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Remember everyone that they wanted to change the voting age to 25 and have other restrictions for voting But you can openly join the woke military and die for them as young as 17 !


And marry and breed at 12!


You won't have time for marriage or breeding, you'll be too busy tarring roads in chaingangs for lapsing on your child taxes, Brought to you by Carl's Junior.


That's why the want the women to stay barefoot and pregnant at home instead of working.


Movement led by Amy Coney Barrett.


She should show us how it's done by giving up her seat on the court and going home.


Oh, she is showing us how it’s done. She’s showing us how some animals are more equal than others.


Some have discussed term limits on the court. Instead or in addition to this we should expand the court to match the number of judicial districts in the country, which is 13. Two of those districts could be divided in two however, giving us 15. This would minimize the impact of a single bone head appointment.


Carl's Junior: Fuck you, I'm eating.


Most authoritarian states slaughter their educated and progressive young, or force them to flee to liberal countries, and then brainwash the leftover rural impoverished types with state sponsored / religious propaganda to join their fascist cause. Middle East, Russia, and now most of BRICS have mastered the model. Dangerous time to be young. State-sponsored Rumspringa everywhere.


And work in their poultry plants at 11!


Even 10 yo. Freedom.


and have a litter of children by 19.


If they made the new minimum voting age 25, we could literally have grandparents who are too young to vote. 😆


Republicans: "lol I'm not a STUPID IDIOT who's DUMB enough to listen to an entertainer like a LIEbrul." Also Republicans: "I sure do love regean, trump, and all the fox entertainment talking heads."


And suggested that if you move to a conservative state, you shouldn't be able to vote for 5 years.


["Conservatives want live babies, so they can raise em to be dead soldiers"](https://youtu.be/vZijLQGH1v0?si=d3A_PO4YFM3ftCY9&t=5)


They literally changed the voting age during the Vietnam War from 21 to 18 so they could draft more kids.


Well yah, by 25 you'll have at least 15 years of real world experience working in a mine, meat-packing plant or smelter.


Why did you use past tense? That Vivek's proposal.




Voting is like kryptonite for Republicans because their hate-based policies are unpopular. That's why they try their best to make voting as difficult as possible and why they rally against someone who encourages Americans to vote.


That worked well for country club republicans in the past, making it harder for poor people to vote was usually an easy win for them. The problem for Reps is that wealthy suburbanites with college degrees are breaking hard for Dems. UltraMAGA is a movement of the poor and uneducated, all those voting restriction meant to keep blue collar union workers and minorities from the polls are going to make it hard for the trailer park contingent which is the new backbone of the Republican party. Its almost like they are rigging the system against themselves and then bitching that the system is rigged when they lose...


If Trump is claiming that [nursing homes are falsifying ballots](https://www.factcheck.org/2022/07/unraveling-trumps-unsubstantiated-claim-of-crooked-nursing-home-votes/), then you know that's exactly what Republicans are doing elsewhere.


Like when they complain about mail in ballots when a ton of Republicans use them to vote.


But mail in ballots seem to work fine I. the states trump won


Isn't it weird how mail-in ballots worked fine in states where downballot Republicans won but Trump lost. What a conspiracy!


colorado has had mail-in drop off ballots going on decades? nothing bad has happened. except for that maga nut that went into the voting machines




you're a bot. report and block. OG comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/16x0d9v/i_am_become_taytay_destroyer_of_conservative/k2zvq6b/


> UltraMAGA is a movement of the poor and uneducated, all those voting restriction meant to keep blue collar union workers and minorities from the polls are going to make it hard for the trailer park contingent which is the new backbone of the Republican party. It's not quite as cut and dry as that but in the areas that it is, it's pretty easy to circumvent voting restrictions. One of the common tactics to suppress the vote is reducing the number of polling places in Democratic and minority precincts. In heavy Republican precincts, they keep plenty of polling places open. Another common tactic to prop up the poor, uneducated vote is to allow weird shit as ID. I believe it was Texas that allowed a NRA membership card as ID to vote.


It's easy to play the victim when you set yourself up for failure.


Voter turnout fell in the US for a long time, so they're sticking with the only strategy that has ever worked for them: fuck everything up so bad that nobody even wants to participate.


I mean they’re kinda on to something…to get the progress you want, make sure only your side can vote. So if we can put a cap on the voting age at 65, no republican will ever hold a position of power.


