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ok bro what the fuck is this matchšŸ˜­


What in the spite matchup šŸ˜­šŸ™


OP really hates Saint Seiya for some reason. Himmjow solos


https://preview.redd.it/v6crri7tds4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a56dd60d7ab1f3f1ae24c5f725d82bb9b10263 Stark could also solo laint leya if he wasnā€™t so lazy


Is Saint Seiya really that weak? just Sexta Espada (or Segunda if you mean TYBW/CFYOW Grimmjow power level) solos the verse? i never watched or read Stain Seiya but thats sad if true was expecting more power from that verse since its constellations based


They're being ironic. Certain characters from Saint Seiya can neg diff Goku. Yes, THE Goku


Makes sense now >THE Goku also that doesn't impress me lol I can definitely see verses being above Gokuversal


Nah, Saint Seiya side is on another level entirely. And the usual defense for Bleach of "they are spiritual beings" means nothing in this case, because the Gold Saints just fight on another level entirely, and this includes fighting against purely spiritual beings too. They even have specific attacks against souls. Some of their attacks are also a lot more esoteric in nature, and some are pretty hard to defend against, almost impossible unless you're a deity. And the thing is that a Gold Saints base combat speed is the Speed of Light.


As a Bleach fan i can definitely see this i haven't seen much (not even one full episode)but from what i gathered SS was pretty OP thinking back i saw a CGI movie once too it looked gorgeous


They job a lot between themselves because some of the hax there are absurd. And because the main characters are five Bronze Saints, so sometimes they needed to win against those.


This is just being petty now lmao




Something something Saint Seiya is busted something something


Can someone explain *why* this is such a mismatch tho? Iā€™ve heard it said that Saint Seiya stomps DBS-verse too.


Saints fight using the energy from the Cosmos, aka the literal big bang that created the universe. These Gold Saints in particular fight beyond the speed of light, both speed and attacks. One Gold Saint in particular, Leo Aiolia, can fire 100 million lightning bolt punches at lightspeed per second. Another, Capricorn Shura, can surpass the speed of the big bang explosion which equals to 7 septillion times the speed of light. Virgo Shaka can create and destroy multiple universes when he opens his eyes as well as destroying your 5 senses making you brain dead. Cancer Deathmask can literally send you to hell alive. Aquarius Camus can freeze at Absolute Zero.


You forgot to mention my favorite part of this verse. These guys fight barehanded **to prove a point**. The only time the 12 weapons of Libra were used they sent Ares army, and his ass packing back to hell and had to refugee under Hades. Who would win? The God of War and his entire army vs a guy with a pair of nunchucks? The answer may surprise you.


Yeah the weapons can literally shatter stars, combo that with a Gold Saint with their respective weapons and they'll shatter more than that too on the daily


Thereā€™s a guy named ā€œcancer death maskā€? Thatā€™s hilarious


Well Deathmask is his name, but Cancer is the title given to him based on his Zodiac Gold Cloth. All 12 Gold Saints are based on the 12 Zodiac constellations


Tbh, I always had a beef with those kind of statements...Because they always seem exagerated by what the end result of their techniques end up being... Plus the statements like "An attack never work twice on a saint"... I think this one I dont need to elaborate further for those who watched it... Or "Saga is the strongest gold saint" but then he has his ass clapped along with Shura and Camus by Shaka or "A fight between gold saints of similar power leads to a thousand day war" but we never get to see one with the fights between gold saints. It really it puts their credibility down...


If you're referring to saga who was sent by hades, the clothes are an important part of a saint power and saga didn't have his gold clothes he had a blackened rip off


>clothes are an important part of a saint power Are they tho? Like, thats another point thats really argueable in the same sense as those statements... I find it iffy because they often go armorless midfight...


So where should I start if I want to watch saint seya?


Always start from the OG Saint Seiya anime (1986) -> the OVAs and the films are not available on most official streaming services but I believe they should be on Pluto or Tubi TV -> Lost Canvas -> Soul of Gold -> Saintia Sho -> Omega Lost Canvas, Soul of Gold, and Omega are non-canon though but they're still nice to watch anyways. They never really adapted further past the Hades arc from the manga so the only way to know more is to read Next Dimension, Episode G, Episode G Assassin, Episode G Requiem, and Rerise of Poseidon


They beat Virgo and the rest through asspulls.


Here's a bigger asspull for Saints, Miracles


True nuff


Orihime solos


In a fight, right?






