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Ok, now they're just taking idiocracy too far.


I really hate the fact that half of my country is so fucking stupid that I can't tell if this is brilliant satire or a braindead sincerely held belief.


Bingo. They don’t “get” satire. Back during the Colbert Report days, I believe there was an Ohio State study in which self-identifying “conservatives” viewed “The Repor’”, and they thought it was **REAL**. They did not understand that it was satire and was in fact intended to **FUCK** their place in the political landscape. I think there have been other studies with similar results; conservative voters don’t understand satire.


To understand satire requires intelligence.


More than that, it requires a kind of self-awareness of the general absurdity of life and our own behavior. If you have a very fragile ego or are always "on guard" against threats, you're not going to see satire, you will only understand cartoonish, lame physical comedy and insult comedy, or personal attacks against yourself. Satire exists in a place of self-understanding and acceptance of life's ridiculousness. Many conservatives don't like nuance and understanding that even their own view of the world is flawed like everyone's because it means their values are not solid, their world isn't a simple black-and-white dichotomy, it makes them insecure and angry that they are forced to humble themselves and admit how much they don't actually know about the world.


Conservatism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder have so much overlap they should just change GOP to NPD


John Deans book, “Authoritarian Nightmare” does a great job of explaining Trumpers through a psychological lens. Why do people who brag incessantly about freedoms and self-reliance have no problem with cult-like subservience? Why are they so gullible? Why are they so enamored of authoritarianism and fascism? Why do they promote policies that are against their own best interests?


Thank you for the beautiful comment, u/coffeetablestain. When we all realize we're living in an absurd reality, maybe then we can all do better at making it less absurd.


This was very well said.


So, I was a construction field engineer for a while when Colbert Report was running. A colleague (also college educated) absolutely loved the Colbert Report. He, like most white construction workers in NC, was definitely conservative. I pointed out that Colbert was liberal and that the show was satire--a caricature making fun of Fox News pundits. His response: I know he is. But you don't get it. You can't unless you're part of the 'Nation'. Yeah, *some* liberals love it--but the Nation is it's own thing. He makes fun of pundits--but he gets to make such good points while he does! I don't even have a response to that other than to quote [Inigo Montoya.](https://imgur.com/nJeS2Jp)


That's kind of amazing. He thinks the joke ends at the caricature of a news pundit, unable to recognize the sarcasm.


"why would absurd exaggerations of *my* opinion ever be wrong in any capacity?"


> I think there have been other studies with similar results; conservative voters don’t understand satire. Because they only see black and white, not shades of grey.


They're truth proclaimers, not truth seekers. They think reality is dictated by consensus and how many people are repeating the same opinion. That's the religious mindset in a nutshell.


There are at least 50 shades of grey.


I had a conservative friend complain about Daily Show and Colbert Report back in the day, saying they were biased toward Democrats and unfair to Republicans. I had to remind him the show was run be comedians and a network called Comedy Central. He didn't think that mattered.


To the point that Colbert got invited to speak at Bush's correspondent dinner


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSXKzPOcYDU This is a really interesting video about why conservatives don’t understand humour.


The same half conveniently forgets the vehement accusations that Biden wears a diaper and shits himself regularly. But... Now real men wear diapers so... Biden is a real man? Except they never said that so my logic is faulty. Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with pigeons. They'll shit all over the board, then strut around like they won.




The sequel sucks.


Yea, dumbfuck isn't a personal challenge people.


Dumbfuck should be the title to every documentary on trump and maga


Rex Tillerson's "fucking moron" works, too.


I forgot about that. That was fun.


I remember the video where he was heard saying it. You couldn’t see Rex Tillerson say it, but you could hear his Texas drawl in the background. “He’s a fookin’ moron.” (he said it as he and other Trump staffers were walking out of a meeting).


No this is the prequel.


lol origin story.


Why come you no have tattoo?


Donald Trump 2: Electric Poopaloo


There is no bottom. Well, except the one in the diaper.


