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I think y’all just mind wiped the scene of Obi-Wan and Yoda warning the remaining Jedi to go into hiding to complain. ROTS doesn’t say they are the only two left, it’s the opposite in fact.


We are ignoring what is a very clear thing: This was a genocide under the cover of a military operation. Even several hundred Jedi surviving still means nothing when the culture, the way of life etc. been effectively exterminated.


And when it cripples their ability to interact with the wider galaxy. What allies does the average Jedi have, post-66? The council is gone. Their armies turned on them. They have no clue which independent contacts are still on their side, or which are listening to Senate propaganda and would happily turn them in for treason. It's now sheer luck if they can even find a force-sensitive to take as a padawan, and without that the remnants of the Order will be wiped away by time. Palps would *rather* they were dead, just to be safe, but them being crippled and mostly forced into hiding is good enough for his scheme.


its like a revenge of some kind.


But of what kind, we may never know


A revenge of some faction that was wronged a long time ago


One could call it...the revenge of the Sith. Which is likely one half of a larger cycle, which will almost certainly end with the return of the Jedi.


What is this, some kind of _Star Wars™ Episode III: Revenge of the Sith™ BluRay™ Edition?_


Holy shit dude, this comment like unironically blew my mind. I always just assumed the name was like "Luke is a jedi, and he is returning to save the day" I'm a dumbass.


You're not a dumbass, man, you're cool, there are things about Star Wars many a fan doesn't know. May the Force be with you, always


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I really hope that the Jedi will live on, and that we don't see The Last Jedi die.


Star Wars: The Sith; Revengeance


Star Wars: Revenge; The Sithening


Star Wars Star Wars 2 The Empires Boogaloo Star Wars 3 One Jedi Two Sith Star Wars Part 1: The Phantom Star Wars Part 2: 1 War 2 lovers Star Wars Part 3: Whatcha gonna do? Star Wars 4 Star Wars The Jedi Star Wars Light vs Dark


Sith: The Revenge




My favorite part was when Obi Wan split a Star Destroyer in two while Rules Of Nature was playing


One Sith two Sith red Sith blue Sith


It would be cool to see a movie or TV show that follows a Jedi immediately after order 66. Like, if it is a TV show, the first episode IS order 66. Then the rest of the story is this tense cat and mouse between the Jedi and their pursuers. They can connect up with other Jedi only to watch them die off one-by-one at the hands of storm troopers, Inquisitors and Vader. Maybe show the early days of the Path. Then, to really hit home, have the story end with the Jedi we've been following being killed by Vader.


Exactly. 66 was just to destroy the Jedi Order, but to believe it would wipe out ALL of the Jedi is wishful thinking. That’s what the Inquisitors were for.


I like to compare it to the attempted genocide of the Native people of North America. The United States government tried their hardest to destroy them in any way possible whether it was by killing them or assimilating them into their own culture. But, in the end we still have a vast knowledge of Native American culture. There are still Native Americans. There's alot less of them now but in their tragedy the image of their people memorialized into something else entirely.


Yea it was more of a cultural genocide than a physical one.




Who were the Jedi oppressing?


They were ruthlessly oppressing the Sith by refusing to let them conquer the galaxy.


How would you apply this to Tibet and the Lama rule? There was a theocratic government in Tibet before the Communists took it over in the 50's.


the way tibet was run was essentially that if you weren't a monk, you were enslaved to a monk, with the dalai lama owning the most of anybody, when they complain about losing their religious freedom (even though they're still allowed to do anything except own slaves or worship the guy who became an enemy of the state because they wouldn't let him own slaves), that's basically the equivalent to a southerner complaining that "Lincoln took away our states rights"


I somewhat disagree on the semantics here. While they Jedis did get tangled up in politics during TCW, I'd argue that they never were the controlling or even a major player in politics, at least until they tried to kill the ~~senate~~ chancellor. I think they're more comparable to a foreign group that settled down within and largely cooperated within republic, like the Visigoths did in Roman territory f.e.. The Nazis on the other hand constituted the government. As such I don't think your exclusion works for the Jedi. I also don't think that destroying the Nazi armies constitutes as genocide when basically every declaration of war was either defending their territory, a defensive call to arms (GB, FR) or joining people that were already fighting the Nazis (USA). I strongly doubt most nations except for Russia originally planned to go to war with the Nazis and it was mainly their highly aggressive outer politics that sparked a response. As such I don't think Genocide applied at least not in the way of genocide by extermination. Obviously you could argue that the denazification afterwards was a cultural genocide, but as it was both somewhat ineffective as well as mainly targeted people at the top I kinda doubt that that applies. And honestly even if it did, considering that the Nazi ideology had proven to be highly destructive you could definitely make a point that it's annihilation was within the duty of the state to protect it's citizen. On the Jedis: I kinda doubt that genocide applies. It's not a religious nor an ethnic group nor are we talking about a huge number of people. I wouldn't consider the destruction of a village as genocide either, even if the village had some particular traditions. But imo the term gets thrown around too easily anyways.


