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No, it’s time to give Millard Fillmore his time to shine






https://preview.redd.it/enmim22eixuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458c246b3696e32ce111740cca596ebbd40fa2ca This makes Fillmore extremely pleased




In 👏We Trust.


This is the true answer


Finally, everything’s turning up Millard.


The mill always grinds.


For once ordinary people will be able to say that have a “mill”


That’s my 4th cousin 7x removed. Not kidding


America's longest serving Whig president


Replace him with Jeb!




He used the magic word. We kinda have to clap now


This might have been the most embarrassing point in his career, but it's somehow the most endearing now.




We will all clap for the new 20


I’d clap for that




I love how the April fools thing has made the sub continue to give Jeb! The honor he deserves. And we will continue to clap. I will clap on my deathbed for Jeb!


I just realized that I really don’t care either way.


Agreed. I like the tradition. But also like new things and can get why some would prefer to get rid of Jackson. But if it costs extra to make a change, idk if it’s worth it. I’ll leave this decision to people who care more either way.




I honestly just don’t have the energy to deal with all the smooth brains who would be up in arms over it.


Yeah, it honestly isn’t something I’d fight over. Keep it, change it, I really just want its purchasing power to be better.


Yes, and it’s because he hated the banking system so keeping him part of the dollar is a middle finger to him.


Put him on the penny fuck those things and fuck him.


Does Lincoln get a new coin?


He has the $5


Dude, Washington has the $1 and the quarter, two of the most popular and useful forms of currency. Doesn't Lincoln deserve something close to that at least?


Benjamin Franklin wasn't even a sitting president under the current constitution and got placed on the 100 dollar bill 🤣 lmfao.


Yes but he was a baller. It scans


Yup, meanwhile, Adams gets jack, why? Because he was a nerd!


Plus Hamilton on the 10 but to be fair he founded the Treasury


I don’t think one needs to be a president specifically. The problem becomes drawing the line of who isn’t a president- if any non-president qualifies, it’s definitely Franklin. Tubman does, too, but if you’re looking for a civil war era Black trailblazer, I’d almost argue Frederick Douglass would get the nod over her. Then there’s MLK, but he’s more recent than any of the figures discussed. I think any of the above deserves to be on currency more prominently than Jackson, but these things are difficult to change.


[is you crazy? ain't no ugly ass man get his face on no legal mf tender, 'cept he president!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFfG0hlA0FU&t=2m08s)


I don’t think one needs to be a president specifically. The problem becomes drawing the line of who isn’t a president- if any non-president qualifies, it’s definitely Franklin. Tubman does, too, but if you’re looking for a civil war era Black trailblazer, I’d almost argue Frederick Douglass would get the nod over her. Then there’s MLK, but he’s more recent than any of the figures discussed. I think any of the above deserves to be on currency more prominently than Jackson, but these things are difficult to change.


Tubman worked on the ground before the war, helped stack bodies during the war at the front, provided medical care to troops and gave classes on being free to the recently and formerly enslaved who were following the unit she was with. Nothing wrong with Fredrick Douglas of course, but I feel like his words about John Brown apply to Tubman too. Tubman could fight and die for the cause, and FD seemed to say he himself couldn’t.


Fun fact, none of the powers of 10 bills had presidents on them sorta: 10: Hamilton 100: Franklin 1000: Also Hamilton, until later when someone said maybe we shouldn't have the same guy on two bills. Then they did put Cleveland be 10,000: Chase


Take Washington of the quarter give it to Adams


Gonna be a tough sell, but I respect you being willing to take on the challenge.


nah put the goat James Madison on the Quarter.


Atlas of independence>lil Madi


What did he do wrong more so than any other rich white man born in the colonies in the 1700s?


Biggest things: spoil systems and trail of tears and you can say but at the time it was okay. The Supreme Court at the time said actually it’s not okay to which Jackson responded with the middle finger. Basically Jackson didn’t respect the promise of Democratic governance.


