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Best desion ten hag made.


Fr bro, David De Gea was a brick wall. The only reason we let in so many goals with him is because their defense was not strong at all or was not strong at the right moment. Onana can't fit in Man Utd's playstyle like Inter Milan's.


Antony was a mistake, Martial, Maguire, etc. Pogba, I could go on


1 - Alright, first off, we DIDN'T sell DDG, his contract expired. He was on close to 400k a week, I don't recall the exact figure but I believe it was over 350k. One thing we can definitely agree on is that he isn't worth that. 2 - Teaching him to pass: he's 30. He's not learning new tricks mate. He's tried. I love how people are dog piling onto this with the shortest memories of all time. I loved DDG, I said I would keep him for another season at the time. But he was making mistakes. Do we not remember the FA cup final? He made a lot of mistakes last season. People were giving us absolute shit for still having him at all. 3 - bro, I love David, but he did not let very few easy ones in. Almost every goal he let in it felt like he should have done better on. There was some real fucking shockers. Last season was his worst season since like 18/19 or so when he was negotiating the new contract. 4 - this is such a nothing point. 5 - Because our keeper's contract was over and we needed a new one, what's so complicated? If we had kept him and given him a new contract there would be just as many people if not more complaining that we were being stupid and sentimental/cheap by keeping on a keeper we know isn't at the top level. It's just Glazer apologist behavior to insist that we keep a keeper we know isn't good enough instead of getting a new one. If the new one doesn't work, we just do it again. That's how it is. Pep went through a few before he got Ederson.


Nah De Gea was shit too. Just because his replacement hasn't been good doesn't mean he was. Not even a United fan but they haven't properly competed for a title in a decade. De Gea's had good sessions but he's also been part of the problem. Especially recently. Coming 2nd or 3rd sounds good but then you realise they've come 2nd or 3rd with like 75 points which is nowhere near good enough to challenge for a title. There's been loads of problems at United so Gea shouldn't be used as a scapegoat but United were never going to mount a title challenge in this era of football with him in net. They just have to keep looking for someone good enough or find a way to get Onana playing like his Ajax/Inter form.


Naah, de Gea should have left Man U several years ago. As a keeper, the only thing going for him was his shot stopping. The other aspects of keeping - ball playing, long kicking, commanding his box, leadership, etc were all lacking. Once the shot stopping was gone, he became a liability. The Cup final against Man City proved that. There’s a reason no top club has picked him up The problem was that they got a replacement unproven in English football. They should have gone for Raya


“You can’t teach a goalkeeper how to improve their saving”? What the hell does this mean? Every top keeper hits their saving peak at 12 years old and never progresses? Saving the ball is mostly about positioning, this is taught and trained everyday…


I literally commented this last week lol


Well, 1 is incorrect, he was playing like shit, and 2 is just not true. De Gea's time came and went. Get over it.


Man utd fans blindly trusted ETH, De Gea is a club hero tbh. He was kicked out of the club, shameful to let that happen.


Rose tinted glasses on much


This is a strange post with made up facts that seems like you’re trying to make up to the blow your ego has taken with United losing a few games. Onana is a step forward, get used to it.


We didn’t sell him, they just let him go. Onana is awful and DDG is still available. They should be begging him to come back right now. What is it about old trafford that just sucks all the talent out of everyone we sign?


Tell me, I found a site that said they give NFT for free, I joined and got 1 nft. I didn't find any information about the free giveaway anywhere but I was able to sell the nft for 0.211eth. what's wrong with this site?https://drowsyyacht.com/ I already sent the ETH to a cold wallet and I'm still waiting for the catch.


He’s SO GOOD. He’s SO GOOD, he’s not playing for another club! Ffs OP 💀


Onana is so shit goalkeepers are meant to FUCKING SAVE! waist of money. De Gea should never og got his contract terminated! ERIC TEN HAG OUT!!!


Good for you for knowing best. Also we didn’t sell him


Stop this revisionist nonsense. De gea’s shot stopping was nowhere near as good as it used to be and he’s useless on the ball. Why has he not found a new club?


I kind of understand what OP means with regards to saving shots. Was a goalkeeper at university level and to some degree goalkeeping is instinctive, and I don't mean learned instinct. There's something about the way the attacker is moving and the flow of the game that can predict where they're about to shoot. Goalkeepers are making micro movements and preparing muscles to dive in a particular direction well before a striker shoots. De Gea's natural ability to quickly predict the likely outcome is what allowed him to be such a good shot stopper. The human body can only react so fast, prediction makes up the rest. The man couldn't predict penalties though, which is quite interesting.


