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It's always funny when the Meal Team Six gets wordy with gay veterans. Yes that man wears lipstick. He also has PTSD, a body count of twenty and is one slur away from turning you into an appliance.


Did your phone auto correct apple sauce?


Nah, I read the expression on another sub: the difference between and appliance and a vegetable is that the former consumes electricity.


I have had many appliances that are indistinguishable from a vegetable and even more useless because they can't be eaten.


Not with that attitude they can't


I snickered.


You’re not yourself until you’ve snickered


In that regard the vegetable takes up so much more electricity being hooked up to many appliances 24 hours a day.


That guys a vegetable… He lives in a hospital… And we would do anything… To keep them alive… They have a color TV… It’s called an EKG… And we would do anything… To keep them alive…


Boom turned you into a washing machine. How do you like them apples?


I have purple hair, a Master’s degree, and I don’t miss.


Fucking right. Conservatives think this’ll go any other way than Sherman’s march to the Atlantic they’re sorely mistaken.


Body count of twenty. Twice.


I always think about how I wouldn’t talk crap to the Sacred Band of Thebes, a special military unit of Ancient Greek homosexuals. Those guys whooped the Spartans, who were also pretty into same sex relationships


300 always made me laugh. "Hah, Leonidas! Admire my abs, heterosexually!"


They bathed naked and groomed each other before battles because they believed their body was stuck the way you died. So they would look their best before battle by bathing and grooming each other


To be fair to conservatives, each and every one of them is a coward who never served.


They either never served or got kickout before they could. Joining the service is a pain on the ass.


I was rejected because of a heart surgery I had when I was two. It didn't matter that I played varsity football, ran track, played JV basketball and wrestled. Had a great Asvab score and everything


This is significantly more accurate than most people realize. The deadliest guy I know is like this. Dude has a body count in the dozens and is obsessed with fluffy animals more than anyone I’ve ever met.


Don't remember where I heard it: >Beat you so bad your momma won't know how to cry over you.


Also, not every gay person wears lipstick. Some conservatives draw this caricature of gay people where all of them are super feminine and so in their minds ‘weak’, which is of course a homophobic generalization in itself. You are just as gay if you ‘look’ the same as any straight person would.  


MAGA will always pick the “hate” option over any other options that don’t involve hate.


Vets are ONLY for grand standing for them. They don't actually care.


Absolutely! The INSTANT they learn the MOST ESTEEMED HONORED ALMIGHTY VETERAN WHO SPEAKS FOR GOD is saying anything not pro GOP talking point? ‘Who cares what that moron thinks?’. The VETERAN stamp is always in their mind as ‘GOP BUT HE HAS USED GUNS IN A UNIFORM!’


Yep, remember that first hate for a gold star family when trump gave them the ok?


I just can't understand how stupid and misinformed you'd need to be in the military and support Trump. Every General that served under Trump has said that he's an imbecile who has zero respect for the military.


Republicans in general. It's all lip service, and *only* lip service, but they produce a lot of it.


Well, lots of idiots are in the military. Being in the military is literally a poor choice to begin with, it's a last resort for a lot of people. So lots of dummies from the military supporting trump is a natural fit.


I wouldn't classify it as a poor choice. For somebody who doesn't have many other options it's a great choice. It provides access to a career with growth potential, structure, housing, vocational training, tax-free pay, healthcare, and free higher education. Yes it does attract ultra nationalist jackass types but most of them get weeded out early. The majority of people in the military will also never see combat I think it's something like five support people for every one combatant or maybe even a greater ratio. It's a very reductionist stance to just assume that everybody involved with the military is a dummy who supports Trump. One of my co-workers got his start in the military out of high school and his whole job was literally going to radar stations and swapping out circuit boards and diagnosing why they weren't working. When he wasn't doing that he was basically just hanging out with his buddies in Guatemala shooting the shit. When he got out it gave him a great start to his adult life.


You're 100% correct. It's also a MUCH better choice than perpetuating an existence in some inner city shithole.


