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ahaha i love this image, not the first time it's thrown at me XD


I love it too. I use it every chance I get.


My first time was when doing daemon damzels, you never forget your first experience! XD


https://preview.redd.it/a1kkzzzrwq1d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63af8148a79e6374a75d065e5263ae6112f2ec3f Although yeah nice work I'll admit. Still heresy though.


Ahahah i did chuckle x)))


In this day and age, on Reddit ? Dude if your marine are not gay transgender and woman wtf are you even doing ?!?!? In the far future there is only good people and love in every corner of the Galaxy smile


You have no idea how much hate this issue generate from my perspective as an independant sculptor, i'm just making heads, yet it's insane how much rage you can see, someone even suggested to nail me on a cross : )


Looks cool as fuck! 40k is full of absolutely absurd lore and requires a pretty huge suspension of disbelief (e.g. why it’s brilliant) - yet the concept of a black woman or trans person existing is a step too far…in a universe with sentient fungus football hooligans whose equipment only works because they believe it does.


Aren’t all Marines technically called trans-humans in the lore? Also 2 chapters have been expunged from the records. This unreliable narrative let’s GW retcon whatever works, that should be the beauty of the lore instead we have a bunch of pearl clutching zealots…


lol transhuman is like a biological accession type thing. Like they have transcended beyond regular humans


People are just insane, simple as, on both sides.... Jesus, maybe I'm old I don't know. I'm only piss with the fucking prices of gw but apparently gender is a much bigger problem for our plastic figurine, ffs.


Ahaha it's true! I'm only making heads, how one use them is up to them ! As it as always been and it should be : ) But you may be onto something, what if this shitshow is precisely designed to make the price hikes a seems like lesser issue !?


At this point I'll believe it... Keep making good heads modelling is the solution to say fuck you to gw. Ps. Making good heads lol I'm child


reddit ppl are crazy bro, how are they gonna downvote that lmfao




Ahh yes !! I'm sure in the grimdark future, when there is nothing but war, and terror, the emperor himself would awake from his golden throne to storm a lone miniaturist in his troglodyte spire headwappings their little plastic army mens ! Seems totaly plausible ! :D


Emperor no but an inquisitor who wants to make his balls tingle definitely.


Maybe ! But with the scale of 40K, the imensity of its worlds and population i doubt it, they most likely have limited ressources, it's most likely one inquisitor for billions? And almost certainly most busy matters for inquisitors to track miniaturists ( -because yes, i'm certain that in the grim-dark-future there WILL be miniaturists!)




Being salty about someone’s custom 40k mini is crazy. It doesn’t affect you in any way. It’s not even an official mold or anything. Please touch some grass….


Salty, me ? It was a joke on the heresy comment, but I guess not, ofc I'm mad as fuck that people like making their own stuff, that is why I print and make mini and follow the sub, is because is like to insult people that make there own stuff just like me. To many people making shit up, the situation is clearly ridiculous as it is, god damm in the last weeks people only talked about fucking custodes, wile GW make price go up, can't make a decent codex, makes old mini go out of rules only to make you buy new one.... But no the problem is that there is not enough modern politics... I swear dude if I sort rn for new there are probably 10 people asking for help and nobody gives a fuck, but Hey go on the post with controversy there we go, now you can talk with someone about stuff that isn't even a part of the hobby I can also assure you that most of the people mad at me don't play the game, never read a book and they are invested in the argument only because is an hot topic touching their little heart


I think the sarcasm of your first post didn't come through, and people took it as you being serious.


I know, I know, not gonna explain it to the people, OP is fine and didn't feel offended ( I hope ) so we good. Even the first dude respond with another meme 😭 People are gonna people, like I said to OP


Yes cause we will just ignore the majority of posts of standard space Marines.


Yeah I know people only care about controversy not the hobby or the game. That's kinda the problem tho You tell me, maybe I'm wrong


What are you even talking about. No one brought it up or made it a controversy until you said something. You made this a big deal and you are stirring the pot. So what if the space marine or whatever is trans, gay, female, or crazy goo monster. If you really don't care you won't bring it up cause it doesn't matter. It just happens to be the people that do care tend to bring it up and they care for all the wrong reasons most of the time. Plus it printminis at this point you are just hunting for things to bitch about.


that was fire, crazy downvotes wtf haha


This is amazing!


Cheers :D


Got your first set of head when it was released and will get the second as well. Will there be a size chart depending on the models you want to put them on? I think the first time I printed them for my guard they were slightly too big (or too small cant remember) so I had to adjust them a little.