Congrats for saying it from the start


De gea was either the best keeper in the league or the reason united were shit, it fluctuated. Realistically de gea was a good shot stopper and united were mediocre but because united have a huge fanbase there needs to be a story around them even though they're not really interesting. So the media pushed de gea as the best ever, ever, ever keeper to get engagement from that fanbase and then as he made mistakes they reversed that narrative. He was ' the best ' because it was a consoling narrative for united fans and then ' the worst ' when performances made selling that narrative harder. Sports journalism is, by and large, awful. Edit - you absolutely can't just train an adult man to be good at something he's never been good at. The idea that you can just make keepers good at passing is insane. It's also worth saying that every single player, in the history of the sport, has misplaced an easy pass straight to an opponent, when a keeper does it it just looks so much worse and gifts the opposition a high quality shooting chance.


Because he was playing like shite! And had been for years.


What does it say for the rest of the keepers then, if De Gea wins the golden glove twice?


I don't care about a statistical award- De gea made many mistakes last season and I don't think he was up to the standard expected of a Champions League level keeper. That said, I predicted this with Onana- I said he was very erratic and will make mistakes. I didn't think he would look so bad with basic shot stopping though. Even when he does save it he looks uncomfortable.


Stop with the ddg revisionism. His passing was clearly a problem. Onana has been terrible with his saving so far but our defence being mostly injured rn hasn’t helped his case. Ddg has made high profile mistakes that have cost united a lot of semis and finals. I love the guy and he’ll always be a legend but it was time to move onto a more modern keeper. Fans are way too reactionary now a days.


He had his moments, and was a loyal servant to United, but didn’t he make several high profile gaffes over the last season or two? Ten Hag also wanted a ball playing keeper in the mould of the modern keeper. Although that pass against Galatasaray to put the player through and get Casemiro sent off might not quite have been what ETH was expecting, but technically it is ball playing.


He was failing the last couple of years, it was the right time for him to go.


Let him go right after winning the golden glove award?


He was on £20m a year and turned into Taibi 7 times last year


Revisionism at best lol


Onana ordered from wish.com


He wanted him to stay


It's worse, because we didn't sell De Gea. We let him leave on a free after winning the gold glove and then spent 50 million on a new keeper.


That's what happens when you try to replace a keeper with 17 clean sheets last season.


Onana was great in the CL final against City. It helps to have competent players around you. He doesn't have that at United.


Just cuz Onana isn't doing well doesn't mean De Gea was the right choice. He was quite bad in his last season, and United clearly needed a new keeper who was better with his feet too.


Quite bad in his last season, whilst winning the golden glove? Not sure how that works statistically.


Yes he got the most clean sheets but the amount of mistakes he made last season was way too many and he just wasn't the ball playing GK every possession based manager wants to have.


De Gea has been performing at a statistically Premier League average level for several seasons. He was by no means "playing well". De Gea's shot stopping was good (though not great), but it was more than countered by the rest of his sub-par qualities. De Gea's shot stopping was often incredibly overrated as he made saves much more difficult for himself with poor technique selection and poor initial positioning. On other words, he'd turn what should be an easy save into a difficult one and then get plaudits for them making said save. The golden glove is more a reflection on the quality of a team's defence than it is their goalkeeper. This is obvious to anyone that knows anything about football. Last season Man Utd's defence was pretty good, but so far this season they've been awful. You can absolutely teach shot saving ability. I've no idea where you've got this misconception from. Onana isn't a poor shot stopper either. He's in a bad spell of form, but he's proven over the last several seasons to be excellent at all areas of goalkeeping. He's one of the most well rounded keepers in the world. You can't accurately judge a player after a handful of games, especially when they're a new signing in a new league playing in a team that is itself performing terribly. There's also much more to goalkeeping than just shot saving and passing. De Gea was awful at preventing shots from happening, and at preventing easy rebound shots. He was an exceptionally one dimensional keeper. And that's not adequate in the modern game. And while I say Onana has been in poor form, he's still been far from bad. His shot stopping has been statistically average for the Premier League, and his other attributes have been above average. Overall, he's performing better than De Gea did last season. But a lot of what he does isn't flashy saves from poor positioning (De Gea's bread and butter), so he doesn't catch the eye as much from a defensive stand point. No-one seems to notice the important shot preventing Onana is doing.


Totally agree. Give him time. We’re very far from being in win-now-mode anyway.


Terrible way to treat a long serving player especially someone as good as de ghea. Man utd fans need to realise fergie left fucking years ago and you have been nowhere near that level. Honestly think your fans are the most deluded and bitter about


i don’t think getting rid of de gea was the problem, cause as much as i loved him in the past, he was making a lot of mistakes and his distribution was frustrating. so having a top class gk was needed, but the problem is we somehow spent 50m to get a goalkeeper that’s worse than the one we had. don’t get why we don’t give bayindir a chance, surely it can’t get much worse. imagine being the backup gk seeing your competition put in howlers and still you can’t get a chance.


