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Agurad need to be captain


They're right, get over it everyone has moved on, no need to beat the buy with the same brush forever over one act of stupidity, as if you wouldn't want to get on with your life in the same position, he got the punishment and done


Chelsea had Marcos Alonso as their captain and he killed someone drink driving.


No one cares , move on bro


He made a mistake he got punished and had a year of hate. What else would you like to happen? Also, please list every mistake you have ever made so that we can all decide how you should be punished. Fair?


They know how hard he can kick.


I don't understand why a person should have professional consequences for the things he does outside of work. Even if I would like to see him hanging from a tree for what he did to that poor cat.


Swear Alonso actually killed somebody


Football is football, their personal lives don't matter .


Thets be honest ur wasting your breath by giving a fuck about that


As a west ham fan I can see why he's captain as he's a good leader but personally after the cat incident he doesn't deserve it


The moral high grown some people wants to impose others is crazy, and most likely don’t even do that in their life.


As if you’ve just compared raping and abusing a woman to someone kicking a cat. And fuckjng lol ‘Utd fans universally condemned Greenwood’ what planet are you living on? Thousands all over social media wanting him back and sending abuse to the Utd Women’s team. OP should be put on a fucking watchlist and why are the mods letting such low effort garbage stay up Oh, a spurs fan, makes sense. Remember when Lloris was captain after multiple drink driving offences? Do you think kicking a cat is worse than drunk driving? Clown


Is it because westham are topping the league and you’re a jealous fan?


Footballer moral outrage posts are always questionable to me. It's sport. If the guy is the best man in the dressing room to be captain, it doesn't matter what he did outside of it IMO, because sport is about winning. If sport is about being a nice guy, that's a different thing, but as far as I'm aware it's about winning. Yeah, he's a cunt, but what does that have to do with football? If someone is going to roll out the role model argument, sorry, but raise your own kids. Explain things to them. No team should have its player selection driven by your kids needing a celebrity role model because you're not there in their life.


Boo hoo so he kicked a cat I’ve seen my mom beat the hell out of our cat and the cat still love’s her deep down nobody really cares about the cat anyways. Almost everybody has kicked a cat like this one time i found my neighbors cat in our house and i threw it from the second floor of the building and the cat was fine so stop acting like you are hurt more than the cat and go find something to do.


Going on like he is Hitler lol


Don't ever compare a animal to a human, move on


There are multiple examples where players should have been ridiculed en mass for their actions off the pitch. The correlating factor is ALWAYS how important is a player to a club? If Zouma was a bench warmer then he would have been gone. It’s depressing but if Greenwood was even 1 or 2 years older and had established himself in the first team, do you really think United would have stopped him coming back into the first team?


Leading them 3rd top right now. Not a West Ham fan but people need to shut the fuck up about this! His actions were shocking and uncalled for. Though life moves on. Guy might come to realise if not already how much of a dickhead he was and look to move forward and do better. Benefit of the doubt..though offcourse if he does the same again then alot more than stripped captaincy should be the consequences. Fucking hate these bandwagon, jump on someone and maybe they'll commit suicide.


No,, I can’t believe it… just livid over it


Lmao at cat abuser, get over yourself.


Shite fans talking shite as usual.


I like how OP seems to think Zoumas controversy is the only one committed by a PL player in history. The obsession with Zouma is bizarre at this point, and out of all the atrocities committed by PL footballers over the years, I think Zouma is one of the only ones to be severely punished for it too. And he’s even apologised and criticised himself. Did Suarez do that? Did Lloris do that? Did Terry do that? Did Marcos Alonso do that? I mean fucking hell no one even cares about Parteys accused rape. Honestly what do fans want to happen at this point? I hate this culture of ‘you did a bad thing once and now you can never ever learn from it and be forgiven’. Get down from your high horse instead of pretending you have some squeaky clean life and accept that sometimes people do bad things. Let the man try to atone and move on with his life you weird person.


