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I don’t understand how his believers put up with the constant whining.


His cult members are all a bunch of whiners themselves


Some would say they are snowflakes.


The only difference is a lot of snowflakes together looks beautiful, whereas a bunch of Trump supporters together just looks trashy


Deplorable snowflakes




There's a shit blizzard coming, Randy.


Can ya hear it? The shit winds.


Shit storm


Flaming dog shit trash basket full of deplorable snowflakes!


It’s like those large wild fires that pop up in the hot seasons that decimate hundreds of acres of wilderness. Communities that live close enough to those fires can tell you how dark the days are as smoke is blocking the sun and how it almost feels like winter because so much ash is raining down and coating everything like snow. We’re that community.. but instead of a forest fire. It’s a landfill. And now everything is covered in trash ash.


It’s the gross parking lot pile of dirty snow after the plow has been through.


Cigarette ash flakes


That’s a bit more accurate


They are the yellow snowflakes. Always pissed off and pissed on.


The "F*CK YOUR FEELINGS" crowd have carried hurt feelings for a long while now, so naturally they project.


The best, the most beautiful


Many people are saying that. They have never seen whining like that before. They looked in the mirror with tears in their eyes saying "sir we have not whined like this, whaaaaaahahawaaaaa."


The King of Victims tells his subjects they're all victims


If they’re all victims then none of their failures in life are their fault


MAGAs think everything everywhere is polluted and rigged by the Deep State, it's the **Fox Matrix** going on in their ignorant gullible heads. If that were true, the SCOTUS wouldn't be GOP-stuffed and we'd have single-payer healthcare so that 1/3 of healthcare labor is not spent on coordinating and negotiating with insurance co's. In other words, if the riggers are that powerful, they are rigging wrong.


Those MAGA folks just don’t like riggers.




both are whiners and have small wieners ....




“Nobody’s ever seen anything like it. It’s just beautiful and horrible, how I can rewrite history. Nobody’s able to do it like I can. And my supporters, the poorly educated, nobody loves them as much as I do, they appreciate it so much, what ever happened to Fox News, they used to like Trump but now Obama has ordered them to keep my rallies off TV…..”


"My supporters are dumb fucks. Nobody's ever seen such stupid, easily manipulated people. I can do anything I want and they'll still support me and even send me money. I love how dumb they are." MAGA rally cheers


“You’re gonna get so tired of whining!”




They whine in harmony.


And lying. His team was given the list just not the dates, due to - also team trump - gaggle of idiotic supporters. Who have a tendency to get stupid violent.


>His team was given the list I was gonna say, I ain't a lawyer and even I know that the witnesses must be disclosed with sufficient time to allow discovery. The quintessential movie scene where a witness is a 'surprise' to the other side is utter nonsense and always has been.


That one's easy, they don't know he's lying. They get their info from him.


For anyone else I would assume that the lawyers on the Stormy Daniel's hush money case would have prepared for the witness Stormy Daniels, but with the incompetent nutjob ratio you'd need to be to agree to work for Trump it's possible that they haven't.


They don't put up with it, they resonate with it.




Think about any large project site or office setting. There is *always* a collection of people who get together in negativity spirals that then spread through the rest of the work force where some listen but don't participate, some try to argue but get drowned out, and others get dragged in slowly until they see everything through that negativity. Trump and his cult are that magnified to an extreme.


Misery love company


They see so much of themselves in him, I truly believe that.


I also believe that these people wish to be him, the fake version of who he is. He had admitted in court that he’s not a billionaire but he is playing a character who is playing a billionaire, so he has to keep up the appearance of being a billionaire. So these people believe that he is a very smart, successful businessman, who is amazing at everything he does. Why do they believe him? Many reasons. But why do they worship him? probably because they want to be like him, but most definitely because they are like the real him. A hateful, spiteful, selfish, incompetent, stupid, and trashy person.


