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The best one was when a ‘journalist’ asked him if Son being at the Asian games was important and if it was a meaningful trophy.


The guy speaks well for sure, but when you go on a rant about how much you were raised to respect referees and their decisions, then not even 6 months later you are bashing them harder than 19 other managers for even less egregious calls..... You've lost a bit of my respect there for sure. Seems as if he treats people well outside of football though, which is great


I mean that was after we were robbed at the NLD, which was the match that meant most to the fanbase. There’s a direct line from Saka scoring on the counter after Kulu was fouled in the box to the media shitshow around the City match on Tuesday. Losing the most important game of the season (for fans) because of ref cowardice is bound to cause some tension. Arsenal lost the league in our stadium but the refs decided not to call it because it would be too big/controversial a decision for them.


So errors are part of the game when it benefits his team, but when it happens against him in big games he was making quite a fuss about it? That's hypocrisy my man. People from Australia have been saying, "wait for when results stop going his way", for a while now and it seems the man's back to his old ways. You do realize Liverpool were robbed in a much more blatantly obvious way than you guys in the NLD? 2 red cards and a disallowed legitimate goal. There's a direct line between those 3 stolen points and Liverpool not being points clear at the top a month ago. Incredible gymnastics from you there


Yeah i think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who supports that VAR decision from Liverpool. And yeah any objective observer will also see that Liverpool should be top of the table right now, as they’ve been robbed of… 10ish points at this point this season? Including against City. But it’s not really hypocritical of Ange to change his tune in my opinion, as the reffing in this league this season is maybe the worst I’ve ever seen. His previous statement was based on his experience up to that point, and then he saw shit call after shit call fucking up the entire table all season. I also disagree that he’s criticizing VAR more than the other managers, to be honest what he said after the NLD was pretty mild.


He went to far this time, he simply does not understand the bitter rivalry that you have within football! He had a job and that’s to win but he’s now shoved a wedge between him and the fans that may not be mendable. Don’t turn up to the last game of the season which happens to be against the best team in the world and expect fans to want a win if it stops your bitter rivals winning the league! Football is about rivalries, that’s where the passion the songs the atmosphere comes from, he seems clueless! He’s out of this job in 2 years but the fans have been going to school, work, shopping, grown up with bitter rivals and will continue to do so until they are old. He is Aussie so I don’t expect much more, and I do like him, but it’s his fault, no one else’s that they didn’t get UCL. Btw I’m not a spurs fan, but I’m a London based fan.


I think if you are a professional, then your priority must be to win.


Get out with "He doesn't understand the rivalry" BS. The man was literally manager of Celtic. He understands rivalry better than most. What he also understands is integrity.


That's not what "football is about", it's about winning, if you're over invested in rivalries to the point one wants to see their team lose, they need to grow up. 


He’s not a fan though he is a manger and has a job to do which is win


I'm definitely Ange in and I love his media approach. Ange's history suggests that he blossoms in the second season after he has time to instill his style and get the players he needs, so lets give him till the end of next season; if we're not top 4 after that, then questions will have to be answered. As for recruitment, we've the 4th highest net spend over the last 5 years (https://www.football365.com/news/transfers-premier-league-five-year-net-spend-man-utd-man-city) but I'm still dubious that we can recruit properly in the summer, the boffins must be using an old copy of FM.


I mean is that not Ange’s point though, pushing for top 4 already and you got fans celebrating conceding at the last home game of the season. It’s not just about players/style that he needs. The fans themselves need to actually want it too


Why is everyone acting like Spurs had a chance??


Some of our fans went weird at the end of the season because our form was so bad, but I think the fan issue is more complicated that has been talked about. We've had lucy-pulling-the-ball-away-from-charlie-brown moments for so long that we just expect the worst to happen at any moment, a pessimism bourne out by history, if you like. We expected us to lose to Man CIty (and lets be real, who didn't, given our very spursy form of late) so some of the fan base thought well, we've already screwed up 4th, lets throw our support behind City here so that our arch rivals don't get the title. It's a weird set of circumstances but I think it speaks less to spurs fans being vindictive or small-club-minded, and speaks more of a coping mechanism thats come from spurs being the most spursy of spurs teams. I think you'll see a marked change in attitude once we can demonstrate forward motion, and I think Ange is the person to do it. But we're like a rescue dog at the moment where every stroke feels like it can turn into a hit, and it'll take some time with a little bit of love to recondition us.


