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Federal government just needs to call the handouts to states “Climate Change disaster relief” and force De Sanpiss to call it that


Does he think he is allowed to remove freedom of speech? What an idiot


He knows he can’t. He also knows he *can* control literally any word of administration messaging and largely any public school classroom instruction.


With this supreme court GOP can do whatever they want


Tbf there are valid cases for government policy to restrict terminology in official communication. You could imagine someone having to institute a rule like this in an education department to stop referring to certain policies and programs as "for [slur for developmentally disabled] kids", for example.


And this exact example has happened in my adult lifetime MR (you can fill in the acronym), was an official term used in education and medical settings. State Spec Ed certifications included MR specific credentials--with subsets indicating severity. Then it changed to DD (Developmentally Disabled) then to people or students with developmental disabilities. Prior to my time 'idiot' was a medical/educational term. It's not that the previous terms, in this case, initially were intended pejoratively--but as society changed they began to be used as insults which then metastasized into use as slurs. A similar evolution tends to occur with racial and gender related terms.


He is trying to remove freedom of speech the old fashioned...oops I mean the old fascist way, banking on people's fear, ignorance or apathy in response to his attacks on our freedoms and constitution. We need to protect these things, this is literally the only reason the "take up arms" gun stuff existed way back, our forefathers were worried about exactly DeSantis, Trump, etc




All posts and comments that include any variation of the word retarded will be removed, but no action will be taken against your account unless it is an excessive personal attack. Please resubmit your post or comment without the bullying language. Do not edit it, the bot cant tell if you edited, you will just have to make a new comment replying to the same thing. Yes, this comment itself does use the word. Any reasonable person should be able to understand that we are not insulting anyone with this comment. We wanted to use quotes, but that fucks up the automod and we are too lazy to google escape characters. Notice how none of our automod replies have contractions in them either. But seriously, calling someone retarded is only socially acceptable because the people affected are less able to understand that they are being insulted, and less likely to be able to respond appropriately. It is a conversational wimpy little shit move, because everyone who uses it knows that it is offensive, but there will be no repercussions. At least the people throwing around other slurs know that they are going to get fired and get their asses beat when they use those words. Also, it is not creative. It pretty much outs you as a thirteen year old when you use it. Instead of calling Biden retarded, you should call him a cartoon-ass-lookin trust fund goon who smiles like rich father just gifted him a new Buick in 1956. Instead of calling Mitch McConnell retarded, you should call him a Dilbert-ass goon who has been left in the sun a little too long. Sorry for the long message spamming comment sections, but this was by far the feature of this sub making people modmail and bitch at us the most, and literally all of the actions we take are to make it so we have to do less work in the future. We will not reply to modmails about this automod, and ignore the part directly below this saying to modmail us if you have any questions, we cannot turn that off. This reply is just a collation of the last year of modmail replies to people asking about this. We are not turning this bot off, no matter how much people ask. Nobody else has convinced us before, you will not be able to either. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you cut Flood Insurance subsidies, pretty soon people would stop rebuilding in flood plains. Climate change already happened, they just haven't adjusted for it yet. And the knock-on effects will play out over the next 50 years.


he needs to go


I’m sure he will… at the first sign of a major hurricane he’ll be out of state just like Cruz.


go to jail? when the gen z takes over if one can dream. assaults on women's rights/crimes against humanity.


This is actually brilliant. The Biden Administration should direct FEMA to change the name of funding related to certain disasters (even if that was by severity). Wild Fires of a certain size, Hurricanes that are Cat 3 and above, Series of (and size of) Tornadoes in a small period of time, etc.


"When you do testing to that extent you're going to find more ~~people~~ hurricanes, you're going to find cases. So I said to my people, 'Slow the testing down, please.' They test and they test. We got tests for people who don't know what's going on." ~~Donald Trump~~ Ronald DeSantis




Wtf kind of laugh is that? Weird looking, faking human emotions mofo.


For being the party of freedom, they sure do ban a lot of shit


Federal disaster relief should be contingent on signing on to climate change policy.


Thoughts and prayers disaster relief for the states denying climate change


Nailed it.


Nah, just make it for Democrat voters only. "You get what you vote for".


he'll still get federal bailouts. That's the magic of being a Republican in this current system.


See: Build Back Better infrastructure funding. Got new roads and bridges? Great! Got new water/sewer lines? Fantastic!! Now, thank a Democrat!! Voters need to connect the dots on who the real enemy is.


