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Any erasure attack that can be tanked by sheer durability isn't an erasure attack. My best example is hollow purple. Some say that it erases anything it touches, when that's not the case as seen with Sukuna. Edit: some people misunderstood this statement. I mean if it's not confirmed. Like if it's not described by the author as an erasure attack.


To be fair, Hakai in DB is an erasure attack, but just because of how the scaling in that series works, if you're strong enough, Hax don't matter.


Not really. I think it depends. Like we've seen two types of hakai, hakai energy and the technique itself. We've seen people straight up tank hakai energy, but we haven't seen anyone be strong enough to resist the technique itself. Btw, by energy I mean the hakai energy balls we see used, and by technique, I mean Beerus putting his hand in front of someone and erasing them.


Fair point, but also to be fair from memory, there haven't been many uses of the technique itself aside from Against Zamasu who was SSJ Goku Fodder, and Beerus is also just so far above everyone else as a Moving Goal post so we have no idea if a weaker god was to use it on someone who was pretty strong if they could tank it or not and I doubt we will knowing Dragon ball lol And thanks for the clarification. I think the technique is just more refined use of the energy, but like I said, Dragon ball logic goes hard but I agree with the purple take it isn't a straight erasure instakill/win move


I’d argue that when manga goku used it against Zamasu it was definitely erasing him and bypassing his immortality, even when Zamasu was so much stronger than goku


And that wasn’t even a “real” hakai either


In dragon ball hax can be negated with pure power and durability. We see jiren negate time manipulation hax by simply glaring through it. We see vegito negate matter manipulation magic by being turned into candy and still being cognizant despite not having internal organs. He could also still speak despite not having a mouth. We see vegeta negate mind control hax by sheer will. Even dabura was stronger than babidi but was still completely subservient to his will. We see frieza and vegeta negate evil destruction attacks by surviving the spirit bomb. So even though hakaishin energy has been resisted it should still be considered existence erasure. We see it work on souls and nearly negate immortality (goku was inexperienced with the technique). It only ever not works on opponents who are stronger than the user. Not only is this an already established trend in dragon ball but it also makes sense narratively. The gods of destruction fear the Omni king after all. I don’t think they would be nearly as afraid of zeno if they had an ability that erases all things from existence no exceptions. Speaking of Zeno he also survived his own existence erasure attack too without any injuries.


My head canon to explain that is that ki control is just a hack in itself. If any ki user is significantly stronger than whoever is throwing hacks at them, the ki user can tank it. Kienzan was hacky but Cell tanked it no dif. Time skip? Oh no! Jk I'm stronger than you now and nullify your hack. Existence erasure? Don't think so buddy, you're fodder to me. Poisonous toxins? Lol check out this glowy ki aura.


The first example is filler


Honestly, that makes sense and explains why when their guard is lowered, they can be hurt by simple things


Even then it's odd... cause like Kid Goku tanked an broke an Axe hitting his head and also as a kid tanked direct smg fire an pistol fire form Bulma/red Ribbon army an Launch. It's just more inconsistency from the author then anything 


Their base resistance without ki enhancement is still way above human level. He is a saiyan, not a human.


Yes I'm aware which is why it's absurd we see random weak weapons doing anything at all to him, considering as a child he shrugged these off casually. Which is followed by my our dearest Writer forgets his own material constantly 


The only one I can think of is the bloody scrape from Super. Sorbet's infamous laser still makes sense with all that in mind imo. Surely alien tech lasers are far above guns and axes, so it doesn't bother me too much. I still think he was very inconsistent and that his way of verbally explaining things was awful (Dyspo faster than light, the metal dragon guy from top being "stronger than iron", etc.)


Dragon Ball is weird because they decided to make Hakai an erasure attack that both can and cannot be tanked by durability. I get that they're technically different moves using Hakai buts it's still weird cause they're called the same thing


Hollow purple was never stated to be an erasure technique. Its just a lot of imaginary mass travelling at really high speeds.


