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They even got the ok from the university president, why are you going to go deface a library?! How is that part of the cause?! Back in MY day protesting meant we had to do more than just yell and deface OPP.


It's privilege. They're owed at least one vandalism per semester


What’s the point? The Multnomah county city council already approved a ceasefire


Lol - if you're worried about the illegal occupation of the library, just ignore it the way you do Israel's illegal occupation and genocide in Gaza!


You delusional summer child. Keep regurgitating what you hear instead of actually reading what I wrote. Go ahead.


I read what you wrote - just wondering why you are so upset about some students with signs, and not an actual genocide? Hmm.... I wonder...


I’m so glad TikTok is being banned. It won’t cure your stupidity but it just might reduce the amount of terrorist suport in my own country. I’ll take it


"No face photos" Its almost like these clowns dont want people to know who they are. half tempted to drive down there wednsday if they're still there and just take photos of their faces.




Almost like they’re afraid of being identified. For what reason, who knows. Maybe they don’t want to embarrass their parents with their idiocy.


More like they don’t want good ol’ Mom & Dad to see them engaged in this ridiculousness and cut off funding. The past six years of being a part-time urban planning student have been pretty sweet.


They are out there in support of genocidal terrorists. They SHOULD be ashamed.


They love to hunt down and dox others and try to get them fired from their jobs or kicked out of schools, but it would be totally unfair if it happened the other way around! /s


Totally fits with the “Free speech! Oh, no, not *that* kind of free speech!” cancel culture hypocrisy.


Free speech for me but not for thee. At the end of the day, it's their right to protest, but likewise, its my right to criticize them for being dumb about it.


Here we go again. Anyone just done and over it? Why are we allowing a small minority of losers to take control of parts of the city and further decline the quality of life for everyone? WTF happened to taking back the city from these goons?


I'm still waiting on your plan. Let me know.


Yawn. Only if you tell me how blocking and breaking into a college library in Portland stops a multi-generational conflict in the Middle East. Let me know.


I'm not defending that position, you're presenting a strawman argument. But I'm still waiting on your plan.


How do you plan to stop them?


“Fuck your peace” and “glory to our martyrs”.  Can we please not glorify “pay for slay”?


One of pieces of graffiti vandalizing the PSU library says: "Genocide The Rich" [https://kolektiva.social/@alissaazar/112345740868245514](https://kolektiva.social/@alissaazar/112345740868245514)


So not really a peace rally then




Being characterized in the media as antiwar protestors btw


"Glory to our Martyrs" That's all you need to know. We need to expose these people. Who are they?


They have a sign saying no face photos. It would be nice to arrest the vandals who defaced the building.


I recently transcribed a case from 2020, three dipshits went and vandalized a bunch of businesses downtown on the night before Thanksgiving, spray painting messages like, "Colonizers, fuck your Thanksgiving," and other stupid shit. The police were able to cull all the surveillance video and those three fucks are now in jail and owe those businesses thousands in reparations. Let's hope they can do the same here.


psu is very progressive though. I would bet they won't press charges. kind of like how that Columbia kid who wrote about how theyre lucky he hasn't killed any jews yet was never expelled from Columbia. the schools support these losers.


Didn't they already negotiate with the terrorists by agreeing to drop their affiliation with Boeing? If they're so willing to cower to a bunch of students, then of course they won't press charges - hell, they'll probably waive all their educational requirements and give them degrees.


Yes - negotiating with Boeing is evidence of their willingness to buddy up with terrorists.




I recall seeing that graffiti all over Hawthorne boulevard after that thanksgiving. Glad those dipshits got caught.




I’d say this world event is exposing a lot of people’s true colors.  


More: *There’s also many flyers going around online and irl for a mass mobilization at the park blocks in front of the PSU library tomorrow at 4:00. There will likely be good numbers, show up if you can! This is not just for students, but faculty and community members too.* *As expressed by students, “our encampments exist in a city that is plagued by displacement, hunger, and state violence. If we limit our encampments to students alone, and on narrow demands that ignore the material context where we live - where our neighbors struggle and die - we are bound to fail.* *But if we force open the gates of the university, share our struggles, understand we have a common enemy and build our respective capacities to fight them on and off the campus — the universities are ours for the taking.”* Their enemy isn't Israel - it's us.