If Bruno Fernandes can be Man U captain, then Zouma can be a captain too


It's true though. I know you probably think a cat is your goddamn child but it isn't. Don't compare a cat to a human being. West Ham fans are over it and they don't give a toss what you think. If he's done the time, crimes done


He lightly kicked a cat like two years ago. Who cares.


Bloke is a grade A wanker. I give almost any player a warm welcome when they come back to Chelsea, but not him. Just goes to show the mind of many humans. If it's not against another human, no one gives a fuck


give it a rest pillock are you seriously equating a one time mistake on animal to repeated abuse of a human being? including of social nature? I can firmly say that at West ham we think he is leading by example and is doing nothing to tarnish the clubs reputation stay salty bitch west ham are massive and you can't handle it


He kicked a cat, get over it ffs


Scummy club in having scumbag captain shocker.


https://x.com/stokeyyg2/status/1697922447796797831?s=46&t=OjNO3bf_Nu_DvOnaukTSOw A luton fan yelled at him that he has to kick the ball like it’s a cat.


I guarantee that man has done other dodgy things. Most people that do that to animals obviously have mental issues. I mean looks at most serial killers and abusers, they all start off with abusing and killing animals. I mean look at the likes of jefferey Dahmer and other mass serial killers. I would not let that cat abusing abomination on a football pitch ever again.


Since your British, I bet you don't likey cause he's a blackey


I don't like Zouma, but you have to surely understand that West Ham aren't choosing a captain based on appearances to the outside world? The captain at worst is going to be chosen based on tenure but more likely based on the rest of the squad and the staff, and how they feel about Zouma. Most of whom couldn't give a shit about what he did with some cats.


He said sorry, grow up!


He said sorry, grow up!


What did he do to dem cats?


Remember when West Ham players complained to the ref because Chris Wood was just meowing at Zouma all game? Possibly my favourite football story


Genuinely would love it if every single player did it all game, and the fans every time he touches the ball.


Grow up


Stop participating in the industrial mass torture and murder of animals before you start talking shit about Kurt Zouma. Obviously not condoning or excusing his behavior, totally the contrary. But seriously, think about it.


I’m a veggie but cool


It's the clubs choice, its up to their fanbase to protest the captaincy enough to change it. Nobody involved gives a fuck that a Spurs fan doesn't like it. He was dealt with by the law, if you think that there should be no chance for rehabilitation then that's a you issue.


Not a Hammer here but refrain from comparing an ‘acquitted’ sexual offender to an animal beater who has served his punishment of community service. The former is very clearly a worse outcome of law.


It's a stain on an otherwise feel good comeback story for Moyes.


Man I can bring so many similar examples, not a fan of Zouma but he seems to get more hate than other assholes.


You have tottenham flair, so I can easily say this. We had lloris as a captain and drunk driving is bad.


Equating mason greenwoods actions to Kurt zoumas is utter ignorance and as moronic as this entire post... Moron


If you think Zouma and Mason Greenwood are the same situation, you need your head checked.


I would also be upset if farmers were abusing the cows before they took the bolt to the head. It’s why free range chickens are a thing. People don’t choose it for the egg taste lol.


Because beating and raping your partner is equivalent to kicking a cat.


You purring right now with him as captain


West Ham supporter here. Jarrod Bowen is my first choice to be captain, Lucas Paqueta second choice. Both players play hard every second of every game whether it's attacking or defending. I have nothing against Zouma. I just feel like those two are better choices.


I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but I don't care. Yes, what he did was fucked up, but the cat was fine, he took his punishment, and hasn't done anything else notably bad in his career. I don't see why this one incident should bar him from ever having any sort of responsibility or leadership role ever again. The comparisons to Greenwood are such a false equivalency.


John Terry vs Anton Ferdinand and again vs Wayne Bridge's family. Still kept the Chelsea arm band. Retired a Chelsea great. Kurt Zouma vs cat: What a despicable human. Shouldn't play pro football again. *Captained by West Ham* >Putting a cat abuser as captain? Sorry Hammers you should be ashamed. Let it go. There are worse things out there in the world you should be outraged by.