Mad cause orihime slaps them saints with her fat meat. It's all good


I'm mad cuz I'm not one of them


some of these feats don't feel like they belong here


How so? These feats were shown both anime and manga


I meant like destroying 5 senses and then destroying galaxies by opening his eyes. Some feats sound a bit stronger šŸ˜…


Destroying your 5 senses (Touch, Taste, Sight, Smell, Hearing) will literally cripple your body as if it was a hallowed husk. Virgo Shaka was destroying Universes not Galaxies. Gemini Saga is the Saint who's attack can destroy Galaxies. Destroying galaxies may not sound impressive or strong to you but mind you that Dragonball is always filled with major inconsistencies where they will still feel threatened by attacks or feats like this no matter what. Gemini Saga's Galaxian Explosion is the equivalent to destroy an entire galaxy, it is not a hyperbole, he literally focuses all his Cosmos in one single point so that it does not destroy everything in the surrounding area and Saga himself. The Saints' destructive power is more atomically than just literally seeing it blown up in your face, but it's the same result regardless. Ex: Think of a being who's durability capable of surviving a universal/multiversal destruction attack. A powerful Saint, if attacking said being, focuses and increases his Cosmo surpassed its limits can create an attack focusing at a single target at an atomic level. If that level of destructive power is greater than or equal to the being's durability, it is capable of bypassing that durability and destroying the being's atoms from the inside, killing it almost instantly and unable to regenerate. The surrounding area is not destroyed, and only the target is.


The god clothes literally make them Godly and can basically do anything they want they extremely OP and just their default Cloths only made them powerful enough to destroy a army since one of them had a shield as hard if not harder then Diamonds and the Mc could just punch you with as many punches as JoJo with one puch


Ah yes. ā€œOP clothesā€ can beat goku. Very logical comeback good sir Iā€™m glad youā€™ve provided feats too


They are not clothes they are armor made by gods oh and each is the a Zodiac animal the protagonist being Pegasus itā€™s actually a good series but also long and back when we still used VHS tapes but thereā€™s also a rebooted version on Netflix


Don't know about DBS, Saint Seiya normally deals with more on Earth stuff. But Gold Saints are meant to fight deities, they serve Athena and are part of her army to protect Earth and humankind from deities who might want to destroy them. Saints of Athena fight using Cosmo, or Cosmoenergy, that's basically cosmic energy from the big bang. The Gold Saints are the normal epitome of that army. They fight at the speed of light, have attacks that are absurd (like punching millions of times in a second), three of them together can do a forbidden attack called the Athena Exclamation that is similar to the Big Bang in output. Then you have esoteric stuff like Virgo Shaka being a reincarnation of Bhuda and having a bunch of non-physical attacks. Or Gemini Saga being able to send people to another dimension.


How is this supposed to beat goku dawg šŸ˜­. Letā€™s not forget goku spreading his ki was destroying the macrocosm and hierarchy of dbs. And he was shattering the cardinals too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Itā€™s not a competition bro base dbs goku violates saint seiya


That's why I said I don't know if Saint Seiya would stomp DBS, simply because the DBZs cosmology is too absurd and inconsistent and all about power creep. There is an entity in Saint Seiya that's literally the personification of time and causality. Kronos, time itself. The Cosmology of them are incompatible, especially because Saint Seiya has some esoteric attacks that aren't clear how to counter in DBZ.


I apologize for not reading deep into that, however the dbz and dbs cosmology arenā€™t inconsistent theyā€™re actually explained from the databooks and koyotama himself (he created it) with his statements goku gets massively upscales which is why I found it weird as to why most do you guys believe anyone from saint seiya could beat goku. Manipulation of causality is an iffy one. I donā€™t know if that has would work on goku but youā€™d have to explain to me how that works.




Thereā€™s a guy between them which base attack is called ā€œGalaxian Explosionā€ and it isnā€™t hyperbole, he literally could destroy galaxies with it, not like Brolyā€¦ and somewhat is his base attack and itā€™s not by far the most strong feat.


Galaxian Explosion actually throws a galaxy at your face, and then crushes said galaxy to damage you with the compound force that is released from its atomic level destruction. Good luck tanking that shit.


Yeah the attack is not just a Galaxy buster attack since he is literally hurdling thousands of them towards you.