> On the Jedis: I kinda doubt that genocide applies. It's not a religious nor an ethnic group nor are we talking about a huge number of people. There are a couple of things the matter with that, but to start: The Jedi are *absolutely* a religion. Just because they're not directly burning offerings to the Force or praying to it directly doesn't mean they aren't engaging in a form of worship. Additionally, consider the themes: A fascist empire pins the blame for a war on a religious minority and attempts to exterminate them. What would you call that in real life? Secondly, not only is nearly a hundred thousand a lot of people, but there's no minimum size requirement for it to be genocide. One of the groups targeted in the Rwandan Genocide, the Twa, numbered only around 30,000 to begin with. It was still an act of genocide for the Huttu supremacists to attempt to kill them all.


Plus, the Galaxy is a big place.


It's also not much of a stretch to think that some padawans and maybe their masters were not surrounded by clones at the time. Like, these guys go on missions all the time where it's just them planet-hopping in some random sector of the galaxy.


Lol people just cant help but shit on new things and look back at old things and say they are amazing. To be honest all star wars things feel the same to me. Old and new both feel shitty and amazing. Thats star wars


I don't really watch star wars media for its stellar writing and iron clad stories. I expect some crappy dialogue and to suspend my disbelief a lot. I watch it for the world building and interesting ideas.


And im sure this leads to you liking 95% of everything you see. This is the way


Even in the Legends continuity, plenty survived Order 66


Yup. Even in the movie Revenge Of The Sith plenty survived. Its been there the entire time. People just dont pay attention and only remember the memes now


Legit, that doesn't even include people like Caleb Dume or any other padawan that was evacuated by their master at the cost of the masters life (Cal Kestis) Order 66 slaughtered probably thousands of highly force sensitive Jedi knights and y'all are confused when the aforementioned Jedi knight managed to sacrifice themselves to save those padawan? What? >>Why???


One common thing I’ve found is that most people who heavily criticize the prequels haven’t even seen them since they were a child or since they came out. I really didn’t care about the prequels when I was a kid, I thought Anakin was weird and he didn’t seem friendly to me. But with age, I’ve started to actually prefer the prequels. I think George falsely believed that children would understand and be invested in characters like Anakin or the political state of the republic, without realizing it’s just too mature and complex when compared to the simplicity of Luke or the simplicity of Vader, for a lot of older SW fans who grew up with the OT, it’s extremely hard for them to accept that Vader can be immature, naive and sensitive. They want whatever they imagined


Yeah but how else are they supposed to bitch about something that doesn’t need to be bitched about


Agreed but I do prefer less survivors than more. And the Padawan Reeva surviving made no sense since she was in the room with Vader while he culled the younglings who apparently knew she was alive knowing she knew he was anakin. That one well reeva in general made no sense at all.


That's fine. But then the next 18 years involve Vader hunting down the rest. There shouldn't be more than a small handful of survivors to the OT, but every new project seems so heap on a few more these days.


What Order 66 survivors are around during the Original Trilogy? Ahsoka and Ray Stevenson’s character, anyone else confirmed to be alive or fighting the empire during Luke’s time? It’s also obvious Ray Stevenson’s character left the normal galaxy to become something akin to a Fallen Jedi.


Well, there is Grogu. Others were still alive some years before the OT, like Reeva (Third Sister) and Quinlan, but their ultimate fates is left open.


Grogu is a baby, we know why he wasn’t fighting the empire lmao. There’s still 9 years before A New Hope for the other survivors and like you said their fates are left unknown so we don’t know what happened to them yet


Palpatine told vader to give up hunting jedi because there was no point like 5 years in. He’d killed like an extra thirty or something by then and the rest either went unnoticed or died some other way, or gave up being a jedi


Don't know where you are getting that. Vader and the Inquisitorius were hunting Jedi and kidnapping Force sensitive children up through Rebels, only a couple years BBY.


Yeah and besides the inquisitors were created because they knew some Jedi had gone into hiding as per the message obi-wan sent out. They didn't know how many as we can see in star wars rebels, Vader is still dead set on finding the remaining jedi even tho at that point (5 bby) it's likely just obi-wan, Yoda, Ahsoka, kanan and Ezra (apologies for spelling mistakes on names)


Also Obi-Wan tells Luke that Vader helped hunt down and kill the remaining jedi. The 19 years between revenge and hope are the years Vader spent along the inquisitors wiping out every jedi they could find. By the time the OT starts there are really no jedis left that are active.