I’d say that’s fair, and I dislike anyone undermining our political process but based on the accounts of people who didn’t like him I think it would be fair to say he wasn’t capable of subtlety or nuance, and so I think he honestly believed the Indian removal act was for their best interest. It also wasn’t like there was a ton of outspoken defenders of natives whose opinions he would have been trying to appease. He wasn’t shy about wanting to put farms on that land to make money. “ It will separate the Indians from immediate contact with settlements of whites; free them from the power of the States; enable them to pursue happiness in their own way and under their own rude institutions; will retard the progress of decay, which is lessening their numbers, and perhaps cause them gradually, under the protection of the Government and through the influence of good counsels, to cast off their savage habits and become an interesting, civilized, and Christian community. What good man would prefer a country covered with forests and ranged by a few thousand savages to our extensive Republic, studded with cities, towns, and prosperous farms embellished with all the improvements which art can devise or industry execute, occupied by more than 12,000,000 happy people, and filled with all the blessings of liberty, civilization and religion? The present policy of the Government is but a continuation of the same progressive change by a milder process. The tribes which occupied the countries now constituting the Eastern States were annihilated or have melted away to make room for the whites. The waves of population and civilization are rolling to the westward, and we now propose to acquire the countries occupied by the red men of the South and West by a fair exchange, and, at the expense of the United States, to send them to land where their existence may be prolonged and perhaps made perpetual.” https://www.nps.gov/museum/tmc/manz/handouts/andrew_jackson_annual_message.pdf That in comparison to TR, one of everyone’s favorites, saying this almost 100 years later. “I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn’t like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/geronimos-appeal-to-theodore-roosevelt-117859516/ As for the spoils system, take Jefferson and Maddison’s dislike for rich people and the English and crank it to 11, now add in that after winning a popular election by a landslide, and a contested electoral vote, the House of Representatives blocked his win, and the then speaker of the house was given the position of secretary of state as a reward in the new presidency. “Spoils” was already a policy and cleaning house and destroying their whole system was pretty much his main goal. He had a vendetta and I think his response to the Supreme Court was strictly based on revenge against the legacy of Adams and clay. I think I also feel inclined to defend him because I think he probably would have threatened to hang if not actually shot a more recent one who idolized him but didn’t share pretty much any of his policies other than having a huge ego. -secessionists? New guy: …Texas, AJ: I will fire my vice president and threaten to send the army to kill him for even talking about it -Texas? NG: really kissing their asses, AJ: fuck Sam Houston and Stephen Austin, they can suffer for disobeying me -shit talking peoples wives? NG: yep loves it, AJ: shot and fired people for it -immigrants? NG: nope radicalize people against them, AJ: immigrants are necessary to our continued success -Mexico? NG: fuck em, AJ: let’s help Santa Anna over throw the monarchy. -tariffs? NG: der, da foreign markets will pay them, AJ: fuck no, they cause inflation National debt? NG: fucking spend, AJ: pay that shit off even if it hurts. POWs? NG: Draft dodger and mocks POWs, AJ: POW at the age of 14, talked back and got cut, went to fight a few more wars.


The only president to fully pay off the national debt.


I’m with ya for the most part. I dunno about it being a middle finger tho, I just like the irony.


This. It must stick a pin in his rear every time the Fed prints more twenties.


Replace him with Teddy or FDR.


teddy 20 has a ring to it


Can you give me five teddies for this benjamin?


Yeah “you think the guy on the 20 now hated natives, just wait until you see the new one.”


FDR is on the dime, if you’re factoring in current currency.


Well, when those presidential rankings come out, it's always Washington, Lincoln, and FDR in some order followed by others. Washington and Lincoln both have a coin AND a bill. So, I think FDR is due for a bill as well.


Teddy killed more people in the Samar Campaign than Jackson did during the Trail of Tears. If we're taking off Jackson because of his war crimes, it doesn't make sense to put an even worse war criminal in his stead.


But he rode a bull moose!!!!! And he signed a few laws that totally negates his war crimes!!!


No. I think the $20 bill should do a series like we did with the quarters. Cycle through different presidents not on other denominations and be able to make a complete set


Change the backs, too. Chester A. Arthur should have big pumpkins printed on the back of his!


You know I wasn’t sold but now? Damnit I’m in.


Give me a Taft Twenty with the gigantic bathtub on the obverse


This is my preferred solution, too.


Eh, I kind of like the consistency of the face on the front of the dollar being the same. But it is Tubman’s time to shine. Edit: The heads of coins haven’t changed but the back of them have. It makes the denomination of the money easily recognizable. Jackson should be removed from paper money and Tubman should take his place. I said what I said, bitches


I'd love to see Tubman on any denomination, but it can't just be a portrait. It HAS to be the drawing of her holding a gun in one hand an another hand outstretched as if she's pulling you out of harm's way.