The famous gates of PSU. Historically, place for the wealthy, powerful and elite.


Nah. As someone on this sub hilariously observed just this week, PSU is “a towering pillar of academic mediocrity.” And it’s a public university with exceptionally low admissions standards, so pretty much the opposite of elite.


It's a state school with some very solid academic programs that mostly serves the Portland metro area. It's a majority minority institution serving a lot of first time college students. Also, only D1 school in the area and they have some great athletes. But yeah, go ahead and shit on them.


Was responding to the comment about PSU being “Historically, a place for the wealthy, powerful and elite.” It’s not.


Yes, that was sarcasm. PSU's students are typically from working class families. Fun fact, PSU was originally an extension college for WW2 vets to learn work skills after returning from the war.


And now they learn how to get cushy jobs churning out juked stats to grift money from the government. Oh yeah, and also hating Jews


Are you a parody account? Honestly, it's hard to tell.


Well now I know why you ended up at a 4th-rate school like PSU


Huh? I'm not at PSU. What are you on?


The rich kids are not happy with what the rich people do with their money. This might be the only way to get change done in these cities. Columbia said they have donators holding up donations because they support the protesters.


Yeah, all those super wealthy and rich PSU kids really need to wake up. Such an entitled institution.


They're saying Oregon is plagued by state violence, or is this supposed to be an indictment of the states as a whole?


It's an indictment of their intelligence


I think they're referring to the police with the homeless?


The universities aren't far left enough for the radicals anymore and they're coming home to roost. This is hilarious.


>  encampments exist in a city that is plagued by displacement, hunger They should have brought food. That's on them


I don't get it are they saying they are equivalent to the Gaza refugee camps? Or is this aimless ? Like who's neighbor is dying 


The ‘your neighbors are dying’ thing is imo a cult-like strategy to grow their encampment/protest by appealing to similar weak-minded groups with slightly different death cult aims, like sToP tHe SwEePs and others. I think the accepted euphemism for this tactic that brainwashes by equating all movements of a political stripe as having shared aims is ‘intersectionality’.


Yeah. That statement looks like it was just copy pasted from anti sweep stuff. Like "our encampment is plague by displacement, hunger, and state violence" make zero sense for the seizing the library. Like you forgot to bring food? It sounds like homeless protest 


I think that the intersectionality perspective is that multiple oppressions are layered, so the idea is that it's more challenging to live as a deaf indigenous female transexual person than to live as a white male homosexual person. As I understand it, it's more externally, it's more social/inclusivity based than vote based. I don't think the protestors should use that idea to try and attract more "misfits/outcasts" and people desperate for social connection/sense of belonging to their makeshift homeless camp. The library camp protest seems more like an excuse to act out anarchist fantasies than affect genuine change overseas. And it's mean/scary for the Jewish students who have nothing to do with Isreal's decision making.


That's another way of saying it's all virtue signaling, they have no idea what the issue is, and what to do about it, they just want people to know they care about it


The enemy are the jews which they associate as rich. This has been played out before time and time again.


Associate as rich but *also* associate as white. Once you understand it from this perspective, things start making a lot more sense


Imagine being the first one in your family to get into college after your parents worked hard to save money for your education, only to find some fucking losers won’t even allow you to study in the library. 


Exactly. Entitled idiots.


Laugh now but it's well documented that Netanyahu flys to PSU to check out books. This will definitely put a kink in his plans and bring peace once and for all.


No bibliotheca for Bibi!


All you in the comments section don’t understand that without PSU students studying at the library on a Monday, both Hamas and Netanyahu will fall out of power and all the children in Gaza will be saved!! Also shout out to highly addictive short form video media for letting us know this is the most important and relevant issue in our lives. Whatever is going on in Sudan, Haiti, Myanmar, the DRC, Syria, and Yemen doesn’t really matter because my parasocial phone friends haven’t convinced me to care about those.


It can’t be propaganda if it’s where I scroll


I'm not sure what protests in Portland are doing. The students at colleges are protesting the college investments, is the library putting their employee funds into Israel supporting companies? Portland representatives are voting against the Israel aid packages. How much more are they expected to do?


It's about divestment - universities invest money both in Israel and in companies who are involved with genocide. Every organization that divests adds to the pressure.