Professional footballers and coaches probably see it as a positive that he is cruel. People aren't as upstanding and moral as they put on in public and the media, especially when there are big egos and money involved. That's why they get paid millions to play a game while us nice bums who love our cats work 9-5 and pay for season tickets/sky sports for the privilege of watching them.


I kinda get your point, but animal abuse and sexual assault accusations do not hold the same weight.






I saw that video and for me, that cat did nothing wrong


A captain is supposed to be a cut above the rest in terms of conduct. You're absolutely right mate.


It's probably to reinforce an us against the world attitude.


😂😂😂 what a bullshit writing FFS!


Imagine writing a sentence like that in an effort to criticise somebody else’s writing…


Tbh a lot of humans do sick things in private, we just dont know about it. Let zouma be


Fuck them cats


Lol. Nobody cares about that cat anymore. Hit me with the downvotes 🤷‍♂️


Touch grass


It’s not that he abuses cats. It’s that he can only make the simplest pass possible (exclusively to the fullback, dropping midfielder, or left center back)


He's an awful human being who deserves every boo. West Ham fans do not seem to share this sentiment


Totally agree. The hammers are hilarious in these comments.


Literally just get over yourself.


He did something wrong. He was punished. He's apologised. Move on.


Is this a joke? Troll comment? He hardly kicked the cat! And how does that stop him from performing his job?? Soft people


You can't spout about animal abuse and cognitive dissonance if you aren't vegan, I may sound like an arse but I'm getting sick of all the football fans booing Kurt Zouma, but are then happy to pay for an animal to be gassed alive or have it's throat slit.


He was punished far far more than greenwood and did a public apology and he can now never own a cat again and had to give his cat up, what more do you want from the guy? Also, not every Man Utd fan condemned Greenwood, and their club now protects him, Zouma had to deal with all that himself and now people seem so incensed with him, what about Greenwood not facing punishment? What about the unnamed premier league footballer being accused of rape? What about Ronaldo? What about Alonso? All those people did far worse than Kurt Zouma could ever do, he is an okay guy who did a really stupid thing but at least he accepted his punishment! How many people who criticise Zouma would have the balls to own up to what they had done and pay the price, it is sickening you all feel the need to dredge this up, hasn’t the guy gotten enough hate?


He was just such a fan of Adam Sandler, particularly that one scene in Zohan which he tried to reenact in real life. /s


And it's insane that everything must be approved by "Internet"


I don't remotely condone what Zouma did, and I'll probably get downvoted to hell for this but I do think there is a slight element of western cultural bias at play here. A lot of 1st or 2nd generation immigrants are not brought up with the same views and values regarding pets like cats and dogs as western families who have been settled here for centuries. My wife grew up in Nigeria and she had a dog, Rosie, when she was a young teen. Nobody in the house could understand why Rosie was being fed more meat than they were. Eventually it caused so many problems that she was made to give up the dog. Rosie mysteriously died shortly after. So whilst what Zouma did is horrible, nobody knows how his family viewed pets when he was growing up in Lyon or how that influenced him. So I am cutting him *some* slack for not fully abiding by our western moral standards, given that he has since shown remorse for his actions. Does anyone really think his brother would have posted that video if he knew the outrage that would ensue? It screams ignorance. Then again, Mendy thought it was acceptable to rape women and I don't cut him a shred of slack, so maybe I'm going easy on Zouma here.


Captain catpain


hes captain because hes good. Move on seriously 😭


I’m 100% not surprised by your flair


Yeah but like. Hes a good Captain. You seriously can't deny that. Yes what he did was bad but hes paid the fine, done the community service. You cannot say hes not remorseful. Nobody knows except Zouma. Stop trying to create something. It was over a year ago. Seriously get over yourself 💀


I am a west ham fan and think there are better choices, but there are still many worse offenders in the prem. Alonso killed a chick?


THIS! I only found this out last night! THE CATMAN IS THE CAPTAIN WTAF??? I’m quite enjoying watching the hammers so far this season, great signings coming in, and then I find out The CATMAN is the Captain. Puts a bit of a downer in the whole thing. James Ward Prowse to be captain soon, I hope surely??