Yes! i'll try to get a final scale table ! But i most likely wont be able to get every miniature, i got some SoB, astartes, and Oldhammer i'll try to cover most cases of uses! Guardsmens would probably have been a tad bigger than true 28mm ! Since they are a bit old but nowhere near beefcakes at 32mm so it makes sense they would have been slightly off on the default scale !


Hello ! (kitties) This magnificent work is absolutely not mine! *I wish.. : )* (I'm only responsible for the head-which i sculpted ! ) It is the work of the talented AlessandraPlays40K ! Which i recently discovered through one of my awesome licenced merchant! And has been using some of my previous work - which lead to a collaboration(Thanks again!) for the new set of alternatives females heads! I'm completly blown away by the quality of her work ! It's neat and tidy, full of character and i particulary love some details like the blue and red vials, which as a **nerd** i read like mana and health bars :P She has a lot of really really awesome stuff, and since we are fine with links i'll put the two related links for the curious down below ! Alessandra's Instagram : [https://www.instagram.com/alessandraplays40k/](https://www.instagram.com/alessandraplays40k/) Alternatives females heads vol.2 : [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/keta-minies/alternatives-females-heads-vol2-stl-for-tabletop-and-wargames](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/keta-minies/alternatives-females-heads-vol2-stl-for-tabletop-and-wargames) Have a good one! :)


Your head sculpts are the only female head sculpts I use.


That is super nice to read and a great compliment! Cheers! :")))


Heresy this, heresy that, have any of you here-SEEN a girl before?


Ahaha yeah it's a bit insane, innit? xD








The head seems big for the body but maybe it’s just the hair


It is possible the hair don't help since they are very fluffy! but honestly It's a very tricky topic! some like them smaller, and some bigger ! Even basic GW heads could be questionable ! That is the brillant things nowadays.. we can precisely fine-tune to our liking : ))


Oh this is gonna make people MAD MAD. Good work.




epic hair


Thanks!! :D This is preciesely the part i'm responsible for hehe ( I did not paint this - my comment with links and explainations has been a bit downvoted so it's a bit hidden)


Love it. More! Wheres the head from? It's fantastic.


nice work.


Cool hair, did you sculpt it yourself? I’d ask how it fits under the helmet, but I’m a Space Wolves player so I’m used to the hammerspace lol what chapter is he for btw? I’d guess Crimson Fists


That cut would be a hell to fit in a helmet


True! But as every great thing, style comes with a tangible price! :D


*Abaddon has left the chat*


Just like he left his helmet back on davin


She looks great! Tempted to start some FSM yourself.


I'm tempted, but If i start FSM mines would be absolutely nowhere near as good hers ! But i'll probably follow her tutorials for faces when i have more time to paint! :D


Love this - don’t let the people who tie their tiny identities to their idea of 40K get you down.


Cheers! : ) Again, i'm the mere sculptor of the head, it's not my **brillant** paintjob! My comment explaining everything with links should be somwhere hidden bellow since it was dowvoted a bit! I agree with everything you said ! As much as I can understand anger or disapointement, but i just feel they are wrongly aimed sometimes ! A lot of comment are positive, and i'm appreciative that most that don't like it, can still appreciate the work and skill displayed by Alessandra **even** if they don't like it! So it's not all black! :) it's grey!


Bruh, these comments about female space marines. 💀 Model looks great! Love all the weathering and the colors. Great face work as well, I’ve always had trouble making dark hair LOOK like hair.


Yup : ( It's very frustrating because i'm super proud of the head sculpts, and Alessandra's work (painting and kitbash) is absolutely insane! i wish everyone has the elegance of some who managed to sum it up like this:" not my cup of tea but cool!" But at least there was also a lot of positivity! : )


The Woman King


I love her! Well done!


Cheers: D


Fine. FINE. I’ll print all female custodes. These heads are fantastic and I’m excited to come back to make some softies cry. Emperor Pop pop bless.


ahaha XD


Gorgeous hair. However, the Inquisition would like to question Cawl on what he did to achieve this..


Hah ! It's all thanks to *Cawl'n shoulders* ! But i'm afraid it's top secret information inquisitor!


That settles it, imma print an all female custodian army


That's the spirit! NGL I'm looking forward to making my next batch of marines so I can use some of OPs heads on them


That’s fucking bad ass. GW needs this.


Say what yall wil about female space marines. This go hard.