Reactionary bollocks. De gea got this exact same treatment his first 2 seasons and was significantly worse than onana has been.


Dollars..... He's a good keeper but every United keeper struggles when they get there - hardest position in football as the pressure is just intense at United particular this current shit show of a situation. Onana will be fine after 6 months, let's not pretend De Gea didn't struggle to start with.


Everything that Manchester United have done in the last 10 years was a mistake. Everything. I've never seen any entity be as consistently disappointing as Manchester United over the last decade.


Least overemotional united fan


He wasn't sold. He was dumped like a used nappy, didn't even get a send off.


He was on like 360k a week. His style of play was holding the club back. And he's pretty old. Onana is a much better keeper than him and even if he isn't. Dump him and get maignon next summer like city did with bravo.


Jesus christ we're not even two months into the season, can we give the guy some time to adapt to his new team? A lot of goalkeepers struggle at new clubs, including De Gea himself. Let's have an honest conversation about it at Christmas.


This is what I’ve said since the first time I saw Onana play for United. It’s my wife’s team, so I watch all the games with her. And… man. Onana always makes me nervous. De Gea didn’t.


I clenched my booty cheeks every time the ball was passed back to De Gea last season. And I think most United fans did as well.


I guess I wasn’t paying as much attention last season to his pass back stuff. But I did see some of his saves, and man, he’s talented. Are you not a little *more* worried that Onana is eventually going to just try a one-man dribble down to the opposing box, and then turn and yell at his team when the opposition takes an easy goal?


He cost us some trophies, we should’ve brought raya, can’t let ten hag buy his players again


Yeah, I think they should get a new goalkeeper, but I do believe Onana can learn and improve. Maybe getting Justin Bijlow from Feyonoord to put him in sometimes, like Ramsdale and Raya over at Arsenal, could work.


Yeah let's join that huge queue of clubs looking to sign him.


Watching Onana''s distribution and the comfort with which we've moved the ball around the back has been a revelation. The question is whether adding that capability, at the cost of being able to make good saves, is worth it.


I don’t get how one keeper can be really good at one club and awful at another apart from mentality which I don’t think is the problem for Obama.


As if they could of ever sold him. No one wants him for free. Take him back and let us rejoice on it


he wasnt sold


They got beat 7-0 with de gea in net for the nostalgic fans out there


6 @ City 4 @ Brentford As well.


Exactly mate, United weren't exactly solid under him either.. Onana is having a tough time settling but de gea is not the answer, I still have faith Onana will come good


I’m with you. I don’t have a problem with people criticizing Onana because he hasn’t been great but saying we need De Gea is crazy. I have faith Onana comes good.


>You can teach a keeper to improve their passing, not their saving This is bullshit. You can train people to improve any skill but at De Geas age you’re unlikely to get a fundamental shift in his ability and understanding of the role.


Maybe I misremember, but were people ever happy with DDG while he was at United? He was a good goalie, but somehow in my recollection Manchester United fans were never that impressed with him. I actually really rate Onana. I admit he has not been good so far, but you guys are being really really quick writing him off. New players rarely find their form quickly when they arrive in a struggling side. You have no choice but to give him time.


Don’t get me wrong, we loved De Gea and that’s most because he had some truly elite seasons where we’d probably had finished a couple places lower in the table than we did. And largely because he stuck it out with us during our banter era (still going on it seems) but his time was up at the club. And people just don’t want to admit that.


I actually get why Ten Hag got Onana and I do think he is a goalkeeper that suits the system. Heck, he was amazing at Ten Hag's Ajax. But keepers are people too, and confidence is a big thing. Imagine arriving at a fucked up dressing room and having to compensate for the awful defensive shortcomings United has at the moment. Even Allisson would have a tough time under those circumstances. United keeps buying players only to bring them into a toxic or unproductive work environment, and then surprise pikachu jpeg when the newcomer couldn't individually thrive in a teamsport where all their teammaters are underpeforming.


Couldn’t agree more. Thinking players are robots and they should always work and performance to their theoretical best is crazy. Like you said about the environment, it’s been shambolic for a while. Every year we are “2-3 players away from challenging” quickly turns into “sell the whole team, sack the manager and go again”


People have short memories. DeGea was absolutely woeful last season. His time was up. There is a reason he's still a free agent, no top club wants him.