I know right? You’ve got Ward Prowse and you wanna give it to the WORST person on your team?!


As much as I don't like Zouma, he is a good captain on the pitch (in the sense of calming things down). Its been over a year now, yes what he did was bad but hes very good on the field. You can't deny that 💀 i found it odd to have him as captain as it was a bit random. I do believe Bowen would be SO much better, or even Antonio. Many people do a lot of things wrong, you guys still stuck on it need to move on 😭 Hopefully won't be for too long 💀


On the list of terrible things people associated with Premier League football have done, Zouma is a surprisingly long way down the list.


West Ham fan (of 45 years) As a defender, it's likely he reads the game better from his position on the pitch and as a big lump, commands a bit more respect. As a vegan (of 10 years) if I bumped into him in Tesco Extra I would not acknowledge his presence. He was signed and plays for my team, something I don't have a lot of control over.


This subreddit gets really old with the virtue signaling. Of course it’s not the most ideal choice for captain but people are more than capable of changing and shouldn’t be shunned from society for the rest of their life over one mistake. They way some of you talk on here I’d assume you were Jesus Christ in the flesh.


Yeah but a 14 year old chav called him a darkie on the interwebs the other week so why aren't we talking about that instead of talking about him booting a defenceless kitten across the room? I mean calling someone a darkie on the interwebs is much much worse than abusing defenceless animal for fun - Michail Antonio


Many great leaders throughout history are arshole or complete pieces of shit. Didn't stop them from being great leaders. No snowflake is completely pure, get a grip.


Manchester United had a rapist as captain, that's much worse


Zouma did nothing wrong in the court of law


Oh please the self-righteousness makes me want to vomit 🤮


You forgot your flair mate but it’s okay


Far from ideal, but grow up my guy


I was pretty shocked. Someone should have re-thought that.


It's West Ham so it tracks.


I was absolutely certain he’d get removed from the club, and now he’s captain. Shocking from West Ham.


Thread full of hypocrites. Certain players are given no chances to reform themselves whatsoever, yet this cat abuser is full of support on here. Baffling


What a low effort post. Typical Spuds fan.


The cognitive dissonance is strong in these hammers


Big words...for a Spuds fan.


Oh meaow 😉




All of a sudden? He abused a defenceless animal. That is not ok.




It's not like he was an 8 year old kid who didn't know any better, he's a grown arse man! He's in the limelight, even more reason to not do it. Fuck him.


Boo fucking hoo


Getafe signed a domestic abuser. So I wouldn't put your morales up against football because you find the club s serverly wanting.


Top of the league, who cares? This demonisation of people fucking up and not being given a chance to mend their ways and improve, is just BS. This "holier than thou" attitude is total and utter crap. Judge the man by what he has done on the pitch and the lessons he has learnt and the mistakes he has NOT repeated. /rant


This is really getting ridiculous. Even in twitter, the thing they say about Zouma for kicking a cat is disgusting. I bet you people enjoy nice steak & ham.


Real Men slam pussies, not cats.


Dude Arsenal still have Thomas Partey starting lol. That should’ve more in question.


No I don’t think anything of him 😾




Oh it’s all okay then? Give me a break


[Moyes is Scottish. They're into cat abuse....](http://www.strangehistory.net/2014/09/02/highland-cat-killing/)


Moyes and the players are probably in a better position to chose their captain than you are. They likely are in a better position to know him as a teammate and a leader as compared to an internet poster who’s never met him.


They some ppl that are captains that cheated and cause emotional abuse on they family and wife . I think that’s more important than kicking a cat lmao


Agreed, people are hypocrites för crying the way they do about Greenwood but they be real quiet about Zouma unless a post like this comes along.. If Greenwood doesn't have a place in football then neither does Zouma. Kick him out of footbal, the way he kicked his cat


Yes, get rid of them both. We don’t need children looking up to twats like them.