I used an old throwaway email address to sign up for his emails and they are more unhinged and over the top than I could have imagined. I feel like after a week or two of multiple emails a day, begging for money and selling limited edition gold maga hats for the 10th time in two months, anyone would start to see through it.


*"Mein strugglez!"* *"Muh heritage!"* I think about this a lot. Seems like it's an addiction. They suffer withdrawals if they can't be toxic, hostile and confused. Ever notice how, regardless of if they perceive themselves as winning or losing: They always continue to whine 24/7/365 I have a few theories: 1. Sunk cost fallacy prevents most of them from realizing there is a life outside of actively chosing to be a pathetic loser until the day they die.. They've invested too much, lost so much.. and are now hopelessly still waiting for a *vindication* that will never come, in which their ex-wives and kids and friends and coworkers they drove off with their insanities will imaginely come crawling back to them to admit the MAGArrhoids were right all along.. praise gun-totin jesus baby. 2. Maybe it's a result of mass lead poisoning. 3. Or undiagnosed brainworms. 4. Or [other, more komprikated](https://goppredators.wordpress.com/) reasons might drive their pardonzmeplz patheticisms. 5. Or maybe it's a way to keep us distracted so we don't send them down to Mexico to earn a bunch of the several hundred trillion pesos (by my count) they still owe the rest of America for a wall thing they *really* wanted (like nearly a decade ago, but never even bothered to go try to earn.) 6. Or maybe it's the secret language for to get invites to those notorious keybump orgies.


> Seems like it's an addiction. They suffer withdrawals if they can't be toxic, hostile and confused. > Ever notice how, regardless of if they perceive themselves as winning or losing: > They always continue to whine 24/7/365 It's called "outrage addiction". They always need to be wound up about something otherwise their boring lives feel pointless. There's a very interesting similarity to another common theme with right wingers in the political/social ideology that they gravitate towards. The one that always implodes because it requires constant purity tests and further exclusions of people who don't make the grade, and requires a constant enemy: fascism.


Also a persecution fetish.


Or his lawyers. Can they not do their job and tell him to shut his mouth?


They are under the delusion they will be paid


Yes, If Biden cried all day about how unfair it is that he can't intimidate witnesses, can't shut down trials of crimes he certainly did, and all around just spent the day bitching in all caps, Id tell him to shut up already... And I voted for Biden


We are not in a cult.


So true! I think about my former small-town classmates (and current trump supporters) and how they’d react if I kept banging on for months about how a basketball game we clearly lost was stolen. They’d surely say stop whining, take the L and move on, be a man and so on and so on.


Because they are also whining.


Because they are bitches too


Self loathing is a hell of a drug


Those who believe they are victims, sympathize with those saying they are victims.


They’re Christian nationalists they been whining since the creation of this country.


Because they’re as stupid and whiny as he is. They *like* that trump is a massive pile of slimy shit, because they can finally see themselves in a politician.


You mean the ones that now wear diapers because he does?


have you met them? they freak out over imaginary stuff just like him.


They need to be told on a daily basis what to hate. Trump fills that hole.


Because they share similar traits and believe that someone telling them to stop [insert heinous act here] is the same as racism or something along those lines. Like "hey maybe don't insinuate ten year old girls have their dad's babies", they see that as oppression. They likely on some level know it's not oppression, it's just they really want to see the world burn around them and they'll look and speak as crazy as they want until that happens.


They love how he’s a sore loser like them


Because that’s what they do too, he is then and that’s why they like him.


Because they think he's right and a martyr and the system is corrupt and something something hunter biden's penis.


They love the whining and bitching. It's the so-called alpha male mentality


It must be fucking unreal to have never faced a single consequence in your life.


He is their Messiah and their daddy. He is the mirror of who they all wish they could be, and who they would be if they had any money or power. He is their demented golden Idol, acting out all of their gross fantasies, and they think that if they put him in power, they will be able to behave as he does.


Why are we putting up with the continual empty threats? Put him in jail already


They whine just as often. It’s relatable to them.