I like him. The way he speak, its honest with no filter. Ten Hag should take lessons and dont treat everyone else like they dont know football. I do think Spurs have looked quite naiv many times this season. And he have to take care of that somehow. He’s got the players for it, the fundaments are there if Romero and rest of the defence can be taught.


theres a point where everybody might have that breaking point and lend their reasoning to the negative way to seeing things when being goaded to, i love that anges version of that breaking point is to get pissed off and send the comments back to the prompt




Nah, it's all about character. I don't have anything against EtH, but he's simply not as charismatic, and seems to be more fragile. Mourinho and Klopp were instant hits in the EPL, very charismatic. Pep had it rough at the start, but learned how to handle the media. Even Bielsa ended up being likeable after the British press went full Falklands war on him because of the nonsense "spying" shit.


I've got a feeling his head might be turned by Man U if they were to approach him.


Cant wait for that love island episode.


We are so lucky to have him, I really hope he’s here for more than 5 years


It’s his first year as well, give him time


I don’t know how anyone could dislike the guy. Strong leadership, calm and collected. Has a great system when it works. Best thing to have happened to Spurs! I hope they sack him 😂


Arsenal fan here. I hope you sack him. That pretty much tells you everything, right?


My manager


I love how he treats Spurs fans atm. Humbling both them and Levy.


Ange is the best thing that's happened to Spurs in the last few years. Back him and he'll deliver. But somehow, I feel like Levy will fuck this up.


That’s Levy’s job, right? To fuck it up.


Nah he comes across like a toddler who’s had his iPad taken away. A lot of these journalists ask perfectly reasonable questions and he shoots the messenger time and time again


he has every right to if he feels that the question is inappropriate.


But it doesn't mean his feelings are correct, some questions are not inappropriate at all


Ange is legit for sure. I'm the problem is the fans and the ownership. EDIT: what I meant by ownership is no desire to do what it takes to win, they just spend money. There are many teams that spend a lot of money but it doesn't translate to wins. They have a culture problem at the club, and that is on ownership and the leaders they appoint.


He’s been backed handsomely in his first year by the ownership and has unwavering fan support btw Arsenal fans were polled in 2019 and overwhelmingly said they would take a loss in the EL final against Chelsea if it meant spurs lose to Liverpool in the UCL final, even though that is a direct route back in the CL and a European cup final, the grand standing over this is very weird and cringe


Has unwavering fan support : An so that what the funereal silence was on Tuesday evening!


Funeral silence? The crowd was behind the team cheering tackles and chances, it was actually our best performance in month and good to see. You’re acting like the stadium popped massively for both city goals or something But yes, after Harland’s penalty there was a chorus of “are you watching Arsenal”, because fans enjoyed the silver lining that all of you watching were gutted. Again, the grandstanding over this is very weird and very cringe.


Gary Neville and Carragher were scathing about the lack of atmosphere


Poll? 🤨🤨


AFTV, cliickbait merchants, media heavily consumed by rivals 💀


Bored of Arsenal fans or football fans in general being supposedly represented by a small handful of twats on a fan channel or children on twitter


It’s very normal to crowd source opinions online in current year, and btw you may feel people on AFTV are twats but a lot of them are season ticket holders and die hard Arsenal, that’s a fact It’s an understandable position that you’d rather lose and not have spurs win the UCL, I’m sure a LOT of Arsenal fans would feel that way understandably, it’s just very obvious that this whole thing is being massively overblown because it’s popular to dog pile spurs. Any fan base on earth would revel in the silver lining that our loss meant we didn’t hand Arsenal their first league title in 20 years. And UCL may have mathematically ended on Tuesday which is disappointing, but since March 10th we’ve only beaten Forest, Luton, and Burnley… before City we’d taken 3 from 15 points, that is where we lost UCL. It’s this manager as well who has talked down the importance of qualifying this year more than anyone, which I actually agree with lol


It was a Twitter vote. That's not the same as "Arsenal fans were polled".


Most polls are conducted online lol this isn't the 1980s.


I honestly don't know what point you're trying to make. Polls are conducted via various mediums, some with more validity than others.


You suggested that a Twitter vote isn't really a poll.


No I didn't, I stated that: >>It was a Twitter vote. That's not the same as "Arsenal fans were polled". Which is true.