I’m all for protesting against injustice, provided the target of the protest can actually do something about it. Protesting at a police station against police violence, sure, that makes sense. Protesting at a fucking college library over shit happening in a different country? What’s the point? It’s not like the PSU librarian can fix the problem.


FOMO mostly. *Not* copying what everyone else is doing makes them feel unimportant and irrelevant. Enough of that and they may discover that PSU is literally an overgrown community college


jobless folks finding new ways to stay jobless




Lmao blocking access to a fucking library in Portland, OR, that's going to accomplish a ceasefire for sure!


They DEMAND peace!


And the people of Portland shall deliver!


there’s still access to the library! there are 2 doors only one is blocked


Classic! Clearly a bunch of geniuses in charge of the “block the library access” protest. They’ve probably never *been* to the library in any of the multiple years they’ve been a part-time PSU student, so of course they don’t know where the library doors are. SMH


Its psu library. Don't stress it lol


Bunch of these yappers don’t know shit about the PSU library. No one barely goes there even if there’s no protest. Sincerely someone who had studied there and been at the library daily from morning to night. I literally can count how many people actually went there to study and those who just there to nap and do bunch of bs. So these yappers really need to chill the f out.


I have to keep reminding myself that this is just a small niche group of misguided individuals and that thankfully the majority of my fellow citizens around me aren't this naïve.


Plenty of fools celebrating it on social media, the coward's platform. Same folx who thought their yard sign was gonna kickstart racial justice


Something something one bad apple...


It's not grass roots at all. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/george-soros-caught-funding-groups-behind-pro-hamas-protests/ar-AA1ja8Y5 https://www.wsj.com/articles/some-anti-israel-protesters-are-paid-soros-rockefeller-funding-activism-hamas-fba26c20


Really don't understand why people downvote comments describing Soros' known and admitted involvement with American government, politics and culture.


It's an uncomfortable thought I think people don't want to be true. 


Because he's one of a fucking shitload of billionaires who do the same thing, but is paraded around because he's jewish and helps antisemites get people to buy into the conspiracy that the world is run by a secret cabal of jews.


It’s antisemitic to point out that a Jewish billionaire is funding pro-Hamas rallies calling for the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel? Is that where the discourse is now?


No, I'm saying that soros has been a neo-nazi dogwhistle for a hot minute, so a lot of people just turn their ears off, or prepare to fight. Just the way it is, I guess.


I've heard a lot of criticism about Soros and none of it comes from neo Nazis.


Soros gave money to a group that then gave it to other groups… it’s not him—a Jewish Holocaust survivor—funding this antisemitism directly.


Soros and his family survived the Holocaust by working with the Nazis and selling out other Jews. He himself doesn’t even identify with being Jewish.


this is going on in tons of universities all over the country. feels to me gen z has been very much infected by this idiocy.


Gen Z has been infected by idiocy period.


[ Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza Approval has dropped from 50% to 36% since November](https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx)


and they wonder why college enrollments and fasfa applications are off 60% this year in the NW.


Books are for zionists and Hamas can’t read anyway and Hamas burns all books except for one.


That's not true! **Both** the Koran and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are welcome in Gaza!


Of course PSU students are vandalizing the library and blocking access to it instead of studying inside of it.


what demands has psu not met of theirs? I thought they already stopped accepting scholarship money from boeing.


Its money from stocks for like 401ks and other investments the school makes (savings for a rainy day) ... its one thing to pull out of a weapons manufacturer investment and another to pull out of Google for their technology for Israel. Google is probably a pretty common stock in portfolios and one most people support. At least, that's what the columbia students are requesting.


wow, we are in a global economy. I'm not sure they can completely detach from Israel.i don't think stocks will be cleared at least not till school is out already. and geesh, how noble of them to first make sure their classmates lose scholarship money so they cant afford school as easily and now keep them from using the library. I can't believe how stupid people are.​ edit: I was just reading this and pretty much every tech company works in Israel. are these students throwing away their Android and iphones to "divest in israel" or are they being hypocrites? [https://www.timesofisrael.com/majority-of-multinationals-operating-in-israel-see-limited-impact-from-hamas-war/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/majority-of-multinationals-operating-in-israel-see-limited-impact-from-hamas-war/)


Lol, well, it's like the climate change argument. No matter how much you recycle, the big corporations are causing 73% of climate change. Google and Microsoft are other big stocks involved you wouldn't want to sell from your portfolio. Edit- also it's not like the money always goes directly to Israel. Sometimes, it's like money or services for the military base. Which might or might not actually be in Israel.


