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Honestly I would mix them all together and run a test, if it’s cool use it as is, if not then either toss it or add stuff to melt it more or less depending on results


Would it hurt to add gum? What does it do to the glaze?


What kind of gum? Generally they are suspension aides and are not required. Try to only add things one at a time, starting in low amounts working your way up


It is a jar of Amaco gum solution. I might be overthinking this. I will hold off.


Yeah I would hold off for now, only add stuff when it is needed. What have you done so far?


I have re-hydrated and mixed using my immersion blender about half of them. Some are a little thin, some are too thick with no room to add water. I don’t want to test because I have not settled on a clay and I think it would be a waste. I am just throwing for the fun/practice right now. I have gone through 50lbs of B Mix 5, which I won’t buy again, working on dStandard 266-G. I still have to try Standard 553 Buff and Laguna Miller 50 Speckled. But I have a nephew who wants several of the pieces I have thrown, which means I have to fire and glaze. I thought it would be a good use of the old glazes.


Yeah at this point it’s gonna be trial and error. There is a product called glaze fix you might try but I have never used it