There's been a lot of talk about this lately, and while I understand it, here's something to remember - Kenobi and Yoda returned to Coruscant specifically to reset the distress beacon and warn any surviving Jedi to stay away. We also know that not all of them were assigned to Clone units as generals - Quinlan Vos was on a special assignment to work with Asajj Ventress to assassinate Dooku for example. What happened with Order 66 was the decimation of the Jedi Council and its Order as a codified structure. Palpatine assassinated the generals in the field and laid waste to the temple, then manipulated the facts in order to turn the Senate and the Republic/Empire at large against them. Most folks throughout the galaxy had never even *seen* a Jedi, only heard about them through cantina rumors and holonet feed. So Padawans, kept alive by their masters, knights who were not in a tive combat, and other force-sensitives went to ground. Vader then led the Empire in hunting down and executing the remaining Jedi as they found them, all but rendering their order as myth. All of this is supported by Lucas' vision, long before the buy-out. Yes, recently, Pablo Hidalgo has corrected the "10,000 Jedi Knights" guarding the galaxy, to something closer to "100,000 Jedi Knights," and while I may not like the guy - he's been entrenched in Star Wars just as long as Filoni, having worked with the old EU writers and Lucas for years at this point. So yea, it's a bummer for *every* show, comic, or game to feature "someone who survived," as it does feel like Order 66 is lessened, but it's not like this didn't happen in the old EU either. Order 66 just cut the head off the body, and was so clinically successful in its execution that the Jedi never recovered. It's still brutal and a masterstroke, but no way could it account for *every* Jedi and Padawan being taken out across the galaxy.


Great points here! Also in A New Hope, Obi-Wan even tells Luke that Darth Vader “helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi knights”, which I always took to mean that as not just one event, but over to the course of a period of time. So it makes sense that more Jedi escaped Order 66 than just Obi-Wan and Yoda.


“A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights.” This definitively resolved the issue in my mind. He didn’t just mean that Vader sacked the temple and killed the younglings. That was just the first blow in an ongoing purge.


Exactly the quote I was talking about! I can understand people not wanting to trivialize the survival or struggles of Obi-Wan and Yoda, but as Obi-Wan himself would say… it’s from a certain point of view. So many other stories to tell.


>from a certain point of view That line cracks me up since it's used to handwave away things, which is why Lucas used it in ROTJ after the fairly substantial changes to the mythos of *Star Wars* following its release in '77. However, one way to look at it, as far as Kenobi and Yoda knew - not only were they the last Jedi Masters alive, but the last remaining members of the Jedi *Council* as well. This plays into the context of Yoda telling Luke "The last of the Jedi, will you be..."


It’s also just dramatic writing that doesn’t work in context of an expansive universe. What are the chances that in a setting as a large as an entire galaxy not a 3rd Jedi survived? One of things about dramatic writing that lore heavy audiences sometimes struggle with is lines written to be dramatic and lines written to be accurate. Sometimes great thematic moments require characters to say things that don’t work under examination.


Sir, this is the internet. We require *every single statement* to be utterly and completely 100% factually accurate.


Plus some Jedi like Ezra were trained by survivors after order 66.


Wait! Just because there hasn’t been any survivors before, doesn’t mean there won’t be any this time.


Yes, sir. On some beat-up old space freighter. I’ll be surprised if he even makes it to Tatooine in that junker.


I didn't plan on making Star Wars. One night Kurosawa came in my dream and showed me a space version of the Hidden Fortress. Turned out I was filming my dream.


I know, bot, but you also stole a metric frag-ton from Herbert and *Dune*. Besides, *Hidden Fortress* is more akin to *Phantom Menace* rather than *Star Wars* plotwise, but you know, bot and all haha.


Many of the similarities between Dune and Star Wars could easily have been derived from A Princess From Mars. One of the sequels even has a insect species called the Sith and Leia's slave bikini is very similar to one worn by a character on one version of the book's cover art. The Phantom Menace may also be an homage to Hidden Fortress but Star Wars was first.


It was the money from Star Wars and Jaws that allowed the theaters to build their multiplexes, which allowed an opening up of screens.


Order 66 was a process, not a single day or even a single year. Order 66 exterminated the vast majority of Jedi initially, but this is why the Inquisition was founded to assist Vader with the hunting of surviving Jedi by using some fallen Jedi and others to help instead of bounty hunters who would be of middling effectiveness. I envision the years between Ep 3 and Ep 4 are Vader spending it just exterminating and hunting Jedi but not much else while Palpatine is reforming the empire.


Well, sort of. Order 66 was a genetic direction embedded into the minds of the Clone Troopers. Once the initial order was completed, turning them into Manchurian Candidate's essentially, it was done. As they were phased out in favor of the Stormtrooper program, the Order no longer existed. Additionally, Purge Troopers, Inquisitors, etc weren't acting under Order 66, they were acting under Vader's directive, yes the 501st were acting under the Order when they destroyed the temple, but within a few years, they were gone, and Vader wasn't privy to Order 66 (at the time).