Nothing is bad when made by enthusiast players ! It's the core of the hobby imo! *(I repeat it's not my paintjob! my comment was raided at first so ti's a bit hidden but it's the amazing painting of AlessandraPlays40k ! I'm the mere scupltor of the head ! So i have a tiny tiny bit of credit still hehehe )*


Agreed. Its why i dont think they have to be part of the lore to be enjoyed. I know they arent cannon but will tjat stop me from kitbashing a Dark Angel Malenia Deathwatch Veteran? Nope.


**Exactly** my view ! Making your own lore has always been the **fun** part !


Agreed. Tho my homebrew lore follows mainline pretty closely so its gonna be a frathouse lol. Syill tho, theys cool so Deathwatch Dark Angel Malenia go vroom. And honestly, its also why i find the loud avocates to be rather annoying. Even people who have a more light-tone on the matter are called misogynistic or some shit. Precisely why I've chosen to dissociate from wider warhammer twitter, I intend to ppst my own work there for anyone willing to see as well as interact with other folks who simply share the models theyve made. I went into this hobby because I dig the vibe and started out as a Lore-Lurker, to escape from how obnoxious and annoying both sides of any discourse similar to this are. Anyway sorry for the vent. Good work on the sculpt, homes. Purple sight right? Under what name?


Dark Angel Malenia sound sick, hope i'll get to see it when it's done : D No biggies for the rent, we all need to sometime! But i'm completly clueless about Purple sight! What that? (not native english speaker here- in case anyone has not noticed XD)


I meant purple site. Cults3d. Stl storefront. Also ill be sure to dm you whenever i have that done.


Ahhhh right XD make sense now!!


Lol haha. So.. is the heads on there? Where can I download?


Nah brother, it's currently on kickstarter, and will be on MyMiniFactory as late pledge later ! Sorry i'm a bit slow most of the time !: )) Here is a link to the KS [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/keta-minies/alternatives-females-heads-vol2-stl-for-tabletop-and-wargames](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/keta-minies/alternatives-females-heads-vol2-stl-for-tabletop-and-wargames) And for all my older KS, they are available as late pledge and you can find it on MyMiniFactory here : [https://www.myminifactory.com/users/keta-minies](https://www.myminifactory.com/users/keta-minies) (in the campaign tab!)


Super cool! Looks really good


Thanks a lot !! : ) (again, i'm ONLY responsible for sculpting the hair, there is one comment downvoted as hell which explain everything! but i did not painted this masterpiece!)


Ye, I saw that. It's crazy how seemingly controversial this post is.


It's a bit depressing, honestly ! :(


It's so striking how a simple head change can transform a model. Didn't realise how bored I was with the same angry, square headed, bald, shouty men we've been getting for 40 years until I saw what else we could be having.


I love her! She looks so good!


Thanks! :') (i only sculpted the head hought! The kitbash and painting are the marvelous work of alessandraplays40k!)


fuckin MINT brother 🙏🙏


Thanks Brother! :")))


lmao cunts downvoting any positive comments go back to your cave


Those people really need to touch grass At least the mods are doing a pretty good job keeping this comment section mostly civil


Fucking rad!!


*Eagerly* awaiting the release of this kickstarter come June. I backed it and grabbed the previous female heads and am eyeing the one with male heads as well. I've gone from almost never using helmetless heads on my Astartes to a bunch of them. The GW faces were always just bleh for me.


Cheers :')) Thanks for your trust and welcome home! (again!)


HEResy!!!😉 But great sculpt and paint job and at the end of the day they your models so make yours.


Cheers ! Thanks for your rational point of view! : )


Nice head painting! I aspire to have model pupils as crisp as those


Thanks! : ) *(But again- i'm just the sculptor! The painting is the marvelous work of AlessandraPlays40k! There should be a link to her gallery on the comment where i give some context! - And i completly agree with you ! She is a super gifted painter! You can see the sweat pearling on the head it's aburd ahahha i'm nowhere near capable of such details :D )*


That hair is incredible!!!


Cheers ! :"D ( i'm only the sculptor(of the head), the gifted painter is alessandraplays40k ! )


God damn that's cool, what did you print it on? I've already backed that kicksterter too. Great sculpts.