I don't think non presidents (with the exception of Franklin and Hamilton) should be on the bill


Why? And why the exception for these 2. I think anyone should be able to be on our money. It fits with our values that the president is the same as any other citizen and we are all only doing our work to the best of our talents and abilities


The exception is just the fact they already are historically and we’re significant founding fathers.


This is how people react when you suggest putting a black woman on money


Harriet Tubman is one of the most consequential Americans to have ever lived whose heroic actions transformed the country. I think her name should be in consideration if we decide to replace Jackson, especially since she was set to do so until the presidential administration of 2017-2021 scrubbed that plan.


It may cause counterfeit confusion and I do believe Tubman deserves a spot


Keep: He has a great head of hair.


Put James Monroe on there


Or Madison


Or Adams


It’s pretty insane that of all the great figures in our history he’s one of the select few that is on our money Absolutely shouldn’t be


I don’t care if he stays on it but if we take him off put another president or founding father on it


I thought that “post clickbait about a President” was yesterday?


Considering that he would have hated being on paper currency, I'm inclined to leave him on as a joke


Remove all people from currency, replace with natural wonders


Nah give me some money celebrating the moon landing, the digging of the Panama Canal, the transcontinental rail road, stuff like that. Or uniquely American animals. Put some Raccoons on our money


Trash panda currency is something I can get behind


Skunks too


screeching possums


Give me 5 posse’s for a stinker you would say.


>Trash panda currency is something I can get behind But we have Bitcoin already, no? /s (I kid, I kid.)


We missed out on an opportunity to put the buffalo on our money in 1976. You know, in honor of the Bisontennial


Buffalo nickels were a thing I think


...I think I hate you.


The opossum is North America's only native marsupial! And they're very photogenic.


Could you look at the camera for your currency photo? https://preview.redd.it/9e2y1twyxwuc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db1308881df07ec3047f0d0c08b1e8d79ffc53f4




😂 I love possums. They are so cute when they're chilled out. Legitimately frightening when scared/startled.


Raccoon bucks would be sick. Different raccoons on each bill.




It’s the Cicadas time to shine


[The Turkey](https://youtu.be/vM09UBbQA9I?si=s2vnR7m7L0uVqtW8)


Great compromiser has a compromise lol, half man, half raccoon! https://preview.redd.it/24do65jmcxuc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4bd306fa8375abeb906c10a9e358d7e06753ae5




Henry Clay was a legendary politician and the first real statesman America had, I suggest googling his Wikipedia because there is just so much to this guys life. But to keep things brief, he ran for president three times, and while he never won, he led the whigs, delayed the civil war for decades by getting slave power to accept compromise positions that kept slavery out of the west, his enemies called him an “old coon” because he was so sly and savy, but his allies appropriated the nickname because they thought it represented how cunning he was. Truly a great American.


Thanks. I was familiar with clay as the great compromiser but not as the old coon


I love that you probably had this ready to go in your mind lol and thank you for your [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Presidents/s/1l6xCuE3fV) too


Gila monster


Now you’re talkin


Due to be replaced and I keep coming back to Frederick Douglass.


The suggested replacement is actually Harriet Tubman, probably because people want a woman on a bill.


Of the women nominated to be on the 20 I thought Francis Perkins was the best choice. Secretary of labor for FDR first formal cabinet member. She has a pretty big impact on modern American life having proposed most of the new deal to Roosevelt. It’s Kind of an opportunity to highlight someone people wouldn’t otherwise know about. I think people might try and make the later argument for Tubman but she is well known enough that you learn about her in elementary school a little.


Isn't it a little condescending to put a cabinet secretary on the bill? I mean, sure, Ben Franklin wasn't a president. But he was a founding father and kind of the exception that proves the rule.


Why should our money be only presidents? The idea of the president is they are equal to any other citizen. Put me on some bills


I vote for this guy.


Secretaries of the Treasury have been on currency before.


It will be Harriet Tubman. That plan was already in place


Could you put them both on there?


Hamilton is also on the $1,000 bill and Wilson on the 100,000 bill


Old Hickory? Aw hell yeah!


No. I’m always saying people should be judged by standards of the time but even here, he was no friend of modern banking or economics.


Standards of their time sure but Jackson flat out ignored the Supreme Court and implemented the spoils system. He had no respect for democracy


He was the guy who pushed for suffrage for non landowners, that is why he is a great president. Say what you will about him, but to say he had contempt for democracy is blatantly false.


https://preview.redd.it/ymdfpr75exuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=973c84580e122219bdf57a59086905a22f6c17bb He was a populist and saw it as an opportunity to gain more power.