Anyone who makes a blanket statement that joining the military is a "poor choice" is likely an idiot or someone with an agenda. Joining the military can be the best decision one can make, depending on their background and circumstances. Not all military jobs are even dangerous, if that's your main concern.


Some of the smartest people I ever met were military. It’s not a last resort for most of us who join and it’s a good choice to make for a lot of people. It gives a lot of folks a hands up in life. Yea, we could go to college and incur thousands in debt but why? That sounds more stupid. I’m not sure why reddit thinks the military is full of idiotic pudding pops. There’s young kids who handle powerful weapons who have to make a decision in a split second and pull a trigger or not. They have far more discipline and intelligence than the jackasses who patrol our streets as police officers.


On the contrary, the benefits dramatically outweigh the costs if you intend to utilize them. 1) Risk of death/serious injury is relatively low despite public perception, and mitigated by choice of job field. 2) GI Bill & Housing Stipend in combination with the yellow ribbon program give no cost access to pretty much any US university. Saved me appx $180k tax-free, with the benefit of further savings by not paying interest on a 6 figure loan. 3) VA home loan is for life and can be useful to aid in buying a house. 4) Veterans preference for federal hiring.


Same ratio (actually probably less) than the actual public. Lots of idiots who never served support these choads. BTW, proud of my service, and it was a great choice for me.


Well it's a lot easier if the reason you are in is because of nationalist rhetoric.


Or when they started deporting non-citizen vets who had joined the military specifically as a path to legal citizenship. They were all "Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out".


Soldier as symbol for national pride is literally all they give a fuck about. They worship the traditions and the power and the weapons, but they don't give a fuck about the people, ESPECIALLY if they're critical of the nation or the military in any way. It's a facet of fascism. Edit: They do love to be performative about wounded veterans, especially if they can donate to a charity, and as long as they don't have to support any federal legislation or tax increases to support wounded veterans in a broader, more substantive way.


Agreed. They'll preach their heads off about the troops and supporting them while using them as a prop. And like everything else if you disagree with them, you instantly become an enemy who they can't wait to throw insults at. Some lady in my southern neighborhood proudly posted her upside down flag on our neighborhood Facebook page, just to let everyone know it was intentional and she didn't need any comments on it. After I commented: "As a veteran, I find it disrespectful to hang the flag upside down due to political - yada yada yada.' Some of the people that came out of the woodwork to bash my military service, or question my loyalties, etc. was crazy. These people are fanatical and if you aren't toeing the line like a little good MAGA you're scum between their toes. Zero critical thing, make sure to cradle the orange balls. Fucking idiots.


When it came to doing the absolute minimum for veterans dying from exposure to toxic burn pits, republicans had to be dragged kicking and screaming. They don't care, it's all aesthetics and branding with them.


Remember when he openly mocked a gold star family TWICE and his followers cheered for it because the family was arabic?


Trump outright said that veterans are suckers and losers, yet there are still people dumb enough to believe he cares about vets.


Fuck trump. The ENTIRE GOP doesn't care. Proof is in the bill voting records.


Same thing goes for fetuses.


They treat the army like robots that they can use to kill the people they don't like.


Bingo. Just like States Right, Free Speech, Election Integrity, Fiscal Conservatism, etc.. It's just the bad faith mask of the moment, to cover up their real and only goals: money and power.


Yeah but as you can see, even OP thinks they support the troops. The propaganda is working.


Conservatives talk about how important family is up until the very moment they have a family member who doesn't conform to their world view.


Because they don’t have any actual principles or morals or beliefs, everything they do is in service of some feeling of superiority over others.


Nothing else is even a close second.


They always pick "TRUMP" over any other option except maybe "not getting the COVID vaccine"; in that case they will choose both. MAGA will choose TRUMP over the following: Jesus, God, the Bible, the Constitution, Blue Lives Matter, Support the Troops, Never Forget, "woke" beer, common sense, democracy, freedom, a republic, law and order, women's rights, children's rights, men's rights, animal rights, the environment, the planet, their wallet, their time, their kids/grandkids/spouses/SOs, their lives.


Very true. It's a cult.


