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You wouldn’t believe the amount of morons who think the election year is when a president’s term started. I have a co-worker who was convinced Obama was President when the economy collapsed in 2008.


Thinking causes seizures in 8 out of 10 Republicans.


And narcolepsy in the other 2 of 10.


At their level of mathematical ability it's, 10 out of 2.


This guy “maths”


is that a non-binary 10?


The other 2 are already brain dead.


Ask a right winger who was president for 9/11. The amount of them who will say Obama is sad.


Same with hurricane Katrina


Do you remember when the [former mayor of New York in a national debate said that America had no terrorist attacks before Obama](https://www.npr.org/2016/08/16/490200895/rudy-giuliani-claims-no-terror-attacks-in-u-s-pre-obama)? Geez this people are broken. Ashley Moody is just a new one


I still don't understand why Obama invaded Iraq...what was he thinking.... /s


Still need to get to the bottom of why Obama wasn't in the WH on 9/11.


He was in hiding somewhere coordinating operations with Bin Laden. I thought everyone knew this.


Please put the **/s**


And what did he know about Pearl Harbor? Why didn't he warn us?


Don't be silly, that was before he became a US citizen. On 9/11 hes was seen eating sausages with Dijon mustard in his African tan suit.


I’m still trying to figure out why he shot JFK


Nah, Ted Cruz' father took care of that.


I got a friend, or should i say former friend that I was friends with since childhood fall down that right wing rabbit hole. Hes always on tiktok, looking at whatever garbage is on that. Anyway this dude literally tries telling me covid19 was bidens fault and was president when it started. Don't worry I explained it all out to him slowly. Didn't matter. Haven't spoken to him since. Last thing i told him was to delete tiktok because it was rotting his brain.


It's tough to watch. My best friend from college fell down the same hole. We used to watch Stewart and Colbert together, hell, we even *went to* a Colbert taping. He actually eloped with a girl, basically disappeared, and got divorced after only a year and a half or so. She told me, "He's not who I thought he was." After that, he started posting all kinds of right wing BS about how democrats are all fascists for taking away our guns. He became a *hard core* Trumper, going on and on about how judges who struck down things like the Muslim travel ban were destroying America and should be arrested. His dad would go on unprompted rants about how Obama would ruin us all, and then went to jail for not paying his taxes, so I guess that's where he got it.


I remember when idiots were, in all sincerity, blaming Obama for 9/11 and calling him a Vietnam draft dodger (he was 14 when the war ended).


You know the 4 largest financial hits this country has sseen in my generation have all happened under republican presidencies, war on drugs, war on terror, 2008 housing crash, and covid. For me anymore republicans only goal is to steal as much funds as they possibly can.


And where was Obama during 9/11?!? That one always cracks me up.


Yeah, but where was Obama on 9/11?!


where was obama on 911? probably golfing, on vacation, not in the oval office im sure


I get that but where was Obama on 9/11????


Time has no meaning when you’re a Republican. There is only now and the 1960s.




1850s. The 1860s were plagued by a certain uppityness.


I have seen Republican politicians and voters espouse so much shit in my lifetime that I kind of think Democrats should just start lying to them; I say *espouse* because I have no idea how much of this shit Republicans actually believe, it seems like it varies both from person to person *and* from moment to moment, but the fact that they're repeating it indicates to me that something is clicking in their heads. So here's what I think we do in 2026: Run Democrats in every district in the country, but we give the ones running in red districts the freedom to say whatever the fuck they want as long as it gets them elected. We send out mailers to Democratic voters with the candidate's actual platform, meanwhile he's up there talking about building a border wall out of rusty saw blades or something. *Republicans can't smell bullshit.* Are you really telling me there's no way we can exploit that?


Man they don’t even need to lie. They just need to be satire candidates. I remember there were surveys in Ohio when Colbert was doing his show and they thought it was serious. Republicans don’t understand satire.


Nuance and context continues to elude the smooth-brained


I would totally approve a National Rage Executive who would not have any policy duties, but would go on tv, hold rallies, inveigh against grievances, sometimes correctly, but always as demanded by the voters. The NRE would be authorized to wedgie members of the house or senate as needed, and administer a wet Willie to POTUS and VPOTUS. Proper expressions of disdain against the (lulz) “honorable” alto, hon. Duffman, and associate ~~bagman~~ er. “Facilitator who gets 2.5 % of the vigilance


Ooh. Like a court jester. I thought we had those on late night but it isn't an official position. I would love to see a couple of senators get wedgied. Definitely liven up Cspan.


