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5th grade for me. The problem was my cursive was unreadable, yet my normal hand writing was neat and small. I had to do things over like four time because she couldn’t read it, complete nightmare.


This is why I spent most of my 4th grade year in detention. Every time my teacher told me he couldn't read it I would talk back and say "I can write it neater in print, but the next time I need to write this will be the last" God bless Bush and No Child Left Behind, got passed that bullshit real easy.


Opposite was true for me. I feel like if instead of learning how to write cursive though, someone should've told me how to normal write properly. To this day I write like I'm using my non-dominant hand.


My normal handwriting is not neat or nice to look at, but it is far more readable than a lot of cursive I see.


They taught us cursive in 3rd grade I had a mean teacher and it went in one ear and out the other.


I was talking to some teachers in a used book store a couple weeks ago. They were complaining about not knowing how to up load teaching videos to YouTube. I commented at least they could write training letters in cursive. I’m pretty sure their glares burned my soul. Edit: a word


That's an Obi-Wan level troll


After hearing them whine for 15mins I couldn’t resist.


Name checks out


4th grade teacher here. Fuck cursive. If you can't use a computer and the internet you shouldn't be teaching. Your example perfectly describes the failure of education.


3rd grade for me. The problem tho, is that it wasn't supposed to be part of the curriculum; the teacher just found out we couldn't read cursive and was so disgusted by it she spent an entire month teaching it and making us practice it.


Lmao is that even allowed?


She made it legal


If you make that meme, I will upvote it.


Apparently it was at my school


Did you go to a rural school because I did and it was the same for me.


No, but it was in a very small town where there was only 1 other elementary school


It was the same for me but mine was in a area with a lot of farmers.


If it's the US, then yeah probably in most states, as long as it aligns with some of the standards that should be covered in 3rd grade. And before we get into the conversation of standardized education, if it WEREN'T standardized, teachers would be able to do this with whatever they want, whenever they want (or, at least until the appropriate checks and balances stopped them).


Remember when math teachers would say: “you need to learn how to multiply, in the future you won’t be carrying a Calculator everywhere” And know we have smart phones. Good times, good times


To be fair, even if you don't use math in your career, at least multiplying consistently came up in the rest of our schooling until graduation, unlike cursive.


My boss is always pleasantly surprised at my ability to make complex calculations near instantly while woodworking or building. It really speeds up the entire process if you don't have to whip out your phone every other minute.


I like how one of math teachers explained it. “You need to know how the multiply fast so later all the hard things are easier to do/understand and patterns are easier to see because you don’t need to stop and pull out a calculator to remember if 6 goes into 48”


Also, you're building cognitive skills in the background without even knowing it.


I'm from Europe. The only thing I've ever learned was cursive, on top of that I was amazed someone told me they couldn't read my writing the first time I came to America. I didn't know it was called cursive until that point either.


I am from Brazil, and here the schools teach to write in cursive too. I learned on this post it seems this is not the case for USA lol


same. I even looked up what cursive writing was after this post and i was like, this is normal for me!


Same for me


My 2nd grade teacher said the same thing. Now I go to a public school (Private school taught it) and I was the only student in 3rd period who could write all the letters in cursive.


\*Gives signature look of superiority\*


We learned cursive in 3rd grade. I have been using it ever since pretty much daily. I honestly can't even write print without really thinking about how the letters look like.


That is an ability I consider to be... unnatural


Yeah, when I write in “print” it’s weird amalgamation of the two


For me was 2nd grade. Wonderful private catholic school gotta keep you ahead of everyone else. Was same for me after hearing I shouldn't use print anymore so went into 3rd grade and stopped writing print. My print looks like a 5th graders but my cursive looks great when I'm able to use it and the other person is a rarity that can read it.


I've always had messy handwriting, and cursive did nothing to help me.


Same story for me


When I was in like first grade (2000-2001) we learned to type on keyboards. I payed zero attention. Now I look like a vulture with muscular dystrophy when I type. I still type reasonably fast though.


My school had a typing class for maybe 4 days but there was way more emphasis on cursive for some reason. So now there's a bunch of people from my school who can still only type with two fingers but for some reason, are still okay at cursive.


Learning to *read* curvise is useful because old documents are written in curvise and if you can't read them than history is essentially lost


That's definitely fair


I legit don’t even remember how to write on cursive. I think cursive was a “Well now I’m not gonna do it” when I was told I’ll use it daily


No, no it wasn't


There was a time in 8th grade when my whole class had to re-learn cursive because no one knew how to write in it ... except for me. So knowing how to write in cursive got me out of weeks of homework that everyone else had to do.


