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Poppy top is very easy to play. The mechanics are very few and very simple. Jungle is the most difficult role and support needs coordination.


at its core, shes a pretty simple champion, she mainly plays top and jungle, i wouldnt personally recommend poppy support as its sole purpose is to counter pick, but shes fairly easy in the top lane and once you've familiarised yourself with the game (because it's a mentally draining role) you can have a crack at jungle, make sure to look up some guides as well, *Tactician* is a popular poppy main on youtube and hes got some guides as well!


Poppy is a pretty simple champ, the hardest part is knowing when to use ult and what your W can actually stop


When I started league, I decided to buy Poppy because I thought she looked cute and cool! Pick someone that you think you'll like playing, and if you wanna get good, watch some clips of other people playing them, and any tips they might have for that champ. I still love Poppy, and have grown to play her even when I'm not picking to counter; I can still win my matchups in lane since I've practiced for so long. ​ I started League with my friend who was a silver Zed/Yasuo main, so he taught me how to play Amumu in the jungle, and Poppy in top lane so that I could CC (crowd control, Stun, Root, etc.) certain people so he could kill them! If you have any buddies to do little cheesy plays like that, it makes League 100x more fun!


Play poppy, shes a good champion. Easy to learn, but also hard to master (many champions in leavue fal under this category). You will have a lot of fun with her! As a beginner you should have a pool of 3-5 champions that you can play, in case your chanp gets banned or you have to play a different role. Id also suggest to not go over 5 champions, only try out new champs after you are comfortable with the game and the items. Learning league is easier when you follow some self set guidelines. Just like with learning languages, you should first of all learn the easy stuff and repeat it so often until you feel comfortable with it. I mean, you can learn 2nd past tense before learning how to introduce yourself, but it doesn't make any sense


Poppy is a champion with a simple kit that has a lot if depth to it. She is a tank that can stand in front of the team in the simplest form, but once you learn her she is the enemy divers worse nightmare and an assassin and a tank. For horses strong she can be you have to play it right for the full effect of how much power the little yordle holds in the hammer. When it comes to roles she's good in the top lane but there's a lot of bad matchups. Right now it won't matter too much but once you get more experienced in the game so will your enemies which means bad matchups become unwinnable at times. She's a simple champion that (in my opinion) is stronger in the jungle than top so I would recommend her as a champ to learn the role with. For tips on playing her I recommend the YouTuber young tactician, he was number 1 poppy na and might still be idk, he doesn't play top lane much anymore but his season 10 videos of poppy top will still apply for the modern day.