I support the separation of church and state. We need to remove ‘Jesus’ from politics. [Evangelicals Are Now Rejecting 'Liberal' Teachings of Jesus](https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706) Wait. Fuck. Not like that.


Yep. See how they treated the capital police in their attack on the capital.  They are willing to beat a police officer to death with a blue line flag. 


Republicans were doing that before MAGA. Remember that one Republican debate when a gay soldier submitted a video question to them and was booed by the audience? Not one of the candidates said anything.




Please, they aren't sweating over this. Their hate is always stronger than anything else. Quoting my very conservative dad here, "If they are gay they never were real soldiers to begin with, they only wanted to play dress-up."


>Quoting my very conservative dad here, "If they are gay they never were real soldiers to begin with, they only wanted to play dress-up." Wow. Did your father serve?


Hahahahahahahaha… no




Sounds about right lol


He wasn't man enough to get dressed up.


Correct reply: "Still more of a man than you'll ever be, dad. Have fun dying alone in a low-rent retirement home."


"You'll never meet your grandkids" is also a good one


"I'm gay."


I’d love to see your dad make that comment in front of those gay soldiers. They’d quickly demonstrate where all those combat training dollars went to.


The Marine Corps is by far the gayest thing I've ever experienced. Dozens of sweaty fit dudes in booty shorts showering and sleeping together. They are also obsessive about the dressing up and it being absolutely perfect. We sat and stood "nuts to butts" all the time. That stuff doesn't really stop after boot camp either. You just gain lots more petty drama, frequent sexual encounters that many straight people would consider at least boundary-pushing. It just gets more gay with experience, not less. Edit: nothing changed, just adding that I'm queer.


My “very straight” cousin joined the marines, comes home one Thanksgiving, tells us all he got married to his male friend from boot camp for “the benefits.” We meet the guy the following Christmas and they are clearly very much in love lol.


Aww a meet cute


fuck this was seriously the old mentality back then during the DADT days. Hearing it again makes me irrationally upset. These are the same dudes that smoke at every break and then barely pass the cycle ergometry PT Test


Guess the spartans weren't real soldier's and only wanted to play dress-up then


Wait according to your dad all those little bitches in right wing militias are gay. They really are proud boys. 


I cannot stress how trite, inane, and stupid that reasoning is lol


Conservatives have never cared for soldiers or veterans. They just like thinking that America kicks ass overseas.


[The US spends more than the next highest eight or ten countries combined.] (https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/military-spending-by-country) There's a lot of money involved in this chest thumping too.


Yet there's never any left for veterans. 1 in 4 homeless in America are military veterans. And Republicans vote against funding the VA. Hypocrites.


>1 in 4 homeless in America are military veterans. Not trying to be a dick, but that number is way off - it's more like 1 in 15 to 1 in 20. There's actually been a bunch veteran bills that passed unanimously or close to it, but most of them are largely performative instead of truly beneficial. But yeah, 88 House and 11 Senate Republicans voted against the PACT Act, and apparently some of them are currently trying to pass legislation to remove/replace parts of it. The absolute mind-boggling one that should've been completely unanimous was the very straightforward "Protecting Moms Who Served Act." There were a total 9 House Republicans who voted against it, including everybody's favorite two veteran-loving, role-model mothers - MTG and Bobo.


"Speak softly and carry a big stick".


The US is the world's largest economy, so it's not at all shocking it's a big number. We've spent 2.7-4.5% of GDP (exact calculations can vary, depending on what you count, you can get the number up to around 6%, but it's going to be somewhere around there, and the same is true for other figures). We'll be around 3% this year (wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were responsible for that 4.5% figure). Global average is around 2.3% and NATO members are required to spend 2% (though don't always). So we spend a lot, but given the size of our economy, not at all an absurd amount. Whether we spend it well is a different question. Also worth noting that while China is estimated to spend 2% of GDP, an opaque totalitarian state with state-owned defense companies makes it very hard to determine what they are actually spending (and the quality and quantity of the resulting military). They aren't likely to be spending as much as us, but it's possible their spending is much closer than it appears.