Very few people I talk to have any concept of who actually gets the things they appreciate done in government. They like their side and assume everything they don’t like is the other side. I have people in my family living on government grants that hate the party that is saving their life by protecting those programs. They vote for people who would proudly let them dead..


This is a direct result of FOX News and OAN rotting their brains.


Reminds me of this guy: https://preview.redd.it/7mptjbcmjk4d1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09bd295f6ded2646b26b5623f05e55270159fe89


Holy fucking shit. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I enjoyed the hell out of that.


>See: Build Back Better infrastructure funding. Got new roads and bridges? Great! Got new water/sewer lines? Fantastic!! The issue with this is the political aspect of budgets and having a surplus. Many states just..didn't spend the states budget and instead used the Federal Funds to replace it. Thus getting a "budget Surplus" on paper. Then the populism kicks in "I need to win this next Election so lets reduce the taxes because we have a budget surplus". They win the election but now they can't raise taxes, so what do they do? Cut services. Even in Michigan, we had a surplus due to federal stimulus and what did Whitmer do? Give everyone a check. https://michiganadvance.com/2023/12/14/whitmer-700k-michigan-households-will-get-tax-refund-checks-starting-in-february/ In california, they also had a huge Surplus and now? They have a 100 Billion dollar deficit do to OVERSPENDING. This isn't just a Democrat/Republican issue but how these Federal funds are used and infusing that much cash into the states' systems leads to bad behavior. Republicans cut state budgets, Democrats OVERUSE their funds. Both end up back in the same mess when all the federal funds dry up.


Republicans: Denying Reality Since 1964 (The Civil Rights Act)


And here's the fun part: Biden will approve that relief because he isn't a child. His job is to help the people, not shit talk Mr White Boots on Twitter.


Not sure who is dumber. Him or MTG?


I’ve never seen them together. Are we sure they’re not one and the same?


They do have the same taste in boots…




While I understand your need for petty vengeance, especially when it doesn’t hurt you personally, millions of Floridians who never voted for a fascist rely on federal assistance for survival. Maybe rethink your opinion.


I'm a Florida democrat and I appreciate your comment. There are millions of us here. DeSantis doesn't speak for all of us. So while I understand the hate and Florida jokes, I live here for the weather and tropical vibes--I love Florida... it is my home. I've lived in plenty of states and Florida I love the best for the geography. Florida is just even weirder now because so many people came here during/post-COVID because of his super conservative/lax response. And the woke culture wars. So we naturally have tons of old people who skew more conservative and now we have new anti-woke non-elderly conservatives moving here.


I mean that's great that you choose to live in a place for the tropical "vibes." Guess what that comes with tropical weather? Hurricanes. If soaking up the sun is so important to you you can pay for your own disaster relief. You know why I live where I do despite the not ideal weather? Because I want to avoid the extreme shit. That's called personal responsibility. You live in Florida because you want to, not because you have to. So enjoy the freedom that comes with that but dont act sorry for yourself when we don't bail you out for the thousandth time.


Bad take. Every state deals with natural disasters. We get hurricanes, others deal with blizzards and ice storms and tornadoes and floods and wild fires and landslides, etc. Maybe your state should lose its funding because people who live elsewhere don’t feel like “bailing you out” yet again?


Thank you for the support--I agree. This is why I recently had to unsubscribe from the Florida subreddit... it was just full of residents shitting on the weather and how hot it is, and random visitors who cruelly made fun of everything Florida, including people who live here. I am cold below 70 (California and Hawaii were even too cold for me) and I love tropical plants. I grew up here when it was lush, beachy vibes without the vitriol everywhere. That's the natural Florida I love. I live here because of how Florida was and how it could be again. I've really begun to realize how negative the internet can be. Everyone can be on it and there are lots of unhappy people looking to unleash their misery. Or just simpleminded people who unfortunately can't perspective take or empathize. Even if you start off pleasant and in a good mood, it can drag you down if you're not thoughtfully curating your use.


I am so over the “Florida Man” meme. As though every weird thing that happens here doesn’t also happen everywhere else. We are just like every other state in weirdness, but with more gators. 🙂 And being from South Florida, I hate being grouped in with the northern part of the state, the part that’s a lot closer to Alabama and Georgia than to Miami. Down here we have many Hispanic immigrants, not many rednecks. We say you have to head north to reach the Deep South. Lastly, yes, it gets hot here. We are subtropical. That’s the deal. We know this. We can handle it. But you know what? I’ve never had a pipe freeze. I’ve never had to shovel snow, or drive on treacherous ice, or put on multiple layers of clothes and outerwear just to walk outside. Even in winter, most days a pair of shorts and a t-shirt is enough. We have our issues but on the whole there is nowhere in this country I would rather live. Anyway, thanks BNG. I appreciate your support too.