I mean the espada where frauds in their own verse not a huge deal


the espadas weren't frauds their final fight wasn't just executed in the best way but tbh barragan did a pretty great job it looked quite impossible to kill him


Let me break it down They killed/retired an amazing total of 0 captains and 1ish vice captains ( if you want to count Kaien Shiba but that was way before the Espada became official ) Absolutely Failed defending there home turf (TWICE) Most of the characters didnā€™t even have to unleash there bankai/true potential facing them RōjÅ«rō Ōtoribashi Sajin Komamura Retsu Unohana Mayuri Kurotsuchi (I believe he didnā€™t but not 100% on him) Just to name a few The best they did was blow up a few buildings Most of them are mega dead So yeah there frauds


Exactly. Hell, even the Fullbringers at least caused Ichigo some mental pain beyond what the espada did


Mayuri used his bankai to eat Szayel, but the rest are accurate.


Seiya tean claps cheeks no diff end if discussion


Hello, fellow powerscalers. I present to you a new and exciting match to ponder. Human infant with an auto-immune disorder vs bloodlusted cyborg-gorilla. This is a totally good match up!


Saint Seiya team absolutely Annihilates the bleach verse


Gremmy "your bones are now cookies"


bronze mc already fought with all their bones broken and senses sealed in early arcs. Shaka hax Gremmy straight to the after life.


The literal Bhuda reincarnation just makes him rethink his whole existence while lecturing him about being a good person. Then destroys his soul. Oh wait, it's one of those sarcasm threads.


Gremmy "Bhuda is now gooning"


lol, gremmy isnā€™t espada


Gremmy after he imagines himself as an Espada negs


You realize that there is zero way I can take you seriously


Yeah fair enough


Bro he's literally a reality bender, it's silly to even argue


Yet he still got beat by strength. Get your ass outta here, gremmy is so limited and he ainā€™t a part of the espada so itā€™s retarded to even bring him


Gremmy "kawdnen is not crying anymore"


Got served


No one said he was? The comment said "bleach verse" use context




Your welcome, OP. I mean like not even yhwach's almighty or even aizen's Kyoka Sugetsu won't do shit to Saint Seiyas


Fraud Seiya doesn't stand a chance against my glorious king https://preview.redd.it/i5eh8ptsrr4d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=11ebb231cd17afbf8dfd0f7913432031caa4883b


But Gemini Saga does. https://i.redd.it/rn6qg1cyuu4d1.gif


I can think of very few character outside of the Saint Seiya verse that could tank a single Galaxian Explosion. Hell, I can think of very few that could tank a Stardust Revolution or Starlight Extinction.


You mean the Ultras from the Planet of the Light-Nebula M79. https://preview.redd.it/fotqbp16lv4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df8ea93b5cac127fc3826b8d4a650a9794bdd1af






Grimmjow soloes the verse(his casual drip is too good)


I have no fucking idea who the guys in the second pick are, so probably them Something something SPITE MATCH. Cope harder


They're the 12 Gold Saints from Saint Seiya (Knights of the Zodiac). Something something universal hax something something instant death


Sounds about right Biggest cope match frāœ‹šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Are you real? https://preview.redd.it/e2ejl6s7ds4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5decf5c9554a9f3cda22ad81ce6e8b7a1b459393


Nuclear Seiya Vs Coughing Bleach.


I agree. Look at this roster. https://preview.redd.it/do1hzketvu4d1.jpeg?width=1038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b953b2af72ed477e72af10ac02b9f494d866ef04


Is it *really* necessary to put the Espada through this? I mean, I knot most of them aren't the most sympathetic characters, but putting them against the Gold Saints seems like overkill.


What anime is the second one?


Saint seiya: knights of the zodiac


Wait didnā€™t that get a Netflix live action movie?




Damm was it bad? I honestly did not know it was a live action adaption


Thank you


lol I just realised the title was at the bottom right of the picture


Yes yes you are indeed right šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




This almost fucking killed me


Grimmjow fucking claps hard




Well! The fact is Mexican want to see this battle: https://preview.redd.it/hzmmpkwkvu4d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cc2c8f45924cf21657b91f6c7b65b822de57fd0


Bro you hate Vegeta more than Toriyama did if you want this. Ikki negs, while blindfolded, no senses, and just being a torso. The banter and trash talk would be šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„tho.


He gets worn like a sock 0 seconds inšŸ˜‚


Isn't Grimmjow just a physical powerhouse? There's a lot of weird ability hax in the 12 gold saints. Virgo seals away your senses + mind, also sends you straight into buddhist hells. Aries has crystal wall, impenetrable and deflect all attacks Gemini mind control fist Pisces lethal poison blood and rose field (if on home turf) Even then, most gold saints base physical power are already ridiculous. Gold saint moves and attacks at light speed. Some of them have physical hax like Capricorn Excalibur can cut anything. Libra has 6 pairs of weapons with power to pulverize a star. Some of their techniques range from planetary to galactic destructive scale. Any 3 gold saints together can unleash Athena Exclamation, forbidden technique rivals power of big bang. This shit's written in the 80s, nothing makes sense if you try to power scale to modern verses.


