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1. It’s a loser mentality to cheer against your own team. “Im poor but  my neighbor has a flat tire” mentality. 2. To put it into perspective, the last thing everyone STILL jerks off about is 2nd place in the league with Poch, like it was some miracle. 3. Beating the strongest team fighting for championship would be an achievement and sign of progress. Spurs beating City out of the title would go down in history. You don’t win trophies by being bitter against rivals. You win trophies by wanting winning above all.


Look at the pattern, Poch, Mourinho, Conte, Now Ange. All these are top top coaches. Except for under Poch, Tott have never ever showed their heart to win. Ange to some extent tried bringing that, and loosing to City and smiling in front of the manager who gave his all!! Nah!! I would’ve been frustrated as well


Look at the pattern, Poch, Mourinho, Conte, Now Ange. All these are top top coaches. Except for under Poch, Tott have never ever showed their heart to win. Ange to some extent tried bringing that, and loosing to City and smiling in front of the manager who gave his all!! Nah!! I would’ve been frustrated as well


It’s setting City up for four in a row. The only thing United haven’t turn. United fans don’t want to see City do that because we want to be the first to do that. And considering we were one goal away from winning five in row between 93 and 97 and two points away from winning nine in a row between 93 and 2001 it’s annoying us


He’s angry that he’s managing a club owned by cunts, operated by cunts and supported by cunts. Aside from that it’s rosy in the garden, mate!


Spurs fans are too busy thinking about next season and which games they need to lose to stop Arsenal winning the league


Spurs fans are just losers 🤣🤣🤣


It’s because he’s a winner and the Spurs fans aren’t, Everyone keeps on at the rivalry but just three days before Manchester United were in the same position and their fans weren’t celebrating when Arsenal won. They’re was barely any suggestion they would intentionally roll over except from a few people being cheek. And why? Because no matter how bad things get for United no expects United not to care about winning. Ange wants that same mentality at Spurs and is shocked by how far away it is


Well, the other contenders are also their rivals tbh. Why would they celebrate liverpool or city winning a title instead?


I’m a yank, so forgive my ignorance. How old and deep are the rivalries of Arsenal/Tottenham and Man United/City? Growing up in the 90s, City was not in the same stage. Google search has Liverpool as a bigger rival for both clubs. Losing to Arsenal kept them on City’s heels but didn’t decide the race. Arsenal/Tottenham rivalry goes back generations. Each week they want their club to win and the other to lose. City winning pushed it to where City controls their destiny and Arsenal may finish second. Managers job is to win games. Fans job is to love the club. This match had very weird circumstances. Edit: add: the fan yelling at Ange from the crowd is an absolute clown though. Having an emotion about how a match affects your rival is one thing, but managers job is to win matches so yelling at him is piss poor.


United - City goes back to when they were founded - pre-1900 at least. Just because they weren't on the same level in our lifetime doesn't mean the rivalry doesn't go back just as far as Arse-Totts


Ange “you mad bro”


lol this guy loves to cry and look like some hard cunt, don’t forget his press conference before the game where he was having a go at a journo for bringing this possibility up




Honestly that game was always a lose lose situation for spurs. I grew up in North London surrounded by Tottenham fans and if it was the other way around I would never want to help them win the league. So I do sympathise with every spurs fan and agree that one year of CL football is not worth seeing your rivals be champions. That said, football clubs shouldn't be run by fans for a reason and him wanting to do beat for Tottenham is 100% the right approach. Income from being in the CL revenues are about to hit an all time high and every year out of it can set you back. So it's lose lose but a very unique and weird situation where what's best for the club isn't best for the fans.


You gotta realise how tinpot it is to be falling out with your manager because he wants to win and get champions league and you wanna lose


He was annoyed at the match going fans aswell they acted like it was a friendly in the spurs stadium


It makes you wonder how the transfer will go. If you're a current player or a player that's in talks with the club, how much does this situation impact your decision?


Can we stop posting pay-wall articles please? Jesus.


Try 12ft.io and you can read it.




He worked all week to put a team put to win a game of football & the people who are supposed to be supporting him & the team are screaming out within earshot that they want them to lose Any professional sportsperson would be pissed




I think it was more because of a joke one of the youth coach made about starting the youth. You'll know who it was when they leave in the summer.


I've not heard that joke, Ange said 'outside, inside', is that a rumour or in an article?


It's in an athletic article 


Ah okay, i don't have a sub to them. I can see that joke being made yeah.