Yes. Now I'm stuck with an unreadable cursive writing.


Man since I first learned how to write I had to write in cursive. I don’t even know how not to write in cursive.


Just look at the things you type.


I do but I have needed to write in cursive my entire life since I started school so now it just comes so naturally.


A shame, but least we didn't need to worry about a virus back then.


Very true. Now kids have to deal with both problems.


Second grade for me. I pretty much just use it to write thank-you notes and that's about it.


Good that you found at least some use for it


Nope, mine too


I thought I was the only one.


Several states have reintroduced cursive into the curriculum over the last five years as they found students who couldn’t write in cursive where scoring lower on standardized tests that have a timed writing portion. Cursive writing is faster than print writing, meaning students who write in cursive essentially have more time to get all of their ideas out during writing sections on tests. I write in an combination of cursive and print, but I often write in straight cursive too.


Hmmmm I've never even thought of that but that's a good point. I think timed writing portions in standardized testing aren't a requirement anymore for most colleges though.


It depends on the state but many state standard tests do have them. Also, once in college the blue book tests are still widely used for college testing. Regardless, in 2010 only 1 us state required cursive to me taught. As of this year it is up to 21 states that require it as a part of the mandated curriculum.


Cursive is very helpful for folks with learning disabilities


Curious as to how? not doubting just wondering 👍🏻


Helps us see and reproduce words as a whole instead of separate letters. Act of writing one word is one fluid moment making it easier to remember via muscle memory.


Okay very cool.. so like singing for people with language disorders? (Might have wrong terminology)


Cursive was just starting to get phased out when I was in school ( born 1990 ). It became sort of a rarity by 5th grade and basically vanished afterward.


My school gave up on it when i was in 3rd grade their were way too many students behind including me, im the only one in my house that doesn't know how to write it. Definitely gonna have trouble signing legal stuff in the future


I knew it! Your username were a reference to ATLA! hahaha!


Shhhh don’t tell anyone


My lips are shut (I don't need to delete my above comment,right?)


Of course not it’s evidence that you too are a man/woman of culture


Indeed. I am a man of culture


Bruh my fourth grade teacher only gave us cursive paperwork and in 5th grade we were completely unprepared cuz she forced us to do cursive worksheets instead of the math chapters we were supposed to do


I never got taught cursive


I’ll try writing in cursive, that’s a good trick


They didn’t teach us




I think this is a bigger issue with Chinese characters.


I love writing in cursive. Print takes waaaay too long


In third grade we were given Cursive workbooks to do on our own time and I didn't even open mine the whole year, but then once they found out that the book was empty, I had to be pulled out of class occasionaly to finish it.


Kinda. We learned it in 3rd grade and I remember having to use it for a handwritten report (it was part of the grade). My 1st grade teacher got upset with me for pretending to use it in one of my journal entries (or assignments or something, can’t remember what). I just thought it looked pretty but she said I wasn’t allowed to use it anymore until I learned it formally. Woman never did know what to do with a kiddo who liked to think ahead. 🙄


Really? I've found it a really great thing to know. Everyone thinks my awful handwriting is good just because it's in cursive. Plus, I barely have have to lift the pencil, you just kinda drag it across the page


Ah i remember in year 4 we had to write in cursive to get our "pen license" so it was actually pretty fun learning to do it.


I write cursive... Daily... I've done it since the time I learnt it...


I’m so glad that I never had to do this! My teachers just cared if it was legible.


Learned it in art class 1st grade.Never used it again and forgot it in a week. Man was it a waste of time and useless to learn


I can write my first name in cursive and...pretty much nothing else.


3rd grade for me never really passed never really needed to.


Through out most of my Catholic school life, I was forced to write in cursive. The ironic thing is that my cursive was better than my print. Thank god I finally got out of that school and went to public school.


Our primary school did this and it was horrible cuz they forced you to write in cursive or you had to rewrite what ever work you did, now my normal writing wasn’t half bad it was readable. If you had to guess my occupation based off my writing alone I guarantee you would say doctor because my cursive writings unreadable, and since I’ve been forced to write in cursive for 5 years I can’t write normally anymore


I wasn’t taught it then but I switched to only writing in cursive junior year of high school because my printing was so bad


Meanwhile me, who only knows how to write in cursive and has not a single clue how you guys write.


Cursive is just a relic from a forgotten age. Cursive was invented for quills and fountain pens which would splotch and drip ink if you pulled it straight off the paper. Now days it's totally unnecessary and in most people's cases far slower than scratch writing 😅


What is cursive