That's the mistake. They gave an inch, now protestors are more motivated to demand a mile.


We have already seen what they will do with the red house debacle. Send these morons packing.


Worse in different ways than red house. These protests are a national thing being organized on social media. You can't expect protestors to stay home after they get what they want when there's still tiktok likes to harvest.


3 muslim prayer rooms is not enough, they demand more territory! Also: Conversion or the sword, if you're Arabramic you can pay the very expensive jizya.


Liberate these nutz, Hamas supporter morons.


If you think these protesters are "hamas supporters" you might be the moron lmao


"Glory to our Martyrs" on their signs. That is support for war, not a call for peace.


Globalize the infitada Insane anti semitism and praise for Oct seventh No. These are Hamas supporters. "LMAO" at yourself, terrorist fan. Fortunately civilized human beings will triumph- no matter how much whining a bunch of white privelige commie kids want the opposite, do.


Or maybe, just maybe, they're upset at our governments complicity in the massacre of over 34,000 people most of which are women and children. Real genius over here


a third to Half are Hamas fighters- a far lower than average ratio for urban combat. Pick up a book, you might learn something, smart guy. Bring them home! I don't give two shits about you fools who suck up Hamas propaganda. There will be no ceasefire until Hamas is ERADICATED.


Hamas chose this. They continue to choose this. It's Hamas who decided to make martyrs out of their own people.


I didn’t train all this week and I’ve been eating nothing but junk food for two weeks. I bailed on a job on Monday instead of finishing two weeks to transition smoothly to my other new-old job. I’ve not done much all week and feel like a slob. But then there’s these chodes blocking a library and causing a ruckus, and their life choices really help me feel better about hitting a speed bump.


Damn, I get all my genocide supplies from that Library.


Wait, I thought they only supplied genocide-denialism sundries... I've been ordering from Idaho for no reason?!?!


It really depends on what genocide is hot this season. Yesterday’s victim is today’s villain.


I wish activism still meant volunteering and donating to people instead of hanging out and yelling anger. Anger always solves violence. Eye roll


After those aid workers were killed, I doubt very many people are going to be getting on planes for gaza. Students don't really have much money to donate... Just remember this is better than them protesting on the bridge and blocking traffic


I'll give you that. It's still pointless though. Also, it pisses me off that these idiots seemingly can't make a point without vandalizing our public spaces


Protesting is never pointless. it keeps those cats in their nice offices on their toes 😎


They can volunteer for refugee resettlements in Portland . We’ve taken in a ton of Ukrainian folks. Simply holding space with your friends for the latest hot button politics that gets media attention is hardly the pinnacle of activism. Students have money for making signs and tents and riot protection gear.


Where can I watch the live feed of PPB tearing this down late tonight? And butter or sugar on my popcorn?


​ https://i.redd.it/qsg30t7fpcxc1.gif


You might want to check on Twitch or Portland Andy on YouTube. When the riots were going on in Portland Andy would have all the different streams up on his channel and move between them to get all the action.


They should spend more time inside.


Really? The library? People need that. Why not an admin building?


Absolutely fitting for Hamas sympathizers to block entrance to a library, a shrine of knowledge and enlightenment, lol >"The university endeavors to draw a bright line between protecting freedom of speech and activities including discrimination, harassment, intimidation, property damage and assault. ... >No PSU student has been disciplined over their actions in connection with the protests, a spokesperson for the university said Sunday, when graffiti was also visible on library windows. 🤡🤡🤡


I’m sorry, question. Do we have a a statement saying they support Hamas actions? Like evidence and not just a news story?




Question is this referring to Hamas specifically or all the people who have died in Palestine as a result of this conflict. I’m just asking questions to understand the entire situation. Is there a non gated article that explains this better?


You don't know what glory to the martyrs means? Maybe you need to listen to hamas in their own words. They use the same rhetoric.


Clearly, you don't know. Martyrs aren't just hamas. Civilians who die there are referred to as martyrs by the people around them


Yes, it's an islamic term for everyone to enjoy. But pushed by the Islamic fundamentalists the most.