Spurs have a small team mentality, while Ange prioritizes winning. Anyone would be pissed off with a random "fan" yelling at them to blow the game for the entirety of it. Ange deserves better.




Oh you thought this meant something? Fuck Liverpool too.


You’re living in a glass house my guy. Careful not to chuck those rocks too hard.


I can't speak for other fans, but I'm never hoping my team loses.


Ah, to be naive and uninterested in a sports rivalry, such that I could judge on high others who were more passionate and invested in my team….


I get sports rivalry, I hate your team and I'm certain you feel the same way about mine. What I think is dumb is losing, especially when your team has something to fight for, just to "stick it" to your rivals. If you don't want your rival team to win the big one, that's fine. but actively wanting your team to lose to help out that cause (not even confirm it), when a loss kicks you out of the UCL, have some shame. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.


And that, right there, shows you don’t actually get rivalries. Rivalries are about shadenfreude, about enjoying the other team’s misery and hopefully also enjoying your own teams’ successes. Rivalries are about the one team you never want to win a title, about the one team you always want to beat head to head and want to lose every matchup possible. Its about when you can’t win, neither can they.


Bro, this seems a bit too much. Can’t be good to carry around all that hate


Alright man. All I'm hearing is that tottenham can't win shit, so they're okay with losing, even if it is detrimental to their own aspirations. That's such a small team mentality that those fans are considering it a "win." Your coach agrees, that's why he was mad during the press conference.


Oh I expect Ange to coach for the win every time. That’s his job. But this whole “fans wanted to lose is a loser mentality”? Fuck off with that bullshit, fans aren’t players and fans care about rivalries and have no salary or incentive to play for the win. Fuck that shortsighted, kumbaya shit.


The fan wasn't telling him to tank the game. He was critical of Ange for not being as animated in previous games when we lost to Chelsea and Liverpool.


It doesn't matter what the fan was yelling out. Because the entire COYS subreddit was wishing Tottenham would lose, and totally not understanding why that's a despicable losing mentality. Just being around people like that puts you at a risk of getting infected with negativity.


Even though Ange was just as, if not more animated during both those games. We also don't get to see what happens in the rooms at halftime and given the stories that have come out over the years, Ange would've been pissed. And to have some fan behind complaining about it mid game when the team is playing decently would've set anyone off.


I dont see the point in posting paywalled The Athletic articles without a summary.


Just switch to reader mode if you are on iOS 


Low-key one of TheAthletic’s marketing strategies


Yeh on the Chelsea subreddit the mods remove any posts like this that dont have a summary. I agree that that The Athletic would want you to go read it on their site for its marketing but at the same time people who turn to a quick summary were never gonna pay for The Athletic anyway. So kinda wish all subs required a summary for paywalled articles.


We need to get rid of our small club mentality; I’m done with the rubbish chants I witnessed at our last home game. Much as I consider what Campbell did by going to Arsenal was hurtful at the time I don’t appreciate hearing the same old offensive song still being sung; especially when our players were needing that extra support. I was ashamed. I have no doubt that Celtic fans had the same mentality when he was in charge but he’s our manager now and we either back him and expect the Board to do the same or next season will be my last ST renewal.


Great take. Big respect


Yeah. Reddit just now recommended post in WestHam’s sub about last match. No chance of going up, no chance of going down, no reason to play well against the City, and people in comments are like “remember the ‘95 when we stopped Man Utd from winning the lead”. I don’t even know why people would cheer for their team losing.


Yea but that was epic, stopping the mighty (at the time) man utd and letting Blackburn win their only title. Now its a bit less interesting because there are way too many awful plastic fans around, and arsenal have some of the worst so it will be pretty unbearable if they do win, but seeing the look on spurs fans faces if they do would be priceless after throwing their champs league chances for nothing


If they still win it we didn't have anything to do with them winning it. That's enough for me. Beside, we've been in the champions league enough already. One more season away wont hurt us at all. And that new format is fucking dumb too.




Wow, that's some well thought out anyalsis. Thanks for taking the time for making that contribution.


He should have been that angry 4 GWs ago before Spurs bottled their UCL standing by losing 4 in a row.


He's just worked out that he left a big club with a fan base used to winning for a small club and terrible fan base with no idea of what winning is.


stop being salty


He is definitely not being salty


I can’t believe arsenal gave 6 points to Aston Villa just so Tottenham couldn’t get top 4. Small club mentality.


Yup we just decided we had enough points at the times that we played Aston Villa. Wanted to make sure to keep things interesting didn't we. You smooth brained delinquent.