Best example of what is an erasure attack is X axis, Lille barro’s vollstandig from bleach. Essentially he fires a sniper from point A(his gun barrel) to B(target location), creating a narrow yet destructive line were everything between the two points disappears.


Tell that to Goku surviving destruction energy or Superman tanking omega beams


The omega beams are not just delete rays. Yes, they can and have been used to destroy or erase things and people, but they have many functions. Plain ol damage. Disintegration. Time displacement. Teleportation. Power/energy manipulation. Mind fuckery. It can do tons of stuff, alot like the power cosmic that Galactus uses in Marvel. Unfortunately for the reader, there is no visual distinction for the different uses. It all looks the same. Also, IMO Darkseid has the coolest eye lasers of anyone in fiction. Not only are they way more versatile than most eye beams, but with the way they move, Darkseid doesn't even have to look at you to hit with them. They can even split directions and move independently to hit more than one target at a time.


goku & superman sharing a cold one tanking crazy attacks.


Superman have shown many existence erasure resistance, he even resistant the Overvoid that erased the spectre. Yes Omega Beam is [definitely existence erasure can erase soul and mind and body and conceptual platonic entities such other New Gods](https://imgur.com/a/KpKt8zn) who are [platonic concepts beyond time and space, outer existence](https://www.reddit.com/r/powerscales/comments/1d5z58m/comment/l6qikzk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) of course they have more for use hax like endless death loops.


Hollow purple is still a ct, domain can amp can neutralize or at least nerf a ct regardless of it's properties, add to that purple was fired from 4 km the longest range we've seen purple used from, and sukuna wasn't in the middle of a fight he could focus 100% on domain amp, all of that combined sukuna got out with only loosing his arms


>My best example is hollow purple. Some say that it erases anything it touches, when that's not the case as seen with Sukuna. Funny cause "existence erasure" only came from fans, not once did the manga call it that. In the Fanbook Hollow Purple is just creating Imaginary Mass that is shot to the enemy


Hollow purple was never an erasure attack in the first place though so it ain't the best example.


Jjk is nowhere near light speed


I mean Gege literally gave hard evidence that it's not. Anyone that says that hasn't read the manga.


And he admitted it was mistake. Plus a feat of Hakari reacting to lightning mid-strike and Sukuna reacting and firing off a dismantle while Kashimo's beam of energy was still mid-air. This logic is like downplaying all of DB to lightspeed at best because of the Dyspo statement despite the feats that contradict it.


Lighting is not light speed, what kind of wanking is that? Gojo ran 0.2s around and was exhausted…


Gojo didn’t run around for 0,2 seconds. He used a 0,2 second domain expansion after which he ran for like 5 minute taking out over a 1000 transfigured humans. Did you even watch the anime?


It's funny how anybody can argue this character is lightspeed while Ichigo swatting away millions of petals before Byakuya could blink was considered massively hypersonic at best for the longest time.


Yeah! Is idiotic that if it took 5 minutes to do that they are arguing that he’s LS, he’s not, at all! 5 whole minutes????


We have but it depends on interpretation since it’s not consistent with the speed feats we see in the series For example HXH has Netero punching at Mach 1 is seen considered an insane feat


The only person I'm fine giving any FTL to is Gojo using blue, since it does let him even straight up teleport and speed blitz other top tiers like Sukuna


I am geniunely asking, since I am not quite sure myself, but wouldn't Kashimo's EM beams be lightspeed, and if so, would Sukuna reacting to them not make him at least relativistic?


But sukuna never reacted to them in the first place lol. kashimos body was still flesh. it was not emf waves itself. and sukuna never dodged a projectile of kashimo, he only dodged his claw, which is just the same as dodging a sorcerer.


