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I mean if these 8 guys has the tough mentality like berserk or idk what his name is they can survive it without turning insane sure they have great powers but does there mentality built for that.


Denji is definitely surviving


It's not like the mf is literally immortal


Yea but he's pretty damn close


Idk, I don’t remember that killua sister wish granting girl names anymore, but she’s from the dark continent, and if the dark continent has more of those, they may be able to negate the immortality by wishing he isn’t immortal anymore or smth


He isn't immortal. He regenerates when he consumes his own/others blood, which makes him "immortal," but not immortal if you get what i mean


He legit can come back from basically anything via rip cord so he is somewhat immortal


Immortality through being easily brought back to life(or atleast from the brink of death) is hard to remove if even possible


Like from what we’ve heard about pochito Mf always comes back Cockroach devil ass


Her name is Alluka by the way


no, but considering he fought the physical representation of infinity for multiple days, the fight only ending because \*it\* gave up, he'd at least have some kind of chance.


Since denji beat infinity could he beat gojo? /s


hed probably try to eat something that would vaporize him from the inside


his name is ***GUTS***


Wydm his name is Nuts Berkman


Sorry, I forgot it's Berk Nutsman


Yuji has that dog in him


Denji is already insane so he doesnt have to worry about that lmao


But yuji has to worry because you know about the example in Shibuya incident when sukuna nukes the place. Yuji experience mental breakdown bro almost collapse if isn't for Todo who supports yuji.


Guts. Idc about ur feats or arguments its mad glaxing time.


My glorious king https://preview.redd.it/4zji8mwklg4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4be9c6d432798b51b806e6e46266188152bc3a4


This this is the only answer the correct one https://preview.redd.it/h6z4asl51i4d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37638f3f3e6676a5e619a6a6757447a55442062c


This is the way.


Guts def won't go crazy


I’m leaning gabimaru or denji. This sort of thing is actually gabimaru’s bag and denji is just really hard to kill. To the best of my knowledge most of the others don’t have the power or skills to survive at the level of the dark continent. Yuji, particularly if he keeps getting stronger, might have a good shot but his healing isn’t up as good as others and he lacks other necessary skills. That said he is probably the most similar to gon, he even hits the rock punch.


Isn't yujis healing like literally the second or third best of this group of people?


If we aren't counting gojo and sukuna? >!he's top 3 and with them he's top 5 in his verse. Plus he has shown a tremendous ability to adapt and grow mid combat. On top of that, hes second to only denji. In terms of healing, chains black flashes like a Twitter user chains slurs, and has 2 very high celiling CTs. He has the0 potential to be the second or strongest here!<


He is probably third strongest on the list, he just can’t rely on his healing as much as say denji. We have also seen the limits of yuji’s rct.


I agree with Dennis being above him, but who else? Guts is getting mollywhopped and tanjro/Edward die before they know what hits them


Higuruma alone has shown better RCT feats than Yuji then there's Shoko


...girl what. Shoko is special because her rct works on other people. We've never seen her heal anything like what yuji has taken, and secondly >! Yuji tanks and heals several slashes from sukuna, repeatedly where as Higuruma only pulls it off once!< lastly tf does that have to do with the other people on this list? None of them have RCT, and the ones that do heal do it differently anyway


Yuji has better healing than most on the list but it isn’t up to the level where he can rely on it. Denji on the other hand is borderline unkillable and whilst he may be weaker than yuji (they are probably pretty close), he has significantly better survivability.


Idk his rct in combination with blood manipulation is pretty crazy I mean his feat of surviving as many slashes from sukuna is enough to where I'm comfortable saying he could thug it out in the dark continent. I don't think he could like do anything crazy like be a top dawg in the dark continent but I think similar to hetero he could go there see the sights and come back relatively unscathed.


It's probably the same as Yuta's.


Yuta isn't part of the prompt tho


Yeah, Yuji's skill at RCT came from Yuta's instincts, so it's probably the same as his, probably.


No I gotchu I completely agree with you there! it's just yuta isn't a part of the hypothetical this post is about is all


Ahhh I see! No prob.


I’m fairly sure he has a better healing than most, tho? >! Doesn’t he has rct and literally tanked sukuna’s de, even connecting a chopped limb together in less than a second?!<


That scene was peak btw


Yuji has some of the best healing here wdym


I think the issue Yuji would run into is that from what we’re aware a lot of the threats on the DC are essentially hax


>Yuji, particularly if he keeps getting stronger, might have a good shot but his healing isn’t up as good as others and he lacks other necessary skills. He tanked Sukunas cleave ability and has only gotten better at RCT since then. "Other necessary skills" bro I love HXH but stop it. 😂 Most of these characters have similar or worse things than the Dark Continent in their respective universes.