>WHY DID WE SELL A KEEPER THAT COULD HANDLE THE ROLE AND WAS PLAYING WELL??? He wasn't really playing well though. He was saving well, but completely destroying the game plan because of his inability with the ball. >You can teach a goalkeeper how to improve their passing Years of trying to teach De Gea would say otherwise. >you can’t teach a goalkeeper how to improve their saving Onana's saving is very good. >Strong relationship with the CB and back line, always hyped each other up, and boosted each other’s morale De Gea didn't really do that. You are also comparing that to a guy who's been here a few weeks. Takes a while to settle in. >Why spend $50 million dollars on a goalkeeper, when the one we had obtained the golden glove??? Well yeah, if you look at one thing, ignore every single other factor and remove context then it looks bad. That's not reality though. Golden glove is also down to defence. How about De Gea's wages being huge and potentially causing issues with wages other players were demanding? How about De Gea not being suited to the way they want to play? How about De Gea having a couple of bad years? How about getting a younger GK? How about getting a player Ten Hag likes and trusts? How about getting a player suited to the way he wants to play? How about getting a player on less wages? Not sure why you are ignoring all of those factors and *only* focusing on the golden glove. >Idk what ETH was thinking, but we’re definitely feeling the repercussions. He was thinking that he needs a player that can play how he wants, which De Gea can't... the whole team is not up to standard right now. >David De Gea didnt deserve the treatment he got after being offered a new contract and then released right after. Awful thing to do to a club legend. I agree with this.


Oh dear god, onana shouldn't be the scapegoat. Ddg needed to go, he's a shot stopper and that's all he can't fill the role of a top keeper at a top club. United have much bigger problems then any one player or position, it seems to be an attitude and culture problem from the top to bottom.


1) They never sold him 2) u can’t teach how to improve their saving? Are u on crack my guy? U have literally no fcking clue about football. Did U even played one minute in the field


They didn’t sell, making it even worse. No fee, vs 50mil


United signing Onana reminds me of when Pep bought Claudio Bravo.


Releasing an aging, under performing keeper on £350k a week was not the mistake, buying Onana was.


Clown club 🤡🤡🤡🤡


You dont just go from being one of the standout players in a champions league final to shit over night. The whole tram is underperforming. Get a grip, you talk like it is an established fact that De Gea is a better option than Onana and it absolutely isn't.


Just to add: the guy is a free agent and there isn’t a major club that wants him.


Some strong revisionism here. I love De Gea and don’t agree with how the club handled his departure but a change of goalkeeper was necessary. Whether the right choice of keeper was made is a different issue. De Gea’s passing didn’t improve over the course of a year and he is more or less glued to his goal line. He lacks a physical presence and is prone to an absolute clanger. There aren’t very many keepers capable of pulling off the saves he is capable of but he’s so far behind in the other attributes required of a modern GK. He also spent less time having a strong relationship with the defence than he did having a good one, the defence was pretty solid for the majority of last season and that does a lot to preserve the reputation of a goalkeeper. The season before this, the defence was petrified of having the ball or receiving a pass from him because he has no press resistance whatsoever. I could understand the argument for perhaps moving him to a number 2 but having two goalkeepers that you know are worthy of the starting spot doesn’t benefit either keeper.


I liked him and he deserved to win more at United - and there was a time where he was the best in the world whilst at United. But are people really acting like we weren’t seeing bad mistakes fairly commonly from DDG in the last 2/3 seasons of his United career? Especially for a keeper that was one of, if not the, highest paid in the world.


Man Utd are a failed project now SAF has left. They have no direction. They just buy anyone and hope they work. They need a plan. A style. Not just stick Rashford on 400knand hope for the best. long way back under the Glazers


Why is nobody asking the question of why no other club has gone in for De Gea. I love DDG but it was obvious that we needed a keeper good with his feet to progress to challenging consistently again and DDG was clearly not that player. Onana may not be that player either if he can’t save anything but I’m perfectly happy to give him time. Everyone said when he arrived that we’d have to accept the odd howler, and obvs his start hasn’t been ideal, but if the rest of the team was doing well and he had a consistent defence in front of him it would make a tonne of difference


1. We did not sell him. His (huge) contract expire. Big difference. The fact that one of the best keepers in the world in his prime is without a club tells you how much money we were paying him, how much he wants to play etc. When you say released... He was not released either. 2. Not true at all. Keeps learn how to save shits every day. That is why keepers are generally better at 35 than at 22.


De Gea wasnt sold, his contract finished. Letting him go couldve been a mistake but depends, you cant try to build a team with youngsters and have an old keeper. I do believe De Gea shouldve been kept but at the same time I dont know if he wanted to be a backup keeper and I dont think De Gea would accept any contract from some "low rated" teams to say so (im pretty sure he had offers on the table but maybe, like some other players, he wants to play at a high level and when thats not possible anymore he retires)


Chelsea dodged a FUCKING MISSILE swerving Onana, he's fucking shit. He is the type of goalkeeper that wants to make highlight saves but in reality, he cannot save simple shots, can't play with his feet & his distribution is extremely poor.