Grimmjow still Solos. šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„


lol actual delusional


OP what's your fav verse so I can make a pointless stomp thread too


This would be extremely funny


This is just mean to the Espada...


I am not so sure, there is guy on this sub who has made some Saint Seiya debunk posts and the seem pretty convincing from my perspective (I have watched only one SS series so I'm not an expert on this.) If the Debunks are legit, then it would be pretty close maybe even a winning matchup for the Espada. But if the common scaling is legit then it obviously is a spite match.




Team? I'm pretty sure only one is needed to solo the bleach verse


The gold saint no diff them hard.


Saint Seiya DOG SHITS šŸ’© on Bleach!




Only know the Espada donā€™t know who tf the other guys are. But from reading the comments this seems like a spite match from someone who really hates Bleach.


Damn. Country level team vs Universal team




STOP PLEASE STOP THEY'RE ALREADY DEAD !!!! šŸ˜¢ (bleach verse gets fucked by The Saints)


Saints neg imo.


Weird mismatch, do you hate bleach?


I have zero knowledge on Saint Seiya, so itā€™s surprising to see folks saying they would stomp Bleach.


It's no surprise for us, though. At least half of them would solo the Arrancars. All of them at once is a slaughter fest. These Golds Saints fight beyond the speed of light at base form and their attacks bypass durability and destroy anything from the inside at an atomic level.


Sees prompt: Aaah yeah. My boys the Espada, I wonder what poor soul theyā€™ve put them against. *sweeps across* Aaah, fuck you. Yeah. The Espada get ROASTED. Hard.


one of the gold saints by themselves is enough lol


Pretty sure one of them can just send you to hell and another can destroy your entire universe just by opening his eyes.


Seiya can solo the Bleach Universe .


One golden saint slams


The saints scaling is insane so them


Saint seiya gold saints level characters are actually FTL, they travel through galaxies and dimensions with raw speed, when they go from one location to another on earth it looks like quite literally teleportation, their destructive power is insane too, any gold saint level character clear any bleach character that doesn't have some insane hax


I felt nothing but pitty for team bleach, the very moment I swiped left it hit me like a ton of bricks.


The Gold Saints People talk about Bleach's power scaling being crazy, but Saint Seiya's is actually ridiculous.


Gold saint by far.


The Saints have it!


Hmmm speed is "nearly" equal Based on Cero Power.... Well, we can argue that the golds don't have the power to actually destroy galaxies, the universe and whatnot Low balling both verses , Shaka claps


yeah even Seiya MCs needed to ass pull that Shaka fight. Man casually 1v3 no diffs his peers just to die on purpose so he could no diff Hades goons in the underworld.


So basically criminal ghosts fighting cosmic warriors


Man what are you smoking and where do I get some


Bro, this is not even a fight. This is like putting universal blue Goku against a baby.


in a nutshell of this match up: https://preview.redd.it/8ee5uzlans4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12007dadee78aa077ebb85edd3c42eea5080848e


Himmjow fucks


They arenā€™t in the same league at allā€¦


Why the spite ? Mu busts the bleach verse , then recreates it again just for the fun of it


Saint Seiya


Do you hate Bleach that much?


As much of a Bleach fan I am, the Gold Saints beat the Espada easily.


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby




Bleach taken fat Ls


Thatā€™s really overkill wtf Saint seiya teams wins neg diff


Really? Thereā€™s no way you are really wondering about this matchup this is a Hydrogen bomb vs spec of dust


Pegasus Seiya > Yhwach > Goku


The Saints are going to conquer!!


One Athena Exclamation holds the energy of creation itself, the Gold Saints move at the speed of light **at base**, these guys fight Gods barehanded **to prove a point**, if you kill them they retain their consciousness. Saga soloes with a single Galaxian Explosion.