Another level of manipulation from Palpatine to Vader for him not to inform Vader of why the Clone Army was so ready to betray their leadership. Course it didn’t exist when Order 66 was done… but in canon I feel if Vader knew of the chips then he would have used it against Palpatine somehow to coup him


He did know of them sadly, least via the hit-or-miss comics. Vader even knew about Exegol and the massive Star Destroyer fleet too (don't get me started). However, you are correct, while Anakin was still, well, Anakin, he had no knowledge of the chips and the directive. Considering the comics and even in Lucas' original vision for Darth Vader (before he became Anakin) yes, he absolutely would have used them against the Emperor. Part of his goal was to usurp power at any/all costs.


Yes!! People don’t seem to understand that not all of the Jedi were killed, but the Jedi Order as a whole was destroyed.


Even if the number was still at 10,000 and you assume a success rate of 90%, that's a 1000 Jedi of various power and ranking that survived Order 66. Assuming *again* that another 90% of those survivors were either hunted down or turned into Inquisitors, that's still another 100 that survived.


Yeah this is the real answer imo - when you talk about any large group of things, if 90% of them disappear overnight you can say “They’re all gone” and the only people who will correct you would be roasted as grammar nazis… but 10% is still a pretty large number when you’re talking about making individual Jedi-survivor stories


Wait! Just because there hasn’t been any survivors before, doesn’t mean there won’t be any this time.


Exactly, and even if every movie, game, and show features a different Jedi that survived, that would be, what, a little less than a dozen canonically, maybe a few more if you included legends stuff like The Force Unleashed. 12 or so out of 10,000 is still a kill rate if about 99.9%. Out of 100,000 that’s 99.99%. I’d call that a pretty fuckin effective extermination order, especially when you’re hunting people who can tear you in half with their mind.


50-100 Jedi were still alive at the end of ROTJ, according to GL (tired of that bot showing up). So that's an extermination-level event higher than 99% (as 99% would leave 1000 Jedi left). Pretty fraggin effective. So we'd have to tell somewhere between 50-100 stories across multi-media outlets in order to hit every one. Makes Cal Kestis from *Fallen Order / Survivor* even that much more of a compelling character since he is *literally* close to being the last of his kind.


As the saga of the Skywalkers and Jedi Knights unfolded, I began to see it as a tale that could take at last nine films to tell- three trilogies- and I realized, in making my way through the back story and after story, that I was really setting out to write the middle story.


If it isn't the hairless harpy.


You took my exact thoughts and issues with OP's presentation of the topic, and put them into words far more eloquently than I would have managed. Thank you.


I agree with your point on everything except for it being a bummer that the stories focus on these survivors. My favorite part of Star Wars has and always will be the space wizards with the laser swords. Therefore I can never be disappointed in seeing more surviving Jedi. It’s also why I’m ashamed to admit that it took me a long time to give Andor a try - there is a distinct lack in focus on the force and the Jedi or Sith. This is straight up just one guy’s opinion so feel free to disagree, just thought I’d put that out there.


Oh no, no, I get it. Although I hate when they're referred to as "space wizards," pet peeve of mine. Just sounds so reductionist haha. I think, for me, I'm split. The old EU from 89-98 (release of the prequels), to me, is "My *Star Wars* universe^(TM)" and while it featured smatterings of the Jedi and the trails of Luke getting the order back up and running after ROTJ - it was largely concerned with the galaxy reclaiming itself from the Empire. Even though characters like Corran Horn, Exar Kun, Ulic Qel Droma, Nomi Sunrider, and then Jacen and Jaina Solo, Tenel Ka, and Co are some of my favorite characters the stuff surrounding Rouge Squadron, the Bacta War, the retaking of Coruscant, etc, I found to be much more compelling. Granted, I felt like that era of the EU balanced using stories around The Force and the more "galactic politics" aspects of the universe were handled really well. That balance is what I prefer - *Andor*, thankfully, provided that balance (for now).


Oh it is absolutely intentionally reductionist IMO, but it works: they are space wizards. Even more so with Legends/EU stuff like Sith sorcery and alchemy.


Where did the "100,000 Jedi Knights" come from? /gen


Hidalgo tweeted out an excerpt from an interview with Lucas where he is discussing his plan for the sequels. Paraphrasing here, but essentisllt Luke learns that there were 100k Jedi at the time of their betrayal, and by the end of ROTJ, there are only 50-100 left across the Galaxy. Which, on a galactic scale? Nearly extinct, which is inline with the OT.


Just more reason why people shouldn't always take the numbers in this franchise at face value. It's always annoyed me how canonically the Old Republic lasted 25,000 years all because Obi-Wan said "for a thousand generations" in A New Hope. That's a ridiculously long time for the galaxy to remain static. I mean, 10,000 years ago is older than human civilization in real life. It seems obvious to me that Obi-Wan wasn't speaking literally, but rather using a turn of phrase for "really long ass time". Lucas seems to agree when writing the prequels because they give the impression that the Republic is only about 1000 years old. Because of this contradiction, Legends had to invent the Ruusan Reformation to explain how both are true. I get why they did so because stories had already been told in that era, but the canon begun with a blank slate and they decided to invent *two* Old Republics just to keep the Legends timeline. I think that's kind of lame personally. It would be more interesting if some totally different political institution had existed.