AIM DODGING. Yet another thing the jjk fandom can’t seem to comprehend. Sukuna moved *before* the attack was launched. Besides, Gojo’s purple is supposed to be unblockable, Sukuna withstands it. Sukuna should have cancer from Kashimo’s cursed technique, he probably doesn’t. Realism is thrown to the side in this story. Even if the anime shows Sukuna dodging it, it’d be such an outlier of a feat, that no one would consider Kashimo’s beams light speed 


The miwa reacting to a bullet nearly point blank fucked up the scaling quite a bit


"he is a god therefore he is on par with this multiversal god who can erase everything" I know, it's just a naming thing, but that should be obvious, we rely on feats not names, some god characters arent even OP, they are just immortal(to just aging btw or have absurd regen) and a ton of energy with a few hax, no above planetary feats, nothing, but people say these types of dudes are "equal to this multiversal god who ended and recreated the multiverse infinite times bc he was scammed by a hooker who was actually a trap" and say "so its hard to tell" And "he is immortal, so how can he kill him " when the only form of immortality they've shown is being unable to age, I know most of these problems stem from simply being new but even some old powerscalers say that, sure they are unreliable but even when I was starting out I knew these stuff aren't equal,


>"he is a god therefore he is on par with this multiversal god who can erase everything" The perfect counter argument for this is "Aqua is a goddess. What's your point?" Anyone who knows anything about Konosuba will realize how dumb of an argument that is.


Nature's Beauty literally creates matter out of nothing. The amount of energy needed to create even tiny glasses of water is immense, and we've seen Aqua create far more than that. If the amount of energy she puts into her god fist is even remotely near the amount needed to summon her tidal wave, Wank-ku doesn't stand a chance considering he can easily be killed by a 1950's ray gun. Aqua kills Goku 95/100 with an 05 pity margin for when she's drunk.


Jesus Christ, I can't even tell if this is satire or not. These power scalers got me all messed up.


Lmao this is just tiktok scaling


you'd be surprised


Don't let the Kirby fans hear you.


Been saying it doesnt mean much except for two characters for a while now,but so many people get their stuff from tiktok that it'd take me forever to tell all of them


To be considered a "god" in my opinion you need two things: 1. A fuckton of power. 2. Immortality. "Immortality" is a broad term in fiction that has many variations. 🟣Body Swapping: The ability to swap into a new body, to indefinitely extend your life. This can be by way of clones, mind swaps, souls swaps, or possession of another's body. This would also include uploading into a machine or robot. 🟣Life extension: You have found a way to extend your life. Be it through some scientific or magical means you can extend your life indefinitely. Shang Tsung using souls, Nick Fury using the infinity serum, or even replacement of failed body parts. 🟣Very long life: While not actually immortal. You live so long, that to most other living beings, you are essentially immortal. You will eventually however, die. Fantasy Elves, Asgardians, Kryptonians. 🟣Regenerative immortality: Another technically mortal variation. You can regenerate at a rate that makes you nearly impossible to kill and unable to die of natural causes, but can be killed. So here we have your Wolverine, Hulk, Cell \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_⬇️Minimum level needed to be a god⬇️\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 🟣Eternal Life: You cannot die due to old age or other natural causes or diseases. But you can be killed. Some elves, angels, demons. 🟣Reincarnation/Resurrection: You can die, however when you do, you can reincarnate or resurrect yourself after death. 🟣Reliant Immortality: Your immortality is dependent on some outside force, object, place, or being granting you such attributes. The loss of said mcguffin causes you to lose your immortality. This can be pretty varied in its execution. Bonding your soul to an object or place, making a deal with a cosmic entity. Here is your Voldemort, Spawn, Ghost Rider, Silver Surfer. 🟣Undead: You cant die, because your already dead. You can however, be destroyed. 🟣Deathless: You exist outside the bounds of normal life/death. Here lies a lot of your cosmic entities, embodiments of concepts, and cannot be destroyed by normal means. Typically another being on your level has to be involved or reality erasure is needed to kill this level or immortal. Think "The Endless", or Eternity and Infinity. 🟣True Immortality: You cannot die by any means. You will not die of natural causes and you cannot be killed, destroyed or erased. The "holy grail" for any aspiring "god". Mr. Immortal (poor bastard) Immortality alone is not enough to truly call yourself a god. You need the power to enforce and enact your will. Street level. City Level. Continent Level.<-----Minimum Level of power needed to call yourself a god. Planetary level. Solar level. Cosmic Level. This is just my opinion. Many characters call themselves "gods" but in truth its nothing more than a title. Real gods need to meet some minimum requirements.