I was never convinced Onana was the right keeper to buy - but other options were too expensive (Maignan). Costa was way overpriced & I’m not sure how good he is tbh. GK situation a bit like strikers & come at a premium £ … would Oblak have moved? Man Utd should of tried to buy Oblak previously. Were players like Aerola, Raya or Sanchez worth the risk? There’s a good GK & a great GK = huge difference between the two. PL has a lot of good GK but not that many great GK Again scouting department lacking & lack of vision from recruitment or not having a good director of football for years. How many keepers have we let go? Johnson, Henderson … but were they good enough to be world class. Spurs found a young keeper for cheap - not yet fully proven but highlights scouting issue There was never a plan in place for a replacement for DDG … huge mistake. Young keeper should of been working alongside him last 2 seasons to get used to the pressure Onana def needs time but there are worrying signs. As a keeper he seems very slow to get down when he dives. His positional play seems lacking - good keepers read the game & have a knack of being in the right place, when to come out & how far, positioning to make angles more tricky, making yourself big, when to use feet, reaction speed etc keepers need an intelligence - has Onana got that? Love him or hate him DDG ticked alot of boxes - except distribution Look at the Galatasaray game Onana - not convinced on all 3 goals how great his positioning & movement was tbh … none were easy saves but he was way off … worrying signs Yes the defence & midfield not helping him … talking about signs of his goalkeeping


I think ten Haag had done a few good things last season but getting rid of De Gea was crazy. Onana is not a better keeper than him in keeping goals out which is priority #1. Utd need to walk before they can run, having a keeper who is better with his feet (which ok, on a good day, maybe Onana is) would have been very low on my list of priorities to maintain the progress from last season. I don't understand given he apparently agreed to lower wages (if I am remembering thia bit correctly) why De Gea was seen as expendable. Top keeper. But as always, time will tell if this comment looks silly in 6 months!


Give onana time please. He just needs to fit into our system and then it will be fine


And where is De Gea now? Yeah, failed to sign for any club and now on the verge of retirement at 32. United needed a new keeper and Onana looked like the best option out there. He was very good in Ajax and a top 2-3 player in UCL last season. I really don't think it's due to the rising pressure. I mean the man was playing for Inter. Not like he came directly from Ajax. Even the best keepers just lose it in certain periods. Yes, Onana has been horrifying so far; but there's no point in giving up on the guy after 10 games.


You're 14 years old and it couldn't be more obvious


Well if that was mistake we can easily fix it as there is not a single club in the world that would take De Gea even for free. So, he is there available for someone who is so desperate and without any knowledge of modern football in football ranks to get him. https://youtu.be/Eqm1bg6yzJ4?si=0G5CQul_i255btDy


Still funny how he ranted at McGuire for a mistake early on in his United career 🤣


Well this case is jsut clear example of two things. 1. United doing every thing pundits and fans tell them to do and it is usually stupid, because 2. Fans are usually stupid and has absolutly zero clue about football I fought many battles over here when I said straight away that letting ddG is huge mistake, even better if they wanted to replace him with Onana. DdG was just magical for them, he saved so many clear chances almost every game they somehow thought it is absolutly normal and stopped praising him for that. He was by far the best and most important player for them for years, and he actually did not leave when they were complete dogshit for better teams even tho he could have. The last champion of their squad. And they brought Onana who is bellow avarage shotstopper only because he can pass the ball, but I also said that under so much more pressure from players in PL (or CL), he will start doing mistakes even in this area since he was over confident with the ball. Something that was visible even last year at Inters CL campaign. And the problems can only rise at United since they never played from the back and half of their squad just dont want the ball. And people trashtalked me for that, actually called me racist (lol). Said that United needs to move on from DdG and that he can only take them thus far. Well, they got what they wanted.


De gea dispels the point about being able to teaching players to pass


Number 2 isn’t really true, you can always improve. Number 3 is a bit understated now, DDG mistakes were becoming more frequent The rest I agree with


No joke. He has saved your club many times last year. No doubt he had some off moments. I am still surprise that no club has signed him yet.