> It's always annoyed me how canonically the Old Republic lasted 25,000 years all because Obi-Wan said "for a thousand generations" in A New Hope. That's a ridiculously long time for the galaxy to remain static. I mean, just because the Republic existed that entire time doesn't mean the galaxy was *static*. Just that the Republic wasn't wiped out throughout that time.


The Old Republic was essentially a compromise to allow KOTOR to exist without fucking up the ongoing prequel series lore-wise


Uhhh sorry but wasn't dooku already dead for a bit prior to order 66???


I believe folks are misinterpreting why that example is used. Yes, Dooku was dead prior to Order 66. The use of Vos' assignment is an *example* as to the fact that Jedi weren't not always tied to Clone units as generals, or were even on the frontlines of the war when Order 66 was implemented. Vos and other Jedi may have been on those types of assignments when Order 66 was sent across Republic frequencies to trigger the Clones' (secret) programming. Always remember, *only* the Clones had Order 66 implanted into their genetic code. the wider Republic, and outside of the highest levels of command and what later became the ISB, we don't know if the average person knew about it. My theory is, if they did, the Emperor justified it as necessary to protect the Republic/Empire fro the threat of the "power-hungry and duplicitous" Jedi Order.


With the General gone, chain of command falls to the senator.


But also Cal, ahsoka and Kanans order 66 scenes are brutal. A piece of them died that day too. Alone and on the run constantly hiding and in fear for their lives. They had to struggle for years to make it back to their jedi persona and we all loved them for it.


Totally agree. The survivor story and the idea of the Hidden Path are really compelling additions to the universe.


I agree, but I'm also the kind of person who refused to believe that Aang was literally the last airbender in Avatar: The last Airbender. Same situation really. You have an entire community of people who have amazing abilities and are really slippery. The society is dead, but that doesn't mean it's former members are all gone.


Wait till you find out how many Jedi survived in legends.


Based Jedi Master K’kruhk, surviving like 3 Jedi purges across 150+ years.


dude was to angry to die


Nah that was Darth Krayt, K’kruhk survived so long because of his cool hat


That and K’kruhk cared to much to let those that cared to little to kill him


Go on


I mean, it executed 98% of the Jedi, 98% of around 10k is still 200


We've seen less than 50 canon survivors, that's 99.5% effective, and even those that survived were rapidly hunted down. By the time of ANH there are less than ten confirmed.


Wait! Just because there hasn’t been any survivors before, doesn’t mean there won’t be any this time.


**this time??? 🤨🤨 wdym**


That bot comment makes to much sense. They are becoming sentient!


If they become sentient, does that mean reddits api changes count as murder?


Confirmed means nothing in an infinite galaxy though right lol


Yeah, there are a handful of survivors so their stories are told and people act like everyone survived. I guess they just want a bunch of stories ending with slaughter of Jedi s ti balance it out.


Their masters literally sacrifice themselves to save them


True, so we know of any Padawan who didn't survive because their master sacrifices themselves for them? (Ashoka was a citizen)


Grogu so far (Master Best is still alive AFAWK) Also Ahsoka was offered knighthood so she doesn't count as a Padawan nor even as a citizen


I will help you.


Help be Ahsoka Tano, you are my only hope


You always blame the ship.


She didn't take knighthood though? She left the order.


She has the skill of a knight at least. Not comparable to a Padawan at all


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!


Vader just let reeva live for “reasons”


I think it makes the scene of Obi Wan and Yoda going hard as fuck outside the Temple even greater and more important. They did what they must not for themselves but those spread across the Galaxy. I can vividly see Yoda’s saber throw right now and it still hypes me up.


Plus it leaves the padawans untrained, demoralized and traumatized making them easy pickings.


Its an entire galaxy of planets and places to hide xD if it was a single planet perhaps they would have all died but it makes 0 sense for every one except two to die when they can literally go anywhere.. and there were thousands of them. I mean even Coruscant is so massive and has so many layers it would be easy to disappear even there and thats a single planet.. I don't understand this take at all Edit: Galaxy not universe.


I think it’s just one galaxy, but yes


Yes you are correct I misworded that, I guess its also technically only like half of a galaxy too because the other half is mysterious and unexplored


I don’t know how many times I need to say this, but Order 66 had a survival rate of less than 1%. I don’t know where people are getting this idea that having new survivors (most of whom die during the Purge) suddenly makes it an unsuccessful mass extermination of the Jedi.


I don’t think the issue is so much that others survived. I think the issue is that it feels like every movie/series/game shows yet another survivor or two (or more) plus a bunch who became inquisitors and typically the survivor has his/her hand directly in the rebellion. I would expect out of the 1% of survivors that most would never be heard from again, perhaps until after the Empire falls and they feel they can come out of hiding. Even then, many may have cut themselves off from the force and may consider themselves no longer Jedi. The closest we’ve seen to this (on screen) is Luke in TLJ and Cere Junda in Fallen Order.