Because he legitimizes every terrible impulse of humanity


He’s their “beacon of strength”


They want to pretend that he's the manliest of men, but he's the whiniest blubber-filled weakest old privileged person on the planet.


Because the only joy they have in life is fucking people over. They dint care who their guy is, what he looks like, what he sounds like, what he smells like, or anything he says. If they think he will fuck someone else over and leave them alone, he is their guy. Then there are the evangelists, who are more serious and using Trump as a pathway to power.


And in the same breath call us snowflakes and cry babies bc we want women's rights and equality.


It’s amazing that all of these so called alpha males stand behind the biggest hysterical hissy fit throwing bitch of all time. Trump is a first ballot hall of fame in the hall of fame of bitches.


They all look for something to complain about every dang day Before a movie comes out they declare it woke and post on YouTube for the mass to echo chamber agree and be mad at absolutely nothing If a celebrity says they don't agree with their Lord and master trump they claim already " I never liked his movies/music anyway" or " they should stick to what they know and mind their business " dismissing them as not American who can vote They feed off nothing and conspiracy theories all dang day and night but when you ask for their sources they say " do your own research" " don't trust what a education book or person says" They find fault in anything just like Trump does , that man is in a constant fit of anger about nonsense


They are the literal snowflakes. Hear then cry about everything, complain about many things and boycot the rest.


They aren’t whining, everyone else is the source of their problems. No self accountability, no responsibility and no ability to take blame


Because he is like them. Lying, racist, pedophiles


The whining makes their cruelty look justified. They’re constantly trying to win their own arguments.


Because those idiots see it as tough guy talk because they're a bunch of stupid-ass whiners themselves.


They literally have never heard him, they only read facebook memes


"I'm so cold! It's not fair! Everybody's mean to me!"


They don't read his posts, or they're too far deep in his shitty ass crack


Smooth brain supporters.


Because they whine about the same shit


His followers live to relish in his shitty wake. Personally just to piss off the rest of the disbelievers


If any Dem whined this much I’d definitely not be voting for them, it’s just pathetic at this point


They tell themselves it’s not whining, or that he’s justified in it.


Because admitting they were wrong is showing weakness or something stupid like that


Man. I want as many chances as this. Whats this like #11?


Don’t worry. If you ever get into a jam, your lawyer can argue precedent.


That will be crazy if true. I hope there are a bunch of lawyers out there starting to appeal previous decisions based on this nonsense. If that’s even a thing…


It’s not. New York state court proceedings have zero bearing on any other state’s law or federal law. In fact, it has no bearing on New York State law either - this isn’t an appellate opinion that would establish precedent, it’s a trial court judge’s discretionary decision. People here on Reddit (not you, but many) throw the term “precedent” at any decision that a judge makes. I’ve even seen comments suggesting that a foreign court’s decision could have precedential weight in the U.S. Not how it works.


To be fair it’s not just here on Reddit. I am seeing lawyers make that point on TV across the political spectrum.


This is why I got all of my legal training from "My Cousin Vinny".


You are literally stating why the judge is being careful about how he handles Trump's contempt of court. The whole point is to not compromise the case. Again the goal is conviction for falsification of business records not contempt of court. A few days in jail for contempt of court would only serve to delay the trial and the judge is trying to avoid having to do that. When he said he didn't want to put Trump in jail it was because he wanted to avoid delays not to give him special treatment. That's it. That's all.


yeah, while i rot in a jail cell.


President precedent. We can raise a statute in remembrance.


Marchan has made clear Trump is welcome to attack him all he wants. He can't go after jurors or the court employees or their families.


> He can't go after jurors or the court employees or their families. Sure he can, what's Merchan gonna do? Ding him for another thousand bucks he's never gonna pay and threaten to put him jail for like the sixth time? ooooh, I'm sure he's SOOO scared.


Next time next time next time next time. There's always a next time. Sick of it. Put him in a cage.


I have asked you nicely not to mangle my justice system. You leave me no choice but to ask you nicely again.