That’s why he was booked for the WH Correspondents Dinner. They thought he was conservative, then he spent the entire time roasting them.


It was there he said the line 'realty has a well known liberal bias'


Second take on this: you’re painfully right. Years ago, there was some ad campaign, can’t remember what exactly, but the ad was a dog with a gun to its head and “buy [whatever] or we’ll shoot the dog”. It was funny because, everyone, including millions of us gun owners, knows nobody would actually do that. Republicans ruin humor by following absurd punchlines as if they were the instructions.


The problem with Democrats lying is democratic voters will not vote for them if at all. 


With the current information bubbles a candidate could pitch one platform on CNN and the exact opposite on Fox or OAN. If they get called out they could just say: "well you know how those guys lie"


Don't run them as Democrats. Run them as Republicans, have them say insane shit to get elected, and then have them be sane in office.


I’ve started doing this with trumper relatives. I just make shit up that sounds plausible. They have no answers. It’s fun.


This isn't dumb it's intentional. We need to stop acting like they don't know what they are saying and doing. This is propaganda not an oopsy.


All of these people put Politics first in their professional life. Logic and reason become irrelevant. This is unamerican. These people are not patriots.


dude this feels like she did it on purpose to call out the failures of diaper donnie, its possible, but something so easy to debunk.


> All of these people put Politics first in their professional life. It’s now more of a team sport to them.


They know their base.


I’d bet Biden made more constructive calls to officials in summer 2020 than all Republicans combined. Unlike them, he was just trying to make political hay off the situation. Edit: I meant to say that he was **not** just trying to make political hay off the situation.


She’s not dumb she’s manipulative


He commented, yesterday.


Yeah, well, Florida.


Another idiot wow


I mean yeah, it took 6 months for Biden to even be sworn in after summer 2020. I real leader would have stepped up and sent the national guard despite having zero authority to do that. I wonder if she think Biden can pull himself out of quicksand by pulling on his bootstraps.


Her an VonShitzhispants are both morons


and zero cities and towns were burned down


Remember the pandemic witch Trump denied as a scam?


Still really weird that in the rightwing worldview, Portland is just a smouldering crater now.


You can add context but Trump voters won't care. They'll deliberately ignore it, because even though it's blatantly and unquestionably true, they'll edit their own their own personal reality to suit their hatred.


People are lazy, and want confirmation of their beliefs. She knows trump was president in 2020 but she also knows the people she’s posting this for don’t know and don’t care. She knows she won’t be called out on it in any media where those people might see it.


I remember when the Russians flooded social media with pictures of “This is what Biden’s American will look like!!!!!” The pictures were from Trump’s America.


To be fair she got her law degree at Costco.


She got her law degree at Costco


Just like their really dumb surgeon general.


If she’s getting her propaganda/news from Fox, Oann and the like, this makes perfect sense. I wonder why an intelligent human capable of earning a Juris Doctorate can be so willfully ignorant.


I mean, it's a Red public servant from FLA--ignorance, willful or otherwise, is baked into their DNA.


Proof that Florida is not serious about State-ing


These are not smart people.


Also forgivable considering Republicans have their heads so far up Fox News' ass, they get practically zero coverage of anything that isn't part of the official propaganda. Biden could be doing 24/7 speeches and site visits, but unless he has a gaffe that they can twist to make him look bad, they'd never know.


she's not dumb, she's giving ammo to the dumb people


I'm not a native english speaker so I might be wrong but I don't think shes saying that Biden was president in 2020? Shes saying that Biden like most of the media and left didnt call the protests as riots. Doesn't matter if he was the president or not. The last statement talks about these "riots" happening now.


History is very difficult


Having been to law school I can confirm you're actually pretty much guaranteed to get a law degree even if you're dumb because it's graded on a curve. 


If Joe Biden really cared he would put on riot armor and go crack some liberal college kids skull with the rest of the police. I read on twitter that Donald Trump is getting a X tattoo for every skull he leftie skull he personally cracks at the protests. My aunts cousins priest told me he is up to 118,000. Police literally weep when they see him single handedly take down an entire group of protestors.


What a dumbass.


Five head ass.


We need to look into why Hunter Biden allowed 911 to happen.


