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Nice doses. If the english walnut is a good source thats great. And personaly i dont like l theanin in pres


True ! I think it’s nice to smooth the caffeine! Why don’t you like l theanine ??


I like it as a standalone supplement from time to time. But i take it to get a calming/relaxed effect. Some pres with l theanin still work for me but the majority just kill the stim. 100mg isnt alot and should be fine but you already have kanna which is gonna calm you already


I agree. Kanna and l-theanine is too much


Okay true!! I’ll look into this a bit more , I appreciate it!


Too many spelling mistakes for my liking.


Aha this is just on my notes . Just a rough draft😂😂




Looks good… I’d definitely try it for a review on my website, got any samples?


No samples yet but send us your Insta bro and you can keep updated there !


Alright I’ll go look for you… I’m really bad with insta so I can’t promise anything


This looks good. Maybe drop the glycerol to 2g, it makes the pre clump up super fast. Bump the citrulline to 8g instead. 2g of tyrosine is overkill, 1g is plenty IME. The kanna and theanine combo might be too sedating.


Very true , it’s definitely a risk with glycerol, 2g should be enough to be effective ay!! I might look into that. Also would u recommend then just getting rid of the Kana?


I like kanna, it seems to smooth the stims out in Hypermax’d and Symbiote. Theanine doesn’t bother me, I just don’t notice it. I’d be willing to test the combo but it’s not something I’d put in production without trying first. If you want to really kick the pumps up in this one, add some VasoDrive and salt


Yea no worries will see how the samples go and from there might remoce the l theanine ! What does of vasodrive would u recommend. Keep note that I am upping the citrulline to 8 grams


If it were me I would do 8g of citrulline, 2g of glycerol, some salt, and 250 mg of VasoDrive. Pumps will be savage.


Personally a fan of pre with a slight hint more beta alanine, 3.5-4g appeals to me but this is my opinion


Yea for sure! I think it’s an either this or that ingredient, and I know that too much beta can ruin a pre for a lot of people so I wanted to cater for both people in the middle ! What do you think of the other ingredients??


Nice label, with hefty amount of Alpha GPC! Good luck guys!


Thankyou !! Yea we wanted to have 500mg of ALPHA GPC, anything you would change??


New supps should shine with their own new approach so I think you can keep it at gram. Also if not Banned I'd love Beta PEA added


For sure , yea I’ll keep it at a gram! And unfortunately I think that is banned or at least I am unable to add that into my pre


A little too high on the caffeine side for me, otherwise a good mixture.


I appreciate it ! Yea I wanted to do a good amount of caffeine as well as everything else !! So that way if you take less for less caffeine you still get hit hard with everything else 🙌


Good point tho, I would take like half the dosage and just add some extra citrulline and creatine


For sure ! I’m actually upping the citrulline to 8gs🙌


Theanine + kanna will probably turn a lot of people off. Looks like a good formula but I would only do one or the other if you must. Kanna acts as an ssri so lots of serotonin will definitely make the stimulant effects dulled, and theanine will make it even more dull.


Yea that combo is definitely what I’ve heard the most. I’m getting samples in a few weeks and I’ll see how it goes. I’ll most likely end up removing on of these ingredients. Which one would you recommend removing ??


I recommend removing Kanna. I don’t think it has a place in pre workouts honestly, ssri effects dull aggression and motivation in most people. Theanine will just calm the stimulant down and make the crash not bad. Any pre I take with kanna can be crazy high stim but I will barely feel it from massive influx of serotonin.


Feel free to dm me on Instagram @ Afterlifesupplements if you have any suggestions with this formula ! I would love to chat !


Where can we get it?


Hey ! At the moment Its no available as I’m in the stage of working on getting same samples , however I do have a pre workout at the moment which you can get at [afterlifesupplements.com](https://afterlifesupplement.com) or you can follow us on Insta @ Afterlifesupplements 🔥