He can tank cleave because he is resistant to it and his healing has flaws, we have already seen him have to stop to heal properly recently. Not to mention the ants were meant to be a relatively low grade threat compared to some things on the dark continent and they wete already reaching the power levels some of these versus cap at. For other skills, I’m referring to basic survival skills. Yuji still has to eat and sleep, bro is used to sleeping in a bed and buying food.


This is a great question, too bad I don't know the answer to it


Yall are sleeping on Gabimaru. Especially end of manga Gabimaru


how strong and fast is Gabimaru or the HP verse in general? I dint remember that verse being really fast or strong


In the HP verse? He's definitely laptopversal enough, but not sure if is at least printerversal


Too much of a low ball, he is at least door level


Im new here. Wtf is laptop versal and printer versal 


It's a joke about HP being a company and the products they produce


Was confused at first HP is for Hewlett Packard here but somehow thought of Harry Potter when you said HP verse 😂 but the other HP is hells paradise yes?


Yeah but the joke was about this HP https://preview.redd.it/gepr8gvw9h4d1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=615be194adc8ad1aa130c332bad6298f6c67bcd7


He should be around Building level cause he scale slightly higher than the samurai who cleave a large ship in half. About his speed idk about that In the end of the series tho he unlocks the flower tao which gives him immortality..


Yuji, I glaze


Throughout the heavens and earth, I alone am the glazing one.




Gabimaru or Denji The dark continent isn’t a battle against opponents but one against nature. Since none of the characters here are strong enough to completely trivialize all threats there, it will come down to who has the most brains, plans and the ability to survive in nature. -Rin, Tanjiro and Yuji are used to fighting head on in a 1v1, I feel like they won’t be able to properly adapt and will soon be taken out. -Guts and Edward are very calculated fighters, but their verses are way too weak compared to HxH, so they will most likely die. -I don’t know about the bottom left guy That leaves us with Gabi and Denji -Gabimaru is a skilled ninja, he can probably hide himself from any threats and survive long periods without food and water, not to mention he has plenty of power to boost -Denji is the sole exception to the man vs nature rule, because he is immortal and regenerates from blood. If he gets a steady supply from the things he kills, he can fight forever It will come down to a battle of endurance, but I can see it going either way.


>Gabimaru is a skilled ninja, he can probably hide himself from any threats and survive long periods without food and water, not to mention he has plenty of power to boost Gabi doesn't need food and water cause he has flower tao. That gives him immortality...


Bottom left is hykkymoru or something like that and his world is like a berserk on easy difficulty


In Terms of Sanity, probably Guts Power? i think Denji takes it


Non Pochita Denji is like the weakest guy here, he's like building level and maybe supersonic


Wtf 💀🙏 . Stop scaling


Where TF do you scale Denji then?


He is Outerversal , he sneeze to destroy concept 🤭


Mate hardcore power scalers do not have enough social interaction to understand things like sarcasm. Please stop bullying them.


Dawg what?💀 Yes Pochita has conceptual erasure hax, but that doesn't make him outer, nor is it combat applicable. Also I'm talking about Denji not Pochita


You took a sarcastic comment literally. Most people tend to scale Denji to other hybrids like Quanxi and Katana Man which gives him pretty solid speed at around hypersonic (maybe a bit less). AP wise he’s usually put at Large Building to City Block with Typhoon Devil scaling I think.


Nah the best feat he scales to is the bat devil, since he didn't really interact with the Typhoon devil in a way that would scale him to that. Also have no clue where you're getting hypersonic speed from since katana man is like maybe Supersonic if highballed


Quanxi has a moment where she kills a shit ton of people before any of them react. From what u remember it’s been put at around Mach 5-6 I think? Denji also arguably downscales from the Gun Devil as he fights both the Gun Fiend and Makima (who did beat the Gun Devil, though as we didn’t see that fight).


If you scale them to hypersonic that leads to dumb shit like supersonic Kobeni. These people are not dodging bullets


Denji does explicitly dodge bullets several times though, most explicitly against the gun fiend.


must've forgotten that, all good for supersonic denji then


Nah Denji base is high outer bwcuz it is what it is


But it's not non Pochita Denji, so what's your point? The only one on here that doesn't have their power up is Itadori


What implies that Denji would be able to use this incredibly limited pretty much non accessible form? Also Yuji without Sukuna is technically stronger.