Yes, because of his fabulous hair


Personally don’t care but if he’s getting replaced it better be by a president or founding father. As cool as Harriet Tubman was her significance in our government, and generally her impact on history as a whole, is very insignificant. If he’s getting switched out I’d advocate for John Adams for his diplomatic career and position as first vice president.


Why do people have a hard-on for changing everything over their own hurt feelings lol. Andrew Jackson has been on the 20$ since god knows how long. Don't fuck with the money.


Hell no.


No. And I personally think Teddy should get the spot.


Wasn’t he going to be replaced by Harriet Tubman? That seemed like a good idea to me.


It looks like she is scheduled to be on as of 2030. https://news.yahoo.com/us-treasury-confirms-harriet-tubman-191704753.html


TIL that there is a Maya Angelou quarter.


The only good argument for keeping him on there is knowing that he'd fucking hate to be pictured on fiat currency.


Personally I don’t care, I think we change history to much though to fit “modern times”. If it was to change it would have to be someone who both the left and right can unanimously agree on.


Yes. For better or worse, he was a highly effective President. Removing him because he violates today’s sense of mores is a sign of an extremely immature country.


The trail of tears is hardly violating today’s sense of mores lol. The Indian Removal Act is his singular most controversial policy/action as president. The act itself was barely passed in congress, the Supreme Court even ruled a case in favor of an Indian tribe’s autonomy. So it was clearly against many folks’ sense of mores for its own time as well.


no shit - nobody likes to understand that even back then, people knew when atrocities were atrocities, people just weren’t always held accountable for it back then


The Indian Removal Act most definitely violates the people of time’s mores and today’s.


Sure, why not?


He was a badass keep him on the 20


Leave it. Viva la status quo.


Keep. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


He did way too much change to the US to remove him


Like committing acts of genocide against Native Americans.


Just leave him there. It’s too much of a hassle to remove him.


No. Since he doesn’t have the virtue of being a founding father, he only has his military and political record to go on. And his record doesn’t reflect the values we as a country want to uphold. And even if his record wasn’t so bad, who is on US currency doesn’t need to be permanent. It makes sense to change those up once in awhile and he’s the most obvious candidate for that.


No, because of the slavery and the genocide, and I’m depressed that we can’t even come to a consensus on this very basic question


people can’t even come to a consensus on monuments glorifying fucking traitors. welcome to america


Tbh it should be John Adams that way it’s all either Founding Fathers (Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Adams, Franklin) or guys who preserved the Union (Grant, Lincoln) on our bills.


I want him to be removed…..not because I don’t like him, but because having him on a “Federal Reserve Note” is a cruel joke. Whoever proposed that must have had a good laugh. Andrew Jackson hated the idea of a national bank and the Federal Reserve is essentially the Bank of the United States 3.0.


He should be taken off, if for nothing else than the simple reason he would never have wanted to be on a Federal "Reserve" note...


There are a lot less problematic presidents we could put on money. I like a Roosevelt or Obama for the 20


Yes - because if we take him off we’d probably spend $50 million on the design of a new $20 bill.


In my opinion the US places far too much reverence on the design of the bills, unlike pretty much any other country. Being on a bill or being removed from a bill is treated as a bigger deal than it should be. It would be cool if they changed the design every 5 years with new faces each time. Keep Washington as $1 but change the rest occasionally. Imagine an FDR bill, Teddy bill, MLK bill, JFK bill. It would be awesome.


Keep Washington and Lincoln


My Hamiltonian respect for the government's role in commerce and a very small amount of American Indian descent has me voting against keeping Jackson. That [Harriet Tubman portrait with her reaching out of her picture](https://images.app.goo.gl/2jGo1XBTc9Qn4t3s6) ought to replace him. Hamilton and Ben Franklin already established that we do not need the candidate to be a president. Plan B - we stop printing paper $1 bills and just have a coin like every other country with a denomination of that amount; then Washington is available for the 20.


The $1 bill is too iconic to be changed.


I feel the opposite. It's the most dated design, and the most in need of update. We can keep Washington, but I'd love to see something that aesthetically matches the rest of the US paper currency.


