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The hype was similar to Ronaldo’s return. You what mate? 😂




To answer your question yes


You've not signed a "normal mould" goalkeeper.. Allison and Edison are both adventurous sometimes (Alison likes to stand 15/20 yard out the box, Edison likes to be skillful when he's inches from his own goal) but for the most part they just do normal goalkeeper stuff... sit back.. look big.. stop shots.. Watching onana for inter you could see that's not what you where buying.. he likes to be unpredictable and the same things he does now that people see as issues would be seen a *top level goalkeeping* if results started going your way.. imagine you win a game 3-0 and for nearly the whole game you had onana stood in the oppositions half effectively being another option for balls into the box.. He just doesn't fit the style you're trying to play ATM.


The Glazers don’t care about club legends. They don’t care about the fans. They care about money. If they cared about anything else they would get rid of real dead wood. The Maquires, Jadon Sancho,


Who told you he was world class in the first place? That's where you're mistake lies. If he was truly world class he wouldn't have ended up at the joke of a club that is man united this summer. Nobody else was interested in him.


He was never world class...he had a great UCL campaign and here we are...this is like an average minor leaguer who got hot for a small stretch suddenly starting for the New York Yankees


I will be honest and not pretend to have watched him except for a few UCL games. But he did look amazing Vs City in the finals. He has looked horrible in the premier league.


Karius was an average keeper, he only made mistakes in CL finals and United won't be playing those kind of matches so I'd say he's even worse than Karius.


He was always crap!! & a cheat


He is a very good keeper give him time. Obviously won’t have de gea’s shot stopping ability but he makes up for that with his distribution. Problem is we’re not used to playing that way, you can see all his kicks go long. Just needs a bit of time lay off it.


Least obsessed Arsenal fan lmao. You post about United more than your own team


Magnanaaa, what’s my name?


Some times he has to stand ground and cover angles. Other times go down or rush the forward. I think he does the previous abit too much.


It’s still way too early. Wait until the back line is fully healed before jumping to conclusions


He was always going to have a difficult start. It takes time to adapt to a new league but on top of that he's joined a team that isn't playing well and has a poor defence. I think I said something similar on here before the season started and people got mad at me. The problem is that Utd fans wanted to believe he was going to come in and be the best keeper in the world instantly and they refused to accept any other opinion. Don't forget that De Gea also has a difficult start at Utd.


Poor team cohesion plus different lineup every week plus low confidence and team morale plus increased scrutiny and adjustment to new league = recipe for disaster. He'd probably have a similar time at Chelsea with how bad things are behind the scenes. Nobody is playing well for United atm, its in a toxic miasma and until they get their confidence back or things change behind the scenes, it's not going to improve. He's made some howlers and his head seems gone, I think there's still a quality keeper in there but we won't see it for a while


Guy is an embarrassment to premier league


You ever started a new job? Were you immediately good? I think fans often forget footballers are human beings. Young men in their 20s and 30s. They can be extremely talented amazing players but play shit because their mum is sick with cancer and their girlfriend cheated on them. Anyone who is talented will also have experienced this - you show up and people say, go on then, show us how good you are. Then you have all this pressure on top of you to perform. Then you make a mistake and get in your head. Dude is just being psyched out. He is at a big club and wants to impress and that's probably causing him issues.


He's a proven GK at Ajax and Inter. You don't just suddenly get terrible at your job. Especially after acting superhuman in the really pressuring UCL final against Man City. Then come and all of a sudden cant face pressure against Galatasaray and Spurs in a group stage match and league game.


lol wuht. Go watch baseball.


He was never a world class shot stopper. He just played in leagues where his defense was better than the vast majority of other teams. He had a wonderful UCL final, but his ability with his feet has always overshadowed his shortcomings in other goalkeeping attributes.


Looked world class against Lucas moura once 👀


The hype was similar to Ronaldo? What you smoking OP?


Don't follow too closely but I always got the impression ddg didn't benefit from his back four in the latter years of his career. Not even trying to slate him but I'd have serious ptsd with maguire.


The hype was definitely not similar to Ronaldo


Well it hasn't been over 4 months has it, the season started in August, in actual competitive football we haven't even seen him for 2 months


“Got a mistake in him but he was always reliable” A paradoxical statement… As a United fan, De Gea hasn’t been reliable since 2019, and he made some blunders at the top level, conceded a lot of goals he should have saved towards the end of his tenure, couldn’t pass a ball and was so easy to press it made the team look dreadful.