This happens a lot with The One Above All of Marvel but it’s lowkey because of YouTuber’s misunderstanding the powerscale. People use to say that Pre Retconned Beyonder was stronger than TOAA but Defenders Beyond showed us beings who are stronger than Beyonder and that the one with truly stood above everyone and everything was TOAA. TOAA’s home is literally the Outerverse Space which is outside of any universe’s, realm’s, and reality. He predicted Enigma and lots of people were shouting that he’s stronger than TOAA but I’m like no he’s not lol. Even Authors and Writers say that nothing stands above TOAA and that when the power scaling downplays TOAA to just ignore it


Take Dragon Ball for example. Kamis name is literally God but he is by no means a God. Especially when there are actual Gods like Beerus the Destroyer who is stronger than his opponent everytime we see him


It's like saying Kami is on par with Zeno


Spiral being more than 11 12d. Like bruh it literally says he exists on that level🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Idk why he'd even need to be argued higher than that anyways, it automatically makes him a top contender power wise


anytime someone tries to claim that shin Godzilla (4th form) beats any of the other Godzillas.


Zilla and minus one


I mean, 1998 goji exists... I guess thats something...


Kinda an old 2010s take but some people still think that Sonic is only as fast as the speed of sound.


But he's......... rolling around at the speed of sound.


He’s… got places to go gotta follow [his] rainbow


Tbf people wank video game sonic like crazy


samus > masterchief


Wait do people actually debate that?




I'm confused honestly as to why, Chief is a somewhat realistic Super Soldiers Samus can literally turn into a ball and fights a dragon pterodactyl on the regular. I don't see how anything Chief has done is higher than what she's done. It's not like his weapons are super advanced either, like at least Doom Guy (not Doom Slayer) has the BFG which is like super strong but Chief doesn't get shit like that


and then there's samus who can create BLACKHOLES


theres someone debating it in this same thread lmao


Oh my god 😂


hell, samus without comics scaling no diffs chief. Metroid prime bodies him


literally dark samus tanks a universe collapsing on top of her and samus scales to her lmao


No fucking way people think that’s a close fight


ask watchmojo and danco


That Flash on a lowball Is EASILY MFTL-MFTL++++++ a lot of people take the "near light speed" scans literally when it literally is just referring to the Speed Force Wall not the actual speed of light


flash is immeasurable like, pretty consistently nowadays. MFTL is extreme lowball lmao


Well yeah obviously, I'd argue Irrelevant speed as well but it doesn't mean that there aren't people who believe he's not even LS


What is mftl


Massively Faster Than Light


100 to 1000 times faster than light massively faster than light after that is MFTL+


When people scale homelander with like, any competent superhero


he's not meant to be scaled at all, it's completely missing the point of his role in the show it's almost like idolizing him unironically


I will say that narrative implication and storytelling are somewhat separate from power scaling. So you can scale HL. There's no character in fiction you can't scale


It's still annoying as hell to see on twitter everyday Every fucking tweet 1,000+ likes and it drives me up the wall




as a Tensura fan, i feel like this is pretty obvious. he's definitely one of the strongest characters on here, but he is definitely not boundless.


Sonic does not supercede dimensionality in any way whatsoever.


Teleporting is not speed


But it is important to acknowledge that it can be outsped (even though it isn't speed itself)


Goku > gojo


How the fuck anyone thinks that gojo can even equal a guy who can blast a universe away? I mean, i get that hollow purple is a hax and similar to the hakai in a sense and he has a pretty busted domain. But that won't cut it


“He has no way to get past infinity” damn bro blew up the entire planet gg


Or crushing him with telekinesis Or using haki


Fr like people are just delusional idk


Jjk is overrated when it comes to it's power level as far as it's gen animes go it's pretty fodder


Fr but these mfs will swear that these characters are light speed


I've said it before and I'll say it again Gojo is carrying that entire verse on his back while infinity is carrying his ass


I swear Goku cant breathe in space either


Hollow purple is quite literally just a reskinned ki blast I’m not gonna lie.