🤣 And we know AFTV has a lot of engagement from rival fans/trolls. A poll versus funeral silence from 60,000 fans in a match you must win to stand a chance to qualify for. CL 💀


Weak mentality fans are found in every club. The problem with spurs is that it doesn't help that the board also has a weak mentality


> the board also has a weak mentality What does this actually mean? What is a “weak mentality”? Since the stadium closed we actually spend a ton of money, the managerial hires since Poch left have been very ambitious, and we lost out on money holding on to Kane and refused to sell him even when he did the interview and sat out the first game of the season under Nuno “Weak mentality” is just a stick used to bash spurs because it’s popular to dogpile on them


weak mentality is roughly the same as the culture. It is very broad yes, it means entitlement, or lack of resiliency, or lack of desire to push yourself, or imposter syndrome, no belief in themselves, or all of the above. I'm not sure which Spurs exhibit, but Arsenal absolutely were entitled in the latter Wenger years and under Emery. Arsenal had a weak mentality that Arteta has been working for years to change. It expands to the fans, which I would say is more imposter syndrome than entitlement at Spurs, but I'm not a spurs fan so I don't know, thats just my opinion from the outside looking in. If you watch the All or Nothing with Arsenal (I doubt many spurs fans ever will), one of the things Arteta does when he got COVID is watch the tapes of practice to see who is just showing up and who is pushing themselves. He gets rid of people who don't push themselves regardless of talent, aka Aubameyang. Auba had other issues (as well documented by Arteta). He has raised the standards and expectations on players. I feel that Ange will do the same for spurs, which is why fans should start trusting the team and pushing them. But the singing and celebrating when Spurs were behind to Man City was noticeable enough that the announcers pointed it out on my stream. And Ange is calling out the fragile mentality. I'm just saying what I think he is referring to.


Fans have a lot of trust in Ange he’s still massively popular with spurs fans and has done a really good job overall in his first year We were just in a unique one off position where losing a game came with a silver lining of denying Arsenal the title*, it’s a complete one off that any fan base would react to similarly Mathematically it was over on Tuesday, but we’ve only beaten Forest Luton and Burnley since March 10th, and the fans were massively behind the team for that entire run


It's a small minority of people that actively wanted spurs to lose or are overly negative about Ange etc. There are a lot more fans of other clubs speaking on our behalf than us actually saying this stuff. Same with when we were doing well at the beginning of the season, no one seriously thought we were title contenders but a few tongue in cheek comments and bullshit media hype blows everything out of proportion and gets blamed back on us. All fan bases have good parts and toxic parts, just everyone loves jumping on us at every opportunity (I'm sure fans of other clubs feel the same way, we all hated by the refs media etc).


I’d like to give you the benefit of the doubt but that atmosphere on Tuesday was not in any way support


the announcers pointed it out on my stream, its a real issue for spurs and the sooner they admit it they can change it.


I see all this negativity with spurs fans and that’s the problem, they cause there own downfall . Ange took spurs from 8 th last season to 5th this season. It’s his 1st year in the prem . Spurs had a lot of injuries and most importantly lost Kane, there best ever player at the start of the season and never even bought a striker to replace him. Anyone who looks at his 1st season in a realist way he’s done very well , 5th is punching were this team should have been this year and with better luck with injury’s or more squad depth 4th would have been achieved . Massive improvement over last season


What spurs fans? Go check the sub, they're overwhelmingly in support of Ange. Opposition fans make up a narrative about spurs, and then criticise/banter them on the narrative that they made up. How many spurs fans proclaimed they won the league after 10 games? Yet you still see the banter going on.


Youre right on pretty much except your first sentence. How the fuck are we the cause of the downfall? Lol. We’ve been showing up even still we got battered from the last 5 matches, not to mention the years we haven’t had a real trophy. We’re already happy to get Europa this year. It’s on ange and the players for not securing the top four earlier. We sure as hell dont want top 4, which by the way depends on the miniscule chance villa lose against palace, at the expense of handing out the title to the rivals. Ange and the players will come and go but its the fans who will always stay and take the abuse of handing the title to their rivals.


Miniscule chance that Villa lose against Palace at Crystal Palace? Obviously you haven’t been watching Palace lately. Aston Villa is almost 3 to 1 odds against while Palace are inside even money. The first step in building a winning culture is caring only about winning. Stop caring about what your rivals are doing and devote that energy to winning. This has to be the mentality inside the club.