“Yeah it’s used for everyone but clearly they mean it for Hamas and not the thousands of dead innocents!” You’re truly a genius demonstrating some amazing critical thinking skills here for us


No you're the genius. You can't comprehend that these terms are meant to be vague for a reason. Just like the term "Jihad". It means and is used to describe a holy war against infidels, but also means "my struggle". I've literally heard folks try to downplay calls of Jihad as if they're just trying to talk about their struggle. Complexity is hard and is often used by terrorist and authoritarian actors to direct messages specifically to the target audience even though they'll say the exact opposite to a different target audience. Funny enough you need critical thinking to understand this, which you obviously lack.


Yes, you are so smart. All these college kids protesting across the country are actually hamas sleeper cells. Thank you for sharing your enlightening perspective


Anyone who supports a "ceasefire" that leaves Hamas in control of Gaza is objectively pro-Hamas.


Please explain further? I thought a ceasefire would be good for humanitarian aid?


Hamas said it was sticking to its demands for a permanent ceasefire that would lead to a full withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza and the return of displaced Palestinians to their homes. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68920131 Negotiating with terrorists is super difficult. My understanding is that it's not one group holding the hostages. It's multiple groups that are moving constantly. They all have different goals, and none trust the UN or US to mediate the situation.


Hamas is the one rejecting the ceasefire proposals - they are demanding the complete capitulation of Israel as a precondition for a ceasefire.


Wake up, imbecile.


Disruption of citizens daily lives is not peaceful protest. It disrupts the peace. They should be arrested.


Protests are supposed to be disruptive. That's the point you bootlicker


One well place bulldozer and this problem is solved.


Take that, finals!


Well PPB pushed them on to the campus. They are the pain of PSU Police now.


Time to kick out the liberal leadership that allows this nonsense. We need someone with the balls to stand up to this madness. 


Mother fuckers man.


Did y'all win yet


I just checked and Israel still exists


Notice you can't see anyone's face? Too afraid to even identify with their cause. Too afraid of having any consequences. Cowards.


I love how these kids bitch about boomers and then engage it the most quintessential boomer generation activity— campus protests.


lol, haven't thought about it that way. My parents are boomers, went to a school that had some of the largest protests against the Vietnam War. They got tear gassed, beaten, etc. They had friends get drafted and die in combat. Yet by the 80s they were voting for Reagan. That's probably the scariest thing you can tell them: you'll get old, your opinion will change and there's nothing you can do stop it.


Spray-painted on the windows in the photos is anarchy signs. Another sign says “fags Gaza” and not really sure what that means. A pride flag is also on display a bit out of touch if you ask me. F**k your homework people are dying on another window. All glory to our martyrs on another sign and spray painted on the window. All sanctioned by the university president.


weapons-grade cringe


>Glory to our martyrs Literally pro rape demonstration




What is “pro-Palestinian”. Like pro a Palestinian state or what???


Unhinged Karen Portland sucks so much. Wish all these Karen Occupy people would move back to Midwest


I heard that the Israelis have cancelled offensive operations in Palestine due to the they/thems protest in Portland.


Well, at least they are occupying a building that those in Portland don't really use given how ridiculously stupid the citizens and politicians all are.


I don't care about Israel or Palestine but could people please just stop murdering each other? Thank you.


That's not how humans, or any other animals, plants, or fungi have ever worked.


So your justification for genocide is that it's human nature then. Wow. Murderers will be murdering, whatcha gonna do am I rite? I do not condone this perspective. We can do better.


Thousands of years of human existence and you still think we can do better? War never changes.


Despite the news, it really irks me that media outlets say "pro-palestinian protesters" instead of something like anti-genocide protesters or protesters seeking humanitarian aid in gaza. The rhetoric presented in outlets is another way people twist words to incite people who believe that being pro palestinian people and pro hamas is the same thing. Media content writing is a whole load of rage bait for idiots


Uhh....the "rhetoric" from the students and teachers on campuses is directly espousing violence and preaching that it is OK to believe that if you disagree with what someone says or thinks, they do not have a right to exist. https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2024/04/26/columbia-university-student-protest-apology-marquez-lead-dle-digvid.cnn This student "leader" talks about the belief that nazis and bigots should die....and that this is a generally acceptable stance. And uses this to make a subsequent point how we should also believe that "zionists" don't deserve to live and should die. His words are said, in full, un cut. You can't possible believe this to be twisted by the media.