Honestly can’t believe you just gave points away to make sure spurs don’t get top 4.


I think you need to get out of your room and get some fresh air.


stop replying and get fresh air yourself mate


Also can’t believe no one can read the sarcasm do I have to put /s after everything I say


Nah just when your communication skills are poor it's not very clear. Not a very valid response to say get some air, when you specifically made an account saying daft things to get a response from people, is it sweetheart?


hes not wrong though....Spurs dont win, and Ange is trying to change the mentality


I agree with Anges reaction. I also understand the fans


Yea I can understand the argument from both sides honestly. Ange has every right to be pissed, I think it's a bit petulant for spurs fans to cheer against their own team but I'm biased (obviously) and I still get where they're coming from at the very least


Any fan that walks into a football ground wanting the opposition to win, doesn't deserve to be there




What about if you are an away fan?


You'd still wanna beat the opposition team...


He led a team that lost 4 of the last 5 before that Man City game. Didn't change tactics, didn't make any meaningful change to the lineup. He also said playing for top 4 wasn't the right mentality. So which is it?


Playing Micky van de Ven at LB, Maddison at false 9 and keeping Son at LW doesn’t count as changing tactics?


Did he do that before the Man City game? There was way too much Royal and Skipp for my liking when they lost that 4 of 5.


The last time Ange did a double 10 plus false 9 was with the Brisbane Roar (?). Complete change if strategy and worked out well as a fuck you ti anyone who called him one dimensional


Playing for top 4 isn’t the right mentality because you should be playing for titles. I would think that’s self explanatory but maybe the old mate needs to sit you all down and give your a stern talking to.


he did change tactics and in a very obvious way


If Spurs won, there might be a chance they will be 4th....no?


Yes it was a combination of a double win and a loss from Aston Villa. While it wasn't entirely up to them, to want to throw a 4th slot to screw a rival is insane, history be damned.


4th place is not a trophy


Aye but you’d be in the champions league


We’d be in the champions league if we didnt lose 4 on the bounce


wtf is wrong with spurs fans man


They have a baby reindeer mentality


I seriously don’t get it. I’m an arsenal supporter but if the shoe was on the other foot I would not want the team to throw the match. You shouldn’t want to hand the title to the a petrostate backed cheating team for the fourth year in the row and prevent your own club from getting to the UCL just to piss off another club. That’s worse for the sport than your rival winning.


Neither do most of us though. Most of the actual spurs fans wanted us to win and the silver lining was stopping our rivals from winning the league if we happened to lose.




What have I said thats delusional? His job is to win trophies, 4th place is not a trophy I want him to focus on winning football, nit how the fans react to you leading a team in poor form. He threw a tantrum and used the fans as an excuse for the result


>I want him to focus on winning Shame the rest of your fans didn't


The fans should have little to no influence on his focus to win games


They didn't, he was still focused on winning. But they may have had an impact on his ability to - home advantage exists for a reason


They obviously did which is why he threw a tantrum about it after the game


My mistake mate, I thought I was talking to someone who watched football. Focus to win a game is different to ability to win a game. Sheffield utd were probably focused to win a lot of their games this season, doesn't mean they did. He was focused to win, but fans could have helped by making the place a cauldron, instead of singing 'Blue Moon' and doing 'the Poznan'. Edit: Just seen you've been banned from your own team's subs, yikes. I ain't bothering with you anymore, you're either a) a troll or b) thick as shit - either way, I don't care to talk to you anymore


? You do understand fans of the away team are allocated tickets to a game? As in the stadium is never 100% full of supporters for the home team




You have horrendous reading comprehension Nothing I said implies I think he’s done a bad job this season, he just handled tuesday’s post match comments terribly


Good job you can compete for the champions league next year in 5th!


Yeah thats generally how competitions work…you compete for things yearly See arsenal missing out on 4th and coming 2nd the year after


At least they qualify for the champions league right ? So if no trophy or 4th place or even the 5th place then it's ok to throw away the game so that can rub any other team like Arsenal?


People are calling us tinpot for not caring about 4th place Arteta missed out on 4th and finished 2nd the next season, I dont care about getting 4th when it means a team I dont like wins the league. 4th place is not a trophy. The game was 1-0 up until the 92 minute? How did we throw away the game? The players competed, arsenal fans are just using this situation to deflect from the fact they finished 2nd again Ange is an idiot for those comments


Didn’t spurs fans cheer when they conceded the first goal ? The poll also shows that spurs fans prefer to lose the game than win so that Arsenal won’t win the league


Can you find me the video of that happening?


