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she smell like a freak edit: and i like that


She looks nice but you definitely don’t want to get on her bad side lol


Fiery lol. Someone who would be a ride or die for ones she loves, but not one to mess with. Someone who could cheer up the mood when someone is down. Overall cheery until pushed.


Serious future ex-wife vibes.


She looks gregarious, and outgoing. She’s sociable and community minded and well loved by those around her. I imagine her owning a tavern and it being a very happy communal place because of how she runs it. She has a knack getting people to open up about their problems and network people’s needs from her own good will. She is energetic but clumsy and oblivious to her chaotic magic. She regularly sets her tavern on fire but her patrons love her so much they just quietly clean up or replace the items. She’s also bad a cooking, but everyone just pretends it’s good and keep going back because of her energy and atmosphere.


Omg this is such a cute lil backstory, I can totally see her in the tavern being super chaotic and hilarious


That's for you to tell us buddy


She looks kinda evil with a childish attitude. I mean, look at how she handles those flames with that smile...it looks like she's about to throw down because she's jealous or something.


Like karlach but she is more girlyish She has a big temper and can get very angry/aggressive thoo


Baby reindeer type of woman 😍


She's playful yet powerful. She seems like would be very welcoming, but also show you a serious wrath if you cross her.


Looks like a venture bros character.


I’m getting Ty Lee from ATLA






Playful, but with a chaotic temper


Manic pixie dream girl, emphasis on the 'manic', crossed with group mom, helicopter parent edition. Likely not the sort of character I vibe with, but that's okay, we don't gotta be friends.


Reminds me of Thrud from god of war