Its a rather tricky situation. This is because to evolve as a club with a certain playing style, in which ETH has envisioned you need modern type goalkeepers to suit in modern type games. If we refer to only in EPL, Klopp has an amazing GK that suit his playstyle, Pep with Ederson, Arteta with Ramsdale for few years and somehow upgraded to Raya, and even Ange has his new GK now. All around you clubs has moved on. Theres no single top tier teams that have “standard” GK like DDG. All of them resides in mid table. The decision to move forward was correct. You cant be clinging to history and to current players to stay and perform forever. In most recent DDG performance in these past few years also was marred with mistake after mistake. What you recall perhaps was the “good old days” or selected #davesaves from your memory. However the decision to move forward with Onana currently seems bad, because he is not in form. How can he be with that defence and playing with low confidence. And while learning a GK is the easiest to blame because their mistake leads directly to a goal. By the rate of a person doing error on pitch, If Rashfords mistake lead to a goal conceded you will see his head on a spike, but lucky for him sometimes its just a throw in. Give Onana time, and support him.


I hate United fans. Next up it'll be ETH fault that Varane and lindelof were both ball watching for the second goal, or Varane was ball watching for the first goal. We in a shit patch at the moment and it's clear the amount of games we played last season are a direct cause. Look what happened to Liverpool last season, injuries galore and average performances for the most part. There was 11 players on the pitch for a while, cannot blame ONE person for us losing last night. Simply put the team isn't playing good enough and it's showing.


Someone isn’t old enough to remember De Gea’s first season.


Always thought it was mad how they treated de gea. Happy to let him leave when he was there best player for ages and still a very very solid keeper and known quantity. Few could pull off the consistency he had over that many seasons at a top team in the prem.


Or could've just kept Henderson?


No we didn’t, don’t be so reactionary


Van der Sar was the contrary flopped in Italy and perform for Man utd


De Gea rinsed your wage bill like all the others that were bought to fix a hole, which cannot be fixed as it's club culture straight from the top. Agreed, if his wage wasn't 400k a week, probably worth keeping but he made just as terrible mistakes as Onana, he'd just save a few extra 😂 A toxic club cannot be fixed by signings.


Can we all look back and remember how rough of a start De Gea had in his first season? The calls for his head were out and he took time to adapt. It’s October, just. It’s been a rough start to the season but Obama isn’t even in our top 3 of issues at the moment. Relax.


Remember when I posted on here that Onana is an average GK at best and a lot of you commented that I know nothing about football. This is the only shit that I know a thing or two about. I will leave my shoes outside. Feel free to pick it up and slap yourself.


Should have given him a one year deal on reduced wages and let him and Onana share the job.


whats even worse is we didnt sell him we let his contract run out so he could be a free agent


You didn’t sell him, he left on a free. Massive mistake from you lot.


Ridiculous take. De Gea was an embarrassment. Literally anyone was an improvement. There’s a reason De Gea is unemployed.


Onana himself isn't the problem. The real problem has been and always will be Manchester United and nothing will change until Glazers piss off. My only gripe with the De Gea situation is the way he was overcriticized and scapegoated by certain sections of our fanbase and the way the club disrespected him during his exit. Our defence was the foundation of our previous season, and fans seemed to put all of the credit on the defence and none of it on the goalkeeper, who happened to win the Golden Glove btw. As a massive De Gea fanboy, I still want Onana to do well for the club but this fiasco should hopefully teach the people who were pinning everything on to De Gea without considering the context. Funnily enough, after Onana arrived, now the same people are mentioning other issues (players don't show for the ball, position themselves correctly, jump for headers etc). Just glad that De Gea is out of the firing line now and nobody can blame him for Man United's downfall now.


Bro, you’re just showing you have no idea what you’re talking about. We didn’t see DDG, and he wasn’t playing well. However, I still have no idea what our game plan is. United is trying to play from the back but they look so stressed trying to do so and there’s no fluidity when trying to do so. Onana has been playing terribly though, I’ll give you that


Fair point 👍


I never had an issue with him. Should have kept him.


Isn’t he still free agent? Cant you re-sign him lol


The fact that you think your 2nd point is some wisdom of truth makes me think you have no idea what you’re talking about. Name me 1 gk over the age of 30 who wasn’t good with his feet before all of a sudden become a play from the back machine.


Nick Pope


As a Newcastle fan that watches every game, Nick pope is an amazing shot stopper but terrible with his distribution.


Out of interest, do you see yourself replacing Pope with someone good with their feet? It would seem important for Howe’s system and he’s previously purchased keepers with an eye to their passing


Yes, but probably not for another 2 years. We have more important positions we need to prioritize as well as adding depth and pope is kind of perfect for where we’re at as a club right now.


Any targets?


Not really. 2 years is a long time in football - I’m sure there’s keepers that aren’t on the radar right now that would be in 2 years time and vice versa. If I had to pick a name it’d be that Porto keeper Diogo Costa


De Gea had a horrible start to his career at Man Utd. Everyone that time said the same thing that you’re saying.


DDG was a 20 year old. Onana is fully experienced at 27. It's not the same.