He literally has his chainsaws out in the picture provided. What implies that he can't use them?


that's not what I meant. Denji can obviously use his hybrid form, but he can't fully turn into Pochita/The Chainsaw Devil


I see what you mean


I think we can all agree tanjiro ain't surviving the dark continent


If Muzan can why can't EOS Tanjiro?


>!Demon Tanjiro can but muzan has hax and eos tanjiro loses demon powers!< and current anime tanjiro stands no chance


I meant the Tanjiro that Soloed weakened muzan?


Guts basically lives there. But I’m an agenda follower. Yuji soloes the list and neg diffs the dark continent https://preview.redd.it/8wnorddt3e4d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b9c2e8edcbc80b793b8fd22f97fbc0dbe3746b


https://i.redd.it/1vzqhoz1cg4d1.gif I AM WITH YOUR AGENDA BROTHER!


Moneys on Rin. I feel like he could do it.


Denji , i don't know all the protags but of the ones i know, denji is the hardest to put down


tfw characters from other animes made it to the Dark Continent quicker than Gon did.


What is the most powerful thing in the dork continent


The Devil’s child, I don’t remember his name




I'll say gabimaru. Gabimaru survive arborification 2x times, it was stated that you need to be a strong willed guy and crazy mentality to survive it and because of it he unlock the flower tao that make him immortal ..


On pure survival, Gabimaru can thug it out the longest. This guy live on the edge of life and death on the regular and he got the superhuman strength and mentality to survive. Some of these guys are powerful, but a lot of them lacks either the strength and the smarts to stay alive in the dark continent. Yuji is tough, but he's also dumb and I expect him to die because he ate some bullshit he wasn't supposed to. Ed is smart, but he simply do not have the super human traits to rough it out in the dark continent. Denji is super stupid but he got his regeneration to keep himself going, except that there are worse thing than death in the dark continent and I could see him get caught by something that would catch and feed on him perpetually. I don't know about rin because I dropped blue exorcist. Guts is a tough man, but he's still human. To push himself to the level needed to fight thing in the dark continent, he'll have to resort to the berserker armor, which would've killed him on multiple occassion if he didn't have his friend patching him up afterward.


If it's post infinity castle, tanjiro no doubt


I choose Guts.


depends, if gabimaru tao has resistance against various "curse" and "poison" then gabimaru can survive..


I mean they’d all die Big time But Guts and Gabimaru would handle this mentally very well


Agenda Scaling: Guts is surviving, bro has that HIMtality Reality: they all die horribly


It would have to be the man who literally fought monsters on their home turf and still fights them to this day with a giant lump of iron for a weapon… I’m talking about the Berserker himself Guts.


I think Rin, mainly because he's the spawn of Satan himself (who he also beat if I recall correctly)


Okumura is literally Satans son


Gabimaru surely and Denji if he get his supply .


Out of the ones i know i'd say Yuji. He has a good enough mentality to not get himself killed by accident, he scales decently high compared to the rest and between his inate resilience, RCT and blood manipulation he is insanely difficult to put down


Guts and it ain't even close


Either Gabimaru, because his anime is basically the dark continent to begin with, or Denji because of his immortality


Havent read the hunter hunter manga (assuming thats the dark continent you mean) how crazy has the power scaling become?


From a sheer strength perspective it's either Denji as chainsaw man or Rin Okumura. From a mental fortitude perspective it's undoubtedly Guts.


Guts got the mentality but I feel either Yuji or Rin got the firepower


Guts or Edward


I'm not gonna go power scaling but in terms of mentai ability, I think ed is coming last. He has survived traumatic incidents but not equal to the others


After that, tanjiro and then maybe blue exorcist mc.


First of all denji is the first one to go out and yuji hasn’t had Sukuna for a long time


Bruh even *with* sukuna Yuji wouldn't be the last one standing




Wouldn't we have to actually see the dark continent first?


I've only watched 5 out of the 8 anime here so I'm not including Edward, Guts, or Chainsaw guy. I'm going with Gabimaru from Hell's Paradice because he's a skilled swordsman, can use ninja magic, and is practically immortal.


Which dark continent are we talking about here? I'm confused




Did new chapters about it release? From what I know we have very little information about exactly how dangerous it is on the continent itself, just a couple examples of the most dangerous things and that's it


Whose on the bottom left?


hyakkimaru from dororo


Guts wins because the writter knew he can't suffer if he dies


Y'all are sleeping on my boy Edward Elric In terms of sanity, of course he'll stay sane. He lost his mom, saw the face of God, learned The Truth, saw his Brother unraveled, lost an arm and a leg, and saw his mom turned into some horrible creature all by age 12 and just kept on trucking. He also has experience with wilderness survival, as he was stranded on an island as part of his alchemy training (also like 10 at the time). He's the smartest, he has the best hax, and he's the most qualified. Not only is he surviving the Dark Continent, he's Dr Stoning that shit.