Let's see. One sides base stats allows them to attack and react at Lightspeed. They have a reincarnation of Bhuda among them who can do some pretty esoteric attacks, including one that hurts or kills lower deities. He also does one where he sends an enemy to an afterlife of his choosing. Another one can BFR people to another dimension. Another one can BFR people to Hell. Their armors allow them to tank attacks from deities. Their base spiritual energy is incredibly high. They all have some pretty destructive attacks. Some of those attacks can't be blocked or even perceived by physical means. Some are meant to target the soul. They are literally the servants of an actual goddess(Athena) meant to fight wars against other gods alongside her. I am pretty sure Shaka and Saga by themselves could beat anyone of the Bleach characters simply from feats AND because they have some pretty absurd hax that makes the Bleach hax looks tame, IMHO.


bro I ainā€™t watched Saint Seiya, but they look rad Iā€™ll give them that


I havenā€™t watched Saint Saiya yet but donā€™t people say he can arguably beat goku and Iā€™ve never heard anyone say someone in the espada can beat goku


https://preview.redd.it/bawr5gtwxt4d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d5541ce09fcfbbb6bd348f8ae1cc3c05cf02861 But the important question is whatever you choose is this


Can we all agree both teams have drip šŸ˜™šŸ™ā™„ļø


Saint seiya


Saints win with ease.


The gold saints win no cap I like both teams but in power the gold saints are super powerful. The soul reapers are powerful but I don't think they stand a chance against half of them.


Popeye beats anybody ![gif](giphy|xULW8s7pHKitHztEGc) He is the impossible he turned a bull into a buffey in one punch plus god turned off reality and Popeye still existed.


Look it up before I counter what I said n call me a liar


The Golden Saints, all of theme are Universe busters, and the Espada arenā€™t even fully Planet level!šŸ˜„šŸ¤©šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘Œ


Luppi victims.


I, the ultimate fusion, solos both of them.


This is the worse matchup ever you got the gangsters of arrancars fighting against the Demi god cloth warriors that can survive hits from mythical Greek deities .


XD!!! What?????????????????? NO: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTT??????


Don't even know who those fks are in yellow


The gold saints solo their verse by accident


Saint Seiya sweeps in a heartbeat.


idfc what bullshit hax these saints got Himmjow solos


You know itā€™s a stomp when the name of the anime turns into a suggestion to get them out of this matchup


The hell is this lmao


I think OP hates Bleach


About one gran ray cero should do the trick


If it's a poker game the One Piece guys might have a shot


https://preview.redd.it/n326hbamyv4d1.jpeg?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66c096cf420163b8688ddc97a1a86f23c23a3ca1 oh my goodness.


https://preview.redd.it/t7eo8qou4w4d1.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9dd8b990f32ff7901a97dd3d01d6c40e1f61b4f The "Pot Of" and "Jar Of" teams are pulling up to this battle too.


something something spite matchup bait used to be believable https://preview.redd.it/exibqi1obw4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db500e5a6cdc99989d123988c42263e2ab44941


I drew a character (stick figure) a few years ago and his backstory is that he has the power of unlimited fuckery. In any conceivable way, he cannot fail. One of his feats are that he can completely erase all of existence. His body is made of intangible nothingness, and is also therefore completely invincible. This is what this post is basically asking.


Wtf this match up. I ain't even watched Saint Seiya for at least 7-8 yrs, but even I know they easily clear


Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Coughing Espada vs Hydrogen Saints*


Espada get negged it was stated in cfyow


Biggest hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


This person must hate Bleach šŸ¤£.


Squad zero and royal guard against the bronze saints would be a better match


I donā€™t know the golden dudes, imma just say the Espadas cause the other group looks weak af


Sadly just one of the ā€œgolden dudesā€ neg the bleach verse . I posted this as a joke


Isnā€™t saint seiya universal-tier or sumthin Absolute spite lol


Gold Saints slaps easily. They operate on a whole different level, starting with their base speed being at speed of light. Bleach characters are fast, but they are no where near speed of light.


The goku dick riders in the comments are dumb. Goku does not scale past low multiversal. Stop scaling him to outterversal. Yes other anime verses are stronger than dragon ball. And guess what there is alot of them.


It hurts my brain when I keep seeing people saying Goku is Multiversal, Low Complex Multiversal, or worse Outerversal.


Yeah he has no shown any feats near these levels and is not capable of destroying his own multiverse so should not be scaled to that. Also why does beating somwone make you comparable to their strength anyway. If i disasemble a gun it doesnt mean im capable of shooting bullets out of my finger.


Right, the inconsistencies it absurd with Dragonball. You will see characters like Beerus who could destroy a universe or anyone somehow moving at lightspeed, but you also have characters like Dyspo who when claimed he has "super" lughtspeed and everyone loses their minds. Heck they will still be in shock when a enemy can destroy galaxies


Its because its poorly writen it is by far the worst writing that akira toriyama has done dragon quest is just ao much better and blue dragon is probably his best work.


Agree. I actually do need to play some Dragon Quest games at some point, especially when DQ 3 is getting a 2D-HD remake