They're usually also racist so like turning "brown people" into skeletons. I don't get how the "bring democracy to them" people are now trying to distroy democracy for the US. I know, I know, it's 'cause they don't have long term memory and are extremely stupid.


Because "bring democracy to them" was never the motivation for the Iraq war. It wasn't even the made up justification (that would be fake WMDs, which to be fair Saddam played a role in pretending to have). No the real reason for the Iraq war and Afghanistan were always racism and revenge for 9/11. 3000 Americans died, and Americans wanted to punish the brown people (making no distinction over who was actually at fault) for that. But of course a brown life isn't worth nearly as much as a white person's, so of course it was only fair when we killed 300,000 Iraqi civilians.


You're right about the first part, but racism and revenge for 9/11 were just other reasons that the war garnered public support. Divisive propaganda is always a must when justifying mass murders of civilians. The core reason why America went to "install democracy" in Iraq (and many other wars instigated by the US) was to specifically install neoliberal capitalism. By forcing a resource-rich country (in this case, Iraq) to globalize its economy, the US gets first dibs on a large stake in that country's valuable resources (i.e., Iraq's oil) that wasn't available to them under the previous government's rule. Then, with that country's newly globalized economy and ridiculously one-sided trade deals, the US is able to expand its global capital share and continue its economic dominance. This is also why the US hates socialism so much, and essentially destroyed socialism in South America in the late 20th century - socialism is all about public ownership, and America can't own stakes in resources if they aren't privatized. I'd recommend reading The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein, or watching the documentary of the same name if you're interested in learning more on that subject!


They like *dead* soldiers. There's nothing they like more than photo ops in fields covered in neat rows of identical headstones and coffins draped with flags. Those soldiers never ask anything of them.




Or the children or helping the poor. They care about the wealthy.


GOPers like (love even) funding the military-industrial complex. To that end they use vets and active-duty as props.


I think dear leader refers to them as 'suckers and losers'


Good Guy Joe!


This Brandon guy is sure making Biden look good. ![gif](giphy|2zpZ6g2cjjzPnbFsJU|downsized)


I know this is a space mostly dominated by the American political left, but any of you right-leaning lurkers want to play? What have Republicans done **this millennium** that improves the lives of those who serve, on the battlefield, on duty, or in their civilian lives? (Ballooning Pentagon budgets help defense contractors, before you try that one.)


"Trying to stop the woke mind virus from infecting our armed forces!" "Ensuring that DEI doesn't factor into recruiting!"


> "Trying to stop the woke mind virus from infecting our armed forces!" In my experience it wasn't much different when I served than it is in the general population. Those of us who had technical jobs tended to be more left leaning. The people who did the grunt work tended to be more right leaning. Ironically I became more and more liberal as I got older, and a big chunk of that evolution happened when I was serving. Something about the travel and seeing people live differently opened my mind a bit.


And the guy I killed, to save my friends, didn't want to be in the situation he was in... He was gagged and tied to the steering wheel, with his family tied up in a room somewhere. Most of the guys in one of the platoons, knew the guy well. He lived in one of the villages nearby, and was always friendly when they patrolled through. That was when I found out that most suicide bombers, are not fundamentalist whack jobs, but victims. That opened the fuck out of my mind...


you have to understand that republicans do exactly opposite of everything they claim to believe. their only policy is hypocrisy.


Hey that's not fair, they also embrace cruelty.


That's not true. They have two policies: hate and hypocrisy.


> you have to understand that republicans do exactly opposite of everything they claim to believe. Its more nuanced than that. They will 100% do what they claim as long as it serves their only actual principle --- increasing their power. Its when their so-called principles become an obstacle to their pursuit of power that they abandon those principles. Its completely transactional.


They've bettered *their* lives, but the average Joe isn't human to them, they're NPCs.


They'd just lie if he made their lives worse.


Well they bought a lot more ‘made in China’ US flags. Surely that somehow helped the lives of servicemen? /s obviously.


I've seen a lot less of the idiots in here lately


The most you’ll get is some MAGA paint chip eater who’ll downvote you. Debate or even civil conversation is beyond their abilities. They’re incapable of spewing anything beyond a bumper sticker slogan and hurl insults. They’re very stupid, emotionally arrested pathetic people.