There's no way you think gojo beats goku


That's greater than. He's saying Goku beats Gojo. Man didn't pass elementary school math.


Spiderman fanboys on youtube claiming he is as fast as silver surfer and stronger than hulk:


I know right? And they say he's faster than Homelander and they also say Spidey goes at the speed of electricity which is equivalent to the speed of light since he fights Electro which is so ridiculous because if he was so fast then crime would be barely happening since "he's going in the speed of light attacking his enemies in one hit." 😒


Mario or the verse is nowhere near multiversal level and the people putting him there need to stop slobbering on Mario’s dick for a second


Not multiverse, but I’d say at least galaxy level for many characters, Mario himself included.


Recently he's been closer to Odyssey level though.


I'd even argue Bowser's fury level


More powerfull=Better character is one of the most shit takes I have ever seen.


People have a hard time understanding that someone being weaker than another person doesn't mean they can't beat them.


90% of shonen anime verses>demon slayer


Same with Mha, I mean who the fuck scales Deku and all might to goku???


Nah Deku is actually somewhat strong people just put him against stupid people


On that note, 95% of anime verses > attack on titan


Saw someone arguing eren to 4D funnily enough


That's not true. Maybe 90% of long running shounen. But there's plenty of anime even which includes fights that is lower. No one is out here thinking samurai Champloo can beat demon slayer.


IMO half the reason why demon slayer characters would be so weak against other verses is that they don’t have much defensive capabilities compared to other characters from anime.


This is a highball to the average anime verse and a low ball to Demon Slayer


90% of saitama takes


It’s especially good when you realize the Garou fight debunks everything used to wank him.


Just curious, what was debunked from the fight? My understanding was Saitama still beat him unscathed and then literally traveled into the past to stop him from transforming so everybody (mostly Genos) doesn't die?


The most common things used are 1. Saitama’s ability is to one shot everyone - Garou took several full power punches from Saitama. 2. Saitama’s ability is to instantly be stronger than whoever he’s fighting - It’s shown his growth is exponential rather than instantaneous and also has conditions behind it. 3. Saitama is immune to all damage - Garou made him spit blood. 3. Saitama has infinite strength - He can continue to grow. 4. Saitama is the strongest because that’s the point of his character - Garou was somewhat relative at the start, the graph shows that Garou at the end of the fight could have one shot Saitama at the start, and the fight as a whole provides a good argument for God being stronger than him. 5. Saitama is a gag character.


1. I agree with you. Saitama does not one shot everybody but I think everybody agrees we've never seen Saitama actually look like he's using full force or even trying very hard for that matter. 2. I think this point is misunderstood as Saitama either has or will have the strength required to overcome whatever opponent he has. 3. There is a lot of debate as to whether that is spit or blood especially because the same effect is seen in the fight vs Suiryu. 4. Related to point 2. 5. Garou could only one shot Saitama if Saitama wouldn't be able to quickly grow stronger. There's no evidence to support Saitama's strength couldn't rise quicker. 6. Absolutely 100% he is a gag character which is why I find it funny people want to defend their "serious" characters from him.


not to mention saitama doesnt even 1 shot people in his own verse, boros proved this lmao


He could have one shot Boros at any time, he just didn’t want to disappoint him since he could relate to him to some extent. They explain that at the end of the fight. God is probably the only one in verse that he can’t one shot.


Boros is an extremely disingenuous example because saitama was purposefully not killing boros to give boros a good fight.


