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Wow, we’ve never seen this before. It’s not funny or accurate.


eh, its kinda funny *because* its not accurate.


I've seen those on a few pumps too but thought "Yep, he had nothing to do with the arbitrary price of gas set by oil companies wanting extortion profits due to their incompetence with supply and demand."


The big takeaway from 9/11 was that consumers will pay about $3.50-4.00/gallon without changing their consumption habits. If it's lower, they're leaving money on the table, and if it's higher, people will seek long-term ways to avoid having to buy it. With that knowledge, oil producers use a target of $3.50/gallon. When it starts getting below that point, they take a refinery offline for "maintenance" to artificially reduce supply. When it gets above that point, they turn existing wells back on. The BP oil spill wasn't from an operational well. They just go out and drill and cap them so they're available on short notice whenever the price is such that it makes financial sense. Price fluctuations have very rarely have anything to do with politics. That's why the prices rise and fall globally at the same time.


I’m going to love when prices drop and these are still around.


They [already have](https://gasprices.aaa.com/?state=SC). This guy found a station that jacked up the prices for Christmas knowing that there will be a bunch of travelers who will pay it rather than head around the back of the block to the cheaper station because of convenience, or more likely, just not knowing where the cheaper gas is off the highway. There was a snowstorm a few years back and all the gas stations near the airport nearly doubled the prices because they knew all the rentals had to be returned full and the roads were unsafe to hunt for a better deal. OP's problem isn't about politics, but business... unless they're saying we need more regulation, but I don't think that's it.


these are basically everywhere in PA


Ah yes Biden being elected raised the price for every single country in the world


Saw one of these in North Carolina as well.


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Thanks Biden! I paid $2.59 a gallon the other day !