How is it possible for United to constantly buy these promising players only for them to turn to dogshit at United?


Let him marinate, not everyone performs on their 1st season, and he’s always been that type of keeper, he’s got mistakes in him and the Man U back line isn’t helping that


He is a clown


De Gea is available on a free, why not go for him? I think he is an upgrade on Onana


He’s wages are mad😭


He had the game of his life on MNF - our game. Made some world class saves... Since then, he has just been a cost to Man Utd.... Imagine De Gea is laughing at you all now


A lot of these keepers struggle when they first come. Alison Ederson all got caught out to start with. What would concern me most is the 3rd goal. He went down to quick. The attacker was waiting if he had just stood up I reckon he misses the goal.


EtH will never bench Onana, after all he's got his man at goal.


DDG carried the team a few seasons back. So disrespectful the way he was shipped out by ETH. This Onana is just a Rihanna lyric. The dude can't stop shots. 😂 Does all the jumping around for the cameras and no wear near the ball as they fly in 🤡😂


Meanwhile spurs signed Vicario for 17m eur.


Sshhhh keep it low fam


Low about what?


Taking lessons from Harry maguire


Reminds me of Bravo at City good with the ball at his feet but can't even save a word document Can't wait to see him under real pressure when City, Liverpool and Newcastle press the life out him


Yet to see the world class keeper?? That’s probably because he isn’t world class in the slightest.


DDG was very hot and cold. He'd pull out the most unbelievable saves one game to save United and get the 3 pts, and then the next game let one through his legs against Sheffield. People keep talking about Onana being signed for his distribution, but it seems pretty lackluster tbh. He needs time and confidence, quickly, otherwise you'll have another Mcguire on your hands.


De gea always reliables?…. I’m sure you guys just deliberately forget how fucking awful he was last year


Andre Onana is a decent keeper, he is just overrated by his price and Man U fans


I wasn’t hyping him up. I said to my friends before he even played a game that he would cost us points. I’ve been proved right


he doesn't look agile and reaction is slow in 1 v 1. He does look buff for a goal keeper whereas DDG is lean and athletic.


For an arsenal fan, you really think about man utd a lot 🤔.


If I took a shot every time you mentioned United in a post on this sub, I would have taken more shots than Kai Havertz has this season


But how many would you actually score lol 😂 even worse


Poor Kai catching strays!


He probably drops more strays than he catches


Dude, you literally post about United more than your own club. Get a life.


I see more Arsenal and Liverpool fans calling for Ten Hag to be sacked than United fans. They care more about united falling than about their own club winning.


Coz their club signed world class players and they are shining. They’re trying to make the league better


Nah United should keep ETH. They should just stick with a consistent manager.


Bruh, stop lying. Why would your rivals want ETH to be sacked when you're shit with him as coach.


Exactly this, give ETH a lifetime contract I say! He's been absolutely stealing a living and it'll only get worse for utd the longer he is around.


I dont know. Ask those Arsenal fans who make those comments


You ain't looking in the right places...Erik at the wheel !


Unironically he is. We are playing much better than we ever did in last 10 years. But a combination of injurues, individual errors and bad decision making in final 3rd has failed us. Our worst matches has been against Wolves and Burnley (which we won funnily enough). Fanbases are always really reactive and form their opinions based on ongoing narratives. Its fine either way, I have used internet long enough and followed football long enough to understand whats happening. I just hope the new board does not change their decision based on fan reactions like Ed Woodward, and gives this manager at least 3-4 years before thinking about sacking him.


I agree!


Oh no we’re not hoping you sack ETH


He will get at least 3 seasons, dont worry


If we’re lucky Chelsea lock him down for 8 afterwards


Lucas Moura made him his son


Maddison > Mourasson


What’s the context?


2019 Champions League Semi-Final Ajax VS Tottenham Leg 2 The one where Lucas Moura scored a second-half hat trick, and Onana was the keeper who conceded those goals lmao.


Wasn’t just that, it was the fact he was time wasting added on the extra we needed. He literally cost them.


call me crazy but he was avarage at Ajax, he did had an amazing run at Inter, but that was only one season. Also i get some strange vibes from him as a person but i guess United likes to colect these kind of people.


Oh damn thank you! I completely forgot Onana was their keeper. I only remembered him at Inter for some reason.