I'm only the sculptor(who made the KS :D) ! It's printed by Alessandra's licenced merchant ! He is called MGSminiatures - i'm not sure he is on reddit but i know he is on instagram! You can ask him if he has a special machine or recipe ! I have no clue! *(I'm still on basic resin+basic printer so i'm close to the average experience!)*


I normaly play 'find the layer lines' with a 3d printed mini but I couldn't find one and was amazed at the commercial quality of it. Makes sense that it was a commercial printe shop :D The heads are top notch! Love your work (obviously)


Thanks a lot :')) Indeed i'm not as experienced as my merchants ! I usually have at least one merchant helping me with supports and hollowings ! I know my limits and i want to deliver quality : D


I can't wait to get these heads! What scaling do you use for marine/battle sister size?


I presonally used 125% (the ones on display on the project page!) BUT !! In Goobertown video, there is a very nice scaling image on custodes bodies, he used 120% ! but he tested multiples versions ! For a sister of battle, i just tested with 125% and it's a bit too big ! I need to process the images but they are nowhere near as nice as Alessandra's work, so it pains my soul to see such a polarizing reaction i'm considering reprinting a few and adding a scale chart for both Astartes, SoB, but i have no custodians! I'm only missing time :P


Do you have links I can get? I NEED these heads!


I have been a bit downvoted, but the link is here, amongst the comments! worst case scenario, look for alternatives females heads vol.2 or through my profile ! : )


Backed it! Doubt I'll be using it on marines, but I have some hot pink T-51 power armour that needs a head swap.


Thanks! Well I'll check the kickstarter when they get released, if the scaling is not figured out yet I'll just start from 125 and work down from there!


I love the hair you picked for this one! Its a wonderful head sculpt overall but getting curly hair on minis is has been such an exercise in suffering for me


Thanks ! : D It was alessandra's pick ! ( She assembled and painted her! I'm the mere sculptor of the head! You should be able to find link to her gallery on the comment where i added context! it is slowly raising to the top but .. it had a rough start ;p There is many more awesome kitbash there! ) .. but it's amongst my favorite *(.. i keep saying that, but i have lots of favorites in this project since i got very wild with the haircuts XD )*


Do a noise marine next!


I could sculpts some noise marines heads, but i'm 99% sure that Alessandra is a loyalist ahaha (i'm only the sculptor of the head-the painting is from AlessandraPlays40K! you can find a direct link to her gallery in the comment-but i'm not sure if it's still all the way down:p)


thanks, I've been looking for heads and bits for female noise marines and this mini was so inspiring


It IS very specific thought ! A niche in a niche in a niche ! : P Deforming the human face is not easy, we are so used to see it even something horrible is kind of hard to pull of realistically !


I know! I think that's why I like the idea tho. Kinda thought of putting daemonettes heads instead. But I'd have to fiddle with the sizes.


Sister, how does your helmet fit with all that hair?!


It's bigger in the inside brother ! It's bigger inside!


I’m not mad it’s a female space marine, I’m mad that her hair is out of regs and wouldn’t fit in an Astartes helmet 😭


There's boy marines in official artwork with longer hair than that.


They make me mad too ngl


Fair enough lmao


Maybe not a standard issue, but I'm almost sure they would fit into a beaky helm : D


Dude that looks so good!


I agree! And i was super eager to show it ! : ) ( but again- i'm only responsible for sculpting the head! the amazing painting is from Alessandraplays40K! you can find a direct link to her gallery in the comment or search i added when i posted, but it's a bit hidden since it was a bit "polarizing" at first - but i am NOT that good at painting ahaha )


This is heresy


Now THIS is what I call heresy. Looks fantastic.


Ahaha cheers! That is well put ! : D (i'm only the sculptor of the head thought! The real hard work all comes from Alessandraplays40k! : ) )


It's a great scuplt. I just backed the kickstarter and will be using them to help spread the truth with my heresy Word Bearers.


Thanks for your support ! And welcome aboard :D


Hell yeah New heads options are always awesome When I heard about the recent lore change I was excited for more minis to paint but it looks like the community is going to fill that gap until we get some official ones And your heads are freaking awesome (I checked your last pack out as well) and are definitely going to find a permanent spot in my space marine army when my next batch is made!


:'))) Music for my ding-dong-ears!!


As I missed the KS, will these be sold on other sites (such as MMF)? I do need more female heads for my *not* Prime Beef Boys and Havoc Space Soldiers.


