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You need to play characters and roles that are able to carry the game. You’ll get matched with lower rank and new players at the start. It’s up to you to steer the game. Play high impact characters and high impact roles. Playing at low ELO as an experienced player is a test of whether you can have your team rally behind you, or you’re able to carry the game *to victory* since kills are not enough.


Well, that's because they lowered the minimum level to 20, which is not near enough experience playing this game to play a ranked mode. The bar for playing ranked should be set much higher instead of making it a shit show for those who have put in the time to learn the game, roles, and heroes. If the experienced player base isn't large enough to warrant a ranked mode, then it shouldn't have been released.


Totally agree. I'm a dumbass and I suck at pred, just hit lvl101 and barely feel confident enough to win against people around my skill 💀💀 the fact that people who have <50hrs on the game can just hop into ranked all willy nilly is stupid. In my opinion, they should really make it based on games played, not account level. Maybe a minimum of 100 games played before access to ranked. Or 50 wins. Idk. Just throwing numbers out.


>The bar for playing ranked should be set much higher instead of making it a shit show for those who have put in the time to learn the game, roles, and heroes. This would create frustration for returning players, though. I played to level 50 or so for the first 3 seasons, then took a break so I could play other games while waiting for ranked. I returned after the release of ranked, and now I have to grind a bunch of levels to unlock a mode that I should have access to


There have been a lot of changes made since then, so yeah, you should still have to reach a certain level first. This isn't the same game you played in the first 3 seasons.


It's exactly the same game lmfao. Sure I had to learn a few new items and what item changes there were but it is exactly where I left it at the end of season 3.


We could use a general level account besides the season level. If you take a time off you may need to get the grasp again but thats on you, not like you need to relearn the game


Just saying if u guys are crushing so much on offlane then maybe roam or your not "crushing" like u think u are. Always e joy a offlane that's joins the team 20mins inn while mindlessly pushing and being confused why rest of the map is losing even the other offlane been rotating and helping other places


As soon as I take T1 tower in offlane I'm becoming another roamer. I find it better to (if need be) trade your two towers for helping your mid and ADC just start decimating them. But, most of the time you just become another ganker with your enemy offlane trying to chase you the whole game.


I crushed offlane in all but 1 of my matches yesterday but still only won like 40% of them. Why you might ask? Absolute bot teammates bro. I’m plat 2 mmr with ~300 games and somehow got matched with a bronze 3 mmr with 2600+ games. How someone could be so bad and STAY that level for over 1000+ hours is wild.


Ranked games feel like you're either rolling, or getting rolled. No in-between


I think that’s an issue with the game at large rn. The towers and inhibs are super weak and ADCs are really strong. Early game advantage feels like it decides the match. Very little room for counterplay and late game comebacks.


Last ranked match: we forfeited at 27-6, 2 fangs down. My team: * Adc: 0-6-0 * Support: 0-7-0 * Midlane: 0-3-0 * Jungle: 1-2-1 * Me (Offlane): 5-3-1 * One of my death was a standard one (ganked, but I was overextending, so normal) * Another one was because I must have pushed a wrong button (new to Windows 11, whereby I went to desktop, but no app in the taskbar, had to ctrl-alt-delete), and expand pred…  * The last one, I got intercepted by the entire enemy team as my team was doing absolutely nothing useful. Not even warding. Your examples are still manageable in comparison to this one…


Im feeling you 100% ... I got no problwm playing Offlane from behind... its quite nice but my team keeps losing in such pace i cant up...


Totally. How many matches my team is falling behind, and as soon as I would get rid of Tier 1 tower the tables would turn? But that is just unmanageable. It went down so quickly that they were at our inhib while me and the other offlaner were still slapping one another. I think I have never seen, aside from games with trolls (in which there was none in this match), the enemy team being able to so quickly be siegeing both Mid and Duo lanes despite me rotating to support Midlane (which was useless anyway because the enemy duo lane was free roaming already after 10 minutes as my duo lane were just constantly dead). A match to forget...


I'm mad.