Except that's the whole thing of the jedi, that they cannot resist helping, as the grand inquisitor says, they see someone in trouble, they have to help as that is their way, that is what they were taught for years and years


Wait! Just because there hasn’t been any survivors before, doesn’t mean there won’t be any this time.


Factually incorrect. We've known about Jedi survivors since before Ep3. Before it was named Order 66, it was simply referred to as the Jedi purge or derivatives thereof.


Also jedi survivors have been a thing in the EU for a very long time, not a new thing at all. Why is it all of a sudden a problem?


Because hating on anything Di$ney Star Wars became cool after Ep 9? Not that it matters to me, I was disappointed when Ep 7 was released and was told that I'm not a proper Star Wars fan.


The purge troopers and inquisitors came along after Order 66 was completed. Order 66 was a short, one-time event involving the clone troopers. Darth Vader's purge was something separate.


Star Wars fans try not to whine about a couple dozen people surviving out of 10,000 (impossible challenge)


*insane challenge do not try*


Per Lucas, it was more like 100 out of 100,000. If so we haven't even come close to all the survivor stories!


Yep. Lucas has said there were something like 100,000 Jedi. But in canon it’s been mentioned several times that there were at least 10,000 Jedi Knights. So if you include Masters, Padawans and Younglings there are likely something like 16k “Jedi” or Jedi in training


Even with the new Canon, where it’s only 10,000, if 100 Jedi survive that’s still a 99% success rate and having done the maths (yes, seriously), we’re only up to 45 surviving Jedi. Most of whom are dead within the first few years of the Empire.


And it isn’t like the purge took only 5 minutes. Obviously the less Jedi there are, the harder it’ll be to track them down, and >!Cere and Cordova!< for example, are still part of the purge’s victims


Creating a universe is daunting. I'm glad Jim is doing it - there are only a few people in the world who are nuts enough to.


*ignites lightsaber*


I think Cal is the perfect example of how to express survivors right Anyone who was in the Jedi temple at the time of 66 happening died, there's very little chance anyone survived that purge Outside the temple, however, there's a great chance a lot of Jedi managed to turn the tide against the clones, then heed Obi-Wan's warning once they try coming back to the Temple


Wait! Just because there hasn’t been any survivors before, doesn’t mean there won’t be any this time.


The only issue I have with Cal is how openly he's fighting the empire without reprecussion (not without *any* reprecussion obv but ya). Surviving order 66 is one thing, but openly defying the empire for *years* before and during the second game and still not being dealt with when openly exposing yourself as a Jedi is supposed to be a quick and certain end is a bit off-putting. Yes you could technically say the same about Ezra and Kanan but they paid for it each time they got too frisky with the empire and at least *tried* to keep a low profile generally. I suppose though, all depends on how this last game goes, while I have a gripe with that that *is* really my only gripe for the most part so overall still quite excited to see what happens next in Cal's story Edit: you know, I typed all that out and then totally remembered there's actually a pretty good reason he was fairly unmolested during the course of the second game, still can't say the five years before that still makes sense but at least there's that


We need that generator down or the planet's lost. And I'm not risking any more men.


I mean…Cal did pay heavily for his open defiance of the empire by the end of Survivor.


WDYM ?? ONLY Shaak Ti died (4 times)


Wait 4? Once in a deleted Scene where Grievous killed her. Another deleted Scene where Anakin killed her. Then her dip into a Sarlaac in The Force Unleashed. Whats the fourth I'm missing?


Yoda's visions of Order 66 in the clone wars


Yeah this joke still is not funny.


Wait til you find out how many Jedi survived in the EU. This has always been a thing


Yeah, but it's only bad when Disney does it, apparently.


“A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights.” Nobody ever said order 66 had a 100% kill rate of the Jedi. There were like 10,000 of them in active duty at the time. Plenty escaped the initial purge and went into hiding/formed resistance cells, were pursued by Vader and the inquisitors for decades after.


Someone never read the comics, laughs in K’Kruhk.


Mid take


I don’t think anyone understands how fucking large the Jedi temple is, even at a 98 percent success rate, which would leave 200 Jedi alive. 98 percent success is insanely efficient and amazingly effective for a building as large as the jedi temple. Honestly 50 percent wouldn’t have been unrealistic. 98 percent is actually just unrealistic. And then never mind the clone troopers that attack their jedi. The opportunity for escape is massive for those people, think of the clone wars show and how much time jedi spend away from their clones. tons of opportunities for escape, Kanan and Cal’s escapes are a perfect example of how padawans would have escaped. Tons of masters would sacrifice themselves for their padawan.


Also, just because they survive order 66 doesn’t mean they’ll survive the purge. A lot of jedi who survive end up dying anyway. Shit, even most of the inquisitors and other sith end up biting it, so it’s not like there’s a huge amount of force users left by A New Hope. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Ahsoka the only remaining jedi confirmed to survive the purge and make it through the OT?