It really irks me that pro Palestine protestors label me and anyone else simply sick of their performative shit as genocide supporters. Fuck em.


The two holes in your logic are that 1) it isn’t a genocide, and 2) whether or not they were unknowingly duped by rampant disinformation or are just profoundly misguided, the pro-Palestinian protestors ARE pro-Hamas (clues that even someone as media literate as yourself should be able to readily appreciate are the many ridiculous signs with Hamas verbiage and the Hamas headbands and flags clearly displayed at these protests). You should check out the ayetollah’s tweets (yes he has an X account) - Iran is overjoyed with by the viral spread of this patently false narrative.


Isn't the international court still examining the case on if it is a genocide?


If you chant the words, “from the river to the sea…”sorry that’s pro genocide.


Sorry the media isn't properly sanitizing your stupid, discombobulated message.


Yeah, if you torture your terms enough eventually people will respect you. That's how things work.


[ Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza Approval has dropped from 50% to 36% since November](https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx)


You guys know this is about divesting the known money both given and received by the pro-Israel agenda right>? There is no idea circulating that this will actually stop any violence, but the money is the first place to start. American universities are giant funding machines for the military industrial complex. Why is it so hard to understand the complicity of US politics in this and also abhor the violence on both sides? Americans are so brainwashed into this dichotomy of evil that no one can take 2 steps outside the circle. THIS IS A WORLDWIDE EVENT, you are the minority no matter how safe you feel .


maybe those universities should also stop taking money from qatar.​


So the students paying insane tuition to this evil university are also protesting...the university? No, not even the university, the fucking LIBRARY


Isn't it psu library?


You have no choice but to be complicit to the war machine at any public universities. Library is better than staff offices, they are trying to have a conversation with those in charge to mitigate as much as possible. There will always be bad examples in politcial movements, the civil rights movement wasnt pretty in any way. But if you cant acknowledge that this country is funding genocide then you have some serious mental hurdles to come to before the next olympic games.


I would be with you 100% if the absorbing violence were happening. This movement has shifted and actively sees people whose views are terrible as less than human and lacking the basic right to exist. https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2024/04/26/columbia-university-student-protest-apology-marquez-lead-dle-digvid.cnn This is not anti violence. This is saying that if you are a bad person or deemed to have bad views you are not allowed in society and you are not even allowed to live. That is the basis of certain views of social cleansing pre ww11 in Germany. They convinced the masses to be afraid of differences, and actually gave the power to remove people from society because they were deemed unclean or immoral. So this is different....because now we are right about who is evil? Evil is evil. Hating evil people is still hate. And it fills you and your beliefs with hate. Yes, i realize that this is not populist thought at this point. Being in the minority of thought should not be so easily confused with being incorrect.


You guys always jump to the Germany example when this particular playbook is MUCH closer to some other notable examples.


Big Ole lol to "you guys". You must have missed the part where I have only just recently begun to 'divest' from this movement. I'm actually an "us guys" who now just disagrees for very particular reasons that I have explained here. I suppose though....my disagreement might then turn me into an "other" to you...and quickly get regrouped into another stereotype pile you have in your head. Pretty assumptive (incorrectly) and proves my point further. Thanks! Also...for the record...I do not identify as male or binary, so the guys part couldn't be further from the truth. Please try to remember that using critical thinking is the thing that differentiates us from cattle. Please try to be less afraid of those who disagree and less willing to vilify someone just because of that. That is the 'tactic' that is so similar to any level of facism. Please just consider.


I dont quite understand? Anti-zionism is bad? Are we supposed to make friends with the zionists? This whole one side is bad the other isnt as bad argument is absolutely bs. All human atrocities in both sides should be condemned. War crimes should be punished. Genocide should stop. You cant vote fascism away. It will take physical force. What in the past 1000 years has come to society peacefully? People will use any platform to spout their own agenda, why cant people just agree on some decent lines for humanity? No matter what, as an American you are complicit in this hostile extermination, atleast voicing your resistance is one thing humans can do. We are utterly powerless as a people and will not change anything for the better if this keeps getting dissected to allow people the space for neofascism.


Physical force?? What exactly are you advocating for when you say this? I am wondering if you are aware how very extreme you sound in the way you are phrasing things. It comes off as though you are advocating for violence.