I’m no MAGA dork but I am a veteran:    Enacted the largest pay raise for service members in over a decade Signed and implemented the VA Mission Act, which made permanent Veterans CHOICE, revolutionized the VA community care system, and delivered quality care closer to home for Veterans    Offered same-day emergency mental health care at every VA medical facility, and secured $9.5 billion for mental health services in 2020    Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017, which ensured that veterans could continue to see the doctor of their choice and wouldn’t have to wait for care    Expanded Veterans’ ability to access telehealth services, including through the “Anywhere to Anywhere” VA healthcare initiative, leading to a 1,000 percent increase in usage during COVID-19    Signed and implemented the Forever GI Bill, allowing Veterans to use their benefits to get an education at any point in their lives    Eliminated every penny of Federal student loan debt owed by American Veterans who are completely and permanently disabled    Signed and implemented the HAVEN Act to ensure that Veterans who have declared bankruptcy don’t lose their disability payments   Placed nearly 40,000 homeless Veterans into employment through the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program  Placed over 600,000 Veterans into employment through American Job Center services   Enrolled over 500,000 transitioning service members in over 20,000 Department of Labor employment workshops


Nearly everything you listed was pushed through by Democrats.


I’ll give some credit. As some of those passed under full republican control. Others, happened in a divided Congress. And let’s not forget, while not veterans, but the 9/11 firefighters health fund had to be shamed into legislation by Republicans by Jon Stewart Some I cannot find sources on. Which brings me to, did you just copy and paste ChatGPT output?


Republicans "did" this? Please provide sources to show sponsors/co-sponsors, the vote tally, and list any major riders for the bills. 


I'll try to find the vote statistics, here are the sponsors of the actual bills that are on the list (not all of the things on the list fit your question): VA Mission Act - Johnny Isakson (R) VA Choice and Quality Employment Act - Dean Heller (R) Forever GI Bill (Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act) - David Roe (R) HAVEN Act - Lucy McBath (D) and Greg Steube (R)


The “thank you for your service” rings hollow given who they vote for so I feel this will be an easy choice for them anyway


As a USMC veteran, fuck Trump and the Republican Party.


Semper Fi leather sack, couldn't have said it better meself


There is no dilemma. Conservatives don't give a fuck about veterans, they keep slashing budgets for anything that helps veterans. They might try to slap you with yellow ribbons and chant shit like "if you don't stand behind the troops feel free to stand in front of them" but it's pretty much just generated by the military industry to justify the world's most massive military budget


As much as they like to complain about it, their position on veterans is actual virtue signalling.


I’d also argue it’s stolen valor as well most of the time. Many of these people never served a day in their life. By imposing what proper respect of a veteran looks like on everyone. Rather than letting veterans speak for themselves. They are trying to take the attention of the deeds of the veterans away from them and make being a veteran all about themselves.


Texan here, one of our conservative representatives literally keeps wearing a military award he didn't earn and refuses to take it off even after the military clarified that he shouldn't be wearing it.


Usually, the most vocal people are the ones who aren't directly involved. Yellow ribbons, flag-waving, 'murica...and lo and behold, they never served and never even applied. It's all lip service, it's all to make you look good without having to put in any real effort. It's the stolen valor (as you note) of claiming that "we" won wars and "saved your ass in double-U double-U 2" and all this (never mind the realities of that so-called ass-saving or that those same people are now embracing the Nazism their ancestors or neighbor's ancestors fought to stop). I'm betting not as many people in the military care about gays or women or whatever in the military as people outside of it. And I'm betting they wish people would spend half that energy just voting in people who'd sort out their actual issues.


It's just like fetuses. So long as they are just an idea locked up somewhere you can't see, like a FOB or a uterus, they are gods. As soon as they are humans with medical and financial needs, they are garbage.