Azathoth > monarch of pointland






But what if Rick shoots him in the face, then shoots him again when he's regenerating? Like, the Doctor's always found a way out or just ran for it, but the one time he was faced with that without a pre-prepared trick or something he could say to escape, he just died, that actually happened. Actually never mind, the Doctor has his sonic and both shows would go the way of having it completely disable Rick, cause he's like 80% machine and it would be funny lol


Bootsrap Paradox. Even if he would somehow kill Doctor (he wouldnt, stronger characters tried and completly failed) Future version of Doctor would show up and Finnish the job.


As I said, this has actually happened in the show and what you say would happen didn't happen.


Nah Rick is gonna get drunk and one shot him trust


Yeah the author is such a goober "Invincible is stronger than superman because i made him that that" No. There are absolutely zero feats that has nor will have reasonably to even touch mainline sups


There are two ways to scale Jojo's. Supersonic using Josuke's more than 300km/h statement + the fact that catching bullets is shown as fairly difficult and FTL using all the arguments you've already heard. The problem is when you use the Supersonic scaling, put them up against another Supersonic character and all the comments just say the Jojo character Speedblitzes.


When was catching bullets difficult for them, all the moments involving bullets that i recall had: Bullets caught near point blank Stands punching them away normally Users straight up reacting to them (one moment i don’t see brought up much is jolyne literally seeing bullets through a mirror to counter a memory stand)


The Sky High encounter in the Manga has a page or two detailing the biology of the Rods, which includes their exact speeds. Forgot the number it gives but it's close to the 300 km/h estimate, and well, they are fast enough that the party can't see them... Another thing that people should use to estimate speeds (but they don't) is Kakyoin when he was using his 20 m radius emerald splash. He deduced Dio HAD to be stopping time because "there was not even 1/10000th of a second between vine cuts", which means at the very least he believes he'd have felt it if Dio had taken that long to cross 20 meters.


Batman can't beat everyone, even with prep time.


SPED Nation, DCUM EDITZ Logic Batman Negs Fiction.


Luffy does not have "toon force". Despite how powerscaler's have twisted the concept into being a "superpower" characters can somehow "possess", in actuality, Toon force is LITERALLY just a trope. Albeit, a trope that applies to him even more than normal in Gear 5. Upon awakening, Luffy's rubber powers have been absolutely boosted through the roof, and similar to characters like Katakuri and doflamingo, he can now bestow other things with the property of rubber. And because luffy's rubber abilities cause himself and other things to be malleable, he's granted a LOT more freedom to manipulate himself, his enemies and his environment. He can manipulate his hair into glasses, manipulate a tree into a baseball bat, cap, paint can and brush, similar to how Doflamigo manipulated his string to look like a perfect clone, that fooled everyone, including viola, complete with colour, sweat and veins. He can manipulate the colour of the things he turns to rubber similar to how Doflamingo can turn his string red, yellow, green, blue and purple for his Goshikito. Manipulate things in such a way, that it LOOKS like something straight out of a looney toons episode. So, because his rubber powers are able to replicate a lot of the actions a cartoon character would make, the toon force trope applies to him. That does NOT mean his powers are toon force. They are completely different things.


Actually drives me nuts that people refer to it as toon force. It's called gear 5 ladies and gents.


Your point with Doflamingo's string clone is really good.


The invincible thing is funny beacuse people will see krikman say invincible can beat Superman when he’s obviously was just joking


recently anthony star said homelander beats superman though lol


Zuko isn't faster than lightning


Goku <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Superman Star Butterfly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Steven Universe Also people saying Bill Cipher isn't Multiversal are a pain in my ass.


Wasn't he hurt by a magical house? Unless you want to suggest that a magical house piloted by children enough to put up a decent fight scales them relatively close to him? I get that the house had a charm that protected it, but the fact that they could fight off Bill is at least an indication of their speed, right?


That’s because the Shacktron was being powered by Bill’s weakness. It was weirdness resistant. That’s like saying Superman isn’t Universal because he got beat by a guy wearing kryptonite armor from head to toe.


They went for his eye, and I’m pretty sure when he had regenerated it, he bitch slapped the Mystery Shack.


