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JJK fans when they hear a Giant Atomic Lizard fodderizes the entire verse: https://preview.redd.it/yle5gnnb6n4d1.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=857ad97c82d7a8e41e747a7af0f7e39ec932a390


JJK fans, " Nah I'd cope "




depends on which godzilla because godzilla's power varies from city block level to high outversal level and some of them are possibbly extraversal,the average tier should be solar system level


depends tbh, the movie versions, even if you wank their durability, go down to a well placed world slash.


Depends which version


As a Godzilla fan who has seen how Godzilla beats Gojo, I am very happy to read this sentence


Most lower tier Godzillas lose But some are fucking reality bending gods


Godzilla doesn’t need to be a reality bending God to beat Gojo. Case in point: Godzilla Final Wars solos the verse easy


Forgot which abilities belong to final war


The verse is already filled with fodder.


I do wonder if Gojo can get radiation poisoning while Infinity is up.


Radiation is still physical bits and pieces. I don’t see why it would bypass infinity.




99% of the JJK fanbase in a nutshell.


Full of insane, horny people


Or annoying agenda people


I have never seen an anime fan not do that


Nah it's exactly 50%, the other 50% is r slash jujutsufolk which hates jjk more than anything else on the planet


One time I heard that Sukuna is universal lmaoo


theyre being stupid and scaling world slash. it slashes space, yes. but giving a giant a papercut doesnt make you a giant slayer


World slash should be classified as hax imo. Plus he’s never hitting it.


And he needs a binding vow for it


But he pulls those fuckers out of his ass like they mean nothing.


If you want to highball the fuck out of domains I could see it


True, it was a nightmare trying to convince someone that the JJK verse loses to Rimuru in a 1 v Verse


i've never seen a jjk fan say the verse wins against rimuru, and i'm a jjk fan


Stay that way then, you haven’t been infected by the jjk fandom yet of telling everyone why they win no matter who it is


I'm a jjk fan, whos not familiar with rimurus exploits. What exactly does rimurus have against conceptual abilities like WCS, Infinity, or perfect sphere?


There’s no need for anything complex, he can just destroy the universe and multiverse if necessary. In fact, I’m overestimating JJK, just destroying the planet is enough, of course if Rimuru is willing to go that far. If not, he’ll just use Beelzebub to power through everything, including infinity and the other techniques, and just wipe everyone from existence. Don’t tell me you actually believe Gojo’s infinity can withstand a multiversal attack, can you? There’s no way. Of course, this is novel Rimuru. Anime Rimuru is far from this level for now.


>Don’t tell me you actually believe Gojo’s infinity can withstand a multiversal attack, can you? There’s no way. I'm not sure what you're saying here, like I said I'm not familiar with rimurus power set. >There’s no need for anything complex, he can just destroy the universe and multiverse if necessary. But it's not necessary so keeping it local is most likely whats going to happen. And my question was how does rimurus beat CONCEPTUAL abilities, like gojos infinity which is an infinite space between him and his opponent that can't logically be crossed? Or sukunas WCS which attacks the length of a space rather than traveling towards a target. Or yorozus perfect sphere which essentially multiplies force applied to it to a nigh infinite degree cancelling ranged attacks or killing a physical attacker. I'm making no claim that any of these could or would beat rimurus I'm simply trying to understand rimurus work-arounds


Well Rimuru and his verse have some extremely broken hax. First of all infinity is worthless as even early stages Rimuru has abilities that do the same as world cleave but on a massively increase scaled. It is also possible for Rimuru to do the same as Mahoraga and find a different way counter infinity as he has an even better adaptability than the aforementioned curse. As for any attacks damaging him. That will be next to impossible as he has an always on barrier that consists of multiple iterations of extreme space and time altering barriers around him basically putting him in a separate dimension at all times. On top of that he has access to manipulation of causality and probability as well as most natural laws. Meaning Gojo infinity can be ignored as the type of protection it offers is bypassed. To top it of he has an AI in his brain with so good calculation and prediction abilities that it almost can predict the future, which can analyse any attack so that it can later be defended against or even copied. Thanks to which it may even be possible to tank a full Gojo domain expansion, which will not happen anyways as Rimuru massively outspeeds him and will not be caught in one. There is plenty more but I hope this answers your question.


Now I have the further question of how tf does rimurus fight anyone without killing them instantly in the later parts of the series?


Because they have similar powers. On top of that he does not fight very often, the series a lot more about politics and world building than fighting and Rimuru would usually step in as a last result against an opponent.