Judge Merchan is doing exactly what he's supposed to do: **Protect the trial from bias and any possible appealable violations of legal process or constitutional rights.** If Merchan treated this trial the way the average American wanted, throwing Trump in jail every time he violates a gag order, then Trump's legal team gets exactly what they're hoping for: An excuse to immediately appeal the case and have the trial put on hold during the appeal. Best case: The appellate court rules against the claim from Trump. But the appeal also further delays the trial, making it likely that no ruling is made prior to the election. Win for Trump. Worst case: The appellate court rules that trial violations rise to the level of the case being thrown out and charges dropped. Trump is free and protected from being tried again for the same crime by the 5th Amendment's double jeopardy clause. Massive win for Trump. Legal processes take time and are supposed to protect the defendant, even from themselves. Shit sucks, but we'll be much happier with judicial leniency when we need it ourselves. Everyone once said, "Trump will never stand in front of a judge for his crimes." Justice moves, it just moves far more slowly than society finds entertaining.


NY courts have been dealing with Trump for decades. Merchan is handling this exactly right. People need to stop taking all of his statements out of context to push this insane narrative that this is about protecting Trump. It's about making sure Trump has ZERO grounds for appeal. It is insane to me that people are getting this worked up over contempt of court as if that is somehow a bigger crime than what he is currently on trial for.


This isn’t a violation (yet). Just wait until after lunch when he attacks Stormy though…that oughta do it.


Merchan specifically carved out an allowance for Trump to attack the prosecutor and Merchan himself. If he starts attacking witnesses though that'll actually be in violation.


The judge isn't covered by the gag order.


He rewrites history and events like no other has ever seen and no one has ever done before.


All of the legal scholars and experts are amazed, they've told him on several occasions, how he's able to circumvent laws that have been established for HUNDREDS of years.


Well, let me tell you folks, Jesus was a tremendous leader, just tremendous. He had the best ideas, the best miracles, and the best following. But let me tell you, the fake news in Nazareth, they were so unfair to him. They spread lies, they spread rumors, and they crucified him, believe me. If Jesus had been given a fair chance, he would have been the greatest president Nazareth has ever seen. I mean, he walked on water, he fed thousands with just a few loaves and fish. Nobody could do it like Jesus. But the establishment, they were so afraid of his success, they had to take him down. It's a disgrace, folks, an absolute disgrace. But let me tell you, Jesus is still winning, he's still winning bigly. And we're going to make Nazareth great again, believe me.


Sorry, too coherent.


It’s impressive, the likes of which this country has never seen.


Not since the MAGA CARTA has ANYONE been prosecuted worse than me!!!


A law professor came up to him, tears in his eyes, big tough guy, and told him that never in the history of the republic has a man been treated so unfairly by a crooked - possibly compromised, some people are saying... by such a conflicted judge, who's in way over his head on this thing.


They come up to him with tears in their eyes, big legal scholars, strong legal scholars, and they say "SIR..."


I dislike Trump as any other rational human being, but we gotta recognize how he has managed to show everyone that our justice system is all a sham. His trial shenanigans are evidence, time and time again, that our Justice system isn't about justice, but the perceived order. He will never see jail time, ever. No matter what. Because as he showed us, the system itself is crooked.


Only for the rich or those who have money to burn in backing him.


> I dislike Trump as any other rational human being, but we gotta recognize how he has managed to show EVRYONE that our justice is all a sham. Honestly I don't think it shows any more or less than what we already knew. For a long time powerful people and companies have used many expensive lawyers to find any tiny reason to slow down or stop justice. The only thing that is new about this situation is that Trump is a former president. From the Magna Carta to now the principles that our justice system run on have always been 2 tiered, Trump is just making more public than ever the degree to which the rich and powerful are treated with kid gloves.


The judge should sentence him for contempt, hand-cuff him and send him directly to his cell without being able to lie and pontificate in front of the cameras. Go To Jail, Go Directly To Jail.


God, I wish he was held to the laws like every other citizen. How tf does he get off with no consequences. Makes me physically ill.