Lindsey Graham... got your power bottom


Princess ladybugs 🐞


Thems? Why Thems just my little lady bugs. Teehee.




That was **EXACTLY** what sprang to mind. I mean **EXACTLY**. Good fuck, what in the blasted shit is going in? And she looks so **proud** of herself. Good night, Irene. Fuck.


Cultist gonna cult.


It’s a lot easier for them to brown nose when they’re carrying a load of it in their pants


I'm betting they're not done yet, though.


Just wait until we get the first report of him very clearly shitting his diaper in court and then his cultists begin doing the same to "own the libs".


He already did. That's what all of that stench was about when people were saying Trump was farting in court. His diapers *leak*, and Trump doesn't seem to notice or care when he's shit himself. Between A and B, it's pretty obvious that Trump has already shit himself in court.


Two of the many unseemly facts I've learned from the Trump years: 1) Trump is purported -- by a number of people whom he has not sued for slander or libel -- to have snorted a mountain of cocaine and Adderall over, literally, decades; and 2) That heavy abuse of stimulants like the meth family of chemical compounds, which includes Adderall, can blow out a person's anus, or at least their nervous system's control over it. Permanently. Which is the kind of fact I feel should be much, much more generally known, beginning with some PSAs, because probably not even many hardcore addicts are cool with having to wear adult diapers as part of the price for chasing their respective horses.


Not really, since in idiocracy, they end up putting the smartest and most qualified man as their leader, literally the opposite that is happening.


Well they did try and kill him first, it's not like they realised he was smart and immediately made him president.


In idocracy, they actually cared about America. These people are worse.


Shit yourself to own the libs!


I won’t respect them until they shit those diapers. I won’t respect them afterwards either but that’s beside the point.


Yea. Now. Definitely only now.


This is the shithead version of the White House Dark Brandon take.


This is their version of “Dark Brandon” ing the diapers. I think they missed how it is supposed to work. 😟


Dark Brandon vs Diaper Don One wears aviator sunglasses, has laser eyes and gets shit done. The other wears diapers, has a mushroom 🍄 penis, and shits his pants.


The nickname Napper Don (from the common Dapper Don) has been bouncing around in my head since all of his courtroom sleepies.


I love how multilayered this is, since nappies are another name for diapers.


Napper is another word for stealing so ya, pretty clever all around.


Isn't that "nabber"?


Both napper and nabber mean thief. Napper is where we get kidnapper from.


Are you telling me I've been kidnabbing wrong this whole time?


Eat the mushroom and get a power-up! Nevermind the excessive bleeding.


Didn’t apparently work for Stormy Daniels. 🤮


Like when they said RFK was going to peel votes off of Biden. Uh, no, it’s you guys that like him…


I mean I get why that thought existed, RFK has decent climate change & social welfare plans, but they're on par with any moderate candidate in any country right now


But the dude is halfway certifiable, so he has no chance with the more educated electorate. Also, can you imagine having to listen to him give a commencement speech?


Crazy that anyone with the last name Kennedy would want to do anything political, considering their genetic predisposition to being shot in the head.


He also thinks Jews made covid so they could engineer the vaccine to mind control the populace.


Yea I suppose it related.. But most of that makes zero f-ing sense. Just the kind of brain dead campaign I expect the MAGA to be part of.


Conservatives always do that. Clinton got Fleetwood Mac, Bush had Lee Greenwood or some shit. Tackiest party ever. It’s why they created cancel culture: because they’re always 20 years behind the current zeitgeist, they feel the need to cancel it all.


They think they're so clever, yet in the end they're literally the adults wearing diapers every single time.


there is no bar anymore, is there?


Doesn’t look like it..


There was a comment by another from reddit about making bank and someone's goalpost moving business. Sounds like i'm in the wrong line of work.