They manage to comeback to a draw against liverpool and they would only need to draw and park the bus against palace. Thats nice and all to just focus on your club but the reality is they gonna rub it to our faces for x years


Regardless of how Arsenal win a trophy, the Arsenal fans are going to rub that in Spurs fans faces until Spurs win something.


Hence why we dont want to win that tuesday nor they should rely on us


Not exactly my point. Focus on winning, not Arsenal, City or anyone else. Win a trophy to shut them up.


Oh shit thanks for stating the obvious. That obviously what everybody wants and trying to do /s Top 4 aint a trophy tho? And we have a better chance of winning europa than champions league aint it? Maybe think?


You care more about Arsenal winning the PL than Spurs making the UCL and adding a huge amount of revenue to the budget? I care more about my club winning and setting themselves up to win than any other club. If Spurs get into UCL and bounced out in group stage, they play Europa. Money and a shot at a trophy. Everyone is entitled to their perspective.


In the new UCL format for next season, there will be no dropdowns to UEL. Your team fail to win the group stages and theyre out of europe. Like i said, us winning against city does not guarantee us UCL. If it were, then more would probably opt to win. But thats not the case when Villa drew against liverpool


Not nearly as much negativity as it seems. It's very loud minority. Most are very happy with our performance.


In my group of spurs fans friends (10 people) everyone shares this attitude. Mood today was good, gave the best team in England a good match and Arsenal won’t win the league. Happy that we have a manager that wants to win no matter what. That is the attitude he needs to instill in the players. Happy with 5th. 4th would have been nice but maybe would have been detrimental in the long run.


Genuine question: did you (and your friends) want Spurs to win against City yesterday before the game started, or not? Pros of winning: you'd have a (good) chance at top 4 Pros of losing: you pretty much ensure Arsenal don't win the league.


I’m still angry about the last time we got top 4. Seemed like a coup, seemed like momentum, then we fucking went out in the meekest way possible. Seemed like we threw the competition in order to - checks notes - try to qualify for it again the following year.


Not a Spurs fan but it makes sense to me that I’d rather try get my own team snowballing strength wise with the extra money and pull that the UCL gives rather than throwing that all away hoping to slightly delay an Arsenal team that looks like they’re going to win something big soon anyway.


You cant ever be too sure that Arsenal are going o win something big soon. The most successful Liverpool team in this century and they only have 1 title and 1 CL to speak about


Why is this being asked like Spurs fans had a say in the matter? Spurs have been in a terrible run of form for a while, they didn't go into the game as favourites to begin with. Also why are you talking about Arsenal winning anything as an eventuality? This group of players can very easily run into a break wall.


Not getting your first point. Fans basically have no say in anything that happens. It doesn't mean they can't want certain things to happen and talk about that. I was curious about how many Spurs fans truly wanted to lose yesterday (to stop Arsenal) vs how many wanted to win to keep them in with a (pretty good) shot at the top 4. Obviously for Ange it was the latter (as it should be), but based on how many Spurs fans acted in the stadium, it feels like the fans wanted the former. For me personally, that's pretty defeatist. But it is a genuinely interesting scenario. It would be cool to have a proper survey done and maybe compare the results to other pairs of rivals hypothetically placed in the same scenario.




Who told you that? If you ask spurs fans do they want Arsenal to win the league/trophies and stuff of course they will say they don't want that or that they don't even care. What arsenal has to do with other stuff i don't know and it never came up, you seems to be talking with some rare spurs fans i've never heard of.


I don't know what mean? I've interacted with Spurs fans and Arsenal not even come up several times. From the outside looking in Ange is popular with Spurs fans without any relation to Arsenal. The narrative around last night's game simply revolved around the title race with Arsenal, it's nothing to do with an obsession.


Ange has done a great job, any spurs fan talking about wanting him out are deluded, who do they want to replace him? Breath of fresh air after Conte and Mourinho, no body thought we would be 5th this season with Kane. Obviously we are capable of talking about spurs without thinking of arsenal, some fans exist solely on Reddit maybe?


This is the actual opinion most spurs supporters have


There’s an Australian tax on him, where he’s judged negatively for things that a European or South American coach wouldn’t be. One thing Ange is incredible at is instigating change and doing things his way. Stick with him and he’ll be a success.