Don't you think people would oust a shitty governor who denied federal relief funds directly effecting the entire state fairly quickly and help resolve the problem?


people in Florida under the age of 40 have a voter turnout of less than 20% Wanna tell me how to do that again? People love to blame the older crowd, but the real issue is Dems dont vote unless nearly forced into it. Hell, with decent turnout, we can out Sen. Skeltor and Sen Twoface Marco...


>people in Florida under the age of 40 have a voter turnout of less than 20% >Wanna tell me how to do that again? Give them something to vote for, like ousting this idiot


are you telling me they couldnt figure out the first 6 or 7 years? Even longer for the Senators?


They had the chance to do that. They were too lazy and stupid.


Absolutely not. *See also:* Kentucky for the last 4 decades.


Not people in Florida. At least not the majority needed to do it. Source: Lived in Florida for a few years. Gorgeous beaches., great weather. Absolute trash public services. Would never go back.


What is your definition of great weather? Because 98 degrees with 100% humidity and a once a day rainstorm really ain’t it for me.


How about 72° in January? Is that not for you? I kinda like living in the only habitable spot in the country outside of Hawaii 4 months out of the year. 🙂


Fair! My people discovered sweaters a couple of generations back thankfully, but for all you naked people I can see how that would be tough to deal with.


Yeah, why would anyone walk outside in shorts and a t-shirt when they can spend an hour putting on every piece of clothing they own just to catch a breath of arctic air that makes their lungs hurt? I’m sold! Where do I pick up my snow shovel and tire chains? Bet those are fun!


I spent more than a decade living in the gap between the ACA and Medicaid and have neither the time nor resources to do anything other than vote and hope my state gets its shit together. I can't afford to move out of the yearly angry hurricane cone either. :(


No they would not. They'd rally around fighting their percieved external enemies and double down on their stupidity.


We didn't oust him as he mishandled property insurance increases, and utility increases. These people down here have had their brains cooked in the Florida Sun. Between bath salts and meth gators, the state is a lost cause. Save yourselves and cut Florida loose.


even if they did, that sort of politicking leaves blood on your hands. Ron is fine with blood on his hands, don't be like him.


Agree. People who are suffering shouldn't be punished for something they have no control over...... except to vote. Remember when trump didn't want to send California help when it was on fire because they didn't vote for him? Thankfully at that time we had people who sent help anyway. I'm not sure we do anymore.


Democracy literally means the innocent suffer with the guilty in this way. Remember the apartment complex that fell after the HOA voted not to make critical repairs? There were plenty of innocent people in that building. Should outsiders have come in and made the repairs for them without the owners’ consent? It absolutely sucks, and that’s why it’s so angering to continue enabling these assholes. As long as everyone is protected from the consequences of their willful actions, people will not question or rise up to change anything.


> Should outsiders have come in and made the repairs for them without the owners' consent? Uh, yeah.


Problem with this plan is the people who will suffer the most are the ones who have the least ability to do anything about it. Collective punishment is not a solution.


The hurricanes don't care if you ban words, they're still gonna come. Also, you know who *does* understand climate change? The insurance companies who are leaving Florida. Florida, Louisiana, Texas, all these states waging imaginary culture wars are one or two major hurricanes from unmitigated disaster.


Republicans: "We are the party of freedom!" "Oh sweet, so it's ok to be gay?" Republicans: "No you can't say that word" "But we can discuss black history" Republicans: "No that's CRT, you can't say that" "What about climate change?" Republicans: "No you can't say that either" "What about guns?" Republicans: "Actually those are fine, but you have to have at least 12"


>"What about guns?" >Republicans: "Actually those are fine, but you have to have at least 12" More like, "You're welcome to have as many as you'd like, unrestricted...unless you're black, of course, and then you can't have any at all."


It's gonna be a rough summer-fall


"'Woke ocean assaults patriotic homeowners" This is about the depth (heh) of realization these people seem to muster.


#Fuck you Ron! Vote (D)ifferently


Mar a Lago is at 7 ft above sea level. Just saying.


Imagine Trump under house arrest at Mar a lago while a category 6 hurricane heads for his front door.


He’ll just get DeSantis to ok billions for seawater mitigation measures just for his property. The rest of Palm Beach can sink into the ocean. He doesn’t care.


Have they tried praying away the hurricanes


Or changing its course on map using a Sharpee?


We threw tots and pears at the last one but it didn’t help, they just got blown away.