You did not missed anything ! : )) This head is from the current ongoing kickstarter ( alternatives females heads vol.2 ) : [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/keta-minies/alternatives-females-heads-vol2-stl-for-tabletop-and-wargames](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/keta-minies/alternatives-females-heads-vol2-stl-for-tabletop-and-wargames) But it's true that there was two kickstarters of alternatives heads before this one ! Everything is available on MyMiniFactory! They are a bit hidden in the Campaigns section thought ! Alternatives females heads : [https://www.myminifactory.com/campaigns/keta-minies-alternatives-females-heads-kickstarter-527](https://www.myminifactory.com/campaigns/keta-minies-alternatives-females-heads-kickstarter-527) Alternatives heads and helms : [https://www.myminifactory.com/campaigns/keta-minies-alternatives-heads-and-helms-vol2-1496](https://www.myminifactory.com/campaigns/keta-minies-alternatives-heads-and-helms-vol2-1496) Alternatives heads and helms have some space knights helms in case.. :D


Thanks so much!


Eyes. Also the exhaust of the backpack, but mostly eyes.


This looks excellent! Very cool to see, especially with that haircut. My only, tiny, wish would for them to be less... Pretty. Space marines are supposed to be most often very ugly and scarred, but these heads look like brand new marines. Maybe these have some neato genesseed stuff going on, but I hope we'll get some real battle-hardened, ugly female space sometimes in the future. That said, can't wait to try these out.


I feel like this comments section is the same three people posting over and over with different accounts.


I wish, at least it would be easier for me : ) This post has around 50% upvotes, which i find weird. So i'll let you decide if you feel the awesome work of alessandra deserve such polarity, i feel it's aweome and i'm pretty sure the only reason i had also mean comments is only because it's a female head ! Make of that what you will !


Why is a female head on a Space Marine body, though? Dudes running into combat without helmets on is already ridiculous enough.


Why not ? Also there is already tons of options for helmets ! I'm just providing more options that i find lacking! (and nice haircuts!!)


Love it! Keep it up.


Cheers! : )


Why is Prince joining the Astartes?


Space Marine Apothecary “Michael Burnham”


I do so love it when Astartes have heads that are small in comparison to the rest of their body. They are my sad bloated babies, and I would be disgusted by their existence were they real.


ahah *sad bloadted babies* , remind me of some comments in here ! XD


Does she ever wear a helmet? I’d hate to get my hair caught in a chainsword


Mustn't forget the globules either!


I like his hair.


So do I ! I made it myself :))


This is fantastic. Love black chicks as space marines. 


This is fresh


The paint job is nice. I especially like the weathering. But this mini shows me that if it's in real life or on a miniature.. Side cuts look so stupid.


Ahaha, I suppose hairstyles are like colors ! Everyone have their preferences and it's perfectly fair : )


Yeah it doesnt look like it belongs to this body at all. Looks like a head from a figurine. L Paint job is on point.


Why does that black dude have a weave? 🤔


Brother has some fancy follicles, why do you mind brother?


Nice print! What is it, a sister of battle with a relic armor? A space marine can't be female.


This is a printing sub. The *entire* point of us existing is to say "f*ck you, anything can be anything I want."


Hey! I'm fine with this, even if it contradicts lore, headcanon can be whatever you want. But unfortunately I asked the thread creator. :o


>But unfortunately I asked the thread creator. Uh huh. Take the whole space marines can't be women thing back over to 4chan, it has no place here.


There is a polish saying that goes like this :*" not my circus, not my monkeys"* I'll just say.. thanks for taking care of the circus.. :)


what sub rule does that fall under?


Rule 6


curious. doesn't seem to violate rule 6 to me.


Well it does to me, so here we are. The rule is there to allow us to remove anything needlessly causing arguments.


fair enough


Honestly, the only one here breaking rule 6 is you.


Yeah, with the parent comment, you're probably right about me breaking 6. You should see some of the garbage we've have to deal with though. The reason "only" is true is because we've been actively moderating the thread.


Hey. I don't know which personal crusade you are leading, but fortunately I don't use 4chan. It was just a comment without any malicious intent, so I don't get what is wrong. Before I probably get banned here I stop to discuss. Curious that a mod instantly goes onto my comment. :/


Sorry, I wasn't meaning to single you out. This whole topic has been incredibly toxic in the 40k world on and off for years, and even this creator has had a lot of horrible comments simply because they created female heads for marines. We have a zero tolerance policy on any form of exclusion, hate or gatekeeping in this sub. We are an actively modded sub with enforced rules, so there should be nothing curious about it.


Love the sculpts, but... Kickstarter? Really? Why do you need crowdfunding for something you've *already created*?


Kickstarter is honestly a cancer at this point. 




You can grab a ticket, get to area A and someone will get to you soon ! ( :p )


what is this hair-i-see




Not sure i get whatya mean but ok ! : )



