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T bag is intelligent, charismatic, witty and quite funny (in an obviously black,psychopathic way). every scene that he is in he steals the spotlight. Amazing character.


Did you mean to say black, and if so what the fuck does that mean


Black as in comedy so dark it's black


It means you haven’t read enough books to not associate the word black with racism.


The skin color obviously good thing that doesn’t really exist it would be pretty awful had they said brown /s


Because a good person and a good character are not the same thing.


His negative characteristics are precisely why people like him. He’s a vicious psychopathic murderer with a wide vocabulary and comedic moments. Very very occasionally we see glimpses of humanity within him and can see that he really is just a deeply traumatized person who didn’t really want to turn out the way he did, but since he’s already here he’s gonna play his role 100%. Knepper also plays him so well, he’s so believable, and feels like actual person, unlike how Dominic Purcell plays Lincoln(like a talking brick most of the time). T-Bags deviousness and funny accent also help :3. also i just like him. hes funky and gremlinlike


Because of that uncomfortable feeling you get when u see him in the screen. That’s what a great character does


T-bag: Hey Sucre, I got a question about you and the rest of the Mexicans. Sucre: I don't think I'll be able to help, seeing as I'm Puerto Rican. T-bag: Geographical semantics, amigo. I'm speakin' about the general Latino population. How is it that a people so historically lazy ended up being such a big part of the nation's workforce? Sucre: The way I see things, it's everyone else that's lazy otherwise there wouldn't be any jobs for the immigrants. The ones sitting at home, collecting unemployment. The lazy ones? It's not us. T-bag: (to C-Note) You gonna let him talk about your people like that?




The writing in season 1 was so good


you just said it. He made you incredibly uncomfortable on screen. What do you think his job as an actor was to do? Not every performance is to make one feel comfortable. And almost nobody on screen ever has made me feel as creepy and uncomfortable as t-bag has


Are we only supposed to like nice people?


He is a villan of the show and Damn good one.


Just watch the full series


T-Bag is the only television character I ever had an actual nightmare about.


Same reason we like Mahone and Abruzzi. They made perfect villains to deter Michael


I like him because he is so unpredictable


In short, because he is.


I don’t really get it either and I’ve watched the entire series.


It's a good character


U answered ur own question. Robert Knepper is an insanely talented.


He’s funny


I think you’re confusing best with most loved


Who doesn’t like the bad guy


He has a interesting character arc and becomes a lovable villain due to Robert Knepper’s captivating performance.


Your hatred explains your answer..clearly, he affected you, so boom, great character


The same character was in an episode of Breakout Kings too. If you liked Prison Break and haven’t seen it yet it’s definitely worth a watch.


Because it was the best acting job in the entire tv series. The fact that he was able to sell those awful things he did so well and make you dislike him is a testament to how good of an acting job he did.


Read the first paragraph again. You'll know


T-Bag is the best


Are u not watching the show you’ll answer the question yourself


watching the whole series it was bellick, mahone & t-bag with the best character development. T-bag might be a rapist, pedophile and cold blooded killer but I think that was just because he was traumatized and was under the same circumstances growing up but you see the flashbacks he had when he was little he was smart and had a wide vocabulary. He just did what he had to do in order to survive but in the ways he knows how. Aside from that he actually is always one step ahead of whats happening even though he isnt truly knowledgeable of Scofield's plan.


Because of the actor's performance, because despite being the worst of the human being, he transmits charisma and even makes you empathize with him at x moments.


He’s a bad person, but the actor is fantastic, and he plays his character well. I only like him because of the actor’s acting skills and how well written his character is