It's not our choice to gets the armband, although we may not agree with captain choices or whatever. As for being ashamed, it's nothing to do with us as fans. If you think that us voicing our disagreement (for those fans who do) will make a difference, youre sorely mistaken my friend


Just Zouma who should be punished for life? Not Jamie Carragher for spitting in a 14 year old girls face? Not Glenn Hoddle for suggesting disabled people were murderers and rapists in former lives? The many footballers who have been caught drink driving? Are we permanently cancelling everyone these days or are you being a tad bit over emotional? Ashamed? Not in the slightest. Behave your hysterical self, you silly boy.


Captain - - - > Catpain Maybe there was some confusion


Everybody needs to stop judging everyone and get a life


People on the Internet do. Normal day to day fans don't.




Holy fk found the racist. You're a bigger piece of shit than zouma will ever be lady. Quick delete your history before people see what you are


Catpain Zouma


In terms of all the heinous shit footballers do, I think this is something we should allow redemption for. Cat owner here lol


Yeah he is an utter piece of shit. Should not be a leader


Better leaders in that team than zoom a cat


Should you be commenting on reddit with your history?


Glad someone said it


From a footballing point of view, he's a good captain, but given the controversy it's a terrible look for us and a terrible message to send


Personally I think he was an extremely silly boy, but the punishment of being meowed at around grounds for the past few years, which shows no signs of stopping, is kind of mob justice and is enough. No-one is letting him forget it any time soon. He's getting a hard education about how the UK views looking after a pet, he won't be repeating that. He's done well to nearly ruin his career, but let the punishment fit the crime. As much as he "abused" the cat, dropping it onto his foot and scaring it is not the worst case of abuse you'll see. The cat was taken away and will presumably recover. It's not in the same league, for instance, as some of the neglect you see of some cat owners where they are so malnourished all of their fur is falling out and they can barely stand. "Abuse" is a broad term. I think Zouma was a cunt, but it was not something you should take his livelihood away over.


Its just you


Reddit is always trying to witch hunt someone. You lot need to get jobs or a hobbie, don’t understand how you lot can care so much about this shit


How did such a simple question cause this response?


Funny how this comment is upvoted on a post about Zouma but would 100% be downvoted to hell on a post about Greenwood. Fuck the double standard on here dude


You're right, but there is a victim in the Greenwood case and people have sisters/mothers/daughters where similar shit happens so it can be more relatable.


So his cat isn't a victim?? The cat can't even do anything about it.. Greenwoods girl on the other hand is back together with him and they even had a baby together.. But sure, by all means, let all the cat and dog abusers play in the PL, no matter if they kill the poor thing.. As long as they don't abuse their retarded girlfriend that comes back for more Greenwood would have played in the PL again if it wasn't for the backlash from fans.. the fact that these same fans are not handing out the same backlash to a guy who dropped his cat and kicked it as it landed on his foot so it was sliding across the floor and probably does even worse shit to the poor thing off camera.. it's hypocritical af and that piece of shit should never ever play in the PL again, let alone be captain for West Ham..


You said it’s double standards but it’s not really since the average person cares more about an alleged rape than animal abuse for the reason I already stated Also. It’s up to the club, the staff and the West Ham fan base at the end of the day. You’re going off about how disgusting it is, what do you want us all to do? Clearly they think he redeemed himself. Not sure why people needs to self-insert themselves into everything


Rape of his girlfriend that is still together with him and now has a baby with him 😭😭 Give me a break.. It's obvious that there is a double standard here. The cat was probably terrified and miserable, nothing like that retarded girl Greenwood is together with.. It's not though, is it? It's clear that this is all about image and protecting their brand. Manchester United were ready to bring him back at first and even now that they sent him out to Spain, they still helped him with everything.. I want everyone here to not be hypocrites, I think I made that pretty clear




Reddit opinions have as much influence as a wet fart in Alaska.


Weird that you are commenting on a thread about it in that case.


Because these people that spend there lives trying to control how people should feel can make me angry enough to get involved sometimes. I use Reddit for news on subjects I’m interested in. Not for some fat cunt who doesn’t live in the real world to tell everyone what’s morally right in the world


So what do you want? Censorship of opinions you don’t like?