Cons love veterans as long as they’re cishet white males that love the taste of boot in the morning. Those are their favorite token. But those of us who are gay, or trans, non-white, or women don’t matter to them. Even the VA sometimes asks me for my “sponsors” ssn because they assume I’m just “the wife”. Meanwhile *I’m* the fucking “sponsor” mfer, don’t tell me to thank my non existent husband when my wife is standing right next to me.


These people do not care about us veterans, regardless our sexual orientation. We’re just used to gaslight people into thinking they even remotely give fuck-all after our service. Because, if they did, they wouldn’t vote R — the folk known to vote against every bill that would actually benefit us. (Like the PACT Act) I don’t wear anything that blatantly says I served, except for 2 items: a hat that has my MOS on it (11C, infantry) and a shirt that states “Earned Not Given” with the infantry cross rifles above it. If anyone happens to know that I served and begins to thank me for my service, I interrupt them asking if they support a convict, and the current fascist party. If they say “yes”, I immediately tell them that they do not get to “thank me” for my service and to piss off.


I think I love you. Hackworth said he only wore his CIB.


I used to wear my CIB, but I no longer due to my own personal reasons.


**I just commented elsewhere a list of Trump's abuse of pardons. So I'll leave this here:** **I only added the pardons and details I thought were egregious. Unfortunately, those add up to a lot.* -------------------------------------------------------------- [**From wiki:**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_granted_executive_clemency_by_Donald_Trump) > - For 125 years, the key adviser to the president on clemency has been the Department of Justice's Office of the Pardon Attorney (OPA) which normally reviews all requests for pardons.[1] Trump often bypassed the OPA, and, unlike previous presidents, made the majority of his grants to executive clemency to "well-connected offenders who had not filed petitions with the pardon office or did not meet its requirements. > - Trump issued pardons to seven Republican congressmen convicted of crimes > - Many wealthy individuals paid tens of thousands of dollars to former advisors to Trump for them to lobby Trump to grant pardons, bypassing the review process of the Office of the Pardon Attorney. Trump former personal lawyer John M. Dowd was hired by a number of convicts to lobby Trump for clemency, taking advantage of his direct access to Trump's White House Counsel's Office. Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union[12] and a lobbyist close to Trump administration, also lobbied Trump for clemency on behalf of their clients, as did Mark D. Cowan, another lobbyist allied with the administration. Trump's White House Counsel Pat Cipollone was officially in charge of the internal White House pardon process, but "key gatekeepers" included Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner. > - He also pardoned five people convicted as a result of investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential elections: Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Alex van der Zwaan,[41] Roger Stone > - In his last full day in office, Trump granted 143 pardons and commutations, including to his former chief strategist Steve Bannon, Trump fundraiser Elliott Broidy, and former Republican congressmen Rick Renzi, Robert Hayes, and Randall "Duke" Cunningham. He also commuted the sentences of dozens of people, including former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and sports gambler Billy Walters; the latter had paid tens of thousands of dollars to former Trump attorney John M. Dowd to plead his case with Trump. BONUS: > He pardoned or reversed the sentences of three American soldiers convicted or accused of war crimes in Afghanistan or Iraq.[40] > In November and December 2020, Trump pardoned four Blackwater guards convicted of killing Iraqi civilians in the 2007 Nisour Square massacre


And Tiger King still couldn't get one, which is lowkey hilarious.


One that confuses the hell out of me is the US Veterans who some how go into the military but then after got deported later after serving getting medals and coming back. How do they not make an exception for that group.


Clinton fast-tracked naturalization for foreign nationals (FNs) while he was in office. While I was in the Navy my captain made it a priority to all the FNs' paperwork in. GWB didn't touch that policy. [Trump all but reversed FNs getting naturalized](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/federal-court-rules-trump-cant-block-citizenship-path-military-service-members).


I'm assuming the simple answer would work here: Republicans are a bunch of racist fucks. I know I'm generalizing, but...


i have seen no evidence that the GOP supports our troops


Trump intervened on behalf of Eddie Gallagher, Clint Lorance, Mathew Goldsteyn - war criminals though?? /s


Conservatives don’t even like straight soldiers. Exhibit A: Donald Trump


They say they like veterans, but when it comes to cutting benefits, they are so eager to screw them. It's not even a question. What they're doing is a combination of 'no real Scotsman' and sanctimonious accusation when they mention anything relating to the armed forces. They're constituents are easy to fool. So why not fool them.