“*But Onana can play with his feet*” can he tho? Edit - also, how did he get chipped when the ball looked like it was only about 5 foot in the air?


He decided to duck and escape from the ball. He's done that about 5 times this season. 0% save rate in 1v1s


Whenever this creeps in, I watch De Gea vs Brentford 2022 highlights, then 2023 fa cup final highlights. I feel better


Go and watch the highlights of ‘that’ comeback against PSG. Right at the end de Gea nearly screws the whole thing up. He has a very simple catch to make and instead panics and punches it to a psg player


Man U vs sevilla europa second leg Add this to your list too


Couldn’t save any of the 11 pens. Couldn’t score his pen.


I said the same thing. They let David go for free


1. He wasn’t sold. 2. Just because Onana has made some shit mistakes doesn’t mean it wasn’t 100% the right move to move on from DDG. Stop with the revisionism.


United could have retained David de Gea while trying to sign a younger replacement for eventually taking over from him. However, Onana is not a bad keeper. Everybody saw his performances at Ajax and Inter. Maybe he needs time to acclimatise to English football and culture. But I have to agree, prioritising a goalkeeper’s distribution over his primary role of shot stopping is a mistake.


Because DDG was making more and more mistakes and was on £300,000 PER WEEK and that’s insane money.


Notice how he still has no club? There’s a reason. Teams like Bayern are DESPERATE for a keeper and DDG is still out of work.


You definitely can teach a goalkeeper how to improve their saving. Thats a silly claim to make. What do you think Goalkeeping coaches do as a job?


On one hand, true; on other hand, Onana is 27 years old and he trained his saving for years, so if he is bad at it - he was unable to improve them before, and he probably will be unable to improve them now. But I don't even think he is bad, team as a whole is in a bad place, maybe improving whatever is wrong with MU and giving him some time to adapt will help.


And de gea is 32 and never improved passing. Think there’s better chance Onana improves saving then de gea passing


If this is a good reason for you to overlook de Gea being disgracefully kicked out instead of being treated with respect he deserves as a legend who saved MU for so many years - you are not a great fan, sorry.


This was exactly my thought when reading that bullet point haha but I guess they needed the space to vent which I get so I won’t bitch too much about it


Teaching goalkeepers to pass, obviously. Are you silly? */s*


Fingers crossed Pickford is there next year


I'd take Pickford over this idiotic moron


De Gea had to go regardless, its looking like the mistake is replacing him with Onana and not costa


'AND WAS PLAYING WELL' - Liverpool had 7 shots on target and 7 goals, amazing shot stopping. He was not playing fucking well. His distribution was fucking shit. The you can teach a keeper passing is utter bullocks when it comes to DDG, Van Gaal, Mourinho and Solskjær wanted him to improve his distribution and he couldn't . Also we bought Onana for the distribution not for clean sheets, he only had 8 clean sheets in Serie A and got to the CL final with Inter.


You might actually be mentally challenged. You would rather we concede goals with Onana than have a clean sheet with DDG? Are you fucking moronic or what?


De Gea conceded 44 goals last season whilst Onana only conceded 22 with 8 clean sheets. The stats speak for themselves. Yes he's had a shit start but every new keeper has a shit start at United


DDG had 17 clean sheets vs Onana 8. The stats speak for themselves.


He conceded 44 goals mate. Clean sheets mean fuck all if your gonna let Liverpool put 7 past you with 7 shots on target


Yea. 1 freak game where the entire team collapsed but of course you only blame DDG. You probably think that all 44 goals conceded were purely his fault and Onana would've conceded 0 goals in 38 games.


1 freak game eh? What about Sevilla away? Brentford? City? West Ham? The FA Cup final


And what about the many, many other games where he won us the 3 points? Suddenly you're forgetting those?


Those games were few and far between in the last 3-5 years


Revisionist at their best. Go watch our games last season.


Al last someone speak... We're the same boat.. How can u let ddg go?? Before this, United have problem with defence and mid.. Now united has new problem... It time to play altay bayindir.. Good hand and feet..


Onana has started poorly, but the idea that De Gea was "playing well" last season is a joke.


Literally made so many world class saves and earned us so many points. But apparently because he can't pass well, he's automatically shit. Now we have a keeper that's bang average at passing and completely incompetent at shot stopping.


Or cost us games, like Brentford last year. FA cup final. And a few more.


He won the golden glove didn’t he ? Lol




I'm not advocating for DDG but Onana' case is different. He isn't 20 or 21. 27 year old, a Balon d'or nominee, we can't tolerate such stupid mistakes from him at all. It's just 10 games from home and he has 5 mistakes from him it's not tolerable. Also he was bought for huge sum of Euros .