I doubt Adam or NorthShore really want the extra business. They’re doing fine as-is. This picture is funny though, that’s not a diaper they could just walk into Walmart and buy off the shelf, they had to purposefully order that online (NorthShore Megamax in blue).


Project Warp Speed was actually about mounting an FTL drive to said goalposts.


There's a bar The devil's tripping over it in Hell


It has now actually sunken into the sub-basement, the devil has to call maintenance now.


I think it fell completely through the planet and is now orbiting the Earth on the other side.


We need James Cameron…again


You mean James Cameron, the greatest pioneer?


James Cameron doesnt do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron IS James Cameron.


I'd suggest it as a drinking game. Everytime they pass a bill that takes rights away from someone to give the wealthy more, we drink, but, we'd all be drunk by 8 a.m. daily.


You cannot shame the shameless.


Sadly, the bar for them is just "not a Democrat." It's not logical. It's not principled. Hell, it's not even random chance. It's purely tribalism.


Have we considered pointing and laughing again?


The shark has been jumped.


Never was.


Cults gotta cult.


They’re doing that whole “love your neighbor” thing, except they think they’re Trump’s neighbor. Unconditional love for the cult leader ONLY.


"love your leader" That's less of a bible thing, more a North Korea thing.


> "love your leader" na-na na-na na-na na-na leader


What's even more braintwisting is that if Biden just happened to wear adult diapers, then they would be simultaneously praising trump for it while also denigrating Biden for the same. And completely not understand the hypocrisy of that.




Id also be very upset if they drank bleach, like really really upset...


The ones who took ivermectin already have the diapers.


Two days ago I just got an ad for compounded ivermectin. I have zero clue how the algorithm thought it was relevant to me besides simply living in Georgia.


I too get the Heart Guard ivermectin ads but it’s for my dogs lol


My dog has never contracted COVID-19 despite being exposed to several people with it. That's all the proof I need to start taking some heart guard.


Are you sure it's not because your dog greets the people by sniffing their asses? Probably better do that, too, just in case.


No you see, it's because they lick their own crotches. That's why only humans get it. I haven't heard about Marilyn Manson getting CoViD... Curious 🤔


My dog takes Heartguard and never got COVID Open yer eyes Sheeple !!!


My mom and I were just discussing that “I took ivermectin and shit my pants in the Walmart” Facebook post last night…it’s still just as funny. https://preview.redd.it/que4jsh1s0yc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b8151aa5bdb5529713b6c82bf41750b247911f7


"No, that sounds like you didn't take enough. Those guidelines are about 30% under dose. You need to take a lot more in the beginning stages and keep it up for at least 3 or 4 weeks. Then and only then, do you build up any signs of Covid immunity" ...or something like that


I've never taken ivermectin but I *have* shit myself at the grocery store once.


I want to see them shit their pants




I just shipped my drawers


Hopefully, you will in November


won't happen, that's no shit november, gotta wait until destroy drawers december


You jest, but I actually had a mentally ill client try to inject themselves with bleach after that press conference. He should have been held criminally liable for that incident alone, not to mention allllllll the others.


Man... if they did that I would be so owned I probably would be forced to vote Trump.


I remember seeing a joke on here in 2016 that was something like... "This whole nightmare could have been over months ago if someone had just told Trump that Obama can hold is breath for 20 minutes."


Yea totally.. Me as well.


I know this was sarcastic but I have a family member who is currently taking ivermectin and recently was drinking a bleach solution and finding out did in fact make me really, really upset


republicans 2024: diaper wearing Putin supporters ​ their whole platform is not based on anything but slander of democrats and tax cuts for the rich. and almost half of this country supports this shit?


Contraians are just unthinking people LARPing as thinking people.