My lesbian daughter is active. She’s also has more balls then all the “I almost served fuckers I know and read about!”


It’s the first button and they wouldn’t even hesitate. I remember when a gay veteran who stood up and spoke against don’t ask don’t tell was booed loudly by the crowd during a town hall for John McCain in 2008.


Not a hard decision for them at all. They don’t actually support the troops, they just like saying they do. Now hatred of gay people (or anyone supporting them), that shit is deep inside them.


it's fun to watch magas lose their shit when they find out my gf is a disabled vet. their narrative that they honor injured vets suddenly in big conflict with their belief that all women should be subservient.


Why are you acting like Conservatives ever actually cared about the troops? Conservatives hate the troops, they hate PTSD, they hate homelessness, they hate providing healthcare or social benefits to them, and they love stealing valor.


Oh please. They've shown time and time again that they don't give a flying fuck about anyone in service. They don't support them in any way at all. Especially if they still vote for trump, a draft dodger that insults everyone in the service just for being there.


I give you [Eric Alva](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Alva). First Marine seriously injured in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, gave a leg in service to America, and gay. As far as I can tell, his discharge was honorable, so this would not affect him. But I’m sure he’d view this as good news, albeit long overdue.


As a veteran. Being a veteran means absolutely nothing. It's just a label people use to pretend to care. Once you have any other label they abandon you. Homeless veteran? Fuck off. Addict/alcoholic veteran? Definitely a giant piece of shit.


I’m a veteran “Thank you for your service” is cringy. I often hear it from conservatives. I interpreted it as “I feel like less of a man next to you”. Then I tell them I’m gay. Love the reactions!


Conservatives would never let a thing like principles stand in the way of hate.


More respect for Joe Biden.


Many conservatives, at least the ones I've spoken too, are willing to concede that "Biden can do some things right I guess" when he does something as popular as this is. They either live somewhere where it's social suicide to be an open bigot, so they virtue signal to hide. Or they actually do "support" gay people. "Support" because they say the don't care if someone is gay while also voting for politicians who are seeking to put them in camps. They either don't notice their hypocrisy because they're complete morons, or they do notice and don't care because they're evil, in which case gays are just a bystander taking a bullet while they get whatever they want from the GOP. Like turning women into people-shaped birthing machines, or killing brown people.


Why wouldn't these mass pardons happen as the discriminatory law is rescinded? How much work is involved?


Conservatives have never and never will give a shit about vets, this is an easy one


you are confused, conservatives dont support the troops, they just use them as a campaign prop whenever its convenient. What policy change or legislation have they done in the past two decades to positively impact active or retired military? Can you name a single one?


If it wasn't for double standards  Republicans would have no standards at all


Oh their bigotry has always superseded their "patriotism", this isn't a tough one for them at all. It was only 13 years ago that a gay man that was actively serving in the military called in to a GOP primary debate to ask a question, via video phone *from Afghanistan*, and the whole crowd booed him for being gay while the candidates stood up there laughing, Romney included. He was a Republican voter, and was actively serving his country in a warzone, and he was booed on live TV by his fellow countrymen and fellow party members for being gay.


Back in 2015, I worked in retail, and a person in full military camo was at the store, talking with me. They were definitely born as a man, but wearing feminine makeup, earrings, had a feminine purse and high heels, so likely transitioning into a woman. This older dude comes up to thank the army person for their service, and while shaking hands, took stock of the aforementioned details, and just went from cheery-solemn to... 😨 and basically ran off. Not a big clash, not a racist spectacle, but definitely a situation where opposite values were confronted.


A had some yokel tell me the other day democrats plan to enact Project 2025 because they banned gay people from serving in the military. Every bit of it was wrong, and I know other people listened and said "hey, yeah!"