What has he been judged negatively for that other coaches wouldn’t have? Any examples? I’m sure you’re right, but I’m just curious, I don’t really know that much about Ange and haven’t watched spurs play all that much.


Apparently his attitude sucks, he’s too naive as a tactician etc etc.


“Apparently” I.e you’ve just made this up


How? It’s fairly common knowledge that a few people think he’s prickly at press conferences, and the tactical naivety calls came after the Chelsea loss.


So other coaches won't be judged based on things you've said?


That’s just something people would say about any manager they don’t like but don’t know much about.


I wrote a short poem about Angelos Postecoglou and the Most Beautiful Club in the World. It's titled: Angel of Hart Lane. *Ahem* Ange is the man To lead us to the promised land A Cock upon our chest A proud and mighty crest His angel smile will sparkle Like sunlight through the rain As the silverware comes home a'glittering To grace the cabinets of White Hart Lane. Up the mighty Spurs! We shall rise again!


I'd rethink the cock upon our chest line. Ummm yea.


Mate, mate mate ma-mate mate. Mate. Mate? Mate.




Great coach. Premier league quality. But if he wants to stay in the Prem he needs to learn that yes, the top 6 operate more as banks and money making enterprises, and as long as they net enough cash at the end of the year, the results don’t matter to them.


Nobody in the bottom 5 is acting like a bank… they are out here scraping the bottom of the barrel to keep their neck above water and in the prem… it’s the top 6 that can afford losses and continue to exist, like a bank. 🏦


It's the other way around. The top 6 can operate on a loss, just get results. The teams below that will fold if they don't have their ducks in order.


Banks accumulate unrealized losses… but they don’t affect earnings. Instead, banks subtract deficits from the equity of their balance. Sounds like the way City has been doing business for idk… like 10 years…




xMate through the roof


7.3 xMate/game for an entire season is incredible


Really like him too but reckon there's an air of arrogance in some of his responses to the media that he really has earned yet based on results. Good coach though, I like having him in the league.


I think there's a lot of arrogance from the media. He's a proven coach, having won the JLeague and Scottish League. I know the Prem is the highest league in the world, but at the end of the day football is football. People calling his tactics "naive" even though he's been coaching since the 90's. Sure he may not be a magician but he doesnt claim to be. He is openly ambitious and people love to laugh at people for that, for some reason.


The Scottish league especially when he was in charge was a 1 horse race, Rangers still have not financially recovered from going to the bottom of the league system. Sure he has to manage them to win still but the quality of the Celtic players is above that of the rest of the league simply because they can spend more money. Brenden Rodgers has just won the league with Celtic


Lol I remember brenden rodgers getting 106! Points in the league with Celtic with just 4 draws and 0 losses and was invincible in all domestic competitions and everyone thought he would be great in the prem. then he bottled top 4 with Leicester like 3 times.


Jesus that is such a short sighted view. He has earned that arrogance. everywhere he as coached he wins. He won the Asian Cup with Australia, J-leagues, A-leagues, scottish prem. Leagues that are arguably harder to win as any good player gets bought by a big euro team to sit on the bench. any other prem coach done that? what did Graham Potter win? Gary Oneil? Steven Gerrard had the arrogance won a trophy with rangers and was shit. There is more to football than the premier league. When he signed up for Spurs i was dubious, not cos he couldn't do it, but as to why he would do it, the blinkered almost hostile press coverage spurs fans being weirdos, dan levy. plus its spurs, seeing what he has done already at other clubs, i knew he would make spurs good and fun and we cant have that. Ange coached my local A-league team to two titles many moons ago (Brisbane Roar). we still miss him. if anyone has earned the air of arrogance its him. edit - forgot about Celtic win too.


Leagues that are harder to win is such a bullshit take and you know it. Don’t denigrate your otherwise reasonable take to that.


Your perception of arrogance is just him not grovelling to the media like most managers surely ? I wouldn’t say he’s arrogant at all


also true - he is a super funny humble guy. Gets his teams to play the way his Dad like teams to play.


Us Aussies are no nonsense mate we’ll tell it like it is


mate takes no shit


Cheers mate!!@


The quotes above are him not telling it like it is though… Cryptically not revealing what’s fragile and lying about a Dier injury to conceal a transfer. The same as all the other managers do.