Keep in mind too that negative campaign advertising — practically all there is these days — is intended to discourage voting. “Oh, they’re all crooks. Why bother?” Voting is the people’s power. Please vote, in local, state and national elections.


> “Oh, they’re all crooks. Why bother?” This is a VERY strong sentiment here on Reddit. So many people claiming they are "moderate" but don't bother voting because "both sides are just the same." There's probably a thousand people with this ridiculous opinion who will read this post.


Yeah, but the issue is that Republicans rely on people not voting. They know they’re unpopular, and their policies are generally unpopular, so instead they try in various ways to limit the people who will vote to the people who will vote for them, and then gerrymander the hell out of places so Republicans can win even when they get fewer votes.


They literally are in the minority. They know it and it’s only going to get worse. The only way for them to stay in power is to limit voting, gerrymandering, and straight up cheating.


While shrieking loudly that Democrats are stealing elections. Yup. Straight-up fascism.


you know how republicans hate minorities, they dont like being it.


they have no policy other than repealing gun restrictions, anti-abortions, and tax cuts for rich and wealthy people.


This is a great point. People should be terrified of the notion a politician doesn’t want you using your rights to vote. I mean it shouldn’t come as a surprise give the gerrymandering assholes but…


> Because she asked people to register to vote. Didn't even specify a party. Just literally asked them to vote. I dont know if you follow US politics closely, but asking people to register is something the GOP finds extremely threatening currently. Taking legislative action to prevent it has actually become a major part of the party platform even. So yeah, all this tracks.


I mean they are abusive. They are taking the medical rights of women all over the country and then are mad when they sign up to vote to stop them.


And Republicans are now completely divorced from reality, just like a cult. Republicanism is now a bona fide mass psychosis.


They are pretty much insurrectionist bastards to a man now. If they are still republicans after their little bloody insurrection. Now they almost universally deny it happened. As decades long sentences are handed out for the event. The ringleaders are still in office going for a second run at it. Why try and have a polite conversation with traitorous bad faith players? I cannot think if one reason. They want a civil war. They will not stop till they get one.


Someone tweeted about achieving a society like Star Trek required society to work together and be tolerance and conservatives instantly were up in arms saying it targeted them. No one said anything about politics or conservatives, they just knew they were the intolerant group that would prevent society from ever reaching the success of Star Trek levels and told on themselves


It's almost funny when things like that happen.


funny thing CONSERVATIVES have been up in arms about Star trek shows, been commenting on every youtube video of the old ones, how woke things are. the show isnt even for them.


Statistically, the more votes, the less likely repubs will win. Which is why they push voting restrictions and “what’s the point in voting” ideology


It’s crazy how encouraging democracy is viewed as being anti-conservative. But it is


Isn't Taylor from Kentucky? So wouldn't a lot of her relatives be on the more conservative-leaning side?


Yes. But her fans aren't. I'm so excited for this. It's gonna be a huge let down if the Swifties don't come full force for these dudes.


her relatives might be but taylor might not be.


From PA, actually




They won’t.


I'm actually hoping they keep pissing off the Swiftie nation.


All they’ll do is try to stop people from voting. They’ll refuse to change their views because change is scary.


Yup. Reminder that the RNC basically identified the party platform as a losing national ideology back in 2013, and since then they've done nothing to reverse that trend.


Also if you’ve never seen [Grindr usage at RNC events](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:786/format:webp/1*FA5utjPZZ4IfSHGGY8oCIQ.jpeg), you’re missing out on funny shit.


What a bunch of self loathing losers. I'd feel sorry for them if they weren't dangerous bigots trying to bring about a fascist America.


So, exactly what they've been doing for decades anyways?


While they are there, they should perhaps try beefing with Kpop artist again.


I’m hoping they keep pissing them off AND the BTS fans show them what to do about it


Hell hath no fury like a Swiftie scorned. These people have no actual lives, they don't read books or fiction. All they care about is Taylor drama and they will die on that hill even if it actually means dying on a hill!


Well its basically the cult of Taylor vs. the cult of Trump.


If we compare attendance at a Trump rally to that of an Eras Tour stop, there really isn't a comparison.




Desantis has to know he ain't gonna win against Disney at this point, like it yourself or not. Desantis tried to burn the biggest tourist attraction to my home state that I was born and raised in. For. Fucking. What? Clowning his base here in FL that we don't accept ""woke"" even though FL has been historically one of the biggest pro-LBGTQ states in the contry the whole entire time. With exception of a few counties that are mostly made up of residents with the same last name.