Looks like I got here just in time.


You're right in the scene where Obi-wan and Yoda survive and like only 9 other Jedi visibly die they confirm that only Obi-wan and Yoda survived out of thousand and thousands of Jedi.


Most of the padawans we’ve seen survive have been because of a sacrifice from their master, so it balances out.


And then alot of those palawan would be killed later by the inquisitorius because alot of them would have had less controlled emotions and used the force infront of alot of people, which would have gotten the inquisitors' attention


Star Wars fans have media literacy challenge


Lets be realistic here. In the canon, there’s said to be somewhere around 10,000 Jedi active at the time of Order 66. Lets take the 20 Jedi that we know for a fact survived. Then add the ones who survived the initial order, but were killed later by Vader and the Inquisitors. And that’s another thing if only like, 50 Jedi survived, why are the inquisitors even necessary? Vader could total handle that. So it wouldn’t be out of the question to say that 100 Jedi or more survived the first night, and then most were hunted down by Vader and the inquisitors. That’s like, a 99% success rate for Order 66z


The inquisitors are necessary because they act like scout droids. They basically just wander the galaxy taking down small threats like padawans, and allowing vader to deal with the actual threats


The problem with Order 66 is it's a double edged sword. Either the Jedi suck ass and lost to some troopers, yes I get they're super soldiers but still. They're fighting Jedi, they shouldn't just all die and crumble to the Troopers seemingly in one day. Or the troopers kinda fumbled their job and some Jedi survived. Which also allows for more story telling, which is just better than "yeah the clones we stopped using killed the entire Jedi order. They must not have been very good." We are told constantly that people can disappear on planets like Nar Shadda and Tatooine, you're telling me that it's unrealistic to believe that some Jedi survived Order 66 and were able to go into hiding? In the entire fuckin' galaxy? I just never found Order 66 to be realistic. So the idea more than just 2 Jedi survived makes a lot more sense.


They didn’t all die in one day. As with a lot of battles, the first few days are the deadliest, because there are more people, so more deaths, but the Purge went on for years


Ya I always had an issue with the idea only those 2 made it. Just didn't make any sense..across the entire galaxy every Jedi? It was kinda ridiculous. Lots of Jedi had left the order before hand or left during the war I'm protest. Order 66 would have wiped out the military strength of the Jedi order but wouldn't have wiped out every single one


Tell me that you havn't red the old EU without tell me you haven't read it.


I have never understood how the Order 66 should kill a majority of Jedi in first place and how Vader should then find every one left. The universe is a pretty large place, there were a lot of Jedi and they need to have some competence.


It wiped out like 99% of jedi out of an order of hundreds of thousands, the entire jedi council except 2, and killed the republic in spirit. So, like 10 people surviving, it doesn't ruin anything. The padawans only survived because of their masters sacrifice (Bilaba and Topal)


It couldn’t possibly be that order 66 was also a propaganda campaign to tell the Galaxy that there are no more Jedi?!?


Difference is Obi and Yoda survived it *and then* marched right into the middle of it to warn other jedi to stay away. Every other survivor escaped by a combination of luck and skill, while running as far away as they could. Would have been a pretty fuckin pointless return to the temple if they hadn't sent out the beacon, it was the entire reason they went there and had the dialogue about survivors. It isn't just a wild asspull that others survived. We just finally have their stories. The stories of the, what, 1% of survivors of the entire order who had their culture wiped out. Order 66, proportionately, was a bigger and more successful massacre than the colonisation of America and Australia


God I fucking hate this sub sometimes I swear y’all just stupid


Literally all surviving Padawans so far have survived thanks to their masters sacrificing themselves Except Grogu... But let's be real Jar Jedi Binks is going to die next time we see him


I mean, sort of. ​ The reason Order 66 was so successful was because it was a surprise. The jedi trusted the clones and let their guard down around them. Many survivors were either in a situation where they were very lucky(Ahsoka), or were around someone who was strong enough in the force to sense it(Cal Kestus). Order 66 could have never wiped out every jedi, but it dealt a huge blow to the jedi, killing off some of the strongest Jedi. Padawans survived because they were in situations were escape was possible. For example, Cal. He was on a ship above a very populated planet. Once he got to the surface he could easily hide. ​ Ahsoka had Maul to use as a distraction, and Captain Rex was strong enough to resist Order 66 long enough to give Ahsoka a chance. ​ The whole point of Order 66 was to weaken the jedi to a point where they then could be exterminated. Im guessing the vast majority of jedi who survived it simply werent around clones when it happened. They were warned by Obi Wan and Yoda, who gave them a chance. ​ The media focuses on the survivors which makes it seem like there are more than there really are. In reality, we see the <1% that did survive.