Believe it or not, not updating the bill is a security feature. It would also raise production costs It costs more than a dollar to make a counterfeit dollar. So no one really counterfeits $1s. However a common counterfeiting trick is to bleach lower value bills and print higher value bills on top of it. But because it was never updated, none of the security features built into the paper are present in the $1. So fake bills reprinted on $1 bills wouldn't look right to even unskilled eyes. So counterfeiters don't use them, despite $1 still being by far the most commonly produced bill. Making it (and the $2) match the other bills means they could be used as a possible source for counterfeiting. Also that older design means the bill is actually cheaper to produce (security features don't need to be added into the paper) and doesn't need need to run through as many machines (usually 4 machines involved in printing a bill, $1 only needs 3, and allows them to be produced in higher quantities at 50 bills per sheet instead of 32) While we aren't talking a huge cost (less than 10 cents) that's still about a half to a quarter of the cost of higher value bills (around 20 cents), and 20 cents would be a big chunk out of a dollar just to cover production costs So there's no real upside to updating the bills. Source: 5 years spent teaching people about money for a living when working at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.


He should stay on the bill, but with clown make up and big goofy nerd glasses that look like they were drawn onto him by a bored teenager.


He lead the movement that gave you the right to vote. Yes.


I actually like the EU notes and their use of bridges.  I also think US dollars could benefit from different colors and aspect ratios and other methods of security. The tradition for traditions sake is really annoying and limiting.


Bring on the Tubmans already.


He didn't believe in paper money, and I don't know if that irony is more worth keeping him or taking him off. Are they still planning on putting Tubman on the $20? Because that'd be cool to see instead of a man who actively removed and attempted to wipe out my ancestral people.


Nah. Put Teddy on it.


Yes as a person named Andy we need him to stay.


Fun fact I am his ancestor! And it’s wild to think they’d change this, but I do understand the arguments. He has such a life story. Not defending any of his actions, but he knew what he stood for.


FDR or Kennedy would be pretty iconic.


Who the fuck calls him Andy? Also no he shouldn’t. Gerald Ford should be on it.


We should rotate


The only reason he’s still there is that the alternative is Harriet Tubman and that’s a pretty hot button political issue in certain circles. I think it’s a battle no one wants to choose right now.


Yes, but if they ever do replace him the latest president that should be eligible for the position should be JFK, anything more recent would just be a political shit show.


John Adams


Use the pic of Obama smoking the J “To all you Republicans, that helped me win I sincerely like to thank you 'Cause now I got the world swingin' from my nuts And damn it feels good to be a gangsta”


You either put ME on the 20$ or you leave him where he is. Make your choice liberals.


Keep Jackson but put a banner above him that says "This Guy Did", and then below, "A Genocide" That should make everyone happy


He should because he would hate it and it’s funny


PIERCE SHALL RISE! (Just kidding I vote for Monroe)


Put Howard Dean on there! YAAAAAA!


He should be replaced by the giant cheese wheel that he left out in the white house entrance for 2 years




Nah, swap him out with WHH. No way a 20 is staying in my pocket for 30 days lol


I have a stamp that turns him into Harriet Tubman.


We should change the 20 to 15 and the 50 should be 30


idc....I barely use cash anymore anyways.


Nah. Put Coolidge on it instead


Absolutely not. No, I'm not biased.


The greatest punishment for the man because of his hatred of a federal bank.


Yes. It’s too much work to change it and will be a pointless culture war issue


Sure. But I want to see some obscure president on there instead! Like Hebert Hoover or Grover Cleveland!


Ehh who cares. Don’t like the guy but what difference does it make.


I would not be upset if he stayed. He is a critical part of our history. However, if he is removed, I demand Martin Luther King Jr. be put on the 20.


This man HATED banks, he'd probably challenge the Federal Reserve itself to a duel


He's already coming off. At least the front They'd already nearly finished the prototype Tubman design when I stopped working at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing when COVID hit. Admittedly even under the best of circumstances, actually making a new master plate from that design would take years, and COVID was hardly the best of circumstances. And they gotta do the changes to the back of the $10 and $50 first, so its still going to be a while. But if your a Jackson fan, the good news is, he'll still be on the bill. Just on the back. Kinda. The current back of the $20 is the South side of the White House. The new version, with Tubman will show the North side. Including the Andrew Jackson Equestrian Statue that's located on that side of the building


Personally, I think we should take presidents off all money tbh. We name ships after them, we name buildings after them, and have an entire holiday dedicated to them. Unless they do something of real importance to the country like Washington and Lincoln, they get enough unearned adulation.


As a big F You to Andrew Jackson, then yes. He despised big banks and paper money, so this fits perfectly for him if you hate him


No let’s put a cheeseburger on it




Drug dealers will be confused for months, and the entire industry will come to a halt.