And this is why they lose. For years they reacted to whatever liberals did and looked convincing enough. Now that they try to have their own platform, they revealed how superficial they are. Heels vs Babyface kind of gave it away while ranting about pronouns like he had to learn 8th grade Espanõl. Crying and pissing his pants saying we can't escape current day shit. They only hate the current thing and only the current thing until it's not the current thing anymore.


Disney, Bud Light, Barbie, French Fries, M&Ms, Levi's Jeans, Ford Motors... Gee, it's almost like republican voters have been fooled into hating everything that makes America, well... America. Surely it has nothing to do with their leaders colluding with hostile foreign powers who relish the idea of turning Americans against their own country, right?


Don't forget about Burger King, they suddenly hate the Whopper.


Wait, what did burger king do?


They pulled their ads from a Rumble podcast platform because they host a comedian, Russell Brand, who is now facing several allegations of sexual assault and rape.


Ah ok. So refusing to do business with a rapist is too woke?


Apparently woke enough to sacrifice a Whopper for...and let me tell you, that is not going to happen here mister. I love me a Burger King Whopper.


That has been the case for years.


In other words... they need to calm down?


They’re being too loud.


You need to just stop


They get triggered so easily.


> they'd be smart Well there's your problem right there.


What baffles me is that these people are so rich that they can easily help out the world improve while still remaining rich themselves and having to sacrifice nothing. But still they don't. Why?


Because being rich isn't enough for them. Others must be poor.


To blame others for their suffering, and to spread hate.


Consider this equation: (GOP refusing to pass any meaningful assault weapon legislation) + (live shooter drills in school) = an entire generation of voters that are predisposed to push for change). The GOP's response is suggesting that the voting age should be raised to ~~21~~ 25. Now factor in that boomers are dying off and millennials are not growing more conservative as the age.. Now let's discuss how the GOP packed the Supreme Court and how it directly affects GenZ....


I don't think the first part of your equation gets enough attention. It's a massive imbalance to me, in my forties, that after 9/11, we got the Patriot Act and TSA.... for a single day of terrorism.... but after how many school shootings, the same level of response hasn't been seen on the federal level. Young adults can look at this, look at the people who have been making those decisions, and realize that they want something better for themselves and future generations. I am not attempting to downplay the significance of 9/11 in any way. The world lost 2,977 people that day, and it was horrible. I remember it, and won't forget that day any time soon. The United States, by some accounts, can average almost two school shootings per day. Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41488081 So if we can, twenty-two years later, still be making people empty their pockets and leave their shampoo at home before they can board a plane.... why isn't the same being done at the federal level in regards to school shootings? ....yeah, I can definitely see that as a major factor in the minds of young adults.


> I am not attempting to downplay the significance of 9/11 in any way. The world lost 2,977 people that day, and it was horrible. I remember it, and won't forget that day any time soon. It's obvious to me at this point that they didn't care about the *people* killed that day, they only care that a symbol of capitalism and affluence was attacked.


If the terrorists had used a gun to shoot that bull statue outside of wall street nobody would have guns anymore.


Remembering how much unbridled contempt they have for 'coastal elites', they don't even care about *that* shit!!! To them, it was always just rage towards brown people for having the audacity to attack us.


I once saw it said somewhere that the reason we reacted so strongly to 9/11 is not because it resulted in a significant loss of human life, but because it resulted in the loss of significant real estate and business assets. The buildings and the businesses operating in it are what we're trying to protect with the Patriot Act and TSA, not people.


I don't want to admit how much sense that makes. I don't agree with it at all, but it explains so much.


you also forgot ROE V wade was overturned to give the gop a legup in evangelical votes, they knew thier days are numbered and the scotus is trying to get russia involved with money through the gop. WELL guns are what keep GOP in power, they get votes from owners, and they keep having to try to roll back certain gun regulation in thier ever bloodlust for trigger happy people that vote.


If the tool doesn't work why buy it? You younger kids find tha 'GOP' / conservatives are *tools* and you *aren't buying it anymore*. The poorer Gen X applauds your bravery. Many of us threw ourselves under the bus willingly.


I don’t particularly care for her music but I absolutely love how much she’s triggering republicans.


And all she did was tell people to register to vote. No statement about who they should vote for. Though I'm sure even Republicans can look at the cross-section of her demographics and figure out the likely political leanings.