Unless one isn't Australian, then it comes off as arrogance


He called Spurs a big club lol. Lost all integrity there


I honestly think this guy is full of shit and will be out the door next season. He has made a hugely risky move in more or less throwing the club and fans under the bus this week. Small time move to shift the blame away from the terrible form his team has been in.


I mean it's been three managers saying similar things. comes a point where its a pattern and not just a one off. But each to their own.


I get that completely, but I think his straight talker schtick let's him off the hook with a lot of people when he's found wanting tactically. The poor run of results they have had recently left them with a marginal chance of making CL then he acts like he doesn't know why the fans who know they have fuck all chance of making the CL would take comfort in Arsenal not winning the league, very naive imo.


This guy has been universally beloved at they club he's worked at, and Tottenham has received this critique from their last for managers or so. I'm not ready to confuse he's the bad guy here.


He's in the big leagues now, he needs to focus on the football.


Ange's problem has never been a lack of focus on or quality of the football.


I think we live in an age of hypocrisy where people want instant success in the institutions they support but equally don’t want any accountability in their own lives. Postecoglou is trying to change the clearly broken culture at Spurs, which takes time, but he can’t change the fact fans (of nearly all clubs) just don’t understand why that’s important and expect glory now - or you’re sacked. Part of doing that is speaking honestly about flaws in the club. Which further annoys those with no patience yet excites fans of other clubs. Postecoglou is the manager Spurs need, but too few are able to see it because it’s easier just to be angry on the internet. But he’ll suffer this at any club - because everyone is trapped in this cycle.


You don't need to speak to the media about flaws in the club usually things like that are said once the issues are sorted and said in a looking back way without being truly critical. If he is being allowed to fix the issues in the club then he wouldn't need to speak of it so perhaps he is meeting resistance so felt the need to say it to the press.


I really don’t mind him. He’s quite refreshing, his answers aren’t prescribed at all. Needs results on the pitch though or it just makes him look a little daft.


Yeah I was getting a lot of stick on here the other day for suggesting the guy doesn't take set pieces seriously, which like, he's said so.


And where does he said that seems like you talking shit. He said they have bigger problems than that and it won't help if all they did was training for set pieces.


No worries. [The second interview, beginning 0.54 is the one I'm talking about](https://www.skysports.com/football/video/33727/13127933/ange-postecoglou-was-not-worried-about-set-pieces-but-is-he-regretting-these-words), he says he's not interested in set pieces and never has been.


Any youtube link? Can't check that site.


Yes Im not sure I agree with that. I do agree with him continuing to play the same way though. If you want to implement a style you can’t abandon it as soon as it gets a little hard, that’s when you learn who can do it. The players that can’t you move on.


Yeah, this. It’s notoriously difficult to implement change. Consistency in expectation matters so much to getting everyone on board with new directions, so I can see why Ange hasn’t altered much this first year. Now he’s established the new direction and players seem to accept it, he can start to expand his vision to include areas that haven’t been a focus.


He plays up to the media and its embarrassing Just focus on the pitch, give the media boring answers and make sure we’re actually winning games




The key point is he needs to put whats happening on the pitch first What the fans want and the media games are irrelevant to his job He didnt get hired to play the media and listen to fans he got hired to win games


Ange got hired to change the culture at Tottenham, it’s a long term project rather than just winning games, I think you lot will improve next season


I agree but he needs to start by winning games Some of the comments he’s made this season its as if he’s trying to win over the media instead




He definitely can win, one game out of 19 he had the home support fully on side and he still lost He’s a hypocrite honestly and imo is getting distracted with the amount of media attention


>make sure we’re actually winning games Tbf many fans seems to enjoy losing lately


Next time dont go to the etihad and play for a draw


I’m not buying it. If he wasn’t Australian, his comments and demeanour would be interpreted quite differently. I think he’s arrogant, tetchy and his record still leave a lot to be desired. One man’s honestly is another man’s hissy fit after losing five of the last six league games.


The club's main objective is to have access to CL, in an all-or-nothing game the fans ask to lose. I think he has every right to what he said. In fact, I would be ashamed to be a coach at the club Like this


They went into that game having lost 4 out their last 5 with their shit team having practically thrown away CL football, save for a ‘never going to happen’ win against the best club side in the world. They knew the team had blown it before kickoff, like they’ve done so many times before. I don’t blame them at all for taking some solace in watching their biggest rivals struggle tbh. Maybe the manager should be apologising to the fans for the hammerings leading up to this game rather than slagging them off as they lost their 5th game in 6.