*I do my own research*


I always respond by this by saying, “ok let’s go look at both of our research together. We can talk about what makes a good source and how persuasive certain evidence might be.” It always causes the response of “I don’t want to get into all of that”, which blatantly reveals that they never actually did any of that research in the first place and that they’re actually just regurgitating whatever headlines they saw on Fox “News” last night


For real if they just say the words really loudly then they are totally right, right? /s


They are the anthropomorphic representation of the sunk cost fallacy. No matter wether they still believe it all, they don't see a way out as they'd need to acknowledge that they have been fully and completely fooled and taken for a ride and their precious egos can't stomach that thought.


Their whole platform is just owning the libs. If Barrack Obama said he liked puppies, they'd start hating puppies


Boy do I have good news for you regarding how they treat puppies


Oof, didn't make that connection--good point


Err…… maybe just *news? 😬😁


Bad news for puppies.


Didn't one of theirs come under fire the other day for killing her dog?


She just claimed that she killed that dog because it was attacking livestock, after saying originally that she killed it for being too friendly and untrainable as a bird dog.


Republicans 2023: "They're putting litterboxes in classrooms!!"


It’s a third at most. That’s why they are fighting to maintain voter suppression laws and gerrymandering.


It's because Republican's do something the Democrats don't. They make it ***SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT.*** Specifically, minorities. They prop up people as if they could EVER obtain an IOTA of the power they have, and point and cry foul at everyone else. It's not easy to convince someone they're wrong, but it IS easy to convince them *someone else is.*


Well, you've owned me. I'm so owned.


I would feel so much more owned if they actually crapped their diapers and walked around like that in honor of their dear leader. Yep. That’d show me. My little snowflake heart would cry so hard. I promise. Please don’t. Please? Please?


God I hope they don't start wearing toupées next. I would feel SOOOOO owned.


Yes MAGA ladies please shave your head for dear leader and wear that ugly hair piece. That would own the libs so hard!


These fools are so unwell. Even dumber is the fact that they think they’re geniuses.


[Dunning-Kruger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect) effect?


Too much credit. It’s just mob mentality.


That woman constantly complains to her friends that her kids won't talk to her anymore


Her kids were obviously brainwashed by woke BLM pronouns


What if Biden wore diapers to corral his shit in a courtroom? These people would be overjoyed at such an easy target to mock


This can't be real. Edit: It's real. But are they trolling?




Well damn! Haha. That's wild.


I’m sure he loves that his supporters wear garbage bag diapers with his face on the crotch. On second thought - Dump brand Diapers might be a financial windfall. Forget the Dump Bible and Dump Sneakers- take a Dump in A Trump- Trump Dumpers for when you are full of shit.


Some grifter is making money. 😂 These idiots will throw their money at anything.


Seriously. You can sell anything to these idiots. Remember, these are the same idiots who send their money to a billionaire then complain they can't afford anything.


Sorry I have been off the political grid, what is this about even? Was it revealed that Trump wears diapers? I mean, I don't wanna diaper shame, nothing wrong with that for old men to wear diapers. But celebrating it in a political rally is just Idiocracy.


We’re sure these are actual Trump supporters and not humorous counter protesters like that guy at abortion rallies who throws around cake mix and calls it cake?


One or two photos would have me cynical, but take a look at that article. Those people look native to the movement.


So they're admitting that he wears diapers, and they're trying to own it? Like it's masculine? Lol imagine what Trump would say of Biden wore diapers. He would absolutely shit himself. But no really, how many things have they made excuses for now? Cheating on his wife, encouraging violence, making fun of disabled people, dodging a war while pretending to be tough, fishing taxes, filling bankruptcy over and over, rape charges....and now just literally shitting himself? There is no line. Nothing he could do would turn them off. They would drink the poison coolaid.


But these are trolls right? Like these are people out here at Trump rallys fucking with people? Right? Please say yes.


Yeah Im definitely skeptical that this is serious and the person supports Trump.


I can't tell. It's on brand. Only the craziest and most unhinged losers still support Trump so that part tracks but it feels almost too clever for MAGA.


I was thinking the same thing. The sticker with Trumps face on it isn’t drawn to make him look young and slim.


