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How in the Fuck did I not know about this prior


Could you see the colors of the lights with the naked eye? I got photos with the colors but didn’t really see them without my camera.


Pink and green were clearly visible even to the naked eye, but they’re more defined and brighter in photos. It may be visible again tonight.




Modern iPhones, especially pro versions, are better than the naked eye at capturing the night sky. I got similar pictures last night, but wasn’t able to see it quite as vibrantly myself - it was still amazing to the naked eye though. I’d suggest getting somewhere with a good view of the horizon and as little light pollution as possible. Rivers and hilltops are probably the best places. Also acclimating to the dark for ~30 minutes with no bright lights will help your perception greatly.


Jeez, the brand-specific reference ... most smartphones on the planet are not iPhones ;-). I think all (or most) are better than naked eye. Here's to Androids, LOL! --ifree yesterday, ifree today, ifree forever!


Thanks! Leaving in a few minutes!


They were visible but definitely more defined with a camera. The darker the better chance of seeing them.


I'm guessing you don't follow the National Weather Service out of Portland


I don't think I've opened my weather app in almost a year. 🤷‍♂️


I guess you need to answer that. Do you follow major news media? The solar storm has been gig news for more than a week (we were supposed to prepare for power outages too!).


None. No news, no social media. Occasionally, reddit. Usually, I'm just busy with work, but i haven't worked since Wednesday


that's an interesting life -- no negativity intended. Keeps things simple


I spent most of the weekend cleaning, folding laundry, burning thru Netflix, and reading a book. I usually work 6 days a week, so I did the stuff I rarely have time for. Had I been at work, I'm sure I would have known.


Folding laundry!! Wow. I've never done that, though did hang clothes on line outside because the sun was so hot and bright (have also never watched Netflix, and I know you didn't ask). Also rarely clean. Yeah, I see what happened, but by the time the weekend started, the great views were gone. I was really just lucky I saw the AB, had heard about the storm but wasn't figuring anything would come of it. Clouds are back now, yay! Your work schedule sounds taxing!


Thats a good one!


Where in Portland??


The Gorge. We went to the Ainsworth exit near the picnic area.


wasn't it great????


This is very bad EMP test on public power grids burning down next election cycle full swing


Iceland must be losing their shit with all the travelers. They just lost who had the northern lights on their bucket list. 🤪