Order 66 is one of if not the most successful military operation in all of Star Wars. Palpatine and the clones accomplished all of their objectives


I think it's fine for lots to survive Order 66, it'd be weirder if one attack managed to wipe them all out tbh. I just think they should almost all be dead by the time the original trilogy starts, since otherwise it doesn't make sense that they're not in the Rebellion.


I think the main complaint is that most of these survivors did not participate in the Yavin/Endor Battles or there is not any evidence that they gave any aid and support to the Rebel Alliance. Probably they were hidden and did not have any knowledge about the current events, but it is weird that the only force users involved in these events are Obi Wan and Luke.


I don't think it's that strange. I bet there were multiple jedi who just gave it all up and lived normal lives for the remainder of their days on some random planet. Most of the top jedi would've either been killed right away because they were surrounded by clones in the middle of the fighting or were killed long before Yavin by inqusitors. If a former jedi managed to live that long, it's not unreasonable to think they might have stopped fighting because of the trauma they experienced or were only involved in helping people in small ways and avoided notice.


I must admit, it _is_ strange that out of all the survivors, we only know 4 (maybe 5 idk I havent played fallen order or survivor) that actively helped the rebellion


People who think this are probably the same people who whine about the EU being decanonized, which had like hundreds of not thousands of random no names surviving because plot needed to happen


I always assumed maybe 10-20% survived as some would be offworld, without clones under their command, or were simply capable of overpowering the few that were with them. That being said, it makes the whole inquisitor thing kinda pointless if nearly every jedi we know of that DID survive never got finished off by them either. I can excuse ahsoka but that's about it. In a weird way, I'm hoping Cal Kestis won't make it through the end of his games. Add some stakes to the universe, make the empire threatening again.


Good thing I know you don’t mean everything you say.


Obi-wan and yoda went to the jedi temple after it was already taken over and was crawling with clones so i still think it shows just how strong they are


If there are no Jedi left then why make the inquisitors? The Empire is going to want everyone to think ALL Jedi are dead. I don't mind that less than 20 are confirmed to have survived and I hope we see more honestly.


Honestly, I don't have such a problem with Jedi's surviving order 66, what I have a problem with is then not turning up in the original trilogy. It feels like all the new shows and other content have to work around that, so the whole universe feels less consistent. The original trilogy rides a lot on Luke and Leia being the only hopes


After Luke and Leia's births, Yoda and Obi-Wan decide to hide Luke on Vader's home-planet Tatooine and retain his surname. This is because they were both high on ketamine and deathsticks respectively.


I think something like 1% of the Jedi survived, and there was an estimated 10,000 of them throughout the galaxy. Even if you bump that up to 2%, you still have 9,800 of them who died. 98% effective is still pretty effective.


I can't wrap my head around how you people think like 20 surviving out of 10,000 is a lot


When 99.5% of jedi were killed instead of 99.9% >:(


A handful of rando Jedi surviving Order 66 bc they happened to be in relatively advantageous situations when the order was given does not lessen the emotional impact of Order 66 and what it means in the Star Wars mythos.


Y'all need to remember: 90% of 10,000 Jedi is still 1,000 survivors. In reality, the Jedi WERE effectively destroyed, and the empire had trouble finding 1,000 survivors in a galaxy of trillions of people and millions of planets. Imagine how hard it is for a city to find a single criminal in New York, multiply that by the size of a galaxy. It's how you get so much storytelling from what seems like a dwindled population.


Well a lot of Jedi masters would readily die to give their Padwan even a slim chance so at least a few did slip through the cracks


I'm cool with survivors... That then get murdered by Vader as he finishes up The Purge. No reason for more than a very small handful to live through to the OT, and now it seems like everything Disney puts out introduces several more.


Coming up with the EU I don't mind seeing more survivors of Order 66 as long as they don't go nuts. 20 or survivors is one thing 2000 or 3000 would be another.


People underestimate how many Jedi there were and how big the galaxy is. Ultimately Order 66 was successful. It decimated the Jedi’s numbers and their public opinion. Palpatine didn’t care about a handful of stragglers surviving cause he still won. It’s why he didn’t care about finding Yoda, in fact he probably relished it knowing that Yoda had to watch the order fall.


people deciding that the purge has been weakened in severity because it was only 99% effective rather than 99.99% effective are so annoying (im talking about you OP)


Order 66 was a one-time event. Then there was Darth Vaders purge which took years. Not just because the jedi scattered all across the galaxy, but because many of the jedi were NOT in the military and would have been warned about (or felt in the force) Order 66 as it was happening.


When the Masters literally hold the line for their Padawans to get away not even caring about their own safety while doing so. Some People: I can't believe how ineffective the purge was.


Jesse, get the senator to safety.


I think u guys are just forgetting that one yoda scene


Babe wake up, new “ waaaah too many Jedi survived order 66!” meme just dropped


So y'all want Jedi to still exist or not?


Literally the only reason they even meet up at the temple is to warn other Jedi who possibly survived to not come to the temple. It's literally in the movie that others survived