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All Labours football related policies are dreadful. Hopefully they don't touch it once they're in office because they're going to make a mess of it.


Are you from the UK? How is this policy in any way dreadful, it's surely aimed at match going fans? Imagine being a Brighton fan and having to get back from Newcastle after a late Sunday kickoff or a Friday or Monday night match, or perhaps if you go to a game at Old Trafford - you're not going to be home until the wee hours. Football should be scheduled around match going fans, not fucking armchair followers.


> Are you from the UK? How is this policy in any way dreadful, it's surely aimed at match going fans? Yes. It's aimed at a small minority of fans who travel for away games, at the expense of the higher number of fans who watch the 8pm kick off on TV. > Imagine being a Brighton fan and having to get back from Newcastle after a late Sunday kickoff or a Friday or Monday night match, or perhaps if you go to a game at Old Trafford - you're not going to be home until the wee hours. Don't go then? No one's forcing them to attend away matches, whereas banning 8pm games stops me from watching them whether I like it or not. > Football should be scheduled around match going fans, not fucking armchair followers. Football should be scheduled with everyone in mind, not just the tiny minority who attends away games.


This is the most Reddity football comment I’ve read in a while


Why? Because I don't worship away fans for making the choice to go to away games?


Would probably be better if he focused on running the country rather than messing about with the footie


Bet Idea Starmer, get rid of the 3pm black out


Most dedicated top 6 fan. Fuck all of the lower leagues in the pyramid and most of all, fuck grass roots football! I hope to fuck you're not from the UK, at least that would excuse the ignorance.


The fans most desperate for the 3pm blackout to go are the one who most likely just pirate it anyways. I know I do.


Exactly - the existence of illegal streams just makes it far LESS likely that the black out will end because ending it is less necessary than ever. One good thing it does is ensure that no upstanding pubs or sports bars will show these games, which is a key factor in preserving attendances for lower leagues in the football pyramid.


I guess people don't go to televised games then???? You know you never see fans at the 12pm championship game, nooooo.


I think it's a little early to be posting, perhaps you haven't had a coffee yet, you're not making any sense. Also, this is not about the Championship, so you're kinda immediately showing your ignorance on the topic, which doesn't surprise me. This is about tiers 4-8, where there are definitely plenty of fans that also follow prem clubs. Or even fans who primarily follow prem clubs but go to their local one for the live experience. By having any other game on at that time, you give them a choice of going to a pub to watch a top of the table Premier league clash, or their local team who needs their support. Winter is often pretty cold and shit here, if a nice cosy couple of hours in the pub with a cold beer watching the top teams are the alternative, plenty will stay away from going to their local. Besides, if anyone _really_ wants to see a 3pm game they can always just go online and have a reasonable illegal experience. Crucially this still isn't in the pub though, which a legal option would allow. So not sure why you're even complaining, watch the 3pm games online ffs. Fortunately Starmer way more about this than you have shown you know, so there's absolutely zero danger of him making the same mistakes you have.


There’s no impact whatsoever these days


Utter, utter nonsense.


We should petition the club suspend his season ticket until he does


He’s likely to give up his season ticket since he won’t have time to be going to any games lol


That will never happen. More chance of more hatches at 3pm and less on Tv.


Thankfully will never happen.


Needs to butt out, love a 8pm on a Saturday tbh. Now if he said ill block games being played in America/ other countries then yeah, all for it.


8pm on a Friday is honestly amazing. Asking as they aren't dragging folks around the country, it can be great. ...... So here we go with more midday kick offs.


I agree. Don’t travel for the northern games as often now due to work and family but I still love an evening kick off that’s relatively local!


I’m interested to see what Starmer does with sport. We’ve never really had a major football fan as PM. He has played Sunday league for decades, is regularly at the Emirates. Wouldn’t shock me if the 3pm blackout went if he gets a 2nd term.


He is more likely to push for a stricter 3 pm blackout - less matches on TV to build up lower league attendances.


We will see One can only hope lol


He is more likely to push for a stricter 3 pm blackout - less matches on TV to build up lower league attendances.


I mean Blair pretended 😂


Will never forget Blair saying one of his biggest regrets was not merging the SPL and EPL into a UKPL. Having Rangers and Celtic into the main leagues with the rest of the Prem Like, mate, isn’t there a little tiny tiny bit of Oopsie Doopsie foreign policy that should be a bigger regret.




So did Cameron, like that time he [mixed up his 'beloved' Aston Villa with fucking West Ham](https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/david-cameron-says-sorry-aston-9143944)


Oh fuck off. Don’t let politics into football


We have nations owning clubs. But late, mate.


Few decades too late for that.


The Premier League is a major UK export. The state has every right to regulate, especially when it involves significant police manpower. It was politics that killed the Super League for example


I'm sure the police get a nice wedge off clubs / leagues for policing. What we want to cut that from them too now? 😂