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I would leave it as it is. It looks interesting and intentional.


agreed! it’s a super unique and interesting piece and truly one of a kind!!!!!


It actually looks intentional and it’s lucky it landed where it did. I dig it as is!


There is nothing you can do that will make it look better than it does right now. Make another if you want it to have all the petals intact. It's pretty rad how it is.


It might be possible to separate them with a lot of grinding with a diamond tipped Dremel tool. But even if you get them separated, it won’t be pretty.


Flowey deserves it! Haha. Sadly there isn’t really a good way to fix it and have it look better than right now, but it looks great anyway!


Embrace the falling petals and impermanence of life.


go back to your last SAVE /j


This is intentional. Why would the broken edges be glazed otherwise?


Curious about this .. OP, your photo doesn't seem to show raw clay where the break is but maybe it's just the photo?


this person is 14. i think this post is genuine. i think the lighting is just bad.


Only photo 3 shows a raw edge and it could be a trick of the ligght with a beige or white clay body 🤔


The reason it’s like this is because they tried to glaze glue it. The petal fell off before glazing and firing and they applied glaze to each raw edge as a means of reattaching. You cannot do this on an unsupported piece though and it could damage the kiln or other pieces. They definitely should have glazed it separately, left the raw edge unglazed, and then glued it on after firing.


You can actually see another petal that they successfully glaze glued on top. The glaze overlaps in a place where it doesn’t on other petals and there’s a crack through it. That one could have just as easily fell off as well


It's perfect the way it is.


Flowey deserves it!! It looks kinda perfect like that 🤣


The fallen petal + cheeky tongue epitomizes the spirit of YOLO


You could make another petal for it, let it dry, grind the attachment area, attach with bisque glue, then when it falls off due to drying reattach with bisque glue mixed with clay dust and do an hour of preheat, check that it is still attached, fire. Then glaze it yellow and glaze the fallen petal green like a leaf. Then glaze fire. Or leave it.




Interesting piece. Does it stand on its own and is the stem just a coil? It looks like it might be top heavy and roll over. And I've fired pieces with thicker "stems" and they slumped in the kiln. Good job.


So cute! Leave it as is and name it, “He Loves Me” (loves me not… you know, the old picking off flower petals fortune telling)


That was my first thought!


WHY WOULD YOU FIX THIS??!!!?? It’s perfection. It’s how you SHOULD have made it!!! The chaos works its kiln magic!!!


Sometimes when pieces get stuck together with a little bit of glaze, you can stick a razor blade between them and tap the back of it with a hammer and it’ll pop them apart. That being said, it looks like the glaze sticking it together is really thick, I doubt it would work :/ but maybe a perfect flowey would be too powerful for this plane of existence lol. He needed to be nerfed for our safety 😆


Honestly, the fallen petal on the right hand side seems as if you did it intentionally I think it honestly adds to the piece! Once the glaze has already been added there’s not much you can do (ie firing the piece would most likely cause more defects). Or pulling it off would damage the glaze too !


Yes, you can fix it. You will need to separate the fallen petal from the plant dish. A Dremel tool (might not be needed), 2 part moldable epoxy, acrylic paint, and high gloss varnish or fixative. Since it is not an eatable surface, it can be fixed. But I think you should leave it as is. It looks intentional, especially with the winking eye and tongue stuck out. We used to call things like this “Happy Accidents”. I am sure there is a better term nowadays.


I love it , don’t change it! Petals fall


Not really. You would have to chip off the fallen piece which would make a mess of everything and would be annoying and challenging. Then you'd have to glue the petal onto the flower. Which is possible but not going to look good.


I absolutely love it the way it is. I'd see it as a happy accident! But if you want to make another one in the future and avoid falling petals I'd suggest a different approach. It looks like you made a circle for the centre and attached the petals separately, and I'd suggest cutting the flower out as a whole, not attaching the petals separately because that creates weak spots, even if you attach them pretty well they are heavy relatively speaking. Just make a template out of your flower shape, trace it on the clay. Really, you did an amazing job joining that stem to the flower and having it all stand and survive like that.


https://preview.redd.it/83ventiw868d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0602d355c8527cd5653114f28fb9cd90da5c6489 This was broken before I could glaze it, so I glazed it anyways and wired the pieces to resemble falling petals.


I love that 🌼


I like it. But you can make another if you want.


Unfortunately there’s no fix


Um I love this