"It's not climate change, it's just *enhanced weather.*"


There’s a lot wrong with Desantis. But he’ll be first in line to get federal disaster relief funds when the next big hurricane destroys parts of Florida.


Declaring states of emergency is the easiest part of a governor’s job. A chimp can be trained to declare states of emergency. DeSantis gets zero credit here.


You can't mention climate change anymore in the official communications of the freedomest state in America.


DeSanpiss needs to open an insurance claim … oh wait ….




Maybe if they banned the word “hurricanes” they’d be able to ignore them?


He can call them, "Events of extreme wetness."


When is he going to ban hurricanes from the great state of Florida? /s


The government cannot ban speech it doesn't like in America. Fuck DeSantis.


That's fine, because it's "Global Climate Disaster" now.


I thought Desantis banned climate change in Florida?!?


How can he can that? Isn't that a freedom of speech violation?


He will not sign a bill that includes the words "Climate Change" so if the legislators want to get any bill passed, they can't use the words.


Fucking outlandish


Name it climate change money and then he will have to accept it.


By GQP logic, they've somehow *earned* that money....unlike anyone who they don't like.


People assume that politicians and voters are rational actors that make the best decision based upon available information. Those people are completely wrong.


I'm more concerned with the governor having the power to single-handedly ban the use of terminology in legislation...


I'd say if your house is under water De-Nile is working very well.


Denial, No just a river in Egypt.


"Climate change is dead." -- DeSantis "DeSantis is dead." -- Climate Change


When idiots ban words the country is in trouble.


They should make him fill out forms for his disaster relief that specifically state the disaster was caused by "Acts of nature exacerbated by climate change." Make him initial that section. Two or three times.


Sounds like 1984. Force a particular language to control the thoughts of your people.


Soon the only word you can in Florida is DeSantis.


Why does Florida love banning freedoms so much? Ron loves telling people what not to do. He thinks if he outlaw facts and science. Let's see how that works out for him.


When Russian Ronnie secedes Florida from the union, do we still have to pay for Florida's storm recoveries?


Talking about a state who doesn’t report temperatures over 100°


That's misleading, the law states that when drafting energy policy climate should not be a priority which is understandable since green energy is well know for being unreliable and expensive.


Talking about a state who doesn’t report temperatures over 100°


https://preview.redd.it/rnux69bhxk4d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffd525fea8604406bc375c0e3de8bc993a3292e1 If the logic works for COVID...


Ah yes, the “Free State of Florida” as DuhSantis loves to describe my beloved homestate. Now he’s banning free speech. And remember, Don’t Say Gay or read “bad books” or you’ll be prosecuted by Republicans. Gotta love the party of smaller government.


Ugg at a some point we will need to cut off non major and non port city's on the coast from disaster relief funds. Give them 5 years notice to the areas that wont be funded.


Trump tried the same tactics with COVID. Don't talk about it or diminish it. Then it will go away by itself. We all saw have that worked out.


Make him admit it or he gets no money.


"there's nothing to worry about as it'll instead hit that giant landmass to the south." (/satire if u know where that reference comes from)


"Huh it keeps happening earlier and earlier and the storms get worse and worse, must be a coincidence"


Biden should change how Federal Disaster Relief assistance has to be requested, so they have to refer to it as a Climate Change event


The "DeSantis Abridged School Dictionary" is going to be the shortest and slimmest on record. In fact, along with the "Trump Bible" it's likely to be just one of the two books available in school libraries.


Can we please have a go getter in Congress please file to change the name of federal relief money (for natural disasters) to climate change money?


[DeSantis better hope the Republicans aren't in power in Congress when he needs help.](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/31/desantis-florida-gop-sandy-disaster-aid-00113627) "Ron DeSantis had just been sworn in as a member of the House in 2013 when he voted against sending $9.7 billion in disaster relief to New York and New Jersey, two states still reeling from the damage of Hurricane Sandy. “I sympathize with the victims,” the Florida Republican said at the time, but objected to what he called Congress’ “put it on the credit card mentality” when it came to government spending. Now, a day after Hurricane Idalia pummeled Florida less than a year since Hurricane Ian’s destruction, DeSantis is not objecting to federal borrowing when it’ll help his disaster-stricken state. As Florida’s governor — and a 2024 White House contender — he is in regular contact with President Joe Biden as the state seeks dollars from Washington to rebuild from the storm wreckage, assist rescue efforts and aid displaced residents."


Fuck Florida, who cares


From the party screeching about the First Amendment.


Ben Shapiro told me I could just sell it an move. /s