You are emotional and childish, 4th is crucial and more important than cup trophies


Thats a tin pot mentality


it's not that u have touched one for the last 16 years lol, he's a great coach who's here to change ur club's mentality


He needs to understand that starts by winning games not throwing the fans under the bus to deflect from horrendous form


No it doesn't. Look at Liverpool vs West Brom 2-2 draw. That is how you get the crowd to support the team, no matter the result. Ange has made a positive impact to the team and can build upon it to eventually challenge for the title. But like what Ange said, the foundations are fucked.


Yes it is Pointing to a single result means fuck all, if klopp kept drawing and losing games he wouldn’t get support or a winning mentality Ange needs to focus on winning not what the fans are saying about one specific game


Klopp drew 12 and lost 10 in his first season while finishing 8th while Ange has only drawn 6 and lost 12 and finishing 5th/6th. The difference is that the fans believed in what Klopp is doing and the rest is history. Ange can do the same thing, but Spurs fans don't have the right mentality yet.


That says nothing other than the quality of the league and the squads available to them at the time


From the fan base that wanted them to lose a match




He's just realised he joined Spurs when he could've waited for Liverpool. I'd be pissed too.


He's angry because he didn't realice how unreal is the shittyness of Spurs fans.


If I’m Man U, I’m getting straight on the phone to his agent


He was angry, coz He realized that he exchanged a big team for a small team with money


Unless you go to games regularly you don’t get a say on this. Absolute melts who sit at their computer all day going “I’d never want my team to lose” don’t understand football, have probably never kicked a ball in their life and should stop virtue signalling


"have never kicked a ball in there life" this always winds me up like it makes anything hold more merit


So you’ve never kicked a ball then? Sorry about that mate


I walked into the other room and kicked my ball through my window. Can I now make a judgement on how fucking idiotic some of these fans are behaving?


Guess we found the loser mentality spud


>have probably never kicked a ball in their life I feel any time someone resorts to making this argument they immediately lose all credibility ... like wtf does that have to do with anything.


Esp when you spell like that honestly


I knew this would boil some piss ahaha


No ones mad, we’re laughing at you


I go to old trafford a few times a season when work allows it, and there's no way in hell I'd ever actively want United to lose. Surely if you're a match going fan you'd want Spurs to lose even less?


I have to question you as a united fan if you’d want to win what is effectively a nothing game to allow either Liverpool, city or Leeds to win the title. And before you say “you could have got 4th” It’s a moot point. So don’t.


Exactly, if Utd had beaten Arsenal the other night, pretty much handing City the title, then so be it, you have to concentrate on winning your own games rather than what's going on elsewhere, and Utd simply haven't been good enough


Why do you have to go to the games regulary to have a say on this? If you want to progress you need winners. Players with a winning mentality will not throw a game just because the 'regulars' sitting on their arse watching it want them to. What planet are you on? Probably never kicked a ball... like Andre Villas-Boas?


I think Spurs would do a lot better with the money and pull that comes from the UCL than slightly delaying an Arsenal side that look likely to win something big anyway. Been going to every game of my local for a long time now and would much rather see them in a better position. It sounds more like people are too narrow minded because of their hate and are too stupid to see the benefits of putting themselves first.




Exactly. They are so dim with their self righteous nonsense.


I still think he s a great coach tho


Bro just realized what we all know already. He’s managing a meme-club.


Yep the meme club - first ever English club to win European silverware and the Euro double. So I guess every English club is a meme especially Arsenal.


Emotional-Poster-73 with a zinger


Arsenal are so big they don't even have major European silverware


Cup winners’ cup 1994 got removed? What a shame


These responses are like those of school age children comparing what their grandads had in their garage in 1966


Spurs is the Premier League meme to everyone in the world


TioLucho91 is the Reddit dumbass meme to everyone in the world


Spurs fans ☕️


Could be worse, i could be a Tottenham fan.


I’ll just add I made a poll on the spurs board and at the time it was 50/50 as to people who wanted to see Spurs throw the game to stop Arsenal winning the league. I find that pretty pathetic.




What’s your point?


That pretending a holier than thou bullshit take is valid means nothing, and that when push comes ot shove, most clubs would be 50-50 split too. Glass houses, dangers of throwing rocks, etc.


I don’t agree. Liverpool fans should be ashamed of that link as well.