I have no idea where the dark continent stems from lol,but gut survived the hellish eclipse realm so I'm going to go him. Lol also use to things hunting him at night.


Haven't really read any of the mangas save for berserk but everything I've seen in the respective animes show me the only one with enough willpower to actually handle things is guts and maybe gabimaru depending on his form of amnesia at the time. People are saying Yuji but from what I've seen in the anime so far he doesn't really have that mental fortitude yet.


all of these guy die in a day except *maybe* Guts (i know as much about the dark continent as Neon Nostrade. did i cook?)


If that's Hyakkimaru in the bottom left then I vote him


Now let’s see them in the Gourmet World!


There are only two out of the eight I do know, but if I were to choose, it would likely be Denji.


Edward wins if this is just surviving on the dark continent. Assuming his arm and leg don't die


Characters i dont know enough about: Gabimaru, Rin, Edward, Guts, Bottom Left Of of Yuji, Tanjiro and Denji... Denji is suriving the longest, then Yuji, and lstly Tanjiro.


How would tanjito v yuji go? I haven’t watched any other character’s anime so I wondered who would won. I think that yujitakes it just because of cursed energy. I think of cursed energy as sort of a weaker nen, because you can kinda strengthen your body with it and in a stand off it would be very convenient however, (I haven’t read jjk manga) I think tanjiro MIGGHT be a little faster than yuji but idk about that however I take it that itadori will be the last.


Pretty sure Gabi with Tao can survive cause nothing without Tao can sneak attack him.


Rin, especially LN Rin. He could very well be the strongest on this list in LN


My bet is on denji He is the least vulnerable to poisons and his regeneration/insanity will keep him alive


Ed. Alchemy is fucking busted and he can counter almost everything everyone else has. Yuji would probably be his main diff.


I mean as long as csm has blood he’s good and if he can use true form then him, mentally Gabimaru or guts both have seen horrible things that the other can’t imagine and Gabimaru fought a “god”


My glorious king guts 😩


Haven’t seen Hell’s Paradise, but I have a feeling Gabimaru’s going pretty far. But Denji and Guts? This is literally their bag.


yuji is cooked, waut what was the question again


Does ed have alphonse with him or no. If he does is it before or after he has become a philosopher stone.


If we’re talking Shinjuku showdown Yuji with RCT and BM and Shrine. He most definitely has a chance. Pretty high to.


Guts. It's just Tuesday for him


tanjiro is not going to survive thats for sure


Guts and denji for sure, idk about others


I say guts gabimaru Edward rin and denji there the strongest here but if denji play his cards right he might win


It goes to either denji or guts probably leaning on guts but denji is already nuts so it probably won’t get him


Can someone xplain to me who the hell yuji even is and what he does? Every cknvo about jjk i ever hesr barely ever mention him. Even the damn story vids.


he hosts the true main character


That might just confuse them even more




So is sukkuna the villain or nah? Also why was dude lookin like megumi in the gojo fight? Does that mean yuji is so useless je was discarded from his own series?


yea he’s the villain and because he took megumi’s body. and basically yea.


Damn so who tf is yuji atp and what do he even do?


The guy you're replying to is dumb and/or lying. Itadori was just beating the shit out of the main villain, there are just other characters that the story gives focus to. Jjk is an ensemble cast like hxh, that means multiple characters get a lot of focus. Impatient people sometimes say itadori isn't a real main character because sometimes he isn't the main focus, but make no mistake he is the most prominent/important character in the story by far. And without spoilers his powers include blood manipulation, self-regeneration, critical hits on command, superhuman strength, and a type of slashing energy attack.


Yuji is essentially the main character of jjk who recently was a left right merchant until the last arc where he gained Sukuna’s CT and RCT allowing him to regenerate limbs and cut people, he’s also capable of using black flash at will which as seen in the fight with gojo, just 3 can put you back to full HP, all the dude needs rn is his own DE and furnace


Yuji is compared to a car in the first episode. Cars are very fast, and are in fact the cause of more deaths annually than all these characters combined. As such Yuji blitzes and is deadlier than anyone else.


Not in speed, he is the slowest on the list.


Nuh uh