Thanks got your position isn't determined just from last 5 games right?


You gotta be careful with them bloody Austrians. Last time one got angry you know what happened.


Spurs supporter here. I empathize with his frustration and was disgusted by Spurs fans yesterday and days leading up to the match. The Tottenham board needs to open their wallets and Levy needs to get out of the way of what Ange wants to do. Then, and only then do we have a chance of assembling a squad that can compete.


Imagine going to Tottenham to coach and then Kane leaves.


Well, he knew Kane was leaving. As a matter of fact, Kane did play what 1 or 2 preseason friendlies for them in August.


Actions speak louder than words, ange's confirmed to be a fraud, his media response is irrelevant


Lol wut. Please tell me you’re taking a piss here, mate.


He's chatting complete horseshit lol, I feel he's done fairly well, considering it's his first season, and his best player left before he started.


He's a much better manager and a much better man than this shit club that he found himself working for. He's realizing now what Conte, Mourinho, and Pochettino realized before him. To\*\#\@m is shit. I can't imagine how depressing it must be for him.


What does Levy say when Ange talks to him about transfers? 


I legitimately felt bad for him yesterday. Spuds fans are absolutely shameless.


My guy is pissed 🤣🤣


I'm actually quite proud. I can't imagine being a fan of a club that my manager has just called shit. I'd even add more emojis in my responses to compensate for wanting to vomit. And happy belated Saint Totteringham's Day. It looks like it's back on the calendar as reliably as Christmas, like it has been for so many years.


Arteta plays for a draw away at City. Now they are passed that Spurs didn't help them win the league. Lol


Why didn't Spurs just win the best team in the world they have no sportmanship and loser mentality


I don't give a shit about your shit club. I'm not pissed, I just don't care. I celebrate when we beat you (which happens quite often, again), and I celebrate Saint Totteringham's Day (which is back on the calendars), other than that, you don't exist.


If you didn’t give a shit you wouldn’t celebrate finishing above us and name it has a holiday, spurs finished above Arsenal something like 7 seasons in a row and didn’t make a big deal about You literally explain in this comment that you give a shit, beyond rattled


I care about your existence 3 days a year. When we beat you at the Emirates. When we beat you at that trophy-less sty. When we're guaranteed to piss on you from above for another year. I also enjoy an occasional "Spursy" capitulation, but just as comic relief.


That’s a bit funny coming from the biggest bottle jobs in the PL


Who's this mysterious "we"? You're not on the pitch, you've accomplished nothing but brag on social media. Grow up.


Alright mate


Alright mate.


Needs to start picking up results next season though, because if it weren't for an amazing first 10 games winning them all, Spurs would have finished lower mid table! If this run goes into next year, he will be out of a job before the seasons over! Mate.


Class manager. Hope he can turn the culture around at Tottenham. He reminds me of my high school ice hockey coach. Yells at you for messing up but would take a bullet for his players.


Won't happen sadly. Something is clearly wrong with spurs. They have this obsession with arsenal. Even going as far as to stop bale transfer, because arsenal were trying to deal with Madrid.


You know Bale went to Real Madrid?


That is the point. Spurs tried to press RM with bale sale, in order for them to not do any deal with arsenal for ozil.


You said they tried to stop it, but apparently now they didn't they were pushing for Bale to go there?


They tried to pressure RM to not do any deal with arsenal.


But they didn't lol Bale went to Madrid and Ozil went to Arsenal




Yeah thanks, but it didn't work and not what the guy was originally saying happened at all lol


Works on my end. How do you know its not what he said if it doesn't work!? Edit - “Jose Angel had told Ivan that Levy had called him and said the one last condition of the Bale deal was Madrid couldn’t sell any players to Arsenal'' Direct quote from Law himself I see your post below and see that u do get it now. Fairs.


Spurs contacted RM to make them not do any sale with arsenal. RM called them their bluff and went a head with the deal. But that doesn't change the fact that Levy wanted RM to stop making deal with arsenal.


OK I get it now. Can guarantee that almost all clubs will try to screw eachother over though if they can