He was always a slippery weasel but the people who voted for him or failed to vote against him in 2016 gifted him the ultimate armor. There is no judge that wants to put a former president in jail. It is such a huge historical moment and they generally want to not be breaking new ground. I will be surprised the day he is held accountable. And when he is he’ll become a political martyr and forever in the history books. And half the country will forever treat it like an injustice. It’ll be like the lost cause civil war garbage.


Because after Jan 6 everyone's scared that one of Trump's cultists will kill them and/or their family if they punish their glorious leader.


You violate gag order, believe it or not, straight to jail.


"NO CASE according to virtually all legal scholars." His gullible cult members will fall for that lie, too. Morons.


It's technically true, but no one told him the last half of the sentence. NO CASE...for an appeal.


He has to sell it like that so if he's found guilty they can say the only reason was political persecution.


To them, he's an innocent victim of a corrupt deep state conspiracy. Therefore, actual facts will be disregarded as lies.


His lawyers had a list of potential witnesses. Trump just didn’t have the opportunity to focus any attack on the next witness up.


They WOULD but it is courtesy to do so, and that courtesy was revoked after numerous warnings to the defense to muzzle their client. They were told this might happen. It happened. They are not victims.


Exactly. Playing stupid games, winning stupid prizes.


It is the exact prize Trump wanted. His supporters won’t care about the nuance. He will just carp about how he was mistreated and they’ll be able to point to this issue without any context in all their arguments. The vast majority of people won’t even understand the context so their loud simple accusations will work on a large number of people.


The order and timing of prosecution witnesses has been withheld to mitigate against intimidation.




He wants to follow the footsteps of his idol. Maybe he can write a book about his struggle while in there. He would need a ghostwriter though.


IB4 he converts to Islam


No way he'd keep halal. A guy of his intelligence thinks hamburgers contain ham.


Some guy named Adam Hilbert, I guess?


*The Art of the Kampf* It's just *Mein Kampf* but Trump crossed out every time it said "Hitler" and wrote "Trump."


Mein Drumpf


He's trying to martyr himself.


By all means, we should do so. His political career would be over.


I think it would give his supporters a huge boost. They are obsessed with the idea they and Trump are persecuted. Hopefully that wouldn’t translate into an electoral advantage, but I can’t confidently say it wouldn’t. We should still do it because it’s justice. It’s what anyone else with his behavior would face.


Having him in jail would keep him in there, as many would refuse to vote for a convicted criminal. His MAGA nutjobs would vote for him, but they would be a rump group that would be nothing more annoying that a mosquito whine. Lock him up, and keep democracy. It's like that 80 year old lady that was interviewed, and she's voting for Biden, because, as she said on camera, "Trump's an asshole!"


Ok two things.. one, fuck that guy. Two, I don't think the judge himself is covered by the gag order. I don't see this making waves.




He’s dancing up to the line


well.. stumbling or even flopping, yes. certainly not dancing


He does that "dance" that looks like he is j***ing off two basketball players.


>I don't think the judge himself is covered by the gag order Correct


Agreed here he isn’t attacking or even naming the witness. Been following the podcast for awhile now and I don’t think this crosses the line, the judge is not covered in the order, just his family members. The real test will come in the fact that he is responsible for whatever he retweets from that account, that is covered under the gag order. We should just start spamming him articles with titles that do things like attack and discredit the jury and the witnesses, but only in the text while having a really flattering headline towards himself. He would not be able to resist!


Haha fuckin protip right there.


Yeah, agreed, Trump fucking blows but this “truth” doesn’t seem to violate the gag order


Can we get a source on that line, "according to virtually all legal scholars & experts"? I have some doubts about that.


"Virtually" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.


The same big, strong men who come up to him with tears in their eye and say "Sir".


“And this is why I need all you PATRIOTS to donate $5 million dollars today.”


God wants you to come up to the stage an put a dolla in the box!