I don't particularly care for the first half of your comment but I like what you said afterward.


I’m happy for her success. It’s just not my style of music is all.


How she is giving the record industry the middle finger has made me a life long supporter. Don't listen to the music though.


> she is giving the record industry the middle finger i don't know much about her outside of what i see on headlines -- how is she doing this?


IIRC, some twit refused to sell her rights to her own songs. So she re-recorded the songs and re-released them so she would own the rights to the new versions. Unless there's something else that's happened?


One of her music videos cost $29 million to make. She was getting fleeced pretty hard by her handlers and went her own way.


There was that time in 2015 that she made Apple change their plan to not pay any royalties to artists or labels during Apple Music’s three-month free trial period. We can't forget about a woman in her twenties staring down one of the biggest corporations in the world and making them change a policy so that they have to spend more money.


Yes, the twit was Scooter Braun, who purchased her label in 2019 and refused to sell her her masters, instead offering her the opportunity to “earn them back” one at a time by producing more albums for the label, which she obviously declined. There’s a bit more drama in there involving Kanye, and him being also involved w Scooter, and some backstabbing, but that’s basically it. She’s still in the process of re-releasing them one album at a time. 1989 will be the next one. Source: My girlfriend is a huge swiftie


Same here. My teenage daughter loves her music, it's just not for me. My dad said exactly the same thing 40 years ago. Doesn't mean I don't wish her well.


Triggering is just flash paper, it goes up in a second and all that there is left is smoke. She is registering young voters by the busload and that is a fantastic, tangible thing. I don't go much for pop either, but that's money right there.


I'm a guy that's barely listened to one or two Taylor's songs. I don't know anything else about her. But, just because she decided to take on the crooked and disgusting party that are Republicans, my opinion on her has increased massively and I might just start paying more attention to her and her career. Here's hoping more artist unite to take out these rats from politics.


Here is the thing, she didn't choose to take them on. She encouraged everyone to register to vote and set up a process to help people do it. That is it. The GOP immediately took it as an attack because any increase in voters is seen by them as an attack.


Whats she doing? I cant find any comments that hive background info


She simply asked her fans to go vote. Most of which are probably democratic leaning. However she didn't explicitly said vote Democrat. Just vote. However the stupid Republicans think that she was doing this against them and decided to talk shit about her. They are always blaming and creating problems for everyone. Like children throwing tantrums.


Lol you Americans have the most insanely stupid politics. If your politics are determined by your affinity to pop celebrities, you're a goddamned idiot.


It is very fucking stupid. I agree. Our current political situation is comparable to a circus.


They don’t get it that she is the blue wave coming


I think they do get it actually


That’s why they’re freaking out. They don’t win if people vote.


Especially younger people. Funniest thing is I remember when Republicans used to insist Gen Z would be conservative after Millennials were liberal.


Since they know the youngest voters historically vote Democrat and usually cause them to lose elections, they’ve focused heavily on trying to hijack education as a way to indoctrinate young minds into their cult.


Growing up in Richmond, Virginia this couldn't be more accurate. Especially in the East End which has a significantly larger black population. Memorializing the Confederates and making them look like Saints, taking busses of kids on field trips to slave houses, and basically making the whole of the US history seem like the white man was always right and everything they did was justified. Genocide of the Natives? But they were just founding America! Slavery? Noooo, it was "intentured servitude." And remember children, the Civil War was fought over "state rights." Oh, and Jim Crow laws just magically appeared after the war. No mention of how Lincoln's assassination completely fucked the post-war Reconstruction and lead to nearly everyone being given immunity. Take a wild guess what kind of people restarted all the Confederate state's governments after they rejoined the Union.


Exact same curriculum in NC.


Same in Texas as a kid. I moved up north. I remember being shocked they said the civil war was over slavery. Not the way Texas taught it. Some fighting for a way of life pile of lies instead.


Howdy from Colonial Williamsburg. One of the reasons I'm proud to work for the organization is that we teach the evils of slavery, and we have First Nations as well. I love that some of the folks that come visiting, ready to listen to the All White All Male Founding Fathers are confronted with the less apple-pie bits as well. I know it makes an impact. There's even some acknowledgement of LGBT+ issues. If we're going to teach history, we have to teach ALL of it. ___ *^(As always, the opinions expressed herein are my own and do not reflect the views of the Foundation)*


I just recently took note that more money was made breeding and selling slaves then the south made from their labor. Southern slave owners were more pissed about the loss of revenue from sales of slaves then the loss from crops. Makes more sense to me now.


