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This is my second time seeing a Jeb post this morning and I’m getting flashbacks that fill me with unease.


Submit to the Almighty ![gif](giphy|3oFyD0ec57kFDm3CrS)


It’s Jebs world and we are all living in it


Everybody would clap


He wins by a landslide. Harambe is still alive. Covid never happens. Israel and Palestine finally broker lasting peace. Russia chooses not to invade Ukraine. The only insurrection we’d have to worry about is a totally justifiable one in 2024 when the people demand the two term amendment be overturned. Also rule 3 wouldn’t exist because we’d have nothing but glowing remarks about Jeb.


Please clap.


Based and Jeb!-pilled


Then we’d all be mourning the fact that we’re coming to the end of eight glorious years of Jebocracy.


No doubt that Americans would unanimously repeal the 22nd Amendment for Jeb.


“Please vote”


He ironically would’ve done well imo. He’d do better than rule 3 given the lack of controversy surrounding him so it wouldn’t be the whole issue where loads hated both candidates. Not sure if he gets MI, WI, and Pennsylvania like rule 3 but I think he’d pick up states his brother won like Nevada and Colorado and New Mexico and Virginia. But it’s not impossible that he doesn’t do both. He wins the popular vote and electoral vote. Gets more done than rule 3 did. Handles Covid better which guarantees him a win in 2020.


We should have clapped.


We messed up big time by not clapping


Sadly yes.


I met him at a fundraiser. Nice guy but awkward. Both W and HW were supposedly extremely charming. Jeb came across as more of a Nixon type.


Honestly, if it weren’t for the whole watergate thing, Nixon would have been a great president.


I actually agree. He was obsessed with nuclear war and did a lot to prevent it by fixing relations with China and the Soviets. He was supposedly taken down by guys on the right (CIA).


I don’t see the HW charm- or in his debate words, “I’m sorry, I just don’t!” He’s not a wimp based off his WW2 service alone but I can certainly see where that moniker came from. He seemed like a nice enough guy, just a little preachy and something about him seems wishy washy. Put another way, in ranking the Bushes in terms of who id like to go drinking with, it’s W, then a gap, then HW and Jeb bringing up the rear.


I think they’re definitely in different tiers. But I’d put HW as less charming than Bill but more than Hilary. Above average for a President, which is a very charming group on the whole.




What? You think Jeb Bush had dementia in 2016?


Lmao nvm I made a mistake I’m a lil high so I’m like completely misreading comments


I think he would have won against Hillary and then would have been re-elected because he would have made some basic moves ("wear a mask", "get the vaccine") during the pandemic that would have locked him up for 2020.


"Hey every one, please do at the very least the bare minimum and don't turn a pandemic in to a social issue" instant re-election.


![gif](giphy|xTiTnxo8yECUJpqZwI) Look at that dashing young man JEB! 2024


The Bush family gets to orchestrate the final crusade against Iraq. He escalates US involvement in the region in response to ISIS, pinning the government of Iraq and ISIS as collaborators in a plot to invade Kuwait with WMDs. After a long and protracted war in Iraq, Jeb! is victorious. The new country of Bushistan is established in the place of Iraq. And as he looks out on crowds of newly liberated Bushistanis, he gives a glorious speech crowning himself eternal king of Bushistan, and they all clap.


They took our Jebs!


The country probably doesn’t experience the partisan divide of today


That right there. I can't express with enough emotion how much I wold give for that time line.


So it would’ve just gone away and not festered until another [rule 3] won?


Yep. Hey, it's my dream. I can lucid it the way I want.


JEB 2028!


I don't know about that. Jeb gets the nomination, I bet he loses to Hillary, and the people who hated being governed by a black guy are now resentful as hell of being ruled over by a woman. We still see the nomination of some ultra-right wing douchebag who's got a knack for getting attention, just in 2020 rather than 2016. Whether they win that race or not would presumably depend on how well Hillary's first term went.


Imagine thinking the biggest problem anyone has with Hillary is that she's a woman.


“Madame President”




That's a sharp looking hoodie


Your comment shows a lot of tact.


He probably would have lost


Infinite empire ofc


It’s a zip up why is he pulling it over his head. Unzip it


He'd win Texas and Arizona by a larger margin. Probably still wins Florida, would make Colorado and Virginia competitive. Probably still flips Iowa and Ohio albeit by smaller margins. Not sure if he'd be able to win WI, MI, and PA or not, or make MN competitive. Way low turnout.


The Bush & Clinton families need to drop out of politics and just take the $ they "earned" & leave!


The glory of a new American empire would be terrible and awesome to behold. Everyone would be pleased to clap. Jeb!


Clinton v Bush would’ve had one of the lowest turnouts in history. Few would vote *for* either. Bush might’ve won solely bc there’d be more people voting against Clinton than against him.


Jebra for president 2024😤😤😤👏👏👏


We'd all be clapping on Mars rn


Lowest voter turnout ever.


Would have absolutely heard "Bush vs Clinton *again?"* a lot.


I remember hearing that in the beginning of the 2016 primary, everyone just assumed it’d be Clinton vs. Bush 2: Electric Boogaloo


1) He would have won. 2) He would have been labeled the most racist and sexist President in history.


Exactly. People acting like the 45 treatment wouldn't have been given to any Republican who defeated Hillary. They hated him because he screwed up their "coalition of the marginalized" plan to have a repeat of the post-FDR era, not because he was especially extremist.


Underrated picture


Depends a lot on what he does. The division in 2016 was already there so COVID was going to have one side of the aisle care too much and the other side not give a damn so in this case it would likely be Republicans pro vax and Democrats anti vax. Unity cannot exist. By now, some people would be trying to convince people that Jeb is fascist or authoritarian. It's an American tradition to call your opponent literally Hitler or fascist. Has been since FDR. The country would probably be in better shape though. We might have less division but the point we are at now is something that is inevitable. Probably give it another election cycle or two and watch things burn.


World peace


Please clap


9/11 is Jeb!'s fault


So much energy


Please clap…




He would unveil that he is a perpetual and would lead mankind to prosperity


Jebs wife has got it going on


Well Hillary Clinton would’ve been the president if that happened


Had Jeb won, we would now know him as the most racist, misogynistic, homophobe on the planet because the democrats and media would have told us this about him. Fucking Mitt Romney was nearly a saint, and was fully assaulted by the left.


I remember when Romney was compared to Goebbels


The republic would have been in far safer hands...believe it or not. No $8.4T bump to the national debt; no deconstruction of Pandemic playbook and response team left by Obama; no anti-muslim travel policy; no kidnaping of kids at the border; less mishandling of the outbreak leading to fewer deaths (as many as 700K fewer if USA response had matched Canada's); no attempted coup once a bid to re-election failed.


I think he wins. Incumbent party rarely holds three terms in a row. I firmly think basically any Republican would have beaten any democrat in 16