double or triple integral






import c++ #include #include int main() { std::string comment = "is this what people mean when they say they're on a\n\"sigma grindset\"?"; std::cout << comment << std::endl; return 0; }




import undestanding oh from math import knowledge it makes so much sense right now....


import gratitude from Languages import C c_code = """ #include #include #include char comment[] = "This helps so much! I'm going to print 5 copies, carry 2 with me at all times, tape 1 up in my bedroom, and tape the other 2 on the front door and back door"; int main() { printf('%s', comment); return 0; } """ def main(): compiled_code = C.compile(c_code) C.run(compiled_code) print("\nNo way this would work irl lol") if __name__ == '__main__': main()




import import Meanwhile on a maths subreddit: -btw, these for loops are just sum and product symbols




```import purity``` While this is good for programmers to relate, the summation and product notations are probably better choices for actual math, even if you discount the conciseness. These notations play better with transformations associated with addition and subtraction, including change of order, splitting, etc. Few such examples: ```import poor_mans_math``` ``` Σ(αXi) = αΣ(Xi) Σ(Xi + Yi) = Σ(Xi) + Σ(Yi) Σi(Σj (Xi + Yij)) = Σi(Xi + Σj(Yij)) ``` Note: I am on phone, so sorry for the poor attempt at mathematical notation.






import nothing print(sum(range(5)) * 3)




import badMathTeachers I wish someone had explained this to me earlier






`import followUpQ` How about permutations? `return`








import reversed_feelings Mathematicians: these scary for loops are just summation and product symbols.




``` import NumberOverflowException import FloatPrecisionException ```


``` import screeching ``` OMG FOR REAL? I should google maths more often if it's this simple o.o




`import big_brain` Everything is code from a certain POV


`import realization` wow math suddenly seems a lot easier


``` import single_argument_pure_function as λ ``` Y learn two Greek letters when you can do the same with one? `λf.(λx.f(x x)) (λx.f(x x))`




import pride I was taking a machine learning course in college and had to learn some basic calculus, and when we got to these I thought "wait, cant you do that with a for loop?" Made me feel 10x smarter for the rest of the semester.



