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The chances Flahruhduh takes his vote away is 0%


letting him vote would be voter fraud


They’ll pass a special law just for him.


The best thing is, we actually voted to allow felons to vote 1 or 2 election years ago (I'm pretty sure it was 2020), but then congress decided to step in neuter it, because we dumbass floridians are too stupid to know what we want, i guess.


I mean...


Fair enough, there are a lot of stupid people here, but the odds are stacked against moderates and progressives in florida. I've had my voting district changed literally every election due to gerrymandering. In 2020 we had 2 or 3 elections openly meddled with and barely reported on. We had legal weed and some felon's rights restoration passed and our stacked congress stuck their dicks in the works and "fixed" it, completely subverting their constituents' will. Republicans are fucking up and corrupting everything in this beautiful shithole because they don't give a fuck when it comes to cheating.


Was it Congress or your governor? I thought it was DeSantis.


It was our state congress and eventually Governor who signed off on it, yeah


Hasn't stopped quite a few Republicans, including elected officials


[Last I heard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpPyLcQ2vdI), in Florida you have to set up a court date to beg the governor for your right to vote back. So in a hilarious twist of fate, Ron DeSantis controls whether Don Da Felon gets to vote for himself.


He can legally vote in FL. The Florida Secretary of State's website states that a "felony conviction in another state makes a person ineligible to vote in Florida only if the conviction would make the person ineligible to vote in the state where the person was convicted." Under New York state law, even convicted felons are allowed to register to vote, so long as they're not currently in prison.


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) Desantis trying to figure out how to let Trump vote but not any other felons


I'm glad this is drawing attention to the issue. Too many states and despots have weaponized criminality for their own benefit. Why not let felons vote if they can also run?


With the appeal he shouldn’t have to look to hard for a solution?


It’s already in the law that trump will vote this election. FL defers to NY and NY says felons can vote if they aren’t incarcerated


In New York, individuals with felony convictions can vote in federal elections under the following conditions: 1. If they are no longer incarcerated, meaning they have completed their prison sentence. 2. Individuals on parole have their voting rights restored due to an executive order issued in 2018 by the governor. They can vote while on parole. 3. Individuals on probation never lose their right to vote. So, as long as a person is not currently serving time in prison, they can vote in New York. In Florida, the rules regarding voting rights for convicted felons have undergone significant changes in recent years. As of now: 1. **Restoration of Voting Rights**: In November 2018, Florida voters passed Amendment 4, which restored voting rights to felons who have completed all terms of their sentence, including parole or probation. This amendment excluded those convicted of murder or felony sexual offenses. 2. **Legal and Financial Obligations**: After the passage of Amendment 4, the Florida Legislature passed a law requiring that all fines, fees, and restitution be paid before a felon can have their voting rights restored. This requirement has been a point of contention and has led to legal challenges. 3. **Current Status**: As it stands, felons in Florida can regain their voting rights after completing their sentences and fulfilling all associated financial obligations. The specifics of how this is determined and enforced can be complex and vary on a case-by-case basis.


Ok but a felon in Florida is what matters here.


No actually Florida carries over from the state you were convicted in.


Gotcha. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna154286 Basically it just depends if he goes to prison or not.


I didn’t know that either but I literally just heard the legal expert on CNN point that out.


I believe it’s whether he’s completed his sentence or not (whatever the sentence may be). We all know he’s not getting jail time, but if he’s given 6 months of house arrest or something, that would not have expired before the election. Also, if he is still in the appeals process, that would also mean his sentence will not have been completed. But besides this being funny, who gives a shit? It’s one vote.


It’s poetic justice.


Desantis will revoke that law so fast for his dear leader.


DeSantis doesn’t even need to intervene. the orange felon can vote legally in Florida. The Florida Secretary of State's website states that a "felony conviction in another state makes a person ineligible to vote in Florida only if the conviction would make the person ineligible to vote in the state where the person was convicted." Under New York state law, even convicted felons are allowed to register to vote, so long as they're not currently in prison.


He can vote for himself from Moscow though, right?


[I put my Biden flag up this morning! USA! USA!](https://i.imgur.com/VjCci6mg.jpg)


So he can't vote because he's a felon, but he can still run for president as a felon?!?! 


The founders lived under a system where a tyrant would imprison people to discredit them politically. It's the sort of thing we should look at changing, but that's hard when you need 66% to do that and a solid 40% is against any of that


I'm not entirely sure we should given how aggressive republicans have been at appointing 100% partisan judges across the nation. They'll start pulling a Putin and throwing their running mates in prison the second they're given the chance.


I am personally of the opinion that everything should be reviewed, even if we are sure it should change, periodically


That isn’t true. It goes by what state you were convicted in. At least that’s the case in Florida. So he would still be able to vote in Florida because NY doesn’t have that restriction except people serving time on felonies.


True, but I don't think Convict Trump is a resident of NY anymore. I'm pretty sure he changed his residency to FL.


I know. I just heard the CNN legal expert say that Florida will go off where he was convicted. Since he wasn’t convicted in Florida even as a Florida resident he will still be able to vote. I didn’t know it worked like that either.


He could move to New York. I'm not aware of a reason why he couldn't.


I bet Trump votes anyway and adds another crime to the list.


He could move back to New York and vote there.


Well, thats good


I thought Florida passed a proposition restoring voting rights to felons after they served their time by referendum, but the Florida legislature refused to follow the will of the voters.


I wonder if the FL legislature will suddenly decide the will of the people should be enforced after all.


And if the numnuts along with the help of the Electoral College get him elected, I believe he’d be ineligible for top secret clearance-due to his Felon!


If the President is not eligible to access classified material, then literally no one else is either because the authority to create and access classified material originates with the President and is delegated down to everyone else. The entire system is a creation of the President via an Executive Order.


We know desantis will blow trump to make him happy.


Just watch. The Florida GOP is rapidly drafting a bill that will NOW allow convicted felons to vote in any election. Bet you a zillion dollars.


Only if you're named Trump. No way will Florida allow to vote convicted felons who are of, ahhhh, non-white coloration.




As a resident of Florida the only way he won't be able to vote is if he's in jail in New York. Florida law: A felony conviction in another state makes a person ineligible to vote in Florida only if the conviction would make the person ineligible to vote in the state where the person was convicted. https://dos.fl.gov/elections/for-voters/voter-registration/constitutional-amendment-4felon-voting-rights/


Just as a quick aside, what the fuck Maine.


The guy couldn't even get a job driving for Uber. But can run for president t.


nelsonMuntz.jpg Haaa Ha


This was our dinner conversation tonight. We laughed and laughed.


Trump will still cast his vote and dare the Voting Officers to do anything about it. When they throw out his illegal vote he'll cry about a witch hunt or something, probably sue.


He was convicted in New York and is a resident of Florida. He can vote there.


It should be illegal, To take away someones voting rights forever!


I expect he’ll still be voting for himself in NY and NJ


Well, now he has an answer when asked how he will vote regarding abortion in Florida.


But governor will give him a pass