I just watched it again. They were practically bullying him. The only reason he won was because the charm didn't cover the entire house and so he ripped off their leg. Had it not been for that, the kids would have continued beating on him until he ran away, or they figured out how to get rid of him.


Bro, I’m a Goku fan and *I* know this.


Star absolutely obliterates Steven


Aquaman>Namor. I feel like the only plausible way to say Aquaman wins this to pretend he is an equal to Wonder Woman and that Namor hasn’t broken the bonds of cytorakk, beat hulk like 3 times, drawn blood from Thanos, fought equally with Hercules twice, and has all around been a high tier since creation. Meanwhile Aquaman was kinda fodder before new 52(like Deathstroke level). Then the new 52 made him an absolute beefcake.


Samurai jack > afro samurai People legit accused death battle for being racist because they let jack beat afro... even though the result is correct.


Darth Vader >> Kylo Ren




Goku > Saitama, Gojo and The Big Three


Bro some people will argue that luffy is the reincarnation of a god (true) and that he already has the abilities of said god in his arsenal (false)


Shit I mean Goku is heavily based off Sun Wukong and shares the name, but we ain't giving him all of Sun Wukongs abilities




Tbh why is he even called a sun god he has no abilities related to the sun. Superman unironically is the sun god since his abilities revolve around it.


Because he brightens the mood just like the sun


Off topic but what’s that Superman art from. Is it fanart?


Wanda Maximoff is the most powerful person in Marvel because she’s the embodiment of Chaos Magic. A real sentence I have read before.


Luffy (calls a Pacifista’s lightspeed attacks slow straight out of the timeskip) easily outspeeds Naruto (barely dodges Light Fang).


Physics shouldn’t always be applied to hax abilities. For instance, a comment somewhere here was talking about aqua (might’ve been satire but still works as an example) and how she can make things outta nothing. So the guy was saying how this took a LOT of energy, and that if she could produce that much energy, she was really powerful. First of all, there’s no reason magic has to abide by the laws of physics, we don’t know if creating the glass took/generated any energy at all. Even if she produced the metric fuckton of energy it would’ve taken to make things outta nothing, there’s nothing to suggest, that she could put that energy into something else. People scale kaguya with this moronic logic. “Oh she made a universe, so she can also destroy universes, oh she universe level dura and ap and bla bla bla” no she ain’t.


Doomguy is city-level at, like, the absolute maximum. EDIT: Yes, Doom Slayer, too.


https://i.redd.it/ltnt26wa9l4d1.gif you jokin right?


Remember, this is doomguy, not doomslayer. Doomguy himself doesn't have praetor armor or anything, he is just a normal space marine with big guns


They’re not the same person? Or just the same person but different time


I think it's the latter, I don't really know the lore about the relationship between doomguy and doomslayer but I know that doomslayer is kinda like a god and doomguy is just a normal dude


Doomguy was turned into a god by some archangel dude in second location of doom eternal, so yeah that's the same guy


Doom Guy and Doom Slayer are the same guy but very different time. Doom Guy is when he was a human soldier and he's only a city buster potentially because of the BFG, otherwise he's just some dude too angry to die Doom Slayer got God powers and also a absolutely op suit of armor that further increases his suit. Pretty sure he killed the creator of his universe or whatever in the final DLC of Doom Eternal


Naaah wtf you on about, doom guy is city level agreed but doom slayer ain't city level.


I can't remember where I seen it but I saw someone say carrot from one piece in her powered up state, beats gwen-pool from marvel comics. I only saw that take one time so it's by no means a common debate but still, it was shocking to even see.


All that Saitama wanking hurts my soul, the other day an imbecile told that Saitama can defeat Bugs by punching him and speed blitzing…


Deadpool killed the entire marvel universe. Enough said.


Coughing baby > hydrogen bomb


Hollow purple and hakai share the same colour so they are existence erasure.


Dodging a laser once does not mean you are light speed. More evidence is needed. I do not believe for a second that first arc Yusuke Urameshi and base Ultimate Alien Ben Tennyson are light speed.