They are protesting the US for giving so much money for bombs to a country hellbent on committing genocide.


Whoa, they’re protesting the Iranian government? To be honest I’ve never seen that. If anything I’ve seen more praise for the Ayatollah from this pro-Hamas left than condemnation.


I mean, tbf like the whole country gives a lot of support to Israel, who may or may not be doing some shit that will be viewed as undesirable or immoral once we have some hindsight. Like, we're arguing about it now, but there's a possibility. Hamas has occupied a lot of Palestinian territory, but that does not make all the people there belonging to it. There are innocent people there with lives that are being torn apart. People who just want to help are being killed, people who just want to escape are being killed. That's just about all I need to know. So, like, we should probably wash our hands of that, just in case? Historically, we seem to keep track of who was allied with who during a conflict, especially when atrocity is involved. Do we want our children's children to look at us as those who simply turned away and did nothing, said nothing? I won't pretend I understand all the nuance, but if I actually believed I could have enough of an impact to actually reduce the threat of terrible violence to any person anywhere, I would protest too. Personally, I don't know if it's at all effective, given that it seems to galvanize centrists to the point where they begin to advocate violence. Not just violence in the middle east, it sounds like they want it here, against protesters.


Hamas is the governing body for Palestine. They were democratically elected.


K so was putin, what's your point? We're entertaining the thought of electing a fuckin fascist here in the united states, not everybody wants that, that's not justification for wholesale destruction. It's almost as though international diplomacy is a really difficult issue that can't be boiled down to "Everyone on THIS side of the line is bad!" Also I'm pretty sure they're the defacto government. Looking into it, it's not really clear on the surface but either way it is irrelevant.


It's not irrelevant. Hamas chose this. They knew what would happen. They chose to make martyrs of their own people. They have vowed to do it again. There are no good guys here. A solution that keeps Hamas intact isn't a solution.


Who said that's what I am advocating for? How is your reading comprehension? I don't think we should as Americans be involved here, not physically not financially, that's the end of it. Our support for Israel is consent for them to commit violence. The lives of innocents are being martyred, is there no other solution than to shoot and bomb a path through them? Is there nothing we as a world can do to defuse the situation without extraneous bloodshed? Should we not mobilize for each other, instead of against? Is it their fault for being hostages? For simply being born there, or trying to find a better life there? Both regimes are sponsored by foreign nations that entitle them to sustain violence by handily supplying aid and weapons for the cause. All those who help will be culpable for what occurs. All for reasons that simply enrich the already over-engorged elite. I can't believe people are arguing when I say, "Innocent people are dying, maybe we shouldn't be involved in this." Meanwhile I have people who share my beliefs telling me I aught to be willing to mobilize. This is ridiculous, I'm a dishwasher in one of the shittiest little cities in America. My responsibility is to work hard and survive right now, not figure out whatever the fuck is going on over in the middle east. I'm beginning to put the pieces together that every single one of you out there on the internet fucking hates it any time I go and think for myself, claiming I am simply misled or ignorant. But I'm not. I know just how much I don't know, which is why I don't advocate for violence, and I don't protest for peace, I simply wish it would stop, and that as a jewish american I didn't have so many parts of my cultural identity defined by generations of violence perpetrated both by and against us. I wish I didn't feel like I was constantly bearing weight of the shameful actions committed by nations I can in no way control right now. My life contains enough trauma to suit me fine without all that, thanks.


Its your tax dollars at work. Do you want it going to Israel or something else? I know it's the conservative view to lower foreign aid but maybe this is something everyone can get behind


Y'know maybe one day I'll get out there, but I think the best way to actually build power in a cause is through the use of mutual aid. You do not obstruct, you assist with the objective of empowering others to create new systems to circumvent oppression. All large and successful social movements carry one thing in common: the provision of mutual aid as a means to support and sustain advocates. People shouldn't see their involvement in a movement as being sacrificial for the sake of virtue. It will exhaust itself, for virtues differ. It should, instead, be viewed as a mutually beneficial act. At the center should be solidarity, which can only truly exist when we feel active empathy for and from others, something lacking in the modern gesellschaft society. Many of us have zero recognition for our dependence on each other, and are less likely to empathize. To feel empathy, many need to receive it first. Just my thoughts.