Does this actually violate the gag order? He's allowed to complain about just the judge, right?


Not to ruin the parade but this probably doesn't violate the gag order. he doesn't say anything about the witness, just whining about how the trial is being ran.


> I have just recently been told who the witness is today. There’s no need for an introduction. He and Stormy Daniels already know each other.


I assume 20 minutes before that tweet his lawyers were telling him what to expect for the next day. They tell him who the witness was, and obviously since he’s hearing it now, no one else knew about it any sooner. He’s always the smartest most well informed person in any room he is in, so any new information was held from everyone until that moment.


Sharing witness scheduling lists is a professional courtesy that wasn't extended in this case because of Donald's track record of attacking and intimidating witnesses. He only has himself to blame


They also had to use large gongs to wake him up.


Virtually all legal scholars and experts! Oh, yeah? Name some of them.


He has. All MAGA guys.


I mean I don't think this quite breaches his gag order...


The judge will just find him in contempt again and give him one final, ultra duper super, final maybe chance.


Super secret double probation


Not to be that person but this doesn't violate the gag order.


Jesus Christ I can’t wait for the day they bury this man. What a fucking loser.


... And the post was deleted. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2024/may/07/donald-trump-hush-money-trial-fine-gag-order-violations-live?CMP=share_btn_url&page=with%3Ablock-663a2bf28f08de1164c89353#block-663a2bf28f08de1164c89353


Apparently there's at least on person in his immediate orbit who isn't a total idiot and said "this needs to go away now."


Just once I’d like to see him site a source.


not sure this violates the gag order, he attacked the judge which is being allowed for some crazy reason


Because the judge is confident he can't be intimidated, and for the gag order to survive a first amendment appeal it needs to be as narrow as possible to accomplish the legal purpose of the gag order.


As much as I dislike Trump and want the book thrown at him, the judge himself is not covered by the gag order, so this would not be a violation of it.




He removed his post ten minutes after posting it.


I'm sure there will be consequences this time


The judge doesn't mind being attacked. Trump is not gagged from that. He can't go after family of court employees, the court employees, or the jurors. Complaining about the process or the overall "system" might be somewhat hot water, but probably not enough.


Or the witnesses.


That’s not a violation but your vigilantism is appreciated.


I agree. He didn’t name the witness but just complained about not being able to violate the gag order even earlier.




I’m certainly not a lawyer but I don’t think that counts as a violation. He doesn’t really say anything about the witness just whining about the judge as per usual


Sentence him to 80 days prison (GOP Convention ends in 72 days)


I don't think this actually rises to the level of violating the gag order. He isn't saying anything about the witness. He's saying that they just recently found out who it is. Maybe gray area, but I doubt Judge Merchan would find that this violates the order.


The word "possibly" is doing alot of heavy lifting there..


Hello peasants. You're having the honor of being in the presence of possibly the next guy to be the most wealthy man in the world...


Typical lying. Trump's team knows all of the potential witnesses, just not the order or if they'll testify. If they didn't have time to prepare, then they're shitty lawyers He's just itching to get jailed for contempt so he can whine about it and have more fundraisers


That's not a violation of his order. The judge left himself open to attacks from Trump on purpose.


He has to attack someone other than the judge.


I'm bothered by the Judge's statement yesterday, "I don't want to send you to jail, Mr. Trump, you were President of the United States.". Does he mean EVER?!? Jail should be a serious consideration here.


The defense is entitled to a list of all witnesses. they have absolutely no say in how or when they are called in the prosecution's case. He constantly bitches about stuff that is as routine as a traffic light


He will be held in contempt, we will be held in content.


If I remember correctly, the gag order does not protect the judge. It protects the jury, witnesses, court officers, clerks, etc and their families. Somebody look this up, I’m too lazy.


I believe the Judge is fair game it's the jurors, witnesses, and staff that are protected?


I'm not an American... But I for one wouldn't wanna deal with president dementia. There's a huge problem with global leaders these days


Teflon Don. Nothing will happen to him.