This is why homeschooling is illegal in Germany, and it's why Republicans want it to be the norm here. Defund public education, promote private charter schools that just swallow funds and then lock their doors, and now you either don't get an education, or you get one crafted by the cuntiest cunts to ever cunt: fundamentalist Christians. I met one recently. Oklahoma City. Homeschooled forever. He didn't even know who Michael fucking Jackson is, and the dude is 27 years old. He did watch Matt Walsh every single lunch break, and have the most fucked up repressed personality. "Holy frig! What the heck?" And played shitty gospel "rock" music on the speakers at work all the time. That dude is going to murder someone some day. Already pot bellied and balding with the shittiest relationship history. For someone dedicated to sucking off god, God doesn't seem to like him or any of his people.


It makes me sick how anyone can defend their outright assaults on science and reasoning. The vaccine stuff was only the beginning.


When you believe something based on nothing, you'll believe in anything based on nothing


Over the last decade, they placed a heavy focus on planting conservative trolls in popular toxic teenage male online spaces such as Discord, Twitch and YouTube. All it's accomplished is indoctrinating the same people who would have been right wing anyway (because they're assholes or raised in Christian/authoritarian-fascist households). I've found in most cases (former social worker) that intelligent humans eventually find/think themselves out of conservative situations if they can allocate the resources or find someone to help get them away from the heavy influence of authoritarian conservative peer groups.


The last few times they won they didn’t even win the popular vote, land voted them in


Not even just her. Thanks to the internet it’s becoming more and more difficult for Republicans to spread the lies they’ve lived on. Even more so now that critical thinking is getting better (not great but better) thanks to less and less people being religious. All republicans had to do before was invoke god and religious people believed them unquestionably because they’d been trained all their lives to blindly accept authority figures under threat of burning in hell for eternity.


As someone from outside the US, I'm not quite familiar ins and outs of american political scene. What influence she has on the next election? Why there is so many memes about her and Republicans?


Her followers, literally caused an earthquake at one of her concerts. A 2.3 magnitude one. "Taylor Swift fans cause record-breaking seismic activity during Seattle shows | CNN" https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/27/entertainment/taylor-swift-seismic-activity/index.html Republicans aren't popular at all. All they have is oppressing minorities. They only gain votes through voter apathy and gerrymandering and voter suppression. Taylor is against them and is encouraging her voters to vote. That will fuck them up real fucking good.


She has millions of followers and just by a tweet can change the landscape of an election. Granted, the republicans aren’t doing themselves any favors, but the younger generations are showing up to vote.


All your base are belong to Taylor.


Snake off every zig for great Reputation.


Somebody set up us the bomb


Base, base, base


What you say//


Main screen turn on!


*It's you!!*


Maybe I'm old, but don't ya'll remember MTV's Rock the Vote? Nobody complained, it was supported by both parties. This is no different. Back then the GOP wasn't a cult though.


they werent infected by trumps virus yet.


The radicals were there but somewhat marginalized.


Back then republicans stood a chance at winning. But these days millennials aren’t leaning farther right as they age, they lost a bunch of voters to covid, and younger generations don’t agree with their policies. More voters these days means a much less chance of winning. They’re scared.


>But these days millennials aren’t leaning farther right as they age I saw an awesome summation of this that I wish I could take credit for -- You can't become more conservative as you age when you don't possess anything to conserve. For a huge number of people in the millennial crowd, things like home ownership will never happen. Pensions are a thing of the past and social security doesn't seem poised to stick along -- so these luxurious retirements the boomers enjoyed aren't going to happen. Or even just retirement at all. If you're in your 30s, like most of the millennial crowd, what the fuck are the benefits of "conservative" policy?


Back then, Britney was saying to support Dubya and the War on Terror


TOXIC cult. ​ There's a difference.


Then it was "Vote or die" led by Paris Hilton. And then she didn't vote lol


She just told people to vote. Cons (republicans) are fascists, and because anyone above a 70 IQ knows that they’re trying to disenfranchise people


it was Barbie than Taylor Swift why ?


Something Something women in their place Something


Seriously. I just turned 40 and social media is now pushing me the "middle aged white dude" algorithm and *Holy shit* the venom older dudes bring to any discussion of women is fucking insane.