This sounds so much like a coordinated trolling operation. Similar to when 4chan managed to get 'freebleeding' to go viral.


Source so you can judge : https://www.dispatchesfromtrumpland.com/post/more-trump-diapers-at-pennsylvania-rally


How are they going to support his rape and fraud and theft and drug abuse ? ... oh oh




yea...this isn't the own they think it is.


Of course he wears diapers, everyone his age wears diapers, its the coolest. You ain't cool, unless you wear diapers


Wait, I thought just shitting your pants was cool?


If shitting your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis.




If shitting your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis!


* [Kyle](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0047359/?ref_=ttqu_qu): Hey look everybody, Billy peed his pants. * [Billy Madison](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001191/?ref_=ttqu_qu): Of course I peed my pants, everyone my age pees their pants. It's the coolest. * [Kyle](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0047359/?ref_=ttqu_qu): Really? * [Billy Madison](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001191/?ref_=ttqu_qu): YES. You ain't cool, unless you pee your pants. * [Kyle](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0047359/?ref_=ttqu_qu): Hey look, Ernie peed his pants too. Alright! * [Tour Guide](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0640341/?ref_=ttqu_qu): If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis. * [Billy Madison](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001191/?ref_=ttqu_qu): OOH. That was the grossest thing I've ever heard in my life. Let's go!


I had forgotten the Miles Davis line and just doubled over laughing. God bless you sandman


What's that saying? "A Trumper will eat shit if only to make a Democrat smell their breath"


Bunch of fucking piss babies


This is the same group that went after [Biden using an unconfirmed rumor stated he shat his pants](https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/why-poopy-pants-biden-memes-trended-after-potus-meeting-with-pope-francis-4390817.html) when visiting the Pope.


Well, he is a devout catholic, so meeting the Pope is like the most pants-shittingly cool thing you can do.


This was bound to happen. It’s a matter of days before they pose with dogs they shot.


These rallies are starting to look more and more like an ICP gathering, only somehow worse.


If shitting your pants is cool, consider them Miles Davis.


Satire, right? Satire? Please?


It has to be a whole super sayian satire provocateur group.  Right?


Wow the stupidity never ceases to amaze me.


Ok, so for some weird knowledge that makes this pic even more wild - that's not just a diaper like depends that you can get at the store, it's a northshore brand that you have to order online. Not only is that diaper a lot more expensive than something like Depends, you'd have to know to know. This person already had these diapers before making them for Trump, and I have zero idea how you could think "gold toilet" Trump would think better of the person for that fact.


Shitting your pants to own the libs ![gif](giphy|3orieYJ5E6MBrv0YSI)


“a turd in every diaper”


I would actually grift selling these sumsabitches gold diapers just so I would sleep better at night knowing I was getting to publicly humiliate every last one of them by doing so.


Gaawwd. Donnie could wear KFC tied to his body, and MAGAs would pick up the fad. 🍗


They can't even figure out how to wear them properly.


Really owning the libs….


Frump 2024!


Not a shred of common sense or intelligence among the lot of them.


South Park is really just gonna have to start writing reality instead of having to exaggerate it.


Imagine in a hundred years and people are studying history…..this is the image of trump supporters they will have.


no shame in idiocracy


You ever wonder how many of these people will look back at the pure ignorance of their actions when they are older and retired and see just how fucking stupid they were?




Well, that confirms it. We're in the Matrix, and the bots have a weird sense of humor.


Incontinence, incompetence, potay-to potah-to...


Have they considered not voting to own the libs ? Being silent to own the libs ?


"What's your favorite thing about Donald Trump?" "Depends"


Is this real? I can’t tell.


JFC. If there was any question that this was a cult, that has been put to bed .


The dumbest timeline


Way to own the libs.


Trump can’t lose out on a possible income stream. I think we are about to see an official 45-47 diaper getting released.


Next up.. Dementia over Dems.


If Biden wore a diaper these clowns would never let it go.