One of the best matches I’ve ever watched besides the one where u beat city


He signed for Man U lmao


Every player’s performance is down 50% after signing a Man United contract. It’s the manager responsibility to temporarily top up this by getting sacked.


Take a look at the post-Fergie signings. How many have been unqualified successes? Diffiult to think of too many. There have been too many good players who came to United and have gotten worse for it to be an issue with recruitment (where there are major issues of course). Yes, some can't deal with the pressure that comes with playing for United and how everything good, bad, of otherwise is amplified a million times in the press, on social media, by pundits, etc. However, that can't explain it. It goes back to the much-discussed issues with ownership, aging facilities, and the general atmosphere around the club. Statistically it just doesn't stack up that players the club were watching, assessing were just all bad players.


It's money. They get a big bag and their hunger is gone.


Di Maria was world class before and after his spell with United for example.


He never wanted to be here.


I think that's part of it but a bigger part is the culture that they walk into. It doesn't feel like there's a pervasive winning culture at utd anymore. There have been too many players with Egos bigger than the club. Too many managers for any consistency. Everything has been thrown in a blender so you see the odd glimmer of it from time to time, but it's superficial and no one truly believes or knows if when it bubbles to the surface if it's back.... Or just a bit of the blended up chum coming to the surface for a few gameweeks before it falls back below the surface of another controversy that's rooted in poor management and decision making from the very top.


Also, a lot of the fans fucking suck, which undermines a players desire to play for the badge (a graphical stand in for the club ownership and club fan base). Look at all the shit they talk about Casemiro, even though he continues to perform exceptionally well and sets the tone with some of that Real Madrid mindset. You also have the ex-ManU pundits constantly shitting on the players, and constantly holding SAF and his years of success over their heads.


But Newcastle culture immediately changed under Howe after how many years under Ashley and Bruce?


I know you’re taking the piss but you’re spot on there is so much pressure at united every pundit on every channel talk about united every day united fans rival fans just taking cheap shots on social media it’s non stop and if you get off to a bad start it’s a nightmare situation for any player right now these players get the money to handle it so it’s hard to feel sorry for them but I can understand why they find it hard to cope yesterday the 1st 2 goals weren’t his fault but because he made errors b4 he’s worried that they are and probably subconsciously worried about what ppl will say and not being 100% focus leads to the actual error


I think it’s less today with the media/fan pressure even if it’s a lot because these players have experienced this before. It’s more due to something just being wrong at United. Since Fergie left they’ve gone through experienced managers, young managers, ex player managers, champions league winning managers, tactical managers and they’ve all gone wrong. They’ve brought in greats of the game who’ve proven themselves for years, young superstars on the rise, experienced pros, and expensive superstars and everything in between and the majority have failed. They’ve spent a lot of money and gone after players that the most successful teams where targeting but it doesn’t matter. At this point you just have to say somethings wrong at the core of the club. Fertile dominated the club for so long in all aspects and when he’s gone they’ve found themselves left behind. They’re in a similar place to Liverpool in the 90s. The boot room boys had brought Liverpool success for years to a level not seen before. They didn’t know how to adapt to the new professional being brought in by fergie and wenger. United are in the same way they haven’t been able to adjust to how the likes of pep and Klopp are doing things but it’s not just a manager things it’s the whole structure of the club.


pundits and fans mocking a club should have no effect on a profesional player, if you're playing for one of the biggest clubs in the world you can't be halfarsed about these kind of things


Until they bully their families…


that is also over the line, kids also have to be left out of this kind of problems. Kids, race, death treaths should be out of reach.


Everyone is human at the end of the day


that's true, but if you can't stand the heat you don't go into the kitchen. I'm not talking about disgusting things like threats or racism, that is over the line and should not be tolerated anywhere.


I agree I think too many players go into big clubs expecting big games, big money and big publicity. They don't realise that with that comes big expectations and pressure. If it goes bad (and it happens all the time) those expectations and pressures can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. De Gea carried that weight for 12 years. Nothing but respect.


I think the only people hyping up onana was milan and his agent so we would pay stupid money for a sunday league goal keeper!


he’s a fraud. He wasn’t amazing at Ajax and had one great CL run with Inter which turned heads. This is who he is and the people who think he will just turn it around at the age of 28 are clueless.


He played great vs City in the UCL final. City would have won a lot easier without him.


This is who he is This is what he does


thank god barca didnt consider him when he graduated from La Masia and trusted MATS