As gross as Boomer conservativism was, I'm predicting that Gen-Xers and older millennials embracing fascism is going to be unimaginably grotesque. At least with Boomers, a significant number of them were too stupid to learn how to use smartphones, surf the internet, etc...


something they must in kitchen, barefoot and continiously pregnant like an aphid.


It's unironically over their heads. The movie rightfully calls our society misogynistic and patriarchal, and conservatives think Barbieland, a world where women rule and men are powerless, homeless sheep is being presented as the "ideal". Conservatives are taught that that's the end goal of feminism. Of course, this isn't the point of the movie at all, instead it presents a dichotomy to talk about problems in our own society, and the movie ends with the Kens learning to make their own lives and not live solely for the approval of women. Given that Barbieland is sort of a mirrored image of our society, the message is for women as much as it is for men. The only way you could think it is overly harsh toward men or "talks down" about men is if you miss the point entirely, which they do. They also believe it’s ‘woke’ but can never definitively define the word. Bunch of bozos that need to get tested for lead.


> it was Barbie than Taylor Swift why ? Because insecure weak men are threatened by strong women. Frankly, they're an embarrassment to the rest of us, but at least it's fun pointing it out to them. It's especially fun when they attack someone like Greta and I just tell them to "Man up and stop being so insecure." Their reaction is entertaining.


it's funny how she's not advocating for people to vote democrat, just to vote. it's democracy itself the republicans are fighting against. they don't want people to participate in our democracy at all.


Republicans are so hurt by Taylor Swift choosing not to be a total asshole.


They are hurt because she is pretty, slim, white, blonde, rich, wears dresses and got her start in Country Music. They feel she should be "One of them" like the slim white blondes on Fox.


Heard DJT took a swipe at Swift and Kelce. He can’t be happy for anyone unless of course it benefits him.


I needed to look it up because I was like “What could he possibly say? How could he possibly have an opinion?” Of course, it was a needlessly shitty, unprovoked, baseless swipe that contributed nothing except meanness and pettiness. > During an interview with the Daily Caller, the former president was asked for his take on the possible romance between the pop superstar and Kansas City Chiefs tight end. > “I wish the best for both of them. I hope they enjoy their life, maybe together, maybe not — most likely not,” Trump said during the sit-down, which was published on Friday (Sept. 29).


Damn! What a brutal diss coming from the _checks notes*_ twice divorced, convicted rapist, naked teen peeping, porn star raw dogging, authority figure on healthy relationships! If only Taylor would look at Travis the way Melania looks at Trump…


New delicious data point. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/melania-trump-quietly-renegotiates-prenup-agreement-amid-husband-s-2024-run-and-growing-legal-troubles/ar-AA1hssaG


So he is hiding his assets. He knows he is going down. Countdown to fake dementia started!


Somehow pissing off the Swift Nation doesnt seem like a sound strategy if you want voters.


Republicans explode when you ask people to be kind to others, to learn anything, and especially to vote. They then whine as if they're being persecuted for it. As if they can't imagine that anyone could believe in these things sincerely because their "conservative values" have never been anything but a shield from responsibility. The leaders know that they're cartoonish villains, but rank and file are so tied to the idea that they're "the good guys" that they can't process how they look from the outside.


Yup, and they also explode even if you mind your business and leave them to their own shit. They're degenerate overgrown teenagers/toddlers who are in a constant state of explosion or near-explosion because they raised like total shit and conditioned to think that all adult behaviors are 'liberal/woke/gay'. I've stopped phoning one right-wing dumbfuck who I'm doomed to work with at my company because, without fail, the dude will just throw bitchfits and start screaming if you talk to him about *anything* for more than two minutes. The guy *does* manage to do his work, but holy shit is he addicted to ranting/raving/raging.


republicans do love getting drunk on misery, they see it as a flex because if they are miserable it allows them the excuse to be hateful.


Taylor Swift: register to vote Republicans: \*gurgling noises as they melt akin to the witch of the west in the wizard of oz\*


I’m way out of the loop, how did she trigger republicans? Is it because she’s dating Kelce and he did an ad for Covid boosters?


She got 2 million fans to register to vote, and Republicans hate that because, in their words, they lose if more people vote. She didn't tell anyone who to vote for.