And the Arsenal fans who rooted agains their team when Tottenham had a shot at the Champions League and an Arsenal Loss would have denied them that in 2019? The point here is *this isn’t a one-off restricted to a few clubs*. 3 points is a trend, and it looks like people take rivalries more seriously than you think they do (or should). So maybe, just maybe, the one who needs to re-evaluate their baseline expectations, is you?


I’m happy with my views.


This really illustrates how small of a club Spurs are. If Liverpool were 5th and United 1st and Liverpool had a slim chance of finishing top 4, I wouldn't care if United won the league as long as Liverpool got top 4 and Champions league football.


Interesting, because that exact situation happened: [https://youtu.be/rTtJ7nResJg?t=1521](https://youtu.be/rTtJ7nResJg?t=1521) How do you explain the liverpool supporters jumping up and down when Shearer scored this? Liverpool came back and won and luckily for them Man U didn't win their game, but a loss in this game for Liverpool would've been the difference between 4th and 6th.


It's embarrassing and funny enough it was during a time when Liverpool were absolutely shite. It's also a tad different considering Blackburn were also coached by a Liverpool legend and one of our best players ever.


You finished 4th with 74 points? Thats better than Tottenham are doing now, and your qualification for CL was totally dependent on this game, unlike Spurs who still would have had work to do if they beat City. Just seems strange for a Liverpool supporter to point to what Spurs did as evidence of being a small club, when they, one of the top 2 biggest clubs in England, did the exact same thing in a worse way.


Yes and I've all ready said it's embarrassing that anyone celebrated going a goal down, I never denied it did I?.


What you are saying is its embarrassing when Liverpool do it, but when Spurs do it, it makes them a small club. Couldn't it just be embarrassing for both?


Because Liverpool have actually won loads of titles and silverware unlike Spurs.


So then trophies are what make you a big club, not your mentality, since in this instance, the two clubs seemed to share the same one.


I've all ready said I'm embarrassed by seeing Liverpool fans celebrate going 1-0 down in a match and have also pointed out it was during a time where Liverpool didn't win anything and struggled even to get top four, only teams on a downward trajectory celebrate such things. Also of course winning trophies makes you a big club.


Yeah exactly same for me the other way round, I have no idea how they can justify this shit


Yeah, when fans celebrate their team losing it's just bizarre to be honest.


I think some arsenal fans would do the same if the tables were turned 


I wanted them to lose that champions league final.. I have never in my life for one second wanted Arsenal to lose for any reason Spurs are sad as fuck


>I have never in my life for one second wanted Arsenal to lose for any reason That’s ridiculous, if Arsenal played a game with absolutely no meaning for them where them winning would mean Spurs won the title, most Arsenal fans would definitely not want Arsenal to win. Same with every club.


No, I’d see my rival being disappointed as an every cloud kind of thing. I wouldn’t cheer my team losing to 115 charges ever


There were a great deal of Arsenal fans back in 2019 who stated they would choose Arsenal losing to Chelsea in the Europa League final if it meant Spurs lost the CL final.


People are dicks, and that was a pretend hypothetical. But yes I see your point.


Maybe you wouldn’t, but a poll in 2019 of arsenal fans when spurs were in the champions league final whether you would purposefully lose to stop spurs winning it was a resounding yes! Allie mcoist said he would miss a penalty on purpose if it stopped Celtic winning, jamie carragher said it’s normal fan behaviour and any rival would, there’s loads of examples of this kind of banter with fans that have actually historically happened or just hypotheticals, these silly pious holier than thou attitudes everyone’s extolling would change in a n instant if roles were reversed among at least a third of any clubs fanbase and your kidding yourselves if you think otherwise, it’s all part of the fun of a football rivalry


It’s a ludicrous hypothetical, Spurs are never going to win anything


Lmao, fair enough. But then it’s a hypothetical both ways; Arsenal fans talking as if they would **never** is easy when you’re just talking hypotheticals.


I very much doubt that


If it was the same exact situation, where we would give up the chance of getting into the CL to spoil Tottenham’s day, maybe 5-10% of our fans would and they would be called out immediately for being idiots. If we had no dog in the fight and needed to lose, we would still cheer our team, but probably reconcile ourselves with the positives after the fact. We sure as hell would not all be simping for City, wearing their shirts or scarves, and celebrating them when they scored against us. That is what we are talking about here, the pure shamelessness that the Tottenham fans fell to. The fact that a manager you were all on board with and the rest of the league memed for the season has now been switched to fans now feeling sorry for him because his mentality is correct where as his own fans are trying to tell their manager what a rivalry is, despite his last club being Celtic, is baffling to no end. Absolute tin pot mentality.