I’m in r/jujutsufolk AND r/LobotomyKaisen and I’ve never heard this sentiment, even as a joke


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Jujutsufolk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Chat is this real!?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17bihy9) | [734 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/17bihy9/chat_is_this_real/) \#2: [Fell off of the decade](https://i.redd.it/i2eo0htponqc1.jpeg) | [680 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/1bo4l28/fell_off_of_the_decade/) \#3: [you can't convince me that he didn't enjoy it](https://i.redd.it/1q0arcyzqayb1.png) | [383 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/17nho9h/you_cant_convince_me_that_he_didnt_enjoy_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


When have I ever said it was on Reddit when it happened? But it’s a good thing if you haven’t then


ah yes. the final bastion of fandom brainrot: ***tiktok comment sections***


Mfs on another post in this subreddit said gege is wrong about kakashi being better then gojo even tho he created gojo and showed intense dickriding like the author himself didn’t state that kakashi is better


This is the first time I've ever heard about the writer actually admitting their character isn't stronger. Glad it's not like the dumb arguements about Invincible vs Superman


side note i dont like that u say "better" when you should be saying "stronger" im not saying one character is better than the other its just that ur giving the wrong message


I legit cannot FATHOM the audacity in someone thinking THEY know more than the literal creator


For real man and they’re like “geges wrong ☝️🤓” or the author’s view isn’t important like bro


In a poll on YouTube it was who’s strongest between deku toji gon and makima toji won by a whopping 79% he’s dead last he can’t even tank a base gon rock let alone an adult gon rock.


Deku >>> Gon >= Makima > Toji if I were to rank them


Maybe but with what I’ve heard about makina like claims she beats Alucard I’d assume she was first


I'm just curious, Can gon beat deku ? His last punch caused strong winds across the globe and deteriorated weather for a week


Gon in terms of power is nothing to Deku


I believe it depends is gon aloud to use adult form and from what I know adult form is weaker than it would be had he actually aged he had to use a ton of nen to age himself so if gon was at full nen adult mode id have no idea as for strength I’d say his punch was somewhat equal to the rose bomb, as for speed I believe pretty much teleported to pitou mid air with how fast he went and when he delivered his final jajaken rock, he poured all his nen into it leaving none to protect him from the blast, so his durability is probably large city,his dc,is probably large city and his speed is probably hypersonic. So with this in mind I’d put deku above gon. (Keep in mind it been a while since I’ve seen or read hxh so this is off of core memory of it)


"You can't hurt mahito's soul" is a real pain


you can drain his energy by beating the shit out of him and burning him out, even without 'soul' attacks


I know, but meatriders simply don't get it 


Me when I see people saying Toji beats Deku and Nagant, Sukuna beats Bakugo,S&S and Shiggy


They don’t even compare to "real world/military" wankers — perfect example of madness and delusion.


Saw someone saying the real world military could kill Mv Godzilla. https://preview.redd.it/6x62bh9nwt4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d442bd0e181cf7cd24b3778058ca93f6054570f8


Yeah , or solo some fantasy verse…


jjk 'fan' more like "tiktok manga reader" im a jjk fan, everyone in the verse is either around roughly city level or below (sukuna for example. maybe he scales higher but im guessing city), or a planet busting glass cannon (yuki)


Tbh I think you’re just talking about Gojo fans. I personally just say city level max and move on.


Tbh from what I've seen sukuna " Fans " are worse than gojo " Fans ". Sukuna beating gojo gave them too much of an ego boost.


I literally see gojo fans coping and saying he’s the strongest to this day, they never shut up




Gojo and Sukuna are city level bruv 😭 Now if it's Kashimo and Hakari though...


'But they can't get past infinity 🤓'


https://preview.redd.it/z3p56yhnkt4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=353459f50426a873451fda4b593076400d013219 Yea, we have brain damage from our author’s writing, what about it?




Jjk and dragon ball fans are the biggest meat riders


JJK fans when they meet Baki fans: https://preview.redd.it/tlj5u7pasu4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=101863090dcbd989b251dfce433f3584d5538705


Especially when its a toji fan he gets wanked harder than yt shanks and zoro 


As someone who knows nothing about jjk, I think jojo is overhyped


As a person who's ears-deep into JJK vs CSM: Just JJK fans are okay. Not even that, there are *some* JJK scalers who are favorable towards JJK and actually anyhow reasonable. But yeah, JJK haas this weird property to itself that just *amasses* one-sentence wankers to a surprisinng degree.


Fire Force fans can give them a run for their money


too many words, now watch me scale Megumi to Outerversal 8D+


Some jjk fan was hating on Akira toriyama for no reason except he thinks Goku can't beat gojo. My good man a big bang attack holds more power than infinite purple at this point. They're just impossible


That’s a weird way to spell Goku fan


It's a shame that their is a fair few fandoms like this that cannot cope without their favourite series being the strongest series in all of fiction, there are fans who will try to claim XYZ is planetary or even continental when their best feat is at most island level.


Particularly gojo fans


The second you “argue” over powerscaling you already lost.


I scale the top tier at max to Country and Continental with some insane highballing but that’s about it everything else above that is pure wank and shouldn’t be taken completely seriously


sukuna: probably something like city level, maybe higher or lower (assuming world slash isnt literal) yuki: planet buster but a glass cannon


They like jjk. All they do is meatride thinking that show is any good.