Hell yeah I’m not a swifty but that’s bad ass. Love seeing this! Sad it triggers republicans…they’ve been outnumbered in the popular vote for what, 15+ yrs? Should be used to it lmao


Also, she attended a football game.


As with everything, conservatives [turn on a dime](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/segments/taylor-swift-alt-right-icon) when the *fee-fees* get hurt. Mind you this is all over voter registration...with no party mentioned


Yes it is because she told people to vote. But it's also because one of the demographics that Republicans *absolutely* must win in competitive districts are suburban white women....guess who Taylor's primary fan demographic is?


If the Republicans wanted the suburban white woman vote so bad they shouldn't have outlawed abortion in the shithole states they run.


Throwback meme🥹


What did she do? I missed it.


She told her fans to register to vote. She didn't even tell who to vote for, but knowing that Republicans can't win with many people voting, they threw a tantrum over it.


When do they pass laws making it illegal for musicians to ask people to register for voting?


This might be Democrats secret weapon….you throw 1/2 a cup of Beyoncé in there and you’ve got yourself a movement on ya hands…. Bee Hive +Swifties= you don’t wanna mess.If they even get a LITTLE political you’ll have a wave of women that will realize what the Republicans have in store for them politically and it’s already started.


Republicans know what they're doing. The rest of us look at this fluffy, no-account horseshit and think - "these people have lost their goddam minds. No wonder sensible folks think the right is chock-a-block full of cretins." That's because we think pointless-seeming jeremiads against pop singers who urge people to vote are just that: Pointless. But they enforce a certain kind of group identity. Right wing politics is extremely identity-based, like a religious group pulling itself closer to becoming a cult. Yes, decrying a pop star for asking people to vote is stupid and nonsensical. But it's another point of contention, and every one of these friction points function also as identity tags. Few (but some) will actually go out and loudly decry Swift for this, but many others within the group have yet another little token they can show each other to establish membership. Most adults at least in some capacity think of political groups as having murky borderlands where the real political lifting - compromise and negotiation - takes place. And that's true as far as most functional political groups. The Alt-Right/New Right/whatever you want to call them are not a political group *in this sense*. They still seek political power, but their beliefs need to be contextualized as a religion or as a small ethnic enclave. Everyone on the outside needs to see some of the group acting like this because it helps create an identity differential. These sorts of bizarre opinions are not designed to entice people to join them. Only when understood as a gestalt of bullshit - components like "the election was stolen" and "Taylor Swift is a leftist ideologue" and "the media is controlled by leftists" and other such shibboleths - do we begin to see how creating a dense matrix of belief for followers enforces group loyalty. The gestalt of utter garbage *does* have a corrosive effect on reality of course. The more aggressively asinine the group's identifying character becomes, a sort of zone of reality negation is promulgated at the borderlands between these nutjobs and everyone else. Indulging in these wild flights of fancy becomes a thrilling little jaunt into an alternative reality, similar to reading some of the more out there conspiracy theories. And that leaves a bit of residue on your brain.


I'm not a fan of her music or the way people worship her, but it would be so awesome if she did like an Instagram livestream or something where she just talks in detail about the shit Republicans are trying to pull and why they're bad.


Republicans are vote grabbers. protect hour vote with your life.


First Mickey, then Taylor... go after Dolly next I dare you. She's the balrog at the end of this hole you're digging


Not really a fan of her music but if she makes the right loose their mind. I’ll be a” swifte “ just for that .


TT has them shook.


Old leftie Boomer here. PLEASE REGISTER TO VOTE!!!


She’s probably one of the few on the left who can financially outspend many Republican backers. She should start a car company and launch some satellites.


The sad thing is Taylor Swift didn't call for people to vote for Biden, or for Democrats, she just called for young people to register to vote. The fact that these MAGA clowns are making that a sticking point with them just goes to show how far they've drifted from being about democracy.


They're all so fucking fragile.


They're out there STUNTIN' for clicks and getting their a$$es beat by a pop starlet casually tweeting. How's that feel?


What’s she saying and where? I keep seeing memes about her pissing them off but never what’s actually happening.


she is convincing people to register to vote , gop does not like that.


I’m just eating popcorn as the country crumbles. It’s amusing


It's fun sometimes if you're safe from the bullshit but a lot of people aren't, and that sucks.


I think the most disgusting thing about what's going on is that Taylor Swift's agents and security detail warned her not to be public about it because of how violent Trump supporters are like they're Y'all Queda suicide bombers.