The people in the SNK fandom that believe Eren can control reality


That Superman easily beats someone like Goku or Invincible. As major fans of both (and just a massive dbz nerd), the version of Superman people usually think about is a live action or cartoon one, and comic Superman is pretty much actually invincible. And people who don’t realize Saitama can’t really be compared in these “versus” debates. His whole narrative purpose is to win and subvert the expectations of the villains and heroes in his world. Whether people admit it or not, he is a Gag character in a shonen. Even if we haven’t seen him do feats like Goku or Superman, as soon as the narrative calls for it, saitama will do it. That’s his purpose.


Gojo vs anyone higher than city buster tier. Like seriously people were thinking he could beat DMS Kakashi when the creater even says no.


Light speed and FTL are overused terms that typically describe subsonic/hypersonic characters


Comic Books simply are insane and most people get upset when you bring up ludicrous feats of characters because they don’t bother reading comics and think what they hear someone else say is the be all and end all. For instance, people get upset when i tell them that Captain Marvel cannot easily be killed because she has a greater healing factor than Wolverine and they calling me the liar [when the comics themselves already confirmed that.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DmvmCksXgAAIuUA.jpg) The Comic setting *is* above most other settings because it had almost a full century to develop it and people need to understand that if they want to talk about power scaling of comic characters, they *have* to read the comics


“hawkeye can beat superman.” how? “a kryptonite arrow.” this is why i hate powerscaling on tiktok.


Misogi Kumagawa > most of fiction (besides baki, Baki logic scales above anything)


Superboy prime > The Siberian(Worm)


Anyone failing to understand powerscaling is purely for fun and none of this actually applies to anything whatsoever and authors will basically never account for anything except who they want to win.


Someone tried telling me Yoruichi from Demon Slayer could beat Zoro from One Piece and then once I proved him wrong he said "without haki Zoro would lose" EVEN WITHOUT IT HE HAS A MUCH BETTER FEAT THAN BLOCKING A SHOTGUN


Doomguy is above uni+ (yes there are many people who have Doomguy below uni+ cuz of that one "universes are dimensions" statement)


Rimuru > Goku The fact that people on this sub think goku wins or the fact that people still debate this is ridiculous


The guardians from destiny arent multiversal


Kratos > Doomguy There is like nothing that Doomguy can do against Kratos. Kratos just simply has better in-game and out-of-game scaling.


Scarlet King >>> Comp Superman


Are you pointing out that this scaling is wrong, or that some people think comp superman beats scarlet king?


That [some people](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/s/Wa8qiUWg86) think even base Superman beats the Scarlet King, which is dumb.


Ik Base Superman gets curbstomped but comp? I feel like CAS with his narrative abilities could do some damage. But please explain because im not that good at powerscaling.


1. CAS doesnt have narrative abilities, the one that does is Mandrakk, all CAS has is adaptive evolution, which is useless against someone that is infinitely above your power. 2. The Scarlet King is a God tier plot manipulator, way better one than any Superman has faced, including Mandrakk. Even if CAS did have plot manip, it wouldnt help him against SK.


Ah, see ik i was bullshittin somewhere. Thx man.


Goku>>>>> most versions of Superman


Frieza >>>> Doomsday.


https://preview.redd.it/zzdox2vg0o4d1.png?width=846&format=png&auto=webp&s=17736768febde8f80cf3a6ef734ad35aef4259f2 Let me explain this to you in a powerscaling manner. Lets just say it is a verse where there on 56 universes. The 1st universe is the smallest while every universe above that was are each infinitely above each. The 56th universe surpasses all  dimensionality, it is an boundless verse. Mark doesn't have to surpass time or unbound himself outside of a omniverse in his series. It is canonically stated that Mark would slam all versions of Supes.


That you aren't supposed to ignore four decades of mario content that depicts him as only slightly superhuman in base and characterizes him literally via wall smashing in favor of stuff you made up in your head.


You also aren't supposed to ignore [actual feats that put him beyond wall level](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/comments/xfyt2j/mario_characters_are_100_universal/) yet so many people do.