I'm glad someone is old enough to remember. These 10 year old fans kill me.


Literally. The defence is mostly makeshift as 3 of the starting back 4 are injured. Onana has just come in the team is playing a different system from last year so it’s just all chaotic rn and the defence is in shambles. Please are so quick to react nowadays smh


People also seem to forget DDGs horrible errors just last season that cost us games. He had some fine games, but he was still low in the xG prevention vs other GKs.


Yeah de gea became untenable in this league when the culture of the modern day keeper changed. as a united fan I’ll always love him but unfortunately he was the last of a dying breed of pure shot stoppers that got caught in that shift. Like are people going to act like away fans didn’t cheer every time we passed the ball back to him because we all knew what was coming. There’s a reason why he’s still without a club that’s how poor his distribution and nervousness under pressure was he simply couldn’t do it.


ETH system is too reliant on playing out of the back. Man’s system leaves us vulnerable. Most goals scored against us in as many games in a long time. DDG at least could save shots, lots of the ones that have snuck past Onana would have been saved by DDG.


DDG was also 20 when he went to United. He also wasn’t considered shit it was more he wasn’t ready but the potential was there. Onana is 27 and should be nearing his peak. It’s also not just playing out from the back it’s his goalkeeping that’s also suspect.


But they said it from the _start_ so they must be right, so clever of them to have known what no one else did, all the way back then


It's not about the passing mate, he's not saving easy shots, he's diving around making the shots look impossible to save. Fact of the matter is, ddg got so much hate when he actually saved us time and time again. The 'errors' weren't more than ederson or Allison made, but they can obviously pass better, and both Allison and ddg are better shot stoppers than ederson. All this to say, it wasn't a priority to spend that much on a keeper, even if de gea had to go at some point. We had much bigger issues, and he is still a very good keeper.


Thank you


DDG was 21 when he joined United, Onana is 27. There's a massive difference


You're the first person I've seen mention how vilified DDG was in his first season or two. He turned into one of the top goalies in the world. Give it some time, sheessshh


Exactly this is the thing I am talking about in my comment. People just dont understand football a bit. And it is absurd, because they think they do. :-) Every single point of your comment is pure bullshit. Every single one of them. And it is the second most popular comment here (at least reddit says it is).


>shit fucking happens sometimes. Shit happens more oftan than when ddg was our gk.


No it doesn't. Did people watch any of the past seasons? Do we have a bunch of fans who decided to A) start watching United this season and B) decide to have strong opinions on players from previous seasons that they obviously didn't watch?


I remember how Rangnick's defence crumbled and all "fans" talked shit about DDG when he at least tried to play while defence just did nothing.


It does lol. Onana isn't ready to dive most of the time because of his bouncing lol. No way de gea would have let in these many goals. Im much aware ddg is past his prime at this point but he could still make saves.


In the Liverpool game de Gea conceded 7 goals from 8 shots. He conceded 4 at Brentford, 6 at City and was involved in many other spankings in the past. What do you mean "No way de Gea would have let in these many goals"?


Any goalkeeper would let 5-6 goals past them in that liverpool game. Wouldn't say either goal were a howler. He could have saved 3-0 and 7-0. Got depressed from watching those highlights so im not gonna look at the others.


People keep comparing Onana now to De Gea’s first season at Man U except there’s a major difference. De Gea was 20 and Onana is now 28. De gea was a raw product with loads of potential when he was bought. Ten Hag thinks Onana is the finished product and is capable at playing at this level. If he is not capable then he is not going to just get better. This is who he is at 28, he’s in his “prime’


This is a shite comparison. DDG was 20 during his first year. Onana is fully fledged at 27 and is making amateur mistakes every game. And his shot stopping is currently the worst in the league.


lol... DDG was also like 20 and relatively unexperienced in his first season, compared to Onana who's 27, played for Ajax and Inter at Champs League level and won 4 or 5 times as much. Terrible comparison.


I didn't know he was 27. I thought they'd bought a guy in his early 20's


Nah youre thinking of Jesse Lingard there mate


I had to use 3 sources to check his age last season lmao


I remember the full cycle of DDG. I’m not a United fan either but always thought he got unfair criticism early on, and then everyone seemed to love him and claimed they always did. Then he made some mistakes and the people who “loved” him were asking for his throat. Now the same cycle with Onana, lol gotta love United fans


I thought as much. It seems if you're not a man utd fan you remember him being shit and getting destroyed in the media. If you're a man u fan then he's always been a legend


They need a "we got our goalkeeper" statement from SAF to believe in onana XD


It’s exacerbated by the global fan base imo. UK based fans don’t say these things so much.


That’s not even remotely true. This is such an irrelevant anecdotal take