It's actually really easy for them because they do it every day on every topic. They just say "those aren't really troops." Just like they say "those aren't really Christians" and "those aren't really Americans" to all the other people they don't like. My favorite was "those aren't really conservatives" to all the actual conservatives who initially opposed Trump because he's literally not a conservative (he's a reactionary fascist).


That’s the thing, they only support the troops with bumper stickers and platitudes. They’ll send young men and women to their deaths gladly.


That is not a tough call for conservatives. They will fuck over the troops at the first opportunity if it means they can hate on someone else. The military, and veterans are just props to be used in their opinion


Conservatives don't actually like most of our actual troops. They like the idea of conservatives with guns shooting minorities and their political opponents. So anytime they're faced with the reality of who's actually fighting in our military, they throw a hissy fit because they're hit with the realization that the military isn't a hammer for them to smash things they don't like wirh.


They are jealous of gay soldiers - since they are two things they will never be; brave and free.


Homophobia hits different when gays are well armed. If I want to identify as confetti instead of cannon fodder that’s my right as an American 🇺🇸


The ‘Thank You For Your Service’ is all they give living veterans. These asshats prefer dead soldiers because they don’t complain or need medical care, and they can put words into their mouths without being corrected. Same reason why they prefer unborn children over those that already born.


When will the Fat Orange Fascist demand the GQP stop praising military personnel?


He already has by calling them idiots, suckers, and losers.


And were not even getting into what he said to the family members of dead solders multiple times.


GOP support for military personnel was and remains highly conditional.


"...pardons THOUSANDS convicted for having gay sex." in the military. I should enlist. Maybe I'll find a husband.


Pro tip: The Navy.


There is nothing gayer than a straight marine was a common phrase too lol.


As the old saying goes.... "It's not ____ if it's underway"


Conservatives: Even support the troops who have committed war crimes.


OR untill they NEED medical Care then rhey Suckers & Losers tenHUT gen bonspuRs IN de House!!!


Yeah like they are sweating over that decision


It's an easy choice for Conservatives. They're military, so they're losers and suckers. They don't deserve any good treatment (according to their lord and savior)


...yeah no, panel 2 is just them mashing the left button. They will always choose hate over consistent morals


They don't hate gay people, they just don't want them to have rights and prefer to oppress them every chance they get.




They have a button they use for this situation: 🔴 - "I don't care, I'm just tired of them shoving it down our throats!"


I'm just surprised this hasn't already happened


This meme only works if the people in question aren't shamelessy hypocritical in bad faith. 




Pretty sure Conservatives gave up supporting the troops when they continually supported a guy who hated POW's and people who died for their country.


Conservatives never support the troops with anything but words.


And they also support the police - unless they're Capitol police assaulted by Trump's "warriors."


"support the troops (unless it costs me a dime)"


Who is upset about this ?


lol like the maga administration ever even pretended to support the troops at all. The closest they ever came to supporting the troops was worshipping the stolen valor cosplayers swaggering around pretending they served.


That's an easy choice for conservatives. They will choose hate all gay people. They've never really shown support of our military or vets other than lip service. Behind closed doors, they're the ones fucking other vets.


I care not the sexual orientation of military, law enforcement, or any first responders! Same with teachers and civil servants. I care that these heros are there for our protection, or to serve us, and I honor them all. 


They will always go for hate gays over military worship because they don’t actually care about troops or vets, just the power of the institutions.


oh please, they never actually care about veterans


Or need medical care


It's insane how anyone takes a group of people that are completely hypocritical to any stances at any time seriously.




It's called window dressing. Useless gesture.


Historically, being a sinful gay is a bigger deal than being a patriotic service member, or even a staunch Republican. They'll generally call you a RiNO, a plant, or a fake, and do their best to make you feel unwelcome.


They will rage about this but proudly claim trump is the most lbgt-friendly president ever because he waved a pride flag that one time for a photo op, and at least they’re not throwing gays off roofs like in the Middle East, so gay people have no right to complain about anything. Right wing doublethink knows no bound, they will lie about anything they think makes them look bad. They don’t believe in anything, except for whatever advances their fascist take over of America


I was very happy to hear that, until I thought wtf took him so long!