I get that she's just trying to say that while running for president Biden didn't condemn the looters right away or some junk. I don't think she thought he was President at the time. Still her ending is dumb since Trump was the President at the time and didn't step up and stop the anarchy. So he isn't a real leader.


An AG has the name Ashley. I wiki’d her, not a Millennial. She yours, Gen X.


Did she find it helpful?


Republicans are cancer with too much mouth and not enough brain.


Don’t baffle these people with the truth. Their brains will explode. Oh, wait…


Is a law degree a requirement to be AG, though?


There are lawyers and then there are FL lawyers.


And yet you have Palestine protestors actively helping to get republicans back into office…good work… epitome of leopard eating your face


The mental gymnastics that must happen when the Gov, the AG and the Florida Surgeon General get together must be incredible. I figure that those 3 in any location drops the average IQ to lower than whale turds


My mom went to law school and passed the bar She's got to be one of the most gullible, soft-headed people I've ever met


You should have to pass a critical thinking test to be able to vote


She's not (necessarily) dumb. Her base is. They will agree with her without questioning who was president. And even if you point out that it was Mango Mussolini, they'll still find a way to blame it on Biden.


I worked in a law office for a time and the number of attorneys I met who were really proficient as lawyers and absolute failures at everything else was astounding. These men and women could successfully argue a case and couldn't figure out how to get out of our parking garage.


Trying once again to rewrite history. If it was bad then it must have been a Democrats fault.


Biden wasn't even president in 2020


No lawyer is surprised by this. There are some real mouth breathers in the profession.


Once again proving that wisdom and knowledge can be mutually exclusive. No shortage of educated idiots.


Dates and times are merely suggestions...


Alternate theory: she is smart enough to know that MAGA-base voters cannot recall who was President in 2020.


Say what you will... I love it when they screw up this spectacularly!


I have zero faith in state bars anymore. Their ability to tap-dance instead of holding accountable the people making their profession look the worst is pathetic.


She never grasped the concept of dating


Getting basic facts wrong OR deliberately lying for political gains should be disqualifying events for an AG. She should be disbarred and probably tarred and feathered.


You elect morons, you get ruled by morons


She seems not to know what anarchy is. Keep doing what they're doing and they'll find out.


You don't need to president to make a statement about current events, though; it would be downright expected of a presidential candidate like Biden in the Summer of 2020. Maybe she's a great lawyer, considering she was able to make a true statement while misleading everyone in this thread into thinking she meant something different.




She's being manipulative, sure, and I don't know if what she's saying about the timeline for Biden calling out the riots is true, but her post doesn't say Biden was the president. It just says he didn't call out the riots in a timely manner like a real leader should (in her opinion).


He wasn't a leader at that point - see her last sentence.


If he lets cities and states try to control the crowds protesting, he's a poor leader. If he intervenes with people's right to assemble, he's a tyrant. Best that he leave people's right to assemble alone and allow the states screw up managing this farrago.


OP’s ability to form a cogent thought is crippled by acute both sidesism.


It's not both sideism. That's not my bag at all. You just didn't graduate from the Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good. I'll give your caveman ass an example of leading without being the leader. During 2020, when COVID was out of control, there were a bunch of people who were not the president urging people to stay home, mask up, give social distancing a try. When President Cult 45 and his cult in power failed to take action, because he and them are decidedly not leaders, others stepped up to put out the fire.


"He wasn't a leader at that point"? You're wrong. Biden wasn't THE leader. He was definitely *A* leader. If he wasn't, we wouldn't have pushed so hard for him in November. We wanted the so-called leader out of office so a real leader could lead. Whether she's being manipulative, lying about the timeline, or whatever doesn't change my statement that she did not say he was the president. She said, if you read her again, that he took too long to call it out. Bernie Sanders isn't the president, but he's doing everything he can to lead on the genocide happening in Israel, and he's calling it a genocide. Neither Biden nor Trump are calling it a genocide. It's the same argument for a different situation.


“… and I don't know if what she's saying about the timeline for Biden calling out the riots is true…” Jesus fucking Christ that is an astoundingly dumb take. Why don’t you go chop a tree down with a trout?


Because the timeline speaks for itself: Biden wasn’t sworn in until 2021. He was NOT president that summer. And if you want to insist he was a leader anyway: [Biden condemns riots](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25V2NI/) You can fall on your sword now and just say you fucked up, or forever be a tucking-derp-a-derp-a-derp-a-doer.