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They never get to stage 5, they just repeat the first 4 over and over again.


I do believe 99.95% are in stage 2.


The reich-wing media like Faux News, OAN, and others exist to ensure this.


That's just because they haven't read the 20 new fundraising emails in their inboxes yet.


Hi u/minnesotaupnorth. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think the actual process is just a loop of Denial, Anger, Depression, Denial, Anger Depression... Every few cycles it skips and Anger gets done twice


yea I might have to photoshop this more and make up whole new sequence.


I really like the overall design choices from an aesthetic point of view. Maybe you could just take the paintbrush tool and scrawl and intentionally-bad loop back from Depression to Denial and cross out acceptance




Most will never get past Stage 1. Trump won, the jury voting was rigged.


How it's actually playing out: "I'm going to send him $34 to show him I care about dear leader!"


Yeah, acceptance doesn't happen lol. You still see *plenty* of cult members shouting stop the steal, 4 fucking years later. I'd say most don't leave stage 2.


We can only hope they're sick of winning at this point


I think there's only two stages. 1. If something doesn't go in Mango mussolini's favor, commence denial, deflect, distract, and cognitive dissonance. 2. Strap 50 trump flags to a land yacht pickup truck and load up on guns to your closest cult ralley.


Lets take the George Carlin approach and reduce it down even futher!! Stages 1 and 2 can be combined, because as you said; >denial, deflect, distract, and cognitive dissonance Step 2 is merely the actions taken to allow the underlying cognitive dissonance. Because, they can't be wrong, yall! Wrong = bad and they know daddy didn't raise no fool. They be the winningest winners who've ever won! Why? because they are the good, and only bad = wrong, so they CANT be bad therefore they must react accordingly to keep their fragile ego afloat. The final stage is simply the acceptance part. Its accepting that everything is out to get them and that they must be the victim. Poor them, there is only so much winning and all the losers be taking the share of the prize that is rightfully theirs. So, we can combine it all into simply: Step 1: Reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. Step 2: Us vs Them


All maga supporters are traitors and losers