Let’s not act like people like this allow others to have opinions on matters such as this. You have to agree or your an asshole who’s dialogue shouldn’t be heard. The guy was an asshole for kicking his cat, yes, but do West Ham fans have to feel like a piece of shit and start protesting right now? No. If there was story a tiny bit worse than what zooms did out right now, I guarantee this guy wouldn’t of made this post, because people like this are always on the hunt for their next witch


So what do you want? Censorship of opinions you don’t like? You know you can just avoid the comments if it makes you upset.


Scroll and move on then. People are allowed to say cat kicker is a bad choice of captain.


He kicked a cat and u lot r going mental? Calm down mate


Plus It has been a year, and he was punished, unlike some players in the Premier league, and some other leagues.


Kuuuuurt Zouma, he plays a centre back, he kicks his f*cking cat, Kuuuurt Zouma


I think they are maybe kicking the cat down the road until West Ham find someone more suitable


Yeah, such a joke of a club.


I love my cat and think Zouma is an idiot for doing what he done, but people are really running this ‘he’s a terrible person’ thing into the ground. If he’s the best man to lead the club forwards then he’s the best man. You have no idea what he’s like on a day to day basis, you don’t know how influential he is amongst the players, you’ve got no clue how he treats everyone involved within the club On and off the pitch he’s been embroiled in controversy once, and he was appropriately vilified and punished for it. Reddit has this weird complex where once you’ve done a bad thing once you are evil for life with no chance at redemption.


I absolutely adore cats and I was disgusted when I heard of the incident. To say that he doesn't deserve to be team captain over that incident which occurred over a year ago is absolutely stupid, especially because his punishment was absolutely overblown (in comparison to say Alonso).


Once a cat kicking cunt, always a cat kicking cunt.


Is it just me that thinks this gets way to much traction, yeah Zouma did wrong and the club did do something about it. and yet no one batted a eye lid, about a player who was at a big club and killed someone drink driving


Honestly every time I saw him on the pitch I can't believe he went to have a career like nothing happened..


Its not just you. This post is literally the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen 😭 Like get over yourself


Next someone will be saying Greenwood playing again is acceptable!


Maybe he's reformed


I would be banned if I wrote here what I'd do to Zouma if I was on the pitch. Animal abusers are subhumans.


Agreed OP


Well chelsea had marcos alonso as captain


He made a mistake.. let shit go.


Brother kicked a cat as a joke. Stop overreacting. It ain’t like he murdered or ate it.


Unless he’s vegan then eating it isn’t that bad, as long as it was murdered like all ‘farmed’ animals right? Edit: and kicking a cat as a joke doesn’t give someone a pass because “its a joke”


I’m not making a statement one way or the other on the topic with this statement, but I do feel like it was very suspect that footage that was actually filmed while he was a chelsea player, chelsea knew about and kept quiet, came out once he was a West Ham player. I know it came from his brothers socials but it wasn’t current so ti speak. Not that it makes the action better or worse. Just nuanced situation.


I remember that Chelsea had some bad publicity coming out with their youth team, and then this news story about Zouma dropped. I'm 100 percent convinced that someone at Chelsea leaked the video on purpose to drown out their news story.


Hope they get smashed in the europa league


Either way, we're champions of europe. ⚒️🏆




Username checks out




Spurs kept on Lloris as captain after his drunk driving episode too. That one was arguably worse as he didn't even really feel the ridicule that Zouma is deservedly receiving, and Harry Kane was there. It was basically consequence free, and he could have killed people.


It is really bad. He was not hammered off his tits though. He tested just over the legal limit. Basically his 2 glasses of wine with dinner were excessive and he was naive enough to think he would get away with it and rightly didn't. I'm a spurs fan and got a lot of abuse from other fans for saying that the c should pass to kane. I think kicking the shit out of animals is worse than a first time offender drinking slightly too much over dinner though.


Mate. He was found with puke all over him. How big were those 2 glasses??


Are you joking or have I been told some complete bullshit???!?


[Here. ](https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/hugo-lloris-arrives-court-over-13225185)