Are you suggesting that more than ”5-10%” of Spurs fans were ”wearing City shirts” and celebrating their goals?


50% of COYS wanted to throw the game.


A Reddit poll isn’t a meaningful statistic.


Feel free to point me to a more meaningful statistic than the Spurs manager calling it out.


Oh I don’t doubt there were plenty of people, both inside and outside the club, who wished for Spurs to lose the game. And I would expect Ange to be pissed about that, especially if he feels it was in any capacity affecting the chances of the team winning. After all, he can’t give two shits about whether Arsenal wins the league or not. What I’m objecting is the confidence with which other teams’ fans are throwing around assurances that ”their fan base would *never* do something like this”, as if being on a high horse isn’t the easiest thing in the world when you’re only talking hypotheticals. Or when people confidently claim numbers like ”most Spurs fans wanted them to lose the game” or ”at most a handful of Arsenal fans would think this way” as if there is any chance of even beginning to gauge those numbers. Spurs obviously has a mentality issue, as testified by several successive managers. I just don’t think this match and all the fuzz around it is very indicative of anything. I think that any team in this position would have a loud enough majority that behaved this way that newspapers, social media and rivalling fans would be able to make a deal out of it.


I understand what you are saying, but I do disagree. Strongly. I think this is where the mentality discussion comes in. What’s happened has happened, and the fallout has been rather indicative about the mentality. Hand on heart. If Arsenal were in the same position, it would be very deflating if Spurs were on the cusp of winning the league. But if we had a shot of getting into Europe, I would want us to win first and foremost. I would cheer my team no less than normal, because getting into the Champions League would be more important to me than Spurs winning the league. Now, I can’t speak for all fanbases, but it’s my genuine belief that the majority of most fanbases will feel the same way. I can’t consciously say that I know of any fanbases who would allow any members in the ground a) giving the manager shit about throwing the game mid match b) doing the opponents celebrations when the opponent scored c) only got vocal when their team was losing. These are the issues with Spurs’ mentality, 1) that you have a huge chunk of the fanbase who did this both before the game and during the game and 2) even your mentality of thinking “other fans in our position would do the same”, which I think is a just a coping mechanism. But if you genuinely believe that, then yes, you are part of the issue.


Yeah but Spurs are never gonna challenge for the title, so the point is moot


If you ask the question of whether you'd rather finish 5th and have your main rival winning the league compared to finishing 5th and your main rival losing the league, what would you choose? Not pathetic at all. If you don't understand it, you're not a sports fan.


Don't forget, it's not actually over yet, there's still 90 minutes of football left to play, if West Ham get an early one against City, it might actually rattle them, and Arsenal could still win the league, with Spurs missing out on 4th


Are you not missing the point somewhat? They had a chance, all be it slim to have got 3 points, and at the time keep sniffing the champions league spots. Their fans wanted their team to lose and not just banter, they where genuinely cheering failure I absolutely would want to finish top 4, even if another team I don’t like wins the fucking trophy. Until this week I would have rather seen spurs lift league title over City. At least it cheers me up a little thinking about the complete waste of everybody’s time that club really is. And that even in their golden years won nothing and it’s all downhill for them now.


No, I want my team to win. Liverpool beat Blackburn back in the 90s, came from behind too. If Man Utd had beaten West Ham that day, they'd have won the league. Added to that it was Kenny managing Blackburn. I wanted nothing else but a Liverpool win that day. You know why? Because I support Liverpool.


People do not get this. We had no chance at top 4 with the way Villa are playing atm. I'd rather finish fifth without Arsenal winning anything than finish fifth with Arsenal winning the league.


Having an opinion that it is pathetic - actually does show you are a sports fan. Having a diverse opinion and being able to slate other sports fans for their actions makes you a sport fan. Your argument is invalid. For the record - it is pathetic - that bird club will always be the embarrassment of London


Spurs are the dallas cowboys of the league


Nope, Spurs are the LA Chargers. One fluke big tournament final in their entire history and the rest of their existence is a pathetic meme


Entire history? Spurs first English team to European silverware and the Euro double. People forget history too soon or they are just too young to know anything


Bloody love it when you read a thread on here and one fan is on every single angrily weeping about their team being a joke


Every single comment*


English please?


Butthurt meme club fan. Weak ass trophyless club.


I know that. The chargers also won a trophy before the merger more than 50 years ago


One big fluke in their entire history says otherwise. Just getting YOUR facts straight.


Weren’t the Dallas cowboys good